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  • von Claudia Zeng
    15,00 €

    Sweet Pears and Sour Apples is a tender and intimate debut collection of poetry touching on anxiety, sharing memories and expressing love as a friend, a sister, a lover and as the eldest daughter of an immigrant family - reaching towards a space of honesty and openness with relationships and mental health.

  • von Danni Dark
    16,00 €

    ""You think you know someone, you see the polished exterior that they present to the world. You have probably seen someone like me at the shops pushing their kids in the pram, at school drop-off, kissing their daughter goodbye smiling and waving hello to you, at the park laughing as the kids play and swing on the swings. This book invites you to see the other side of motherhood, the mum behind the closed door. I hope that you will find some of it either relatable to your own struggles or an insight into the struggles of those around you.""

  • von Sharna Pearson
    15,00 €

    Fake it to you make it right? Wrong. I was wrong. I shouldn't have to fake it. I need to face it till I make it. I have to get up, work hard, fail and stand again. So here I am writing to you my beautiful red birds.

  • von Larissa Canegallo
    15,00 €

    On My Heart is a love letter composed as a collection of poems. Heartfelt and poignant, each poem expresses facets of falling in love, being in love, and enduring in love.

  • von Divya Priya Gaur
    17,00 €

    ""Have you ever been swept off your feet? Have you ever gazed at trees with a sense of romance? Have you found yourself head over heels for a TV series?Do you yearn to infuse every moment of your life with sheer delight?If you're not a robot or an AI, and your answer to any of these questions is a resounding """"yes,"""" then you're in for an extraordinary journey. This compilation needs no further introduction; it's designed to resonate with your own experiences and elevate you to new heights.""

  • von Ebony Davis
    15,00 €

    ""A collection of words that combined, describe the world after a monumental loss.From life, to the moments following death.This is a painfully honest account of what the world was and what it has now become.""

  • von Lily Pilar Redman
    15,00 €

    A series of poems exploring memories, innermost thoughts, and reflecting on yourself and your decisions. Stained Glass encourages expressing yourself through the written word and serves as a reminder that you are a work of art, no matter how stained you believe yourself to be.

  • von Laura Howard
    15,00 €

    Poems without rhymes but told from the heart.

  • von Marie Stanfill
    16,00 €

    ""Here lies a collection, merely pieces of a woman's heart. A collection of words that formed from the depths of her soul. Emotions that caged her; became the very thing that saved her. And now she wants the world to know... This collection of poetry is intended to help others see they are not alone. To show that while this world may be cold, we can and will rise above! Trigger Warning: subjects discussed in this book may pose as a trigger to some readers. Discussion of topics involve depression, rape, suicide and abuse.""

  • von Tyesha Tarrant
    16,00 €

    This book is a collection of poems reflecting my life in many different moments and settings. This book voices many of my personal experiences and feelings bad or good and some lessons I've come to understand.

  • von Norena Ventosa
    15,00 €

    In Renacimiento, Norena Ventosa writes in both English and Spanish to tie the Latina/American cultures together to best represent her Dominican/Puerto Rican roots planted in American soil. Norena shares her most profound experiences in elements of love, heartache, and navigating her life journey with an innate desire to define her life purpose. The title renacimiento, translates in English as the word Renaissance. Symbolizing a period of new growth and improvement and ultimately, a metamorphosis.

  • von Hayley Lazzari
    16,00 €

    This collection is a short, but powerful, look into the mind. It blends the past, present, and future into one. It also aims to provoke difficult questions and challenge the reader. Though the poems may seem to have little in common, there is a singular thread that runs through them, which is meant for the reader to find. Please enjoy!

  • von Reagan Motsinger
    16,00 €

    Being an adult is hard. With so many things to do and so many changes to adjust to, life is overwhelming. This book explores one college student's journey of navigating her transition to adulthood--her feelings, failures, fantasies, and friendships--in a world riddled with chaos and a brain that thinks too much.

  • von Margie Wright
    18,00 €

    In this anthology, I travel back to the places and people who are woven into my life. In doing so, I gain a great respect for who I am as a woman and what I want for her future.

  • von Laura Moseley
    16,00 €

    One woman's thoughts on going through and surviving domestic abuse, illustrated through creative poetry and prose.

  • von Amber Gibson
    16,00 €

    ""A book of poetry that describes real-life circumstances, feelings, and events throughout the life of a 40-year-old independent woman. Love, loss, grief, change and so much in between. The Girl:The truth is her heart has been crushed more times than anyone reading this could ever fathom, but a girl who gets up every day trying to do the best she can still. A girl who fights so many battles with the corporate world that you never knew about. A girl who will fight to the end, if it's in her heart. A girl who advocates for others, be it the homeless, administration, family, etc. A girl who still smiles when she is sad, in hopes of making someone's day brighter. One who can hardly stand to hurt another's heart, and she has done so. A girl who had to learn the hard way, to find the right way, though it took a while. A girl who is quick to admit when she is wrong, and holds others more accountable than she should. A girl who is often looked over due to her independence and if I'm being honest sometimes sharpness. A girl who is honest to a fault...and forgives but never forgets. A girl who always thinks about "if today is my last day" or "what will I do if.."A girl desperately trying daily to give up control and find peace with trusting God. A girl who wants the world back to a slower pace, and all human species have a heart for others. A girl who is tired, but still loving and smiling, and pressing forward.""

