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Bücher veröffentlicht von Leavitt Peak Press

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  • von Robert Williams
    19,00 €

    Ce livre se propose de révéler les plans de Satan. Il sait qu'il ne pourra jamais vaincre le Dieu tout-puissant, alors, désespéré de ne pas perdre la face, ce chérubin pécheur frappe Dieu là où ça fait mal. Il trompe l'humanité et encourage tout le monde à pécher pour garantir qu'il ne sera pas seul et que l'humanité, rebelle, l'accompagnera dans les souffrances éternelles de l'enfer.Je prie pour que tous ceux qui sont pris dans ce piège, et je crois que ce mode de vie est leur honte éternelle, lisent ceci : mon témoignage. Témoignez de la vérité cachée dans le plan de Dieu pour sa création : sa récompense éternelle pour tous ceux qui acceptent SON moyen d'échapper. Lisez ce livre et partagez-le avec d'autres. Obéissons à l'espoir et à la volonté infinis du SEIGNEUR pour l'humanité et tous ceux qui vainquent. Pour certaines personnes, rien n'entravera leur retournement spirituel ; pour d'autres, il s'agira d'un processus de conversion chrétienne afin de se libérer du désir de Satan de les maintenir liés et sans espoir. Et n'oubliez jamais que Jésus est le chemin!

  • von S. J. Carvil
    25,00 €

    Charlyyk is aware the Laight's with the light beam could take her against her will. Th e wedding with new parents hoping, could give her time to eliminate that threat. Glimpses of her past were starting to reappear, senses she had the scientific knowledge; though must not provoke expectations to those on Earth. Th e Laight's had more to offer her, she should not be too ambitious, until she could control what she can gain. With friends, old and new?

  • von Morton L Kurland
    18,00 €

    Murder in Palm Springs... unheard of, preposterous, absurd.One would think of Palm Springs as being like a paradise. It has everything you could possibly want or need; perfect weather, trendy restaurants, green golf courses, and sparkling pools every which way you turn. However, not everything is perfect in paradise... A New Word for Murder is about 12 seemingly normal people in the Coachella Valley who committed heinous murders in the first degree. Every story is unique to itself and each scenario will take you out of your comfort zone and into the mind of a criminal.

  • von John Price
    17,00 €

    Monster Fables is a fairy tale about a wizard who uses magical potions to do social work for troubled kids in his own city. Once the kids partake the potion, they transform into monsters who have special abilities that help each child experience life differently. The bully monster learns that bullying people around isn't much fun and it's not a way to make friends. The Thief monster learns to share instead of stealing. The shy mom monster learns to reach out to his family for help. The ice cream monster learns about forgiveness. The classroom gremlins learn to behave. Finally, the wizard's daughter learns hoe as she waits for her father to concoct a cure for her monster form.

  • von La Sean Rice
    12,00 €

    My goal as the author of this book is to inspire the reader with poems from my heart and my inner feelings of the Most-High God. I experienced times in the world around me that had failed yet my soul was not succumbing to the failures of the world. So... I believe and have faith in God, reaching out to Most-High to restore my spirit, to move me, guide me, to direct my steps. Poetry was and is part of my outlet to bestow poems to the world in which people may feel that hope is not lost or faint. Serving in the military, rendering honors for my fallen fellow comrades and/or their dependents allowed me to view this life as a temporary transition until the day our world ends and we're called home to the Most-High God. My work is incomplete; yet I strive daily to give my all to my wife; my children and my grandchildren. Not knowing the last time that my eyes will open and my world ends.

