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  • von John Nga'sike
    19,00 €

    A spy notices Akadeli's child under a tree and allows it to play with his necklace. Akadeli climbs down and the spy tells her the child has changed his mind about fighting. Jasusi anamwona mtoto wa Akadeli chini ya mti na kumruhusu kucheza na mkufu wake. Akadeli anashuka na mpelelezi akamwambia mtoto amebadili mawazo kuhusu kupigana. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Fabian Fabian Wakholi
    18,00 €

    Why does the cow cross the road with no worries? Why does the dog peer in car windows? Why does the goat run from traffic?Kwa nini ng'ombe huvuka barabara bila wasiwasi? Kwa nini mbwa hutazama kwenye madirisha ya gari? Kwa nini mbuzi hukimbia kutoka kwa trafiki?Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Deborah Namugosa Et Al
    18,00 €

    Fire is important but it is dangerous too. What can we learn about fire and uses for it?Moto ni muhimu lakini ni hatari pia. Tunaweza kujifunza nini kuhusu moto na matumizi yake?Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Simon Ipoo
    20,00 €

    Two parents discover their child drinking animal milk and leave it alone. The child crawls into a cow and is discovered by a poacher.Wazazi wawili wanagundua mtoto wao anakunywa maziwa ya wanyama na kuyaacha peke yake. Mtoto anaingia ndani ya ng'ombe na kugunduliwa na jangili.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Ann Nduku
    19,00 €

    Hen and Eagle once lived together with all birds in peace, but what happens when the Eagle only watches out for themselves? Kuku na Tai wakati fulani waliishi pamoja na ndege wote kwa amani, lakini ni nini kinachotokea wakati Tai anajiangalia tu? Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Tom Sabwa
    18,00 €

    A family gardens together, harvesting peas and flowers. Bustani za familia pamoja, kuvuna mbaazi na maua. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Michelle Wanasundera
    19,00 €

    Niki has some exciting news! But everyone is too busy to take the time to listen. Thankfully Grandma arrives and gives her full attention to Niki's news.Kisura ana habari fulani za kufurahisha! Lakini kila mtu ana shughuli nyingi sana kuchukua muda kusikiliza. Kwa bahati nzuri, Nyanya anafika na kutoa umakinifu wake wote kwa habari za Kisura.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Kanyiva Sandi
    19,00 €

    Musau's father drinks every night and pretends a hyena is attacking him. One night, and hyena really attacks him, and the village does not help. Babake Musau anakunywa pombe kila usiku na kujifanya kuwa fisi anamshambulia. Usiku mmoja, na fisi anamshambulia sana, na kijiji hakisaidii. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

    19,00 €

    The people want stories, so they ask Anansi the spider to help. How will Anansi bring stories to the people?Watu wanataka hadithi, kwa hivyo wanamwomba Anansi buibui kuwasaidia. Je, Anansi ataletaje hadithi kwa watu?Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Ruth Odondi
    19,00 €

    Ndalo earns pocket money each week by helping his father milk their cow, Pendo. That pocket money lets him buy books and be top of his class. Ndalo anapata pesa za mfukoni kila wiki kwa kumsaidia babake kukamua ng'ombe wao, Pendo. Pesa hiyo ya mfukoni inamruhusu kununua vitabu na kuwa juu ya darasa lake. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Cornelius Wambi Gulere
    19,00 €

    This man is SO tall! What can he do to make his life easier?Huyu mtu ni mrefu sana! Je, anaweza kufanya nini ili kurahisisha maisha yake?Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

    19,00 €

    Despite Rabbit sharing his land, Anansi takes it from him. He goes to market to sell the fruits and vegetables grown on the land taken from Rabbit, where Anansi makes a lot of money. He takes it home in a basket hidden under some corn, but it starts to rain! He puts his basket by the side of the road, where it is found by Vulture. Vulture claims the basket as his because he found it and the Chief and Elders agree with Vulture. Rabbit laughs at Anansi's loss. What could Anansi learn from this? Licha ya Sungura kushiriki ardhi yake, Anansi anaichukua kutoka kwake. Huenda sokoni kuuza matunda na mboga zinazokuzwa kwenye shamba lililochukuliwa kutoka kwa Sungura, ambapo Anansi anapata pesa nyingi. Huipeleka nyumbani kwenye kikapu kilichofichwa chini ya mahindi, lakini mvua inaanza kunyesha! Huweka kikapu chake kandokando ya barabara, ambapo kinapatikana na Tai. Tai anadai kikapu ni chake kwa sababu alikipata na Chifu na Wazee wanakubaliana na Tai. Sungura anacheka kupoteza kwa Anansi. Anansi angeweza kujifunza nini kutokana na hili?Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Kholeka Mabeta
    20,00 €

    White Dove saves Little Ant from drowning, and Little Ant pays White Dove back by scaring away two boys who want to eat White Dove. Njiwa Mweupe huokoa Chungu Mdogo kutokana na kuzama, na Mchwa Mdogo humlipa Njiwa Mweupe kwa kuwatisha wavulana wawili wanaotaka kula Njiwa Mweupe. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Basilio Gimo
    18,00 €

    A long time ago a group of horned animals wanted to throw a party, but they only wanted to invite other animals with horns. The pig has no horns, but he wants to go to the party. What will he do?Muda mrefu uliopita kundi la wanyama wenye pembe walitaka kufanya karamu, lakini walitaka tu kuwaalika wanyama wengine wenye pembe. Nguruwe hana pembe, lakini anataka kwenda kwenye sherehe. Atafanya nini?Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

