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Bücher veröffentlicht von Lucid Books

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  • - Second Edition
    von Jamie Sandefer
    29,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Scott Brown
    27,00 €

    Scott Brown was in his front yard when seven police cars slowly drove down the block and stopped in front of his house. Less than fifteen minutes later, he was arrested and taken to jail for something he didn't realize could get him into trouble. This book is the detailed account that chronicles from that day through the final outcome of his arrest. With a raw transparency, he conveys the unspeakable pain he caused for himself, his family-especially his sons-and all those who loved and cared for him. Through this experience, he put the past behind him and allowed God to take over his future. Reading this detailed story could be a powerful wake-up call to anyone who has allowed strongholds to control their lives and is looking for the hope Scott's story will provide.

  • - A Study of Psalm 119
    von Chantal Johnson
    27,00 €

    Come with the author of Blessings Beyond the Page for a close-up look at Psalm 119 and discover many facets of God's beauty and wisdom in this precious passage of Scripture. Learn practical ways to have His word implanted deeply in your heart. Expect life-giving blessings from His word as you walk in love and faith each day with Jesus, the Living Word, who is the greatest blessing beyond the page. As we turn the pages of Scripture, studying, meditating, and rejoicing over God's word, we cultivate a daily rhythm that helps us know and love Him and His word more deeply.May your life be the story of His words, His love, and His grace.-Chantal Johnson

  • von Mary Engel Hall
    26,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Paul Ekroth
    20,00 €

    Saul was born into a wealthy, successful Jewish family who were privileged to be Roman citizens. From his earliest years, Saul studied in the tradition of his forefathers; he was a bona fide believer, a devoted follower of Judaism. Saul excelled in his studies and was highly regarded in the Jewish faith. As a young man, he began hearing about a rabbi-a man who supposedly performed miracles though he was not sanctioned by the Synagogue. The more Saul heard about Jesus the more he was convinced that Jesus was an imposter who was practicing fakery. Saul determined that Jesus must be stopped. When the man of miracles (Jesus) was put to death, Saul felt a great sense of relief. But to his dismay, the Jesus movement, known as "The Way," continued to spread even more after Jesus's crucifixion. So, he redoubled his efforts to put a stop to the movement by any means necessary. Saul gained authority to pursue and imprison all followers of Jesus-both men and women. But on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians there, the tables turned, and Saul was struck down by an amazing encounter with the risen Savior . . . and nothing was ever the same for Saul. Within a few moments, Saul was transformed into a new man. He became God's chosen instrument to take the gospel into the known world as God's missionary to the Gentile nations. Saul-later known as Paul-still speaks to us today as he is the author of many New Testament letters that distill the deep theological issues and teachings of the Christian faith. This brief overview from the pages of biblical history reveals Saul's journey from committed Pharisee to devoted follower of Jesus Christ-the beloved Apostle Paul.

  • von Terrill Hendrix
    22,00 €

    Growing up as a regular Sunday School attender, I was intrigued by angels although it never occurred to me that they might really be with me wherever I went. The Quiet Christian tells my story of how that changed for me in the early 1970s. From that point on, I have experienced the assurance of knowing that God is with me and that His army of angels are my constant companions. Several miraculous life events convinced me that I am never really alone. During the marvelous life-changing events that I share in The Quiet Christian, I began to experience the presence of God more intimately and wondered, "Why me? Why doesn't everyone have similar experiences with angels?" Based on my own real-life experiences, I believe that everyone has God's army of angels at their disposal. As you read this book, you may discover that, like me, you have been ignoring this blessing for far too long. I encourage you to entertain the thought that God can use angels to guide us and that you will embrace the supernatural instead of believing that it can't happen to you.

  • von Tullian Tchividjian
    27,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Kate Burkholder
    31,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Elizabeth Libby Skolnik Budweg
    36,00 €

