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  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

    Bu rehber, iki, üç veya daha fazla gün süren bir ziyaret için sanat ¿ehri Venedik'i göstermektedir.Murano, Burano ve Torcello Lagün Adalar¿ da dahil olmak üzere, ¿ehri ziyaret etmek için mant¿kl¿ bir güzergah boyunca düzenlenmi¿ cazibe merkezlerinin aç¿klamalar¿ ve foto¿raflar¿ bulunmaktad¿r.Ayr¿nt¿l¿ haritalar ziyaret güzergah¿n¿ göstermektedir.Ayr¿ca Venedik'e ulämak için mevcut tüm ulä¿m araçlar¿ da aç¿klanmaktad¿r.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

    Przewodnik ten ilustruje miasto sztuki, jakim jest Wenecja, dla wizyty trwaj¿cej dwa, trzy lub wi¿cej dni.Posiada opisy i zdj¿cia atrakcji, w tym wysp laguny Murano, Burano i Torcello, u¿öone wzd¿u¿ logicznej trasy zwiedzania miasta.Szczegó¿owe mapy ilustruj¿ tras¿ zwiedzania.Opisuje tak¿e wszystkie dost¿pne ¿rodki transportu, ¿eby dotrze¿ do Wenecji.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

    Tässä oppaassa esitellään Venetsian taidekaupunki kahden, kolmen tai useamman päivän vierailua varten.Siinä on kuvauksia ja valokuvia nähtävyyksistä, kuten Muranon, Buranon ja Torcellon laguunisaarista, jotka on järjestetty loogisen vierailureitin mukaisesti.Yksityiskohtaiset kartat havainnollistavat vierailun reittiä.Siinä kuvataan myös kaikki Venetsiaan pääsemiseksi käytettävissä olevat liikennevälineet.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    17,00 €

    Ce guide illustre la ville d'art de Venise, pour une visite de deux, trois, ou plus jours.Il contient des descriptions et des photos des attractions, y compris les îles de la lagune de Murano, Burano et Torcello, disposées selon un itinéraire logique de visite de la ville.Des cartes détaillées illustrent l'itinéraire de la visite.Il décrit également tous les moyens de transport disponibles pour se rendre à Venise.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

    Venetsian taidekaupunkiNopea vierailuEnrico MassettiTämä opas esittelee Venetsian taidekaupunkia kahden, kolmen tai useamman päivän vierailua varten.Siinä on kuvauksia ja valokuvia kaupungin nähtävyyksistä, jotka on järjestetty loogisen vierailureitin mukaisesti, jotta voit nähdä kaikki tärkeimmät nähtävyydet vierailusi aikana.Kaksi ensimmäistä päivää on omistettu kaupungin alueelle.Kolmas päivä sisältää vierailun Muranon, Buranon ja Torcellon laguunisaarille.Yksityiskohtaiset kartat havainnollistavat vierailun reittiä.Siinä kuvataan myös kaikki Venetsiaan pääsemiseksi käytettävissä olevat kuljetusvälineet.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    16,00 €

    Sienne est l'une des villes médiévales les mieux préservées d'Italie, au cœur de la Toscane. Construite sur trois collines et entourée de murs bien préservés, elle regorge de beaux exemples d'architecture gothique et possède l'une des places uniques au monde, il Campo, (en forme de coquillage avec des bords festonnés). Naturellement, le Palio di Siena, célèbre dans le monde entier, fait partie de l'identité, de l'histoire et de la culture de Sienne. Sienne est également le lieu de naissance de Sainte Catherine de Sienne Metairie.Sienne - Piazza del Campo et Torre dei MangiaLe cœur de Sienne est la Piazza del Campo, la place où se dresse le Palio de Sienne, célèbre pour sa forme de coquille, et qui est toujours le centre de la vie de la ville. Mais il y a aussi la fontaine Gaia, une fontaine unique par sa forme carrée et ses belles figures sur les bords de la place.Sienne - le Duomo di SienaLe Duomo di Siena est un bâtiment magnifique, mélangeant architecture gothique et romane et marbre vert foncé et blanc. Elle contient des œuvres de nombreux artistes, tels que Donatello, Pisano et Arnolfo di Cambio. L'une de ses principales attractions est le sol en marbre incrusté, résultat de la contribution de nombreux artistes. Le musée du Duomo de Sienne, sur la même place, contient quelques statues originales de Pisano déplacées pour être conservées et de nombreuses œuvres d'art, dont la célèbre "Maesta" de Duccio di Buoninsegna.VolterraVolterra conserve son caractère médiéval, son charme et son atmosphère. Cependant, sa position isolée a empêché tout développement progressif. Par exemple, le mur défensif construit au 13e siècle est le résultat d'un développement urbain qui a commencé en l'an 1000 et s'est achevé au début du 14e siècle.San GimignanoSan Gimignano est une belle ville médiévale fortifiée de Toscane, en Italie, bien connue pour son grand nombre de clochers. La ville est également connue comme la "Manhattan du Moyen Âge". Des familles concurrentes essayaient de construire le plus haut clocher pour s'impressionner mutuellement.Ici, la peste a sévi en 1464 et 1631, amorçant une période de déclin pour la ville : les murs se sont effondrés, les manoirs médiévaux se sont détériorés, et personne n'avait assez d'argent pour tout arrêter, car les familles les plus riches et les plus influentes avaient quitté la ville à cause de la peste. Par conséquent, le patrimoine architectural et artistique est resté intact pendant quatre siècles, et la ville a conservé intacte son architecture médiévale caractéristique.Il s'agit d'un guide de Sienne, Volterra et San Gimignano.Il y a des descriptions détaillées et des photos des attractions et du "Palio di Siena".Il contient de nombreuses critiques des restaurants les plus recommandés dans le lieu décrit.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    17,00 €

  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

    Sarà la suggestione del luogo o una certa aria incantata (potremmo quasi dire "mistica") che si respira un po' ovunque, ma prima o poi chi visita l'Umbria finisce per pensare: San Francesco, quel grande, gentile, tenero e poetico santo della felicità e dell'umiltà non poteva che nascere qui in Umbria.In questo luogo di natura sempre verde, tranquilla e radiosa, in queste città, il concetto di "centro storico" sembra inadeguato e riduttivo, tanto è diffusa la componente monumentale e artistica nelle città dell'Umbria.Perugia, per esempio, la capitale della regione, descriverla è perdersi nella ricchezza, complessità e magnificenza dei suoi tesori architettonici e artistici.Questa guida copre la regione dell'Umbria, nell'Italia centrale, chiamata "il cuore verde d'Italia". In dettaglio, copre Perugia, Assisi, Gubbio, Passignano Sul Trasimeno, Orvieto, Spello, Spoleto, Todi.In questo luogo di natura sempre verde, tranquilla e radiosa, in queste città, il concetto di "centro storico" sembra inadeguato e riduttivo, tanto è diffusa la componente monumentale e artistica nelle città dell'Umbria.Questa guida copre la regione dell'Umbria, nell'Italia centrale, chiamata "il cuore verde d'Italia". In dettaglio, copre Perugia, Assisi, Gubbio, Passignano Sul Trasimeno, Orvieto, Spello, Spoleto, Todi.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    17,00 €

    Libro di Enrico Massetti con 50 fotografie.Verona, la magnifica città veneta, nota per la sua Arena, un suggestivo anfiteatro di epoca romana scelto come scenario per il celebre dramma di Shakespeare.Questa è una guida di Verona, la città dell'Arena romana e del Balcone di Giulietta.Verona ha un centro storico esteso e ben conservato. Il municipio romano del 49 a.C. contiene importanti indizi di quell'epoca prospera. L'anfiteatro romano chiamato Arena, uno dei teatri all'aperto più famosi al mondo, il Teatro Romano, l'Arco dei Gavi e le porte monumentali (Porta Borsari e Porta dei Leoni) sono grandi opere destinate a durare per millenni.Della signoria degli Scaligeri e della dominazione austriaca nel Rinascimento rimangono notevoli opere architettoniche, ma anche palazzi e piazze di ogni epoca e stile dai colori caldi e pacati.Questa guida copre una visita di un giorno a Verona e copre anche le visite di un giorno alle città vicine di Vicenza, Padova e la città d'arte di Mantova.Sono presenti ampie descrizioni e fotografie delle attrazioni.Include molte recensioni dei migliori ristoranti consigliati, quindi avete già pronte le informazioni di base: nomi, indirizzi e numeri di telefono.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    17,00 €

    Aunque cuenta con una próspera industria turística, Ferrara no está en el itinerario típico del turista extranjero, lo que la hace perfecta para aquellos turistas que quieran salirse de los caminos trillados de Venecia-Florencia-Roma y empaparse de la auténtica cultura del norte de Italia.Se caracteriza por sus sinuosas calles medievales adoquinadas, su Duomo (catedral) con una imponente fachada gótica y, lo mejor de todo, un castillo sacado de los libros de cuentos, con torres, foso y puentes levadizos (que se pueden cruzar durante el día).Gracias a los astutos mecenas de la familia d'Este, Ferrara alberga numerosos objetos de arte de gran belleza, pero la auténtica obra maestra es la propia ciudad. Mitad medieval, mitad renacentista, el paisaje urbano dual fue la visión del oligarca Ercole d'Este, que contrató al arquitecto Biagio Rossetti para que fundiera a la perfección la parte más nueva con la antigua. Esta cuidadosa planificación le valió a Ferrara el título de primera "ciudad moderna" de Italia. Hoy en día, su cautivador ambiente anacrónico se explora mejor a pie o en bicicleta.Ferrara: una de las ciudades italianas más bellas, fue antiguamente la capital de los Estensi. En los tiempos modernos se ha revitalizado de la degradante decadencia en la que cayó con su inclusión en los Estados Pontificios.Esta es una guía de Ferrara.Hay amplias descripciones y fotos de los lugares de interés. La historia del Castillo Estense se trata con detalle.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    21,00 €

    Talvez seja a natureza evocativa do lugar ou um certo ar encantado (podemos quase dizer "místico") que se respira até certo ponto em todos os lugares, mas mais cedo ou mais tarde quem visita a Úmbria acaba pensando: São Francisco, aquele grande, gentil, terno e poético santo da felicidade e humildade só poderia ter nascido aqui na Úmbria.Neste lugar de natureza sempre verde, pacífica e radiante, nestas cidades, o conceito de "centro histórico" parece inadequado e redutor, tão difundido é o componente monumental e artístico nas cidades da Úmbria.Perugia, por exemplo, a capital regional, para descrevê-la é perder-se na riqueza, complexidade e magnificência de seus tesouros arquitetônicos e artísticos.Este guia abrange a região da Úmbria, na Itália Central, chamada "o coração verde da Itália". Em detalhes, ele cobre Perugia, Assis, Gubbio, Passignano Sul Trasimeno, Orvieto, Spello, Spoleto, Todi.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    21,00 €

    Umbría El corazón verde de ItaliaEnrico MassettiEnrico Massetti escribió este libro con 62 imágenes en color.Quizás sea la naturaleza evocadora del lugar o un cierto aire encantado (casi podríamos decir "místico") que se respira en cierta medida en todas partes, pero tarde o temprano, quien visita Umbría acaba pensando: San Francisco, ese gran santo amable, tierno y poético de la alegría y la humildad, sólo podía haber nacido aquí, en Umbría.En este lugar de naturaleza siempre verde, apacible y radiante, en estas ciudades, el concepto de "centro histórico" parece inadecuado y reductor, tan extendido está el componente monumental y artístico en las ciudades de Umbría. Perugia, por ejemplo, la capital regional, describirla es perderse en la riqueza, complejidad y magnificencia de sus tesoros arquitectónicos y artísticos. Esta guía abarca la región de Umbría, en el centro de Italia, llamada "el corazón verde de Italia". En detalle, abarca Perugia, Asís, Gubbio, Passignano Sul Trasimeno, Orvieto, Spello, Spoleto, Todi.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    17,00 €

    Livro de Enrico Massetti com 50 imagens.Verona, magnífica cidade chefe do Veneto, conhecida pela sua Arena, anfiteatro sugestivo da época romana e escolhida como pano de fundo para o famoso drama de Shakespeare.Este é um guia para Verona, a cidade com a Arena Romana e o Balcão da Julieta.Verona tem um centro histórico antigo, muito extenso e bem conservado. O município romano do 49 a.C. reserva importantes pistas dessa época próspera. O anfiteatro romano chamado Arena, um dos mais famosos teatros ao ar livre do mundo, o Teatro Romano, o Arco de Gavi e os portões monumentais (Porta Borsari e Porta dei Leoni) são grandes obras concebidas para durar milénios.Obras arquitetônicas dignas de nota permanecem do Seignório do Scaliger e do domínio austríaco durante a Renascença, mas existem também, palácios e praças de cada época e estilo em cores quentes e suaves.Este guia cobre uma visita de um dia a Verona, e abrange também visitas de um dia às cidades vizinhas de Vicenza, Pádua e à cidade de arte de Mântua.Há extensas descrições e fotografias das atracções.Inclui muitas revisões para os melhores restaurantes recomendados, por isso tem a informação básica pronta: os nomes, endereços e números de telefone.

  • von Patricia Muller
    22,00 €

    En este libro, descubrimos el código de honor de los bailarines "porteños" del Tango Milonguero, que han permanecido "incontaminados" por el turismo del Tango, y que en su mayoría rondan los 70-80 años. Su comportamiento refleja conceptos de los que ya se hablaba en la antigua China. Descubrámoslos juntos caminando sobre las huellas del filósofo chino Lao Tse y de los Viejos Milongueros. Seguro que se sorprenderá de lo que descubrirá.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

    Venedik Sanat ¿ehriH¿zl¿ Bir ZiyaretEnrico MassettiBu rehber, iki, üç veya daha fazla gün süren bir ziyaret için sanat ¿ehri Venedik'i göstermektedir.Ziyaretiniz s¿ras¿nda tüm ana cazibe merkezlerini görmenizi sälamak için ¿ehri ziyaret etmek için mant¿kl¿ bir güzergah boyunca düzenlenmi¿ ¿ehirdeki cazibe merkezlerinin aç¿klamalar¿ ve foto¿raflar¿ vard¿r.¿lk iki gün ¿ehir bölgesine ayr¿lm¿¿t¿r.Üçüncü gün Murano, Burano ve Torcello Lagün Adalar¿na bir ziyaret içermektedir.Ayr¿nt¿l¿ haritalar ziyaret güzergah¿n¿ göstermektedir.Ayr¿ca Venedik'e ulämak için mevcut tüm ulä¿m araçlar¿ da aç¿klanmaktad¿r.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    17,00 €

    This is one of the most popular destinations in the western Mediterranean, and you'll soon find out why.You'll find enchanting coves, gorgeous sunsets, and lush natural landscapes. You can enjoy the islands any way you want, relaxing in an atmosphere of well-deserved peace or partying until all hours as you enjoy the wild nightlife.These are places where you wander through the streets of fishing villages, discover outstanding natural landscapes, or enjoy a range of water sports.Menorca and Formentera, two small corners of paradise in the Mediterranean, are absolute havens of tranquility. Majorca and Ibiza are the two largest islands.The main attractions in Majorca include its capital, Palma, the Cabrera National Park, and the mountains of the Sierra de Tramontana. Meanwhile, Ibiza has been declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO for its rich biodiversity and cultural attractions, including the Phoenician archaeological site of Sa Caleta, the necropolis of Puig des Molins, and the historic center of Eivissa.It includes photos and a description of all the localities on the Islands. It also describes the nightlife spots in each of the islands.

  • von Pier Aldo Vignazia
    28,00 €

    Guida per Ballerini, Dj di tango, Musicisti. di Pier Aldo Vignazia. Questo libro prende in esame i modi migliori di proporre la musica, tratti dall'esperienza dei più rinomati musicalizadores (d.j. di tango) di Buenos Aires, e i "codici" di comportamento nelle milongas (luoghi dove si balla il tango), che a quei modi sono strettamente legati. Utilissimo per ballerini di tango e Maestri, musicisti, D.J. di tango e organizzatori di serate di ballo, contiene una guida ai musicisti, cantanti, autori, poeti, una selezione dei tanghi più significativi di tutte le epoche, una guida ai CD di tango con una completa discografia, ed infine i criteri per la conduzione di una serata di tango, sia dal punto di vista musicale che del ballo. Completano il volume alcune testimonianze di musicisti ed esperti argentini.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

    Alto Adige - Südtirol is a German-speaking province. The food here is more like Austrian food than Italian. Smoked speck is a specialty here. And don't forget the mountains; there is always something to do in winter and the summertime.Bolzano - Bozen in German is a city where Italian and German cultures seamlessly blend.I recommend beginning the visit to the Porta del Vino (the "Wine Gate"). It's from a "lesser" work, yet one that has a tremendous symbolic interest. It's inside Bolzano's gothic Cathedral, artistically engraved with peasants' images at work between the vines.We must pay homage to wine produced here with excellent results - another reason for this region's appeal.Don't miss the Dominican Church's 14th-century fresco on the "Triumph of Death" in clear Giotto style.Finally, Merano is a pretty and trendy tourist center with ancient porticoes and a suggestive historical center.The present is a guide to the Italian mountain province of Südtirol. In addition, this guide describes the provincial capital city of Bolzano.It also covers San Genesio, Sarentino Valley, Ritten, Rosengarten, Carezza Lake, and Steinegg.The guide describes as well the Pusteria and Venosta valleys. It includes Merano and its surroundings of Senales Valley, Passer Valley, Naturns, Lagundo, Schwemmalm, Vigiljoch, Ulten Valley, and Naturns.The guide includes the Seiseralm - Alpe di Siusi, with Kestelruth, Fie Allo Scillar. The Alta Badia Valley and the Val Gardena with Santa Cristina, Selva, and Ortisei, are also covered.It includes extensive descriptions and photos of the localities covered. In addition, the guide includes a section on Südtirol food and recipes.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    17,00 €

    Verona, the tremendous chief town of the Veneto, is well-known for its Arena, a suggestive amphitheater of the Roman era and chosen as the background for the famous Shakespeare drama. This book is a guide to Verona, the town with the Roman Arena and Juliet's Balcony.Verona has an ancient historical center, very extensive and well conserved. The Roman municipality of the 49 B.C., reserves standout tracks of that prosperous era. The Roman amphitheater called the Arena, one of the most famous outdoor theatre in the world, the Roman Theatre, the Gavi Arch and the monumental gates (Porta Borsari and the Porta dei Leoni) are magnificent works designed to last millennia.Noteworthy architectural works remain from the Scaliger's seignory and the Austrian domination during the Renaissance, but there are also, palaces and squares of every epoch and style in warm, soft colors.This guide covers a one day visit to Verona, and it also includes day visits to the nearby cities of Vicenza, Padua and the art city of Mantua.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

    A book by Enrico Massetti with 67 images.A small book about the Amalfi Coast, which is undoubtedly the most spectacular and beautiful coastline in Italy. Moorish-style villages cling to the dramatic jagged cliffs perched over the rippling waves below.The air is scented with lemons and wild herbs, and the sea is fresh. The villages along the Amalfi Coast have cobblestoned streets lined with bougainvillea-covered villas, Arabic arches, and many corners with million-dollar views.The magic of the Costa Amalfitana is that while it is a magnet for jet setters and home to many ultra-luxuries five-star hotels, Michelin-starred restaurants, and yachts, which characterizes the region is its effortless Mediterranean simplicity.You can base an unforgettable weekend at a romantic small hotel in Positano.Food and wine are highlights of the Amalfi Coast and should always be a focus on your tours.For example, fresh seafood, juicy vegetables drizzled in olive oil, and aromatic local wines â this is the materia prima or raw material for which the region is rightly famous.Local gastronomic includes creamy Mozzarella di Bufala and Limoncello made with ripe Sorrento lemons and San Marzano tomatoes (known worldwide).Above all, traditional dishes are delicious and straightforward. They include Gnocchi Alla Sorrentina (with tomato and basil), pepata di cozze (spicy mussels), and the delightful Spaghetti alle vongole con Pomodoro (spaghetti with clams and tomatoes).Vineyards are through the sunbaked coast and inland in the Sorrento Peninsula and greater Campania. Besides, grapes came to Campania by the Ancient Greeks. Some cult producers make fabulous wines. These include noble grapes such as the white Falanghina grape and the black Aglianico ("Hellenica").ItineraryThis guide leads you to a car drive on the Amalfi Coast.It starts from Salerno. The guide then touches Vietri Sul Mare, Cetara, Erchie, Minori, Ravello, Amalfi, the Emerald Grotto, Furore, Positano to arrive in Sorrento.Indeed, it includes photos and descriptions of the attractions of all the localities touched.It contains many reviews for the best-recommended restaurants at the location described. So, you have the necessary information ready. The name, address, and telephone number are included in the guide together with the review.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    21,00 €

    Cinque Terre is not a Disney Theme Park; its unique environment results from thousands of human civilizations surviving and adapting to challenging conditions.You can take a boat tour, visit the five towns in three hours, and rightfully claim that you have been to the Cinque Terre; millions of tourists do just that.Suppose you want a more profound, more complete experience. In that case, this guide gives you all the information you need to plan a more extended stay, with details on the restaurants, where you can have a drink, where you can sleep, and where you can buy unique souvenirs from each of the five villages.It also lists the places you should visit.Cinque Terre is the place for walking experiences; the guide presents all the trails, from the simplest to the most difficult ones, even outside the Cinque Terre's proper area. The courses have an illustration so you can see and decide where to go.The guide also lists the bicycle rental places and the itineraries for a regular and electric bicycle tour.There is a long tradition of culinary excellence; the pesto originates here.This culinary tradition also comes from the nearby Magra Valley area. Culinary experts now frequent it, even if it is not as famous as the internationally known main attraction. It's an even better deal, with good quality of service, in a less crowded environment for superior service. If you come to the area, don't miss the opportunity to expand your experience.The Liguria region's cuisine is rich and varied; at the end of the guide, you have a section covering all its recipes; the links are active when you have an internet connection. You have access to a recipe database for some of them. You will be able to cook some of the dishes you tasted while visiting or dreamed of enjoying at home. It's not the same as consuming the specialty sitting at a restaurant table in the Piazza of Vernazza, but at least it is better than nothing!

  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

    This is a guide to Venice, to its lagoon and to nearby Veneto cities of Verona, Vicenza and Padua.There are extensive descriptions and color photos of the attractions.It is ideal for use on your smart phone, it contains active links to the web sites of train, navigation companies and museums, so you can with a click from the guide check the latest schedule and even buy the tickets.It has also listing of many reviews for the best recommended restaurants. There are active links to the review pages, you can use them if you have an active Internet connection, but, if you don't, you have the basic information ready: the name, address and telephone number are included in the guide.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    17,00 €

    Rome, Italy's capital, is a sprawling, cosmopolitan city with nearly 3,000 years of globally influential art, architecture, and culture. Ancient ruins such as the Colosseum and the Forum evoke the power of the former Roman Empire. Vatican City, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, has St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums, which house masterpieces such as Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel frescoes.This guide covers a four-day visit to Rome, Italy. So naturally, having precisely four days, you must be willing to work hard to experience as much of Rome as possible.There are extensive descriptions and color photos of the attractions for you to use during your visit.It also lists many reviews for the best-recommended restaurants within walking distance from the location where lunch or dinner is planned.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    22,00 €

    Enrico Massetti wrote this book with 62 color images.Perhaps it is the evocative nature of the place or a certain enchanted air (we might almost say "mystic") that you breathe to some extent everywhere, but sooner or later, whoever visits Umbria ends up thinking: Saint Francis, that great, gentle, tender, and poetic Saint of happiness and humility could only have been born here in Umbria.In this place of ever-green, peaceful, and radiant nature, in these towns, the concept of a "historical center" seems inadequate and reductive, so