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Bücher veröffentlicht von Kluwer Academic Publishers

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  • von Edward A. Lee & David G. Messerschmitt
    96,00 €

  • von H. Bromley & Richard Lamson
    186,00 €

    This book had its genesis in the following piece of computer mail: From allegra!joan-b Tue Dec 18 89:15:54 1984 To: sola!hjb Subj ect: 1 i spm Hank, I've been talking with Mark Plotnik and Bill Gale about asking you to conduct a basic course on using the lisp machine.

  • - Proceedings of the International Meeting on Diuretics, Sorrento, Italy, May 26-30, 1986
    209,00 €

    Proceedings of the International Meeting on Diuretics, Sorrento, Italy, May 26-30, 1986

    186,00 €

    This second volume of papers dealing with scientific and ethical aspects of animal welfare covers a variety of topics and areas of inves­ tigation. It will be of particular interest to those readers seeking more insight into such subjects as farm animal welfare and humane husbandry systems; animal experimentation, especially in the field of psychology; and pain in animals, notably its recognition and alleviation. Several of our selections deal with very specific subjects that are germane to animal welfare: the use of T-61 for euthanizing cats and dogs, a new humane method of stunning for livestock and poultry, an innovative alternative to killing animals for rabies diagnosis, alterna­ tives to aversive procedures in teaching experimental psychology, and the need for improved theoretical modeling in animal experimentation and research design. Following the precedent set in the first volume of Advances in Animal Welfare Science, we have included several papers dealing with people's attitudes toward animals. These papers range from a consider­ ation of cultural influences and veterinary ethics to an examination of anthropomorphism, to a discussion of the linkage between the environ­ mental politics and perceptions of the Green Movement and animal welfare and rights. We wish to express our gratitude to the Manuscript Review Commit­ tee for the excellent work they have done and to the twenty contributors to this volume which we believe will do much to advance the science of animal welfare, and the well-being of animals under man's dominion.

    258,00 €

    Since then, although far from complete, enthusiastic and intensive research efforts have greatly improved our understanding of the nature of renal hypertension.

    339,00 €

    The second part of the book covers those disciplines in medicine in which nuclear medicine can be of help in solving certain clinical problems. Each of them has written his chapter out of long-standing personal interest in his particular field of nuclear medicine.

  • - Industrial, Corporate, Governmental, and Political Aspects
    100,00 €

    A situation in economics that is little short of scandalous is the almost total neglect by mainstream economics of the importance of power in economic affairs. Power in this context means the ability to bend market forces in one's favor, influencing and shaping key economic variables such as prices, wages, and other income determinants.

  • von M. Feitelson
    146,00 €

    Since the discovery of Australia antigen and its association with type B hepatitis, molecular characterization of the components making up hepatitis B virus (RBV) have been pursued with worldwide interest.

  • von Robert J. McEliece
    186,00 €

    This book developed from a course on finite fields I gave at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Spring semester of 1979. The theory of finite fields is the mathematical foundation of algebraic coding theory, but in coding theory courses there is never much time to give more than a "Volkswagen" treatment of them.

  • von C.A. Zukowski
    141,00 €

    In 1982 the author joined a research group that was applying bounding techniques to simple VLSI timing analysis models. Acknowledgments 'me author would like to acknowledge many helpful discussions and much support from his research group at MIT, including Lance Glasser, John Wyatt, Jr.

  • - Contributions to the Development of Holistic Economics Essays in Honor of ALLAN G. GRUCHY
    100,00 €

    Allan worked for many years with Dudley Dillard to construct Maryland's present department and served ably as acting chairman in 1976-77 after Dudley relinquished the chairmanship.

  • von William H. Riker
    141,00 €

    Despite the fact that this history suggests they are quite unrelated, these chapters do indeed center on one theme: the continuity of American federalism. Some of these chapters (four, six, and ten) were written with my students, Ronald Schaps, John Lemco, and William Bast.

  • - An Institutional Perspective
    96,00 €

    This book brings together a number of articles, for the most part already pub lished, that develop a contemporary institutionalist approach to the study of the economic role of government.