    Finishing Strong: An Estate Planning Journey delves into the crucial importance of comprehensive estate planning and addresses the prevalent issue of unpreparedness among individuals. The authors, Ronald "Skip" Skolnik and Elizabeth "Libby" Skolnik Budweg, stress that it is the responsibility of every person to take charge of their estate planning, particularly when it comes to mitigating potential challenges.The book highlights two significant problems that hinder effective estate planning. First, many individuals fail to recognize the necessity of a comprehensive plan, often resulting in unforeseen financial burdens such as nursing home costs or probate court proceedings. Second, people often struggle to know where to begin due to a lack of specialized knowledge and guidance from professionals.To tackle these issues, the book offers insights into various aspects of estate planning, including legal documents, financial positioning, taxes, nursing home expenses, and asset distribution. It emphasizes the need for a multidimensional approach that brings together expertise from various experts such as attorneys, accountants, financial planners, insurance professionals, nursing home specialists, and funeral directors.Additionally, the book acknowledges the demographic shift in the United States with an increasing aging population and emphasizes the importance of preparing for the associated costs. It aims to empower readers with the knowledge to safeguard their assets and effectively address the challenges they may face.Ultimately, Finishing Strong: An Estate Planning Journey emphasizes that estate planning is both an art and a science. It requires careful consideration of legal and financial requirements, and all of them must work together. It encourages readers to envision their desired outcomes and take comprehensive action to protect their families and leave a lasting legacy.

  • von Art McFarlane
    25,00 €

    Citizens of Heaven: How Evangelicals Should Respond to Trumpism shows how the white evangelical Church has lost its moral and prophetic stance by following Donald Trump and his right-wing agenda. It explores the Church's racist history and outlines a scriptural path toward antiracism. Citizens of Heaven then explains how Christians can become politically active and remain consistent with the teachings of Christ. Finally, Christians are encouraged to behave like Citizens of Heaven - displaying love, grace and forgiveness as acting as agents of reconciliation right here on earth.

  • von Courtney Street
    27,00 €

    Beginning with God's vision for humanity and His mission in the world, the reader will be reminded that the Church belongs to God and He has mandated it to gather people from every nation to worship Him. Whenever the Church gathers, it is taking timeouts to get into the huddle to reinforce God's vision, review the mission, refine strategies to expand the potential, and accelerate the completion of the mission.This book highlights God at work among the nations and His invitation to His Church to participate in giving people the opportunity to hear, understand, and respond to the gospel in their cultural frame of reference. More than that, this book challenges the local church to a greater urgency in completing the mission of getting the gospel to neighbors across the street as well as to unreached peoples across the world. It is in this that the Lord is glorified.

  • von Femi E Jaiyeola
    20,00 €

    "I delight to do Thy will." "Thy will be done." "I surrender to His will." ¿These are all common phrases on the lips of a real child of God, walking closely with Him on this pilgrimage. Jesus taught His disciples to pray this before His Gethsemane experience. But at the point of need, is it as easily said on those lips of ours? Was it as easy when Jesus was in the garden as when He taught His disciples? This book shared a personal experience in our contemporary time of when God will bring Gethsemane to us. It is where agonizing prayers need to be prayed to overcome the demand of self-will. Jesus prayed with much agony, surrendering to the will of His Father. He left us with an example that we should walk in His steps. The Gethsemane prayer is not a joke. It requires that we part ways with flesh and blood so that we can acknowledge and accept God's supreme will. We cannot pray the Gethsemane prayer without opening up to God on our fears, unbelief, and self-will. The Gethsemane prayer causes us to ascend unto the hills of consecration where we meet God's standard. This is what Jesus did by yielding the flesh to the will of God. The Gethsemane prayer is simply THY WILL BE DONE.

  • von Courtney J. Strong
    28,00 - 38,00 €

  • von Lisa Unfried
    23,00 €

    Do you ever wonder if there is more to this life? Daniel did, even though he didn't realize it. He was just a mild-mannered, teenage boy trying to deal with the challenges of a major move, the lack of friends at a new school, and the school bully who repeatedly attacked him. All he wanted was to get through school, immerse himself in his video games, and hope that life would somehow get better. Then he met the town's matriarch who offered him something different-an alternate reality. Follow Daniel as he slips into realms beyond his own. He discovers that it takes faith to follow his destiny and learn the truth of his identity. He finds new friends, and together they discover the truth of Evil, its tactics for destruction, and its influence on the darkness of their world as they find themselves in the Dragon's Den.

