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  • von Swami Jnanamritananda Puri
    33,00 €

    Comme la fleur tombe lorsque le fruit se forme, les désirs mondains disparaissent quand naît le détachement. Que la personne vive chez elle ou au fond de la forêt, aucun désir ne peut alors la lier. Celui dont le but est de réaliser Dieu n'attache d'importance à rien d'autre. Il a vraiment compris que rien de physique n'est permanent et que la vraie béatitude est à l'intérieur. Le dévot : Comment ramener le mental à Dieu s'il erre en quête de plaisirs extérieurs ? Amma : Quand il a faim, le chameau mange des buissons d'épines, ce qui lui met la bouche en sang. Si, affamé, vous ne mangez que des piments, parce que vous aimez cela, vous aurez la bouche en feu et l'estomac aussi. Vous vouliez apaiser votre faim, mais il vous faut maintenant en subir les conséquences douloureuses. Ainsi, si nous faisons dépendre notre bonheur des objets matériels, nous finirons toujours par souffrir. Prenez par exemple le musc. Il peut chercher longtemps la source du parfum qu'il respire, il ne la trouvera jamais, car elle est en lui. La béatitude ne vient pas des objets extérieurs. Elle demeure à l'intérieur de nous. Si nous contemplons cette vérité et développons un détachement suffisant, le mental cessera de courir après les plaisirs extérieurs. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

    23,00 €

    The fourth volume of On the Trail of Liberation, the compilation of talks given in Amma's presence, is also the first collection of discourses by some of the international residents of Amritapuri Ashram, many of whom have spent decades with her. The articles in this volume reveal the profound influence that Amma's teachings have had on people from diverse cultures and walks of life. This influence, in turn, indicates the universal relevance of Amma's teachings-of love and compassion towards all, of walking the path of dharma (righteousness), and of respecting and revering Mother Nature, among others.Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Swami Jnanamritananda Puri
    33,00 €

    The Wisdom Of The Mahatmas Who Have Come With The Mission Of Uplifting The World Has Both Immediate And Eternal Meaning. Even Though They Elucidate Values That Are Everlasting, They Are Attuned To The Call Of The Times In Which They Live, And Their Words Are In Response To The Heartbeat Of Their Listeners. Mother Speaks Her Immortal Words Which Transform Society At A Time When Man Has Lost His Traditional Values, Nobler Sentiments And Peace Of Mind, In The Frenzied Attempt To Reinforce The Outer World Of Sensory Pleasures, Power And Prestige. Man's Senseless Pursuit Of These Distractions, Oblivious Of His Own Self, Has Cost Him The Harmony And Graciousness Of His Life. Lack Of Faith, A Sense Of Competition And Fear Have Destroyed Personal Ties And Family Relations. Love Has Become A Mirage In A Culture Of Excessive Consumerism. Throughout The World Today, The Darshan And The Nectar Like Words Of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi Are Effecting Transformations In The Lives Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of People. This Book Is A Precious Collection Of Conversations Between The Holy Mother And Her Disciples, Devotees And Inquiring Visitors During The Period From June 1985 To September 1986. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Amma
    23,00 €

    "Even greater a miracle than lifting a mountain," says Amma, "is the love the gopis had for Lord Krishna." How did the gopis develop this love? What is it that bound their hearts and minds unconditionally to the divine? Similar is the case with Amma's children.Infinite are the forms that Amma has taken to awaken divine love in our hearts that triumphs all sorrows. In every encounter Amma reveals that even if we may physically be apart, her embrace is eternal.These testimonies by Amma's children from all corners of the world give us a glimpse of the depth of Amma's compassion that transcends all natural and man-made limitations. They echo the immutable truth of Amma's promise to all: "Amma is always with you."Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
    23,00 €

    What is the foremost purpose of life? How ought we to lead our lives? What are the things we must pay attention to daily? What practices ought we to follow every day? How are we to observe festive occasions? How are we to conduct ourselves with our colleagues? What ought to be our attitude to other beings in nature? What principles and practices do nature conservation and environmental cleanliness entail?Amma addresses these as well as ­other contemporary and timeless issues in this book, the second volume of Amritam Gamaya. Her precepts are backed by practice and personal experience; hence their undeniable authority and ability to inspire others and awaken their hearts.May these precious pearls of wisdom enrich your life and help to elevate you spiritually.Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Amma
    23,00 €