  • von Niloy Banerjee
    17,00 €

    A collection of poetry written by myself, containing complex social issues such as addiction stigma, mental health, systemic injustices, as well as personal topics like love, loss and fear. I started writing when I submitted a poem for my 11th grade English class that earned me a visit from the Guidance Counselor at my home, and haven't looked back.

  • von Cenna Khatib
    16,00 €

    Thoughts throughout years and months written in a collection of weeks

  • von Izzy John
    15,00 €

    Nature, myth, and the everyday experiences of women intertwine to form a snapshot of the months following the murder of Sarah Everard, and the memories that her death disinterred. Partly personal, partly universal, this collection seeks to capture what women from all different walks of life experience and feel, and illuminates the everyday moments that often characterise our survival, regeneration and capacity for joy.

  • von Hannah Peninah Mulato
    16,00 €

    Salamin' is an immersive poetry collection that explores the essence of the human experience with vivid metaphors and evocative imagery. These verses delve into themes of self-discovery, resilience, love, and loss, drawing readers into a world of introspection and reflection. From the fragility of existence to the transformative power of time, 'Salamin' uncovers the joys within ordinary moments and the impact of unexpected connections. With poetic brilliance, it navigates love, betrayal, and redemption, encouraging readers to embrace their true selves. Step into the enchanting world of 'Salamin' and discover the hidden depths of the human soul.

  • von ¿Abel
    15,00 €

    ""With its biblical references, cynical spirit and activist tone, Isabelle-Luca Borg's debut book, No Water For Witches, promises to be an intriguing and thought-provoking read. In this collection of poems written between 2014 and 2021, Borg retains her signature undertone of protest, frustration and derision. Auto-Biographically, she protests against blatant injustices and mocks the apathy of those who don't speak up and simply stand on the sidelines waiting for others to do something. This thread leads effortlessly to her musings about existentialism and her identity: who she is and how she is perceived. 'I Died' is one such protest song. It evokes a sense of reclamation of power and a show of force quite like an octopus crowning herself the Queen Mother of the Seas and putting on a peacocking display of grandeur. It is therefore almost disturbing how the next two poems, 'ASIS' and 'Gold' feel dejected and convey such an intense feeling of hopelessness and finality. Still, it is evident that Borg is not one to surrender, shut up and stay down and she reclaims her sense of self and purpose with the compelling poem, 'I Get It'. In exploring her relationships, Borg finishes off strong with a string of melancholic writings laying bare her vulnerabilities in love, heartbreak, loss and hope. Her final poems in this collection, 'Water' and 'One Last Time' centre around her loss and love of her grandparents and the belief that one day we will all meet again.""

  • von Pawan Sahni
    15,00 €

    A collection of poetry inspired from my personal journey of awakening.

  • von Maureen Temple
    15,00 €

    ""This book contains a variety of poems, some funny and some thought provoking. Some are shorter than others but hopefully enjoyable to the reader.""

  • von Zein Amro
    16,00 €

    21 days for 21 poems, based on matters of my imagination, the heart and my observation.

  • von Wilbur Phillips
    16,00 €

    ""Every persons past paves the way for the future. It shapes who we are, and guides who we eventually choose to become. Everything we see, hear, feel, taste, smell, or do is a potential for a new future. But to understand how we have gotten to where we are, we must look into our past and face what lies there, waiting for our return. The following is a collection of observations, dreams, recollections, and self studies. Wilbur T. Phillips invites you as a reader to join him on an exploration of his life, love, and mind. Perhaps this journey of his will help you on your own. Or perhaps you will be open to a brand new future.""

  • von Ananya D. Deol
    15,00 €

    A collection of poems written in an attempt to enable its readers to see life from various perspectives and to instill in them a sense of peace and relatability.

  • von Kim Przystupa
    16,00 €

    A collection of notes gathered from writing pads, sticky notes, and old hard drives.

  • von Brittany Jordan
    15,00 €

    In life we go through many emotions, love quarrels, heartaches, headaches and set backs about love. We also have many good and warm felt memories we will cherish forever. We have our unique ways of coping and different outlets of released tension to get thru the days. Mine, however has always been you may get angry, you may be happy, you may be sad and blissful all at the same time...but I guarantee you, this will take you thru a ball of emotions. However, in love you always want a happy ending, right?

  • von Rae. B.
    15,00 €

    un;oaded (read: unloaded) is a collection of abstractly crafted free-verse poetry, focusing on navigating life & relationships with health issues. whilst mainly autobiographical, the exploration of language within & across sentences & stanzas, as well as the experimentation with structure adds depth & nuance to this body of work.

  • von Elizabeth Akomolafe
    16,00 €

    This book is a collection of poems that touch on themes of transition, youth, young adulthood, and personal experiences about finding meaning in the ongoing grapple with this thing we call life

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