  • von Cheryl Lynn Betz
    33,00 €

    As it is helpful to use tools to plant seeds in a garden, it is helpful to use a devotional to plant and nourish seeds of faith during your quiet time with the Lord in His Word. Cheryl Lynn Betz has written this devotional to use as a tool to help strengthen and enrich your time with Him. It is compiled of sixty poignant messages and teachings, which will help you apply the Scriptures to your life with joy.¿"I have no authority but that which the Lord has given me. I have no gifts but those which He has bestowed upon me. I have no life but that which He has breathed into me. And of course, I have no words but those which He has created. Please, Lord, breathe life into these words to Your glory." Cheryl Lynn Betz

  • von Mark Daniel Twombly
    27,00 €

    Do you desire the delight and joy described in the Bible, but find it elusive? Do you find yourself struggling to move from obligation to heartfelt desire?Do you desire more than information, but deep transformation? If so, this book is for you. Psalm 119 is a prayer to God for all of these things, and a personal answer from the Lord Himself. The infinitely perfect God of the universe draws near to perfect those who walk in His law, observe His testimonies, and seek Him with all their heart. How does He do this? He provides the knowledge, understanding, desire, ability, and delight; He initiates, sustains, and completes it all. ¿ This devotional commentary is a companion and a tour guide to help you toward a growing realization of the incalculable treasure that God in His mercy has placed before you in His word. You will be blessed beyond measure as you experience God's presence as He speaks personally and powerfully to you by His perfect Word.

  • von Michael Kheir
    27,00 €

    If you or someone close to you is a Christian afflicted with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Waging War against OCD: A Christian Approach to Victory provides a lifeline. Authored by an OCD sufferer who uses Scripture as a sword in the battle against the disorder, this book provides comfort and hope for those mired in the confusion and hopelessness of OCD. The author demonstrates how the methods for fighting this disorder all originate in Scripture, the ultimate source of all wisdom and power. Sufferers can use these truths as an anchor during their darkest and weakest moments, knowing that God's Word prescribes a path to victory over torturous thought patterns, crippling fears, enslaving rituals, and debilitating guilt.For OCD sufferers and those that come alongside them, this book provides rare insight into the thoughts of an OCD sufferer, shared in raw and honest detail by the author throughout his entire life story, beginning with his first memories of OCD at age five. For many years, the author asked for wisdom from God, and this book is based on the wisdom he received. It is his deepest hope that the lessons he learned will bring comfort and victory to all Christian OCD sufferers-and to those who know, love, counsel, and shepherd them."If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5)

  • von Sandy Hope Stewart
    24,00 €

    The military can be viewed from many perspectives. From technical to strategic and equipment to front-line observations, each reveals varying aspects of how our military operates. Although far less attention is paid to it, the home and the heart of the military family is a crucial aspect in the overall military function. In Memoirs of a Military Spouse, Sandy Hope Stewart shares with her readers how she was able, and in many cases unable, to cope with the seemingly impossible demands placed upon her as a spouse of a military member. With her faith severely tested when her husband was called to serve in a secret mission, she would learn that God used every situation to reveal to her and heal her from life-long fears, anxieties, and misconceptions that had plagued her since childhood. She believes He desires to do so for all of us.

  • von William S. Hyland
    33,00 €

    Two warnings Jesus had expressed to His disciples in Matthew 24 serve as the driving force for this book: "See to it that no one misleads you" (v. 4) and "the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah." (v. 37) Mr. Hyland's concern is that the Church of Jesus Christ needs to prepare now for two trending threats, a subtle one to the US Constitutional democracy and the semi-veiled one to worldwide Christianity. The author's structured approach in presenting his case commences with a perceptive commentary on Genesis to highlight the perfections of life's elements God had created. His purpose is to enable the reader to discern and recognize mankind's disregard for that perfection both in ancient times as well as in contemporary life. That knowledge Mr. Hyland believes is necessary in order to prepare the reader's defenses against all forms of deceit. The last phase of this book focuses on the Apostle John's spiritually gained futuristic insights, particularly on the harsh challenges Satan's angels will thrust on believers in-and-of Jesus as they faithfully struggle to persevere in the thick of persecution at the 'end times.'

  • von Mitch Maher
    25,00 €

    Aclarando la Biblia es una presentación en video de dos horas y un cuaderno de trabajo que dan al participante el marco básico y la trama histórica de la Biblia. El material se presenta de manera apasionada y convincente, cumpliendo su promesa de ayudar a aclarar el contenido de la Biblia como nunca antes para los participantes.