    What is the foundation of spirituality? Amma: My dear children, the foundation of spirituality is not blind faith, as some may believe. It is a deep inquiry, an intense exploration within one's own self. Spirituality is about seeking the truth, and the truth can only be discovered through direct experience, through one's own efforts and practice.Amma, can you tell us more about how we can seek the truth within?Amma: The key is to cultivate a sincere and pure heart, to be open to new ideas and experiences, and to be willing to question everything, including your own beliefs and assumptions. Dear children, practice meditation and self-reflection, and seek guidance from those who have walked the path before you. But ultimately, the truth can only be discovered through your own experience.Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
    18,00 €

    ¿Nauki Sanatana Dharmy s¿ wiecznie ¿ywymi klejnotami, które riszi bezinteresownie podarowali ¿wiatu, kieruj¿c si¿ wspó¿czuciem. Nikt, kto pragnie pozostä ¿ywy, nie obejdzie si¿ bez powietrza ani wody. Podobnie nikt, kto szuka spokoju, nie möe ignorowä zasad Sanatana Dharmy". - AmmaThis Book Is In Polish. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

    21,00 €

    As with the previous volumes of this series, this, too, is a compilation of talks given in Amma's physical presence. To discourse on the Truth while sitting next to its embodiment can be daunting.It is akin to man telling God the secrets of His creation. It seems presumptuous but it's not so. Being in Amma's sacred presence or even anticipating it is affecting in ways the conscious mind can never quite understand. As Amma puts it, the mind is 'in satsang'-in the presence of the Truth-even while preparing for a talk. The speaker knows that the talk is not the place for self-glorification, because he or she is going to speak in the presence of a Guru, whose very presence spells doom for the ego. But more than being intimidating, being in Amma's presence is a joyful experience. It is deeply intimate, because it is nothing less than a baring of one's soul to the knower of all souls.Sharing one's insights with other children of the Divine Mother is also a form of fellowship with kindred souls who share similar spiritual aspirations. We hope this volume will also bring you, dear reader, closer to Amma-closer to the Truth.Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Swamini Krishnamrita Prana
    20,00 €

    Z przyjemno¿ci¿ oddajemy w r¿ce czytelników t¿ d¿ugo wyczekiwan¿ ksi¿¿k¿ autorstwa jednej z pierwszych kobiet z Zachodu, które odkry¿y Amm¿, opowiadaj¿c¿ o jej duchowych do¿wiadczeniach u boku tej O¿wieconej Duszy. Jest to intymny portret, zarówno humorystyczny, jak i g¿¿boki, malowany oczami kobiety, która s¿u¿y Ammie od pierwszych dni aszramu po chwil¿ obecn¿. Czytelnik uzyskuje tu wgl¿d w niezwykle klarowne s¿owa Ammy oraz Jej inspiruj¿ce zachowania w niespodziewanych okoliczno¿ciach. ¿ycie uczennicy ulega stopniowej transformacji dzi¿ki promiennej mi¿o¿ci Ammy. Mi¿o¿¿ zawarta w m¿drych wskazówkach oraz wspó¿czucie przejawiaj¿ce si¿ w codziennych dziäaniach Ammy z pewno¿ci¿ pozostawi¿ po sobie trwäy ¿lad tak¿e w ¿wiadomo¿ci czytelnika. Mata Amritanandamayi - zwana przez miliony ludzi na cäym ¿wiecie Amm¿ lub Matk¿ - jest znan¿ indyjsk¿ ¿wi¿t¿, której dziäania charytatywne o globalnym zasi¿gu przynios¿y Jej mi¿dzynarodowe uznanie. Najbardziej zas¿yn¿¿a jednak ze swej g¿¿bokiej duchowej szczodro¿ci, udzielaj¿c tysi¿com ludzi na cäym ¿wiecie b¿ogos¿awie¿stw w formie matczynego u¿cisku. Swamini Krishnamrita Prana przyby¿a do Indii z Australii, maj¿c niewiele ponad dwadzie¿cia lat. Powodem podró¿y by¿y duchowe poszukiwania, które wkrótce zawiod¿y j¿ w otwarte ramiona jej Matki. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Br. Madhavamrita Chaitanya
    21,00 €

