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  • von J. R. Kruze & C. C. Brower
    25,00 €

  • von J. R. Kruze
    22,00 €

    The adventures of the Ghost Hunters continue - with more exotic locations and hair-raising paranormal adventures than ever before.This new anthology of short story fiction by S. H. Marpel and various co-authors brings you new ideas to digest - all in the short periods of time you have available. Explore such ideas as:- A young girl who could create whole universes to explore, yet had no idea what to do with such powers. So she bent time and space to visit an uncle and aunt who just might...- A phantom created out of electrons, who somehow learned to pass for human - but still knew something was missing within her heart.- When the walls finally closed, the dangers that threatened the city were now secured outside, but it's residents were now contained inside its walls forever. One young woman resisted - in order to meet her lover one last time...- Three genius grad students meet a real-life goddess older than the planet itself - and she tasks them with figuring out how to save their world in just two weeks. With nothing more than their minds. This anthology containing:The Girl Who Believed Tomorrow by J. R. KruzeCassie 2.0b by S. H. Marpel, J. R. KruzeRiot Wall by S. H. Marpel, R. L. SaundersIdylls of a Lazurai by S. H. Marpel, J. R. KruzeGet Your Copy Now.

  • von S. H. Marpel
    21,00 €

    The adventures of the Ghost Hunters continue - with more exotic locations and hair-raising paranormal exploits than ever before.This latest anthology of short story fiction by S. H. Marpel and various co-authors brings you new ideas to digest - all in the short periods of time you have available. Explore such ideas as:- When a digital ghost is deciding to become human, she seeks out a spirit-guide who knows more about sex than any human alive, because...- A shunned young woman sets out to find out about the real world and encounters its dangers as well as true friends who keep coming to her rescue (although she saves herself before they arrive...)- Where a shoemaker meets two spirit-guides and regains years of his life by teaching them his craft.- An old lover returns to haunt the man who she felt had condemned her to a wretched life as a castaway - and exact her revenge... Excerpt:It looked to be just another "red-neck" bar. And I was drinking tea. Not that anyone minded. This place had more customers coming for their barbecued tenderloin sandwiches than their draft beer or hard liquor.But the music, the atmosphere - that was pure Midwestern, traditional. Classic Western ballads in the jukebox. Broad shoulders on men, tight jeans on women. And smiles for everyone, but your hands are for your drink and your food. Lot's of self-respect around, which comes from respecting others first.American values, passed on and validated with each new generation. And places like this dotted most of America and were more common than any corporate-run diners or coffee-houses. Because they were an outgrowth of the community, they weren't there to "make a lot of money", although they did that, too.This wasn't one of my usual haunts as a mystery writer. But this also wasn't one of my usual mysteries to solve.I was relaxing at a table near the front. Waiting to meet someone - a certain someone who could help me with my problem. That situation was more than just an unresolved mystery. And if you know me, leaving some mystery unresolved in my life gets irritating. Like a single grain of sand inside a mussel's shell.The front door opened and I recognized that young woman standing tall in its frame. She took a single stride in and stood there. With her heeled boots, she looked a long glass poured full of pure femininity. Her Timberline boots slipped into the tight pant-legs of her black leather jeans, which went on up to described every curve and dimple of her smooth legs beneath, from her knees right up to her hips, and to the very limit of those jeans' low-cut waist.There, a thin band of ivory-white midriff took over before being itself covered by a snug, black and very defining knit v-top. An open black leather bolero jacket swept up from that midriff area to slide itself beneath a thick mane of wavy back hair. A cascade down her shoulders from its provocative part on one side of its crest.Underneath those long tresses were dark brows, dark eyes, and dark lips that completed a goth approach to stunning beauty.As she came up to my table, I could smell wild rose and lilac from her hair, on top of the leather scent.It was going to be one interesting afternoon... This anthology containing:One More For the Road by J. R. Kruze, S. H. MarpelAlmost Amy by S. H. MarpelShoemaker by S. H. MarpelThe Return of Walkaway Mary by S. H. MarpelScroll Up and Get Your Copy Now

  • von J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    21,00 €

    The adventures of the Ghost Hunters continue - with more exotic locations and hair-raising paranormal adventures than ever before:- A three-part serial which starts by attempting to solve the mystery of a ghost who has been haunting several hundred feet underwater, for 12,000 years or so. And then involves an immortal being who was turned half-human and beaten nearly unconscious. Only to reveal she has a twin sister who she has fought with constantly over the ages - but now has to work with her to regain her own powers and defeat an immortal enemy who has worked out how to exploit the Internet and social media to enslave all of humankind.- Plus, two additional mysteries involving an angel and an immortal goddess who need the human mystery writer John Earl Stark to solve their unsolvable problems...All in short reads that fit into the time you have to read. Delicious mental snacks that will leave you with new ideas to consider long after the entertainment is over. This anthology contains:The Harpy Saga: Sister Mine by S. H. MarpelHarpy Redux by S. H. MarpelThe Case of the Sunken Spirit by S. H. MarpelA Case of Missing Wings by S. H. Marpel & J. R. KruseGaia by S. H. Marpel Excerpt: SHOULD HAVE KNOWN IT was too good to last.If it weren't insulting to the canine species, I'd call that priestess a bitch out loud. Frequently. And I still may.My recent work was to start un-doing many of the various organizations I'd been part of that had been making the governments on this planet unstable. Organized crime and terrorism were umbrella terms that covered most of it.I had no problem being on both sides of that coin when it suited me.People would approach me, wanting something. Bad or good, it was something they needed - for whatever purpose. If I could help them, especially if they were honestly wanting to help others, I'd do it.This chick, though, she was something else. She played the hurt, helpless chick just too well. Wanted to get her powers back that she "lost" while trapped by an evil goddess. Took her forever to undo the spell and now she just wanted to go back to helping people organize their lives better, make more money, get as famous as they wanted, blah, blah, blah.I went along with it, to begin with. Not without my doubts. But she gained my trust after awhile. Helped my straighten out some of my messes.It didn't take long for her to catch me unaware and put a crippling spell on me. One that took away half my powers. Well, on one side of me. Couldn't use that wing. Couldn't walk. Not human, not goddess. Trapped in the world in between, unable to function in either world.Trying to fight her physically just got me bruised and scratched and cut on that side. Because that side was now very human, unclothed, and vulnerable.The fight was fast, brutal, and I was half-unconscious before I knew it. The other half of me was in a red haze. Where this witch had come from, I didn't know. Her language was old, real old. And her powers were based on gods older than my parents, or at least as old.John finally found me. I don't know how. All I knew was hearing his voice as I went in and out of a dark blackness... Get Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    18,00 €

  • von R L Saunders, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    21,00 €

  • von R L Saunders, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    24,00 €

  • von S H Marpel
    20,00 €

  • von R L Saunders, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    25,00 €

  • von R L Saunders, C C Brower & J R Kruze
    20,00 €

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