  • von Paul Bryan
    35,00 €

    In the first chapter, the author draws our attention to his impetus in writing the book - the state of unbelief in God in America today. He says there is a pandemic of infectious unbelief in America and the world today! According to a 2020 survey, ninety-four percent of adult Americans say knowing the God of the Bible is not important. Instead, they have created their own idea of who they want Him to be. So where have you placed your faith and trust? Find out now if they are firmly rooted in the solid ground of the Bible and God's true nature. Read moreWho Is This God? A Handbook for Life with Him is a Christian nonfiction book that unravels the confusion to help people discover God's nature and character. In so doing, it demonstrates how you can develop a personal relationship with Him and grow spiritually. Major themes about God and life with Him include:There is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.God created you to experience His love and know Him personally.Everyone needs to be rescued and born-again to enter His Heaven.God has a purpose and plans for you (your life is not meaningless).The Holy Spirit was sent to dwell within, guide, help, and teach the followers of Jesus.Believers must mature spiritually to live an authentic Christian life.God is supernatural, and you live in the natural and supernatural realms of this world where miracles and other supernatural interventions by God still occur. Embedded in the forty-three chapter narratives are nearly three hundred questions, six hundred and sixty scripture quotations, and seventy true stories. These stories include miracles of healing, deliverance, and protection only the God of the Bible can do. You will also see that God communicates through His Spirit with those who sincerely seek Him.

  • von Robert Scrivner
    30,00 €

    Open this Good News Trilogy, and take a chance on being overcome with good news.This book is simply a collection of good, gospel-expounding poems. If you are turned on to the gospel, you may like poems that enlighten you to the full meaning of trusting Jesus for your present-day living. It is my earnest desire that whoever picks up these 93 poems will lose themselves in the reading while paying special attention to the availability of this truly good news. Jesus can convey His great love for you in basic everyday English. Get turned on to having a poem or perhaps five poems every day to move you joyously on your way. The gospel to the beat of your heart will show you just how fun poetry can be.

  • von Andy Lunt
    29,00 €

    In some churches, burned out pastors and frustrated laypersons have tried to create change but have accomplished little. In other churches, change is thrust upon them and they have little idea how to lead and manage the change in a fruitful way. Meaningful and lasting change in congregations is best achieved when laity and pastors join as partners in the hard work of discerning and addressing the underlying culture that so often inhibits change but is often ignored. This book describes how to empower laity, achieve a Godly purpose & identity throughout the organization, increase the relevancy of the church within the community it serves, and provide healthy responses to barriers and resistance to change. The authors explore each of these processes and provide specific tools for each area to guide congregations to a more vibrant future. This is a book that can change your life and the life of your congregation.Access to free downloads of tools used throughout the book!

  • von Jonathan Hayashi
    23,00 €

    How do we live out the gospel in our lives?What we believe about the gospel determines how we will follow the Great Commission and make disciples. This second edition of Ordinary Radicals, Pastor Hayashi lays bare the roots of the gospel, reinforcing the command and privilege of the Great Commission while bringing thought-provoking questions to reinforce how each chapter can be applicable to every individual and group.Church leadership must be focused on discipleship. If you have a leadership problem, you have a discipleship problem, and if you have a discipleship problem, you have a Great Commission problem.Why bother with discipleship? Because the cost of non-discipleship is too great! Living with radical abandonment for God's glory, faithful adherence to His person, and urgent obedience to His ministry is the only way to live a successful, fruitful Christian life. This book offers a step-by-step process for living out the Great Commission to revolutionize the world through the local church.

  • von Jody Stelly
    34,00 - 39,00 €

  • von Jacob Phelps
    24,00 €

    Going to church is easy. Making disciples is hard. But Jesus commands all Christians to go and make disciples, so we must look to him as our example of how to obey his command and live a life of purpose. All creation exists to glorify God, and as his children, we bring him the most glory when we live in obedience.Remain takes a look at every believer's responsibility in the disciple-making process as it relates to Jesus's plan for his creation. The goal is to equip believers to study and understand their role in becoming disciples who make disciples as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19-20. The author presents robust, insightful discussion and examples around key topics such as:¿ Disciple-making as Jesus's desire from the beginning.¿ Disciple-making as the one true catalyst for eternal impact.¿ The biblical model for making disciples.¿ Importance of engaging in spiritual conversations.¿ Correlation between holiness and disciple-making.Many believers devote most of their lives to things outside the walls of the local church and limit their impact for the Kingdom of God to a couple hours a week. If we want to imitate Jesus, we must surrender entirely to the pursuit of making disciples.

  • von Laura Fox
    24,00 - 27,00 €

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