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    20,00 €

    The Top 30 Historical People of the Computer Age! While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History book,it can stand alone as an early introduction to these great historical figures.

  • von Faithe F. Thomas, Color Books & Learn
    20,00 €

    THE TOP 30 HISTORICAL PEOPLE OF THE MODERN AGE! While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History book, it can stand alone as an early introduction to these great historical figures.

  • von Faithe F. Thomas, Color Books & Learn
    20,00 €

    THE TOP 30 HISTORICAL PEOPLE OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION! While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History book, it can stand alone as an early introduction to these great historical figures.

  • von Faithe F. Thomas, Color Books & Learn
    20,00 €

    THE TOP 30 HISTORICAL PEOPLE OF THE RENAISSANCE & REFORMATION! While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History book, it can stand alone as an early introduction to these great historical figures.

  • von Learn, Faithe F. Thomas & Color Books
    20,00 €

    The Top 30 Historical People of the Middle Ages!While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History¿ book,it can stand alone as an early introduction to these great historical figures.

  • von Faithe F. Thomas, Color Books & Learn
    20,00 €

    THE TOP 30 HISTORICAL PEOPLE OF THE ANCIENT WORLD!While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History book, it can stand alone as an early introduction to these great historical figures.

    27,00 €

    THE TOP 30 HISTORICAL PEOPLE OF EARLY CIVILIZATION! While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History book, it can stand alone as an early introduction to these great historical figures.

    21,00 €

    THE TOP 30 HISTORICAL PEOPLE OF EARLY CIVILIZATION! While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History book, it can stand alone as an early introduction to these great historical figures.

  • von Faithe F. Thomas, Color Books & Learn
    11,00 €

    LEARN ABOUT THE TOP HISTORICAL PEOPLE OF THE COMPUTER AGE WHILE COLORING! While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History book, it can stand alone as an introduction to these great historical figures of the Computer Age. Using coloring as part of your child's learning can greatly enhance their ability to learn and retain information. "Coloring utilizes both hemispheres of the brain, right and left. When we are thinking about balance, color choices, applying colored pencil to paper, we are working on problem solving and fine motor skills...Imagine all the areas of retraining of the brain and skills training that can be accomplished with coloring."- Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psy.D., LCPC

    11,00 €

    You can quickly unwind while coloring these stained glass birds, bees, and butterflies!Enjoy a healthy break from your busy day and focus your mind. These thirty beautiful images await your artistic interpretation. Color them as day scenes or night scenes. The choice is yours!Each page is only printed on one side so you don't have to worry about your colors bleeding through to another image!"Art therapy can help people of almost any age and ability. Senior citizens, service members, children with emotional or physical challenges, people trying to rebuild after natural disasters or episodes of violence all use art therapy to relieve stress, express feelings, and build hope and resiliency to meet life's challenges."-Tracy Councill, Program Director for Tracy's Kids

    11,00 €

    Learn about the Top 30 Historical People in Early Civilization while Coloring!While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru History(TM) book, it can stand alone as an introduction to these great historical figures of Early Civilization. Using coloring as part of your child's learning can greatly enhance their ability to learn and retain information.Coloring utilizes both hemispheres of the brain, right and left. When we are thinking about balance, color choices, applying colored pencil to paper, we are working on problem solving and fine motor skills…Imagine all the areas of retraining of the brain and skills training that can be accomplished with coloring. - Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psy.D., LCPCPeople in this book: Adam Methuselah Noah Sargon the Great of Akkad Imhotep Abraham Hammurabi Joseph Hatshepsut Thutmose III Moses Amenhotep IV Nefertiti Ramses the Great David Solomon Homer Nebuchadnezzar II Thales Daniel Anaximander of Miletus Cyrus the Great Anaximenes Pathagoras of Samos Lao Tzu Confucius Darius the Great Siddhartha Gautama Buddha Xerxes the Great Esther

    11,00 €

    Learn about the Top 30 Historical People in the Industrial Revolution while Coloring!While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru HistoryΓäó book, it can stand alone as an introduction to these great historical figures of the Industrial Revolution. Using coloring as part of your child''s learning can greatly enhance their ability to learn and retain information.Coloring utilizes both hemispheres of the brain, right and left. When we are thinking about balance, color choices, applying colored pencil to paper, we are working on problem solving and fine motor skills...Imagine all the areas of retraining of the brain and skills training that can be accomplished with coloring. - Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psy.D., LCPC People in this book:Benjamin Franklin Catherine the Great George Washington James Watt Goethe MozartEli Whitney Napoleon Bonaparte BeethovenJane Austen Sacagawea Michael Faraday Sojourner Truth Isambard Kingdom Brunel Abraham Lincoln Charles Robert Darwin Charles Dickens David Livingstone Karl Marx Queen Victoria Florence Nightingale Susan B. Anthony Louis PasteurLeo Tolstoy Claude Monet Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Alva Edison Vincent Van Gogh Nikola Tesla ∩╗┐Orville & Wilbur Wright 

    11,00 €

    Learn about the Top 30 Historical People in the Renaissance & Reformation while Coloring!While this book is meant to supplement our older-student Color Thru HistoryΓäó book, it can stand alone as an introduction to these great historical figures of the Renaissance & Reformation. Using coloring as part of your child''s learning can greatly enhance their ability to learn and retain information.Coloring utilizes both hemispheres of the brain, right and left. When we are thinking about balance, color choices, applying colored pencil to paper, we are working on problem solving and fine motor skills...Imagine all the areas of retraining of the brain and skills training that can be accomplished with coloring.                                                           - Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psy.D., LCPCPeople in this book:Johannes Gutenberg Joan of Arc Vlad the Impaler De Medici family Christopher Columbus Leonardo da Vinci Amerigo Vespucci Machiavelli Nicolaus Copernicus Juan Ponce de Leo╠ün Michelangelo Ferdinand Magellan Martin Luther Raphael Jacques Cartier Suleiman the Magnificent Nostradamus John Calvin John Knox Ivan the Terrible Sir Francis Drake Mary, Queen of Scots Akbar Galileo Galilei William Shakespeare King James I Johannes Kepler Pocahontas Rene╠ü Descartes Sir Isaac Newton

    40,00 €

    Learn about the Top 30 Historical People in Early Civilization while Coloring!With an overview of each person’s life, images related to them, and a timeline chart so you know how they fit historically, this book can help you not only learn about each person, but also how they relate to others of their time.The coloring page contains a corresponding image and is separate with nothing printed on the back – so you can color without worrying about bleed-through. You can even cut out your coloring pages...and you’ll still be left with a useful book for historical reference.Coloring utilizes both hemispheres of the brain, right and left. When we are thinking about balance, color choices, applying colored pencil to paper, we are working on problem solving and fine motor skills…Imagine all the areas of retraining of the brain and skills training that can be accomplished with coloring.                                                           — Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psy.D., LCPCPeople in this book:AdamMethuselahNoahSargon the Great of AkkadImhotepAbrahamHammurabiJosephHatshepsutThutmose IIIMosesAmenhotep IVNefertitiRamses the GreatDavidSolomonHomerNebuchadnezzar IIThalesDanielAnaximander of MiletusCyrus the GreatAnaximenesPathagoras of SamosLao TzuConfuciusDarius the GreatSiddhartha Gautama BuddhaXerxes the GreatEsther

    11,00 €

    11,00 €

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