    Amma est une merveille ; tout en elle est merveilleux. Telle est l'expérience des innombrables personnes qui l'ont rencontrée. Quel est le secret de son charisme ? C'est le fait qu'elle soit établie dans la conscience du Divin et sa capacité d'établir instantanément une relation maternelle avec ses enfants (dévots). Ce livre est le premier tome d'une compilation de témoignages donnés par les disciples monastiques d'Amma, la plupart d'entre eux ayant vécu avec elle pendant au moins deux décennies. Ces témoignages nous offrent de précieux moments avec Amma et nous révèlent des perles inestimables de compréhension spirituelle qu'ils ont glanées grâce leurs interactions avec Amma. Chaque dévot a son histoire personnelle. Les histoires racontées dans ce livre nous sont transmises par quelques-uns de ceux qui, inspirés par Amma, ont renoncé à la vie dans le monde pour se consacrer à une vie de pratiques spirituelles et de service désintéressé. Ce livre constitue aussi une sorte d'annales de la vie à Amritapuri, le c¿ur de la mission d'Amma et le centre à partir duquel son influence spirituelle rayonne sur le reste du monde. Sa lecture permet de mieux apprécier la mission d'Amma : élever la conscience de l'humanité en rétablissant les valeurs éternelles que sont l'amour et le service d'autrui. Une mission qui fera date dans l'histoire de l'humanité. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Amma
    16,00 €

    When We Become Aware Of The Momentous Acts Of Service That Nature And All Her Creatures Constantly Render Us, We Will Spontaneously Feel Love, Admiration And Reverence For All Lifeforms. Then, Each One Of Our Actions Will Become An Expression Of The Fullness Of Our Gratitude Towards Nature.- Amma Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Swami Jnanamritananda Puri
    21,00 €

    Le seul but de Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Dévi est d'élever les consciences. La sagesse d'un être réalisé comme elle possède une signification à la fois immédiate et éternelle. Tout en élucidant des notions et des valeurs qui sont éternelles, elle reste parfaitement accordée aux besoins de notre époque, et ses paroles répondent aux aspirations profondes des gens. Aujourd'hui, dans le monde entier, l'amour extraordinaire et les paroles inspirantes de Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Dévi transforment la vie de millions de personnes, issues de toutes les couches sociales. Ce livre est un recueil précieux de conversations entre Amma et ses disciples, ses dévots, des visiteurs, entre juin 1985 et septembre 1986. Ses paroles simples mais profondes répondent d'une manière unique aux questions éternelles sur le sens de la vie et les moyens de trouver le vrai bonheur. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Br. Madhavamrita Chaitanya
    21,00 €

    Amma suscita meraviglia e tutto in lei è meraviglioso. Questa è l'esperienza delle innumerevoli persone che l'hanno incontrata. Qual è il segreto del suo carisma? Il suo dimorare nel Divino e la sua capacità di stabilire immediatamente un rapporto materno con i suoi figli. Questo è il primo volume della raccolta di discorsi tenuti dai figli monastici di Amma, la maggior parte dei quali vive con lei da almeno due decenni. Narrano momenti preziosi con Amma e rivelano perle inestimabili di comprensione spirituale scaturite dall'interagire con lei. Ogni devoto ha un suo vissuto con Amma da raccontare. I discorsi contenuti in questo libro sono le storie di alcuni di coloro che, ispirati da Amma, hanno rinunciato alla vita mondana per dedicarsi a una vita imperniata sulla pratica spirituale e sul servizio disinteressato. Questa è anche una raccolta di testimonianze della vita ad Amritapuri, il nucleo della missione di Amma e il centro da cui la sua influenza spirituale si irradia nel mondo. Leggerlo ci aiuta a cogliere meglio il valore della missione epocale di Amma: elevare l'umanità ripristinando i valori senza tempo dell'amore e del servizio agli altri. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Swami Jnanamritananda Puri
    21,00 €