    95,00 €

    KENNETH A. FOON and ALTON C. MORGAN, JR. Passive immunotherapy using heteroantisera for the treatment of cancer in animals and humans has been studied for over 50 years. Attempts have been made to treat animal tumors with sera from immunized syngeneic, allogeneic, or xenogeneic animals. A number of studies of passive immunotherapy using heterologous antisera in humans have also been performed. These studies have generally been attempted in patients with large tumor burdens, and as would be expected, results have been transient at best. A wide variety of solid tumors as well as leukemias and lym­ phomas have been treated with antisera raised in sheep, horses, rabbits, and goats. Problems such as anaphylaxis, serum sick­ ness, and severe cytopenias have been encountered with these antisera. There are a number of potential mechanisms by which unconju­ gated antibodies might be cytotoxic to tumor cells. Antibodies bound to the cell surface membrane of tumor cells may lead to cell lysis by complement-dependent or antibody-dependent cellu­ lar cytotoxicity. Circulating tumor cells bound by antibody may be more susceptible to phagocytosis by the reticuloendothelial system. Antibody bound to the cell surface membrane of tumor cells may enhance immunogenicity of the tumor cell leading to activation of the host's immune system.

  • - A Guide to Evaluation
    96,00 €

  • - Phaenomenoligica, 115
    von Samuel Ijsseling
    127,00 €

    Dieser Band enthlUt die Vortrage, die wahrend des Intemationalen KoHoquiums aus Anlass des 50. Todesjahres von Edmund Husserl und des 50-jahrigen Bestehens des Husserl-Archivs yom 21. bis 24. September 1988 in Leuven 1 gehalten wurden. Edmund HusserI starb am 27. Apri11938 und am 21. Septem­ ber desselben Jahres unterzeichnete H.L. Van Breda mit Frau Malvine Husserl einen Vertrag, der die Voraussetzung filr die Oberfilhrung des umfangreichen Nachlasses aus Nazi-Deutschland nach Belgien erm6glichte. Am 28. Oktober 1938 steHte die Leuvener Universitat Rliumlichkeiten und finanzieHe Mittel zur Verfilgung. Damit war die Grilndung des Husserl-Archivs vollzogen. Pater Van Breda, ilber den J. Patocka einmal schrieb: "Von diesem Mann kann ohne jede Obertreibung gesagt werden, dass er sein Leben der Sache Husserls gewidmet, ja geopfert hat."2, hat Husserls Nachlass gerettet. Er selbst hat die Rettung mehrmals geschildert; wir brauchen das hier nicht zu wieder­ 3 holen. Nach dem Krieg begann unter seiner Leitung die Herausgabe der 4 Husseriiana, Edmund Husseri, Gesammelte Werke. 1m ersten Band erschienen 1950 die Cartesianischen Meditationen, herausgegeben von Stephan Strasser. Van Breda hat aber nicht nur Husserls N achlass gerettet und dessen Ver6ffentli­ chung erm6glicht, es ist ihm darilberhinaus auch gelungen, das Husserl-Archiv in Leuven zu einem Zentrum der Husserl-Forschung,ja sogar der phlinomenolo­ gischen Bewegung auszubauen. Er organisierte von Leuven aus verschiedene intemationale KoHoquia und erm6glichte vielen Philosophen aus der ganzen Welt kilrzere oder llingere Studienaufenthalte am Archiv. Eines seiner weiteren Verdienste ist die AnsteHung und F6rderung verschiedener junger Editoren.

  • - Constitution De l'Espace, Idealisme Et Intuitionnisme Chez Husserl
    von Dominque (Universite De Bordeaux III `Michel De Montaigne' Pradelle
    94,98 €

    Ce livre étudie la refonte husserlienne de l'esthétique transcendantale kantienne, pour mettre en évidence sa fonction fondatrice dans l'idéalisme phénoménologique et interroger sa légitimité. On part donc des points essentiels de la critique husserlienne de Kant (refus du renversement copernicien, du caractère originaire des intuitions pures et de toute idéalisation des structures perceptives), pour dégager à partir d'eux les axes de la méthode husserlienne: dégager les intuitions pures depuis leur connexion essentielle avec les qualités sensibles, retracer leur engendrement synthétique par les actes de la conscience, et séparer l'espace perceptif des espaces catégoriaux pour reconduire ces derniers à leur mode propre de production. Husserl parvient-il, dans cette esthétique transcendantale progressant de bas en haut de la hylè sensible aux objets complexes, à éviter toute présupposition et à rester fidèle à son exigence d'intuitivité? Il semble au contraire que la méthode husserlienne repose sur nombre d'actes abstractifs et idéalisants. Par là, c'est la possibilité d'une philosophie purement descriptive qui est mise en question.

  • von Henry W. Stone
    140,98 €

    The objective of this dissertation is to advance the state-of-the-art in the kinematic modeling, identification, and control of robotic manipulators with rigid links in an effort to improve robot kinematic performance.

