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  • von Nick Broten
    17,00 €

    One of the most influential books on economics ever written, An Essay on the Principle of Population remains one of the most controversial, too.

  • - Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness
    von Clare Clarke & Lindsay Scorgie-Porter
    12,00 €

    Few works of scholarship have so comprehensively recast an existing debate as Chinua Achebe's essay on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.

  • von Tim Smith-Laing
    17,00 €

    Butler's 1990 work shook the foundations of feminist theory and changed the conversation about gender. While many thinkers already accepted that "gender" was a category constructed by society defined by one's genitalia, Butler went further and argued that gender is performative-it exists only in the acts that express it.

  • von Don Berry
    17,00 €

    In Beyond God, Neitzsche explores what society might look like if we were brave enough to emerge fully from the shadow of the Christian God proposing that God is dead-and that "philosophers of the future" must construct a new morality to replace the Christian one.

  • von Brittany Pheiffer Noble
    17,00 €

    What is the nature of our personal relationship with God? That's the core question of Fear and Trembling, published in 1843. If God asks us to do something we instinctively feel is unethical, must we obey and have faith that He knows best?

  • von Macat Team
    17,00 €

    Capitalism, thought Karl Marx, works by exploiting the working class. Their wages do not reflect the value of their labor. Marx concluded that capitalism would fail because of this contradiction at the heart of the capitalist system. He wrote Capital to give activists the theories and language they needed to criticise the system.

  • von Lindsay Scorgie-Porter & Elizabeth Morrow
    17,00 €

    In Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam argues that Americans have become disconnected from one another and from the institutions of their common life, and investigates the consequences of this change.

  • von Nick Broten
    17,00 €

    In his best selling book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, economist Thomas Piketty argues that capitalism has no tendency towards a fair distribution of wealth taking issue with the idea that inequality declines as capitalism matures.

  • von Michael O'Sullivan
    17,00 €

    More than two centuries after its initial publication in 1781, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason remains perhaps the most influential text in modern philosophy. Kant wanted metaphysicians to move away from their endless battles about whether or not human knowledge must conform to independently given objects.

  • von Bryan Gibson & J. A. O. C. Brown
    17,00 €

    Albert Hourani's A History of the Arab Peoples is unsurpassed as an overview of Arab history from the rise of Islam to the late twentieth century. Going far beyond political history, it provides a deep analysis of social, cultural and economic structures.

  • von William Brett, Tom McClean & Jason Xidias
    17,00 €

    'Politics as a Vocation' examines what makes good political leaders and explores the effects of political action on modern societies. On one level, it summarizes the political scholarship of one of the founding fathers of social science. On another, it reflects practical concerns about the future of Germany after its defeat in World War I.

  • von Richard Ellis
    17,00 €

    More than 2,500 years after it was written, Symposium remains a key text for philosophers, historians, writers, artists and politicians. Plato imagines seven important historical figures, including the philosopher Socrates, debating eros (human love and desire).

  • - 1789-1848
    von Tom Stammers & Patrick Glen
    17,00 €

    In The Age of Revolution, Eric Hobsbawm focuses on the tumultuous late 18th and early 19th centuries. He argues that the "dual revolutions" of the time -the French Revolution and the British Industrial Revolution - changed the way the whole world thought about politics and power, and fundamentally shaped the modern era.

  • von Michael O'Sullivan
    17,00 €

    Excited by the scientific breakthroughs of the day, David Hume set out to construct a science of the mind. 1748's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding is the result. A work that had a huge influence on great thinkers, including Kant, An Enquiry is Hume's examination of how we obtain information and form beliefs.

  • von Ben Worthy & Riley Quinn
    17,00 €

    Though written more than 500 years ago, Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince is still both widely read and very influential. Readers turn to it for its direct advice on the question of how to attain - and retain - power. Machiavelli's answer, in brief: use any means necessary to make sure the state survives.

  • von Joseph Tendler
    17,00 €

    The bizarre story of Martin Guerre-a peasant who disappears from a small village in sixteenth-century France and whose place is taken by an imposter-has captivated historians for centuries.

  • von Rachele Dini
    17,00 €

    The Second Sex caused uproar when it appeared in 1949. Simone de Beauvoir sets out groundbreaking ideas on what it meant to be a woman, charting the oppression of "the second sex." She argued that gender identity was shaped by upbringing in a world ruled by men, and her most startling thesis became a rallying cry for the feminist movement.

  • von Jason Xidias
    17,00 €

    Du Bois's 1903 examination of the plight of African Americans is widely recognized as among the most important ever written on race and identity.

  • von Dr. Jeremy Kleidosty
    17,00 €

    Published anonymously by Locke in 1689, Two Treatises claims that a monarch's right to rule does not come from God, but from the people he rules. In the mid-seventeenth century, England removed its king and tried different systems of government before opting to restore a monarchy.

  • von Elizabeth Morrow
    17,00 €

    Democracy in America, published in 1835 and 1840, challenged conventional thinking about democracy when it first appeared and is still cited today for its in-depth analysis of what makes a successful democracy.

  • von Ramon Pacheco Pardo
    17,00 €

    One of the most important strategy manuals ever published, Chinese general Sun Tzu's The Art of War has also been used as a guide to modern business, giving executives an insight into the vital importance of tactics and preparation.

  • von Meghan Kallman & Rachele Dini
    17,00 €

    How does a state control its citizens? Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish answers this question by investigating the prison system. Foucault argues that prison created and merged into a wider system of surveillance that extends throughout society.

  • von Dr. Jeremy Kleidosty
    17,00 €

    Published in 1651, Leviathan examines where kings get their authority to rule and what they must, in turn, do for their people. Hobbes argues that kings do not have a divine right to hold power; they must earn it by keeping a "social contract" with those they rule over and protect.

  • von Benjamin Laird
    17,00 €

    Though nearly 1500 years old, The Rule of St. Benedict remains one of the most influential texts in the Western monastic movement. It offers a unique insight into the early development of Christian monasticism and for believers, continues to offer guidance about incorporating meditation and prayer into devotions.

  • - Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492
    von Etienne Stockland & Joshua Specht
    17,00 €

    Crosby's landmark 1972 work argues that environmental factors shape our history just as much as-and sometimes more than-human factors.

  • von William J Jenkins
    17,00 €

    Sigmund Freud, "the father of psychoanalysis," was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1856. He studied medicine at the University of Vienna before opening a private practice in his hometown. His work with physician Josef Breuer on treating nervous disorders led to a book, Studies on Hysteria.

  • - Essays on Poetry and Criticism
    von Rachel Teubner
    17,00 €

    In this 1920 collection of early critical essays, Eliot proposes rules for how a poet should relate to a poem and to the poetic tradition. Arguing against the Romantic tradition of self-expression, Eliot proposes instead that poetry should express universal values and emotions.

  • von Shirin Shafaie
    17,00 €

    Considered the father of the philosophical movement known as Christian existentialism, which focuses on the living human being, Kierkegaard takes readers on a journey from the human self, its spirit, despair and sin, through to faith in this major 1849 work.

  • von Marthe Hesselmans
    17,00 €

    Gutierrez's 1971 book provides an inspiring argument as to how Christians and the Roman Catholic Church should support the poor. The Catholic Church had traditionally seen itself as politically neutral but in the 1960s and 70s reformers, such as Gutierrez, urged it to seriously address real-world issues such as poverty and oppression.

  • von Ramon Pacheco Pardo
    17,00 €

    After Hegemony has had a huge impact on policy debates over the last three decades. Hegemony means the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence of one dominant group, and Keohane asks if international cooperation can survive in the absence of a single superpower.

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