    Comme la fleur tombe lorsque le fruit se forme, les désirs mondains disparaissent quand naît le détachement. Que la personne vive chez elle ou au fond de la forêt, aucun désir ne peut alors la lier. Celui dont le but est de réaliser Dieu n'attache d'importance à rien d'autre. Il a vraiment compris que rien de physique n'est permanent et que la vraie béatitude est à l'intérieur. Le dévot : Comment ramener le mental à Dieu s'il erre en quête de plaisirs extérieurs ? Amma : Quand il a faim, le chameau mange des buissons d'épines, ce qui lui met la bouche en sang. Si, affamé, vous ne mangez que des piments, parce que vous aimez cela, vous aurez la bouche en feu et l'estomac aussi. Vous vouliez apaiser votre faim, mais il vous faut maintenant en subir les conséquences douloureuses. Ainsi, si nous faisons dépendre notre bonheur des objets matériels, nous finirons toujours par souffrir. Prenez par exemple le musc. Il peut chercher longtemps la source du parfum qu'il respire, il ne la trouvera jamais, car elle est en lui. La béatitude ne vient pas des objets extérieurs. Elle demeure à l'intérieur de nous. Si nous contemplons cette vérité et développons un détachement suffisant, le mental cessera de courir après les plaisirs extérieurs. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri
    19,00 €

    L'Advaita Ved¿nta è il cuore della spiritualità dell'India; è una visione del mondo in cui le entità apparentemente distinte che sono l'anima individuale, il cosmo e il Creatore, si rivelano essere, in realtà, la stessa Essenza, unica ed eterna. Sadguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, chiamata familiarmente Amma (Madre), ha dedicato la sua vita a guidare i ricercatori spirituali verso questa visione spirituale e sublime. Pervenire a tale visione è lo scopo ultimo della vita umana. Tuttavia, Amma è convinta che l'Advaita non è un mero argomento di dibattito filosofico. Affinché l'Advaita possa manifestare tutto il suo valore, va vissuto; questa verità deve riflettersi costantemente nei pensieri, nelle parole e nelle azioni di una persona sotto forma di abnegazione, compassione ed equanimità mentale. Nel Vivere il Ved¿nta: Amma e l'Advaita, Swami Ramakrishnananda offre una panoramica dell'Advaita Ved¿nta come insegnato da Amma e dalle Scritture che formano il fulcro della spiritualità dell'India. Portando esempi tratti dalla vita e dagli insegnamenti di Amma, Swamiji va al cuore della tradizione dell'Advaita, aiutando così il lettore ad acquisire una migliore comprensione della visione del mondo secondo il Ved¿nta. Al tempo stesso, rivela ciò che significa realmente "Vivere il Ved¿nta". Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Swami Pranavamritananda Puri
    18,00 €

  • von Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
    23,00 €

  • von Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri
    23,00 €

  • von Swamini Krishnamrita Prana
    19,00 €

  • von Swami Amritachitswarupananda Puri
    20,00 €

  • von Bhajan Supplement 2020 - V1
    20,00 €

    This Book Is In English. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri
    20,00 €

  • von M. A. Center
    13,00 €

    Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von M. A. Center
    20,00 €

  • von M. A. Center
    21,00 €

  • von Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
    44,00 €

  • von Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
    45,00 €

  • von Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri
    20,00 €

    This Book Is In French. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Br. Madhavamrita Chaitanya
    21,00 €

    Amma is a wonder; everything about her is wondrous. This is the experience of the countless people who have met her. What is the secret of her charisma? Her abidance in the Divine and her ability to strike an instant motherly rapport with her children. This book is the third volume of the compilation of talks given by Amma's monastic children, most of whom have lived with her for at least two decades. The talks recount precious moments with Amma and reveal priceless pearls of spiritual understanding they have gleaned from those interactions. Every devotee has his or her own story of Amma to tell. The stories in this book are by some of those who, inspired by Amma, renounced worldly life to dedicate themselves to a life of spiritual practice and selfless service. This book is also an archive of life in Amritapuri, the nucleus of Amma's mission and the hub from which her spiritual influence is radiating out towards the rest of the world. Reading it will give a finer appreciation of Amma's epochal mission: uplifting humanity by reinstating the timeless values of loving and serving others. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • von Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri
    21,00 €

    This Book Is In Turkish. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

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