    20,00 €

    Bahati's pretty skirt invites jealousy from other girls, and Bahati ends up very stinky. Her grandmother is the only one willing to help her. Sketi nzuri ya Bahati inakaribisha wivu kutoka kwa wasichana wengine, na Bahati anaishia kunuka sana. Bibi yake ndiye pekee aliye tayari kumsaidia. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Salaama Wanale
    19,00 €

    Two starving siblings are asked by an old lady to help her. One declines and is eaten by insects, the other helps and is rewarded with wealth.Ndugu wawili wenye njaa wanaombwa na bibi kizee wamsaidie. Mmoja hupungua na kuliwa na wadudu, mwingine husaidia na hulipwa kwa mali. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

    19,00 €

    Humans destroy all but one sun, who hides behind a hill. Only the rooster can call it to shine again. Wanadamu huharibu wote isipokuwa jua moja, ambalo hujificha nyuma ya kilima. Jogoo pekee ndiye anayeweza kuiita ili kuangaza tena.Njiwa Mweupe huokoa Chungu Mdogo kutokana na kuzama, na Mchwa Mdogo humlipa Njiwa Mweupe kwa kuwatisha wavulana wawili wanaotaka kula Njiwa Mweupe.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Melese Getahun Wolde
    19,00 €

    An ox and a donkey compare how hard they work. The ox takes a day off and the donkey does more work. Ng'ombe na punda hulinganisha jinsi wanavyofanya kazi kwa bidii. Ng'ombe huchukua siku moja na punda hufanya kazi zaidi. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Caroline Lentupuru
    18,00 €

    A giant needs help carrying something and tricks a young girl into helping. The young girl is rescued after singing about her family.Jitu linahitaji msaada wa kubeba kitu na kumlaghai msichana mdogo ili kusaidia. Msichana huyo mchanga aokolewa baada ya kuimba kuhusu familia yake.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Ursula Nafula
    19,00 €

    I enjoy doing these things! What do you enjoy? Ninafurahia kufanya mambo haya! Unafurahia nini? Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Maya Fowler
    20,00 €

    Tortoise is looking for his house and his friends Snail, Robin, Mouse, and Ladybird help him. Kobe anatafuta nyumba yake na marafiki zake Konokono, Robin, Mouse, na Ladybird wanamsaidia. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Michelle Wanasundera
    19,00 €

    Bonny the bear cub explores patterns, then burns off energy while learning how to make patterns with her body. Penda, mtoto wa dubu, anagundua miundo. Kisha, anatumia nguvu huku akijifunza jinsi ya kuunda miundo kwa mwili wake. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Ursula Nafula
    20,00 €

    Akai has a lucky mat that helps her find her way out of the desert. Akai ana mkeka wa bahati unaomsaidia kutafuta njia ya kutoka jangwani.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Michelle Wanasundera
    19,00 €

    Polly is having a hard time letting go of thoughts about a party she is planning. Her friend Joy helps her to let them pass by like clouds. Moraa anatatizika kuachilia mawazo kuhusu karamu anayopanga. Rafiki yake Kwamboka anamsaidia kuyaacha yapite kama mawingu.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Michelle Wanasundera
    19,00 €

    Little Mouse finds it difficult to play with his big sister and her friends. They eventually realise they could make more effort to include Little Mouse. Puku Mdogo anapata shida kucheza na dadake mkubwa na rafiki yake. Hatimaye wanagundua kwamba wanaweza kufanya juhudi zaidi ili kumjumuisha Puku Mdogo.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Jennie Templeman
    19,00 €

    Stretching and curling are ways to help us feel calm and focused. Follow what Thommy does. You can do it anywhere! Kujinyoosha na kujikunja ni njia za kutusaidia kuhisi utulivu na kumakinikia lengo. Unaweza kuufanya mahali popote!Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Michelle Wanasundera
    18,00 €

    Bonnie has a lot of fun and her heart is warmed by playing the Kindness Game where she practices being kind all week. Wawuda anafurahia sana na moyo wake unasisimuka kwa kucheza Mchezo wa Ukarimu ambapo anafanya ukarimu wiki nzima.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Michelle Wanasundera
    19,00 €

    Yuliia and Iryna might be twins, but they are different in some ways due to their different experiences. Waithera na Wairimu wanaweza kuwa mapacha, lakini ni tofauti kwa njia fulani kwa sababu ya matukio tofauti ya maisha yaliyowakumba.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Michelle Wanasundera
    19,00 €

    A girl doesn't want to go to a party with her parents, but when a fun clown gets the kids jumping and making fun actions all of their moods have changed. Msichana hataki kuenda kwenye karamu na wazazi wake; lakini, mvulana mkubwa wa kufurahisha anapowafanya watoto kuruka na kufanya mambo ya kuburudisha, hali zao zote zimebadilika. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Michelle Wanasundera
    19,00 €

    Sweety is a sweet squirrel, but unfortunately a new squirrel arrives and bullies her to collect acorns all day long. Sweety learns the difference between being passive, aggressive, and assertive. Sweety ni kuchakuro mzuri, lakini kwa bahati mbaya kuchakuro mgeni anafika na kumlazimisha kukusanya mbegu siku nzima. Sweety anajifunza tofauti kati ya kujisalimisha, kuwa na ushari na ushupavu.Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

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