  • - Theory and Evidence from Latin America
    von Victor A. Canto & Gerald Nickelsburg
    100,00 €

    This work grew out of a series of investigations begun by the authors in 1980 and 1981. Specifically the authors pursued two lines of inquiry. First, to advance the state of the theoretical lit­ erature to better explain the crises of liberalization which seemed to be afflicting the third world in general and Latin America in particular. To do this, several different kinds of models were in­ vestigated and adapted. These are presented in Chapters 2, 3 and 5. Secondly an analysis of the empirical evidence was conducted in order to gain insight into the processes that were thought to be occurring and the theoretical models that were being developed. Some of this work appears in Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6. Other work by the authors on these issues has been published elsewhere and is referenced herein. There are a great many people whose work and whose com­ ments have influenced this work. We would like to especially thank Guillermo Calvo, Michael Connolly, Sebastian Edwards, Roque Fernandez, Michael Darby, Robert Clower, Neil Wallace, John Kareken, Paul McNelis, Jeffrey Nugent, Jaime Marquez, Lee Ohanian, Leroy Laney, Jorge Braga de Macedo, Dale Henderson, vii Matthew Canzoneiri, Arthur Laffer, Marc Miles, and George Von Furstenberg whose ideas and comments gave rise to much of our work. We would like to thank Suh Lee for his assistance with the computations in Chapter 5.

    186,00 €

    The Geneva Association and Risk Economics The Geneva Association The Geneva Association (International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics) commenced its activities in June 1973, on the initiative of twenty-two members in eight European countries.

  • - Texte Aus Dem Nachlass (1926-1935)
    von Edmund Husserl
    379,99 €

  • von Ted Kamins
    141,00 €

    Recent years have seen silicon integrated circuits enter into an increasing number of technical and consumer applications, until they now affect everyday life, as well as technical areas.

    141,00 €

    Although examples of cooperative research have existed for several decades, the number and variety of relationships have expanded rapidly in the 1980s as corporations, universities, and governments have embraced this strategy.

  • - Husserliana, Vol
    von Edmund Husserl
    649,99 €

    Der vorliegende Band vereinigt Husserls letzte Nachlaßmanuskripte, die im Zusammenhang mit der Arbeit an der Krisis-Abhandlung in den Jahren 1934 bis 1937 verfaßt wurden. Mit dieser werkgeschichtlichen Edition wird ein Ergänzungsband zu Husserls letztem Werk, Die Krisis der europäischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phänomenologie, publiziert in Husserliana VI, vorgelegt. Husserls Arbeitsplan für die Krisis-Abhandlung wurde rekonstruiert und in der `Einleitung des Herausgebers' dargestellt. Die Texte erschließen mit anderen in den Husserliana publizierten Manuskripten Husserls Weg zur Krisis-Abhandlung und deren Fortsetzung. Die Prager Vorträge: Husserls letztes Auftreten vor der philosophischen Öffentlichkeit (1935), seine Stellungnahme zur publizierten Krisis-Abhandlung: das Handexemplar von 1937 und Husserls letztes philosophisches Manuskript (1937) werden veröffentlicht. In systematischer und wirkungsgeschichtlicher Hinsicht stehen die transzendentalphänomenologische Begründung der Geschichte und die Lebensweltthematik im Mittelpunkt. Die erstmals veröffentlichten Texte stellen Husserls philosophisches Testament dar.

    140,00 €

    Ever since Chomsky laid the framework for a mathematically formal theory of syntax, two classes of formal models have held wide appeal. This situation led many researchers to reasses the claim that natural languages are included in the class of transformational grammar languages.

  • von William Oldendorf & William Oldendorf Jr.
    185,00 €

    Chapter 1 discus ses magnetic resonance, using a compass needle as an example. In Chapter 2, the transition to the magnetic resonance of the atomic nucleus is made. In Chapter 4, the terms T 1 and T 2 are described and their relationship to tissue characterization;

  • - A Molecular Biological Approach
    186,00 €

    There was once an old Chinese man working on a hill with a boy. Suddenly, the old man noticed that a huge wave, far distant in the sea, was approaching the shore endangering all. The villagers were too busy with their own work and paid little heed to the old man, who was considered a bit eccentric.

  • - Psychosocial Assessment and Intervention
    203,00 €

    Chronic and persistent pain, which is a problem for the individual who suffers and the society that has to deal with it, has become increasingly appreciated.

  • - Volume I Specialized Energy Policy Models
    141,00 €

    Alex Cowie As the twentieth century draws to a close, one of our greatest problems is the availability of energy. energy demand, energy sources, transportation of energy from sources to demand centers, and the optimal allocation of energy forms to demands.

  • von V. Kerry Smith & William H. Desvousges
    141,00 €

    Almost 5 years ago we began working together on research for the U.S. Environmental Protec tion Agency (EPA) to measure the benefits of water quality regulations.

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