  • von Charles Anthony Jackson
    14,00 €

    A story about a boy named Tobias, whose main ambition was to prevent sex victims from occurring because he was a sex victim. Although, Tobias tries to hide his ambition from his parents. Suddenly, he encounters other students who needed protection from sex offenders. So, Tobias decided to help, by becoming a bodyguard. Although, Tobias preferred the name Booty Guard because he only helped sex victims. Then, Tobias continued his booty guard duties in High School. Unfortunately, some classmates disapproved. Albeit, Tobias has a client who obtains a job at a Motel bar. In order to continue service for the client, Tobias accepts a job at the motel as Motel Security. Therefore, Tobias finds the motel having a prostitution operation. So, Tobias quits his job and graduates from High School.Next, after Tobias High School graduation, he tried to become a Police Officer but failed the written test. So, the test administrator recommended Tobias work at the City Prison. Tobias realized his passion for sex victims becomes useful at the prison. Also, Tobias' Sergeant realizes Tobias has a skill for handling sex victims. Therefore, the Sergeant sent the prisoners with sex problems to Tobias. Unfortunately, Tobias ex-motel job was still operating in prostitution and the motel became an eye sore for the City Mayor. Therefore, the City Mayor became a friend of Tobias and recruited Tobias for an undercover raid of the Motel. In the end, Tobias became assigned for ending the sex problems of the motel and the prison. Then, Tobias became a proud hero, which he called himself the Booty Guard.

  • von Michael J Oliver
    16,00 €

    This book explains that humans have the super-intelligence to unite 8 billion people by synchronizing labor and enhancing benefits and rewards. It introduces the 449 Formula that would eliminate poverty and upgrade the lifestyle and living conditions of this and future human generations on our magnificent life-sustaining Planet Earth.

  • von Kenneth J. Sousa
    18,00 €

    MAN-DAR of Atlantis is based on the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce. Cayce showed Atlantis as a high-tech continent in the Atlantic Ocean fourteen thousand years ago. MAN-DAR's adventure begins with the necessity to bring a barbarian couple to Atlantis in order to have a world conference on combating huge beasts. To complete his mission he must defeat the evil priest of Inanna and his mother who plan to use the female barbarian to release a bloodthirsty army from the underworld and conquer Atlantis. The vile couple intends to accomplish their scheme using a magic harp to change reincarnation events in the future.

  • von Heather Cooper
    18,00 €

    CATACLYSMIC RETURN is a thrilling story of adventure, love, espionage, corruption and hope, set against the nail-biting fulfillment of biblical prophecies written thousands of years ago. Once you start turning the pages, you won't be able to put this book down!Join the action-packed adventures of Josh, David, Ruth, Meara and Gershom as they find faith, hope and love in the midst of horrendous challenges. Time really is running out, yet there IS STILL HOPE." A really great read...""Fast moving, easy to read, and hard to put down!""Gripping, right from the start!"

  • von Gaia Lewes
    21,00 €

    Vere is a foster child caught up, through no fault of her own, in the schemes of the great and wealthy. Rescued by none other than the King himself, she escapes and embarks on a two year odyssey to reach the land of magic and mystery itself, Nogaynos, the land where magic began. On her way, she finds wonders, friends and allies, an grows herself into someone she once could never have dreamed of becoming. Behind her, she leaves a king who will never be quite the same again.

  • von Angelo Thomas Crapanzano
    17,00 €

    The Power of the heart is a fictional novel on the life of Mike Costello. As a young man Mike always dreamt that he wanted to be a doctor. However he was worried that he didn't have what it took to be the doctor he wanted to be. He dreamt of being a surgical Doctor. His father told him about the power of the heart. He told him that if you place the thing that you wanted in your mind, then if thing don't work out you tell yourself that you tried and then give up. However if you place the thing you want deep in your heart your heart will never let you give up. Mike then placed his desire in his heart. At the time they lived in Ohio. Mike then went to Ohio University for his first degree. After much effort he was accepted in the Medical University in Toledo Ohio. Before Mike graduated his parents moved to California. His father got a better job in San Leandro California. Now Mike had to travel from Toledo to San Leandro California. After each year of his four years studying as a surgical Doctor, he traveled to California. When he graduated he got a permanent job at Fairmount hospital during his second year he was promoted to surgeon. It was there that he met Tina. It was love at first sight for both of them. Since Tina, a financial advisor worked the second shift they could only be together around lunch time. Due to a great misunderstanding Tina quit her job and disappeared. Mike was broken hearted. Mike feeling lonely moved back to Ohio when his parents were and all his friends. Having a good reputation he got a job at the University Hospital in Fairlawn Ohio. In the next two years he built a great reputation. He saves a few lives and brought two back to life after they had died on the way to the hospital. Mike decided that he would only be interested in a woman who affected him like Tina did.

  • von P. M. Howarth
    20,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Linda Holz
    16,00 €

    Travel to Ebony Island where two lives connect. One is a female Velociraptor and the other is a woman veterinarian named Laura Sinclair. Both find a common bond when the lives they care for the most are threatened. Facing insurmountable odds, like running into an enclosed area containing a meat eating dinosaur to save her husband and the Raptor traveling hundreds of miles to search for the one person who can save her hatchling, shows each one what friendship really means in an effort to survive.

  • von Diana Grippo
    17,00 €

    Have you started 'hearing voices' or love someone who has? Do you have a hard time getting any sleep at all? Do you sometimes feel so depressed that you can't see any way out? How are you coping? Probably the best you can. You are not alone. Diana Grippo does this every single day. She has learned how to cope and is here to help and support you in Bipolar Chronicles From Crazed to Content. With candor and humor, she tells the story of her exhilarating yet destructive manic episodes, and her excruciating and debilitating depressions. Diana discovered how to combat her depression with three major coping mechanisms: a spiritual path, music therapy, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. In this inspiring book, she tells how she went from living on the streets to working as a sales rep for Apple, bringing, hope and education to those who are suffering and their loved ones. This book will help you:?Spot the signs of potential mental illness in a loved one?Find options for coping with depression?Keep a positive mindset even when it feels like the world is crashing down on you?Feel less alone and isolated in your journey to healing?Support and assist a loved one who is suffering

  • von Clark Carroll
    16,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Robert O Yager
    14,00 €

    Enjoy the ups and downs of special friendships of male youth through adulthood. You will relish the nostalgia of the 50's and 60's. and beyond. Laugh and cry as these friendships endure the tests of time as life throws its many curves. The legacy of this true story touches the hearts and minds of not only those who lived in this era but also anyone who has a friend as a soul mate.

  • von Michael R. Osborne
    21,00 €

    Mike had been captured by a CIA agent on a mission to make contact with a known Muslim terrorist. On board the plane was the one man, Mike sought to kill but could not deliver the lethal blow. The plane was shot down over the desert. After weeks of fighting the terrorist in the desert, a legend begun. OZ, known to the terrorist as the red glowing face demon and OZ to the Americans. He crossed the desert waging a battle to prevent the innocent peoples killed by the terrorist while seeking to locate his companions on the downed cargo plane. He learned they were held captive in a prison city many miles from where he was advancing. It was a chance encounter with two American snipers on a roof-top in the same city he went into to end the terrorist he been tracking. Terminating all the terrorist he surprised the two snipers. After discovering the unknown person was a young man that took out all the terrorist in the town single handedly, they fed him and gave him directions to the prison city. Unknown to Mike as he journeyed across the scorching desert, his father was coming for him. Cho followed after his lost son. Finally, both met at Twin Mountains and the cave people's haven. Together, Cho and Mike fought an epic battle. Now, Cho and Mike travel to a remote island to be with their love ones. A party was given for Mike. The happiness ended shortly. Cheryl stormed out of the hotel. Bad people found her. Now, Mike and Cho and all the leadership must find her before Cheryl will be lost to them forever. Two new battles begin, one, Mike may not win. The other, Cho and Mike will fight changing the direction of their lives.

  • von Catherine Barela
    17,00 €

    This story is about an 18 month old diagnosed with AML Leukemia. Her short stay in the hospital, and her life at home for her 2nd birthday! The strength she endured, and her love for life and her family!

  • von Harry Gael Michaels
    13,00 €

    This is a story about one young man of Irish immigrant parents growing up in San Francisco and entering the Army shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.During his high school years, he works at the Fisherman's Wharf on weekends where he falls in love with the daughter of a fishing boat skipper. This relationship ends in tragedy as the war begins. After joining the military service he qualifies for flight school and then goes to Europe as the pilot of a B-26 medium attack bomber---the type that was used almost exclusively during the Normandy invasion of June 6, 1944.Following a crash and while recuperating from physical and emotional exhaustion from a bombing mission in France his flight surgeon sends him off for a stay with friends in a small fishing village on the eastern coast of Ireland. There he finds renewed vigor for life especially in the mutual interest of the daughter of this loving family who is coming of age. They eventually marry and return to San Francisco to start a new life together.

  • von Angelo Thomas Crapanzano
    18,00 €

    Terror in Black and White is writer Angelo Thomas Crapanzano's thrilling novel about what happens to an ordinary man when thrown into chaotic circumstances. Andrew Anderson, an electronics engineer, is driving home from a business meeting one day when he witnesses an accident. He watches with disbelief as a truck forces another car off the road and it plunges over a cliff. A young African American leap from the car and holds on to the cliff's embankment. Andrew manages to pull her to safety. The woman tells Andrew she's being pursued by city officials who are trying to keep her quiet about a crime she witnessed that could bring down the city's most powerful movers and shakers. Andrew and the woman flee but they are fiercely tracked by the official's private police who seem to be able to follow them despite their best efforts. How are they able to track them and what has the woman witnessed? Crapanzano's fast paced novel has all the elements of first-rate suspense- an admirable protagonist, a heroine with secrets she can't reveal and chase scenes that leave the reader on edge. With riveting twists and turns, Terror in Black and White has a surprise ending you won't see coming!

  • von Angelo Thomas Crapanzano
    15,00 €

    The hand of destiny is a fictional novel of the life and loves of Detective Thomas Corely. When he was close to retiring he and his wife Rita planned on spending the next few years traveling and seeing the world. Unfortunately, his wife past away a few months before Tom retired. After Tom retired he decided he would spend his time writing novels about the cases he had experienced. A friend talked him into also helping persons in trouble at the Charity House to help people in trouble who had no relative to help them. After helping in the charity house Tom realized that there were many people in the hospital that were recovering without any family around the area to visit them and keep them company. So, Tom spent his time doing whatever he could to help people and keep them company. Because he was also famous for his keen ability to solve crimes, he was often asked to come back as a part time police detective by his former boss Captain Richard. Tom couldn't say no. Tom solved several cases as a part time officer.

  • von Angelo Thomas Crapanzano
    14,00 €

    John was depressed after his wife had died and decided to take a trip to Los Angeles to visit his daughter. John didn't plan to fall in love again, but on the plane, John met Lora. When their plane ran into a severe storm, a lightning strike caused the plane to crash near a lake. Though their chance seating arrangements in the tail of the plane, John and Lora were the only survivors. Love Is Where You Find It details the story of the pair's survival in the woods followed by the struggle John endures while he tries to come to terms with the loss of his wife and finding new love.

  • von Angelo Thomas Crapanzano
    16,00 €

    All major cities in America have been destroyed. The enemy is elusive, and the federal government is trying its best to restructure. It's up to Mike and Sarah to save what's left. Mike was away on a routine business trip when he came upon a woman having car trouble. He picked her up to take her into town when they learned that Chicago had just been bombed by terrorists. As citizens with privileged military experience and access, Mike and Sarah must now travel around the country in order to restore it. Mike is world known for trapping insurgents in Afghanistan, and Sarah has close connections to a secret military base. With their skills and intellect combined, they set out on a dangerous mission. They chase and are chased by the terrorists, often scavenging for food and shelter. It has now become more real than ever that God is punished the United States for drifting away from their moral values, as did ancient Israel. If Mile and Sarah don't help what's left of the citizens turn their eyes back to God, this country will surely not survive. In a story of action, suspense, patriotism and even romance, Mike and Sarah must live for themselves, each other, their country, and their God. Can they make a difference before it's too later? Find out in Fiction or Prophecy.

  • von Mary Lynn Michelle
    13,00 €

  • von Michael Ebifegha
    16,00 - 21,00 €

  • von Robert Williams
    17,00 €

    This book endeavors to shed light on Satan's plans. He knows he can never defeat Almighty God, so, in desperation not to lose face, this sinful cherub hits God where it hurts. He deceives humanity and encourages all to sin to guarantee he won't be alone and that rebellious humanity will accompany him into hell's eternal suffering. My prayer, all those caught up--and believing this way of life is their eternal shame, read this--my testimony. Witness the hidden truth in God's plan for His creation, His eternal reward for all that accept HIS way of escape. Please read the book and share it with others. Let's obey the LORD's infinite hope and will for humanity and all who overcome. For some, nothing will hinder your spiritual turnaround, but for others it will be a process of Christian conversion and freedom from Satan's desire to keep you bound and hopeless and always remember, Jesus is the way!

  • von Bobette Stubblefield
    16,00 €

    This book is dedicated to all those who have struggled with loving yourself, loving others, and (sometimes) loving God. I want you to know ... you matter. The "It" Factor is a real gem for anyone that has had or is dealing with self-esteem issues and difficulty with forgiveness. Author, Bobette Stubblefield, offers a rare glimpse into the often unspoken areas of life. What a treasure for readers to have access to the raw realities of life and how one can choose to become bitter or better. This is one of the most easy to read books I have ever read on the subject of forgiveness. She masterfully has taken the difficult topic of life's grievances, anger, and hurt and provided a path to follow a healthy and peaceful conclusion. Well done!-Jerry Balistreri, M.S., M. Ed., author of Reading the Tells - Learning How to Read Body Language Chapter by chapter, Pastor Bobette eloquently rolls back the pages of tradition and myth, inviting the reader all the way back to the Garden of Eden-a more biblically accurate version than I've ever had the tools to envision. She introduces us to an Adam and Eve that actually seem human and relatable ... What she offers in The "It" Factor is eureka moment after eureka moment of the hard-hitting truth encounters she has dedicated her life to stewarding and sharing. Throughout this powerful book, she encourages us to roll up our sleeves, get real, and engage with "it," now that we can finally discover what "it" is.-Kat Hubble, entrepreneur and poet.

  • von Joseph K Dube
    12,00 €

    This book comes from a man who has walked with God in pastoral ministry for over five decades. In it Pastor Joseph Khohlisa Dube reflects on ministry and wishes if he were to begin over. Who doesn't feel that way when looking at things we have done in the past? Every profession is dynamic and begs the need for retooling. Truth be told many times we are haunted by the feeling of missed opportunities. While the stories and examples are taken from an African context, the principles apply cross-culturally. After you finish reading this book, you will certainly express the fact that you have listened to a sage pouring out his wisdom of many years. Much of what Pastor J. K. Dube articulates in this book does not come from the classroom but from religion in overalls where he encountered people from all walks of life. Zebron Ncube, DMin.Retired pastor, university professor, and church administrator.

  • von Patrick Henderson
    29,00 €

    This is a story of a family, young love and betrayal, and the tragedy of war. ¬ e story revolves around three cousins - an English boy, a German boy, and a Dutch girl - and their upbringing between the wars. ¬The boys' affection for each other is intense, but as they mature, the natural desire for the love of a girl complicates their lives. During the summer of 1932, when the three cousins are on holiday at their grandparents' country house near the small town of Grave in Brabant, an incident occurs that will have tragic repercussions during the Second World War when they are serving their countries.

  • von Helmut A Abt
    58,00 €

    Helmut Abt opted for astronomy as a vocation because... well, it was fun. Dr. Abt will delight readers with this light-hearted memoir of a career in 20th century astrophysics, its challenges, its participants, and the fascinating places in the world he visited. With humor and insight he takes readers on the journey of a lifetime filled with stars and exciting adventures. Among other stories, he tells how he located the site of the first national observatory at Kitt Peak in the Arizona desert, and about the joys of being the chief editor of the Astrophysical Journal for 29 years, plus how he helped the Chinese get started in astrophysics, and about his work on double stars that led to the discovery of exoplanets, all interspersed with tales of his travels to dozens of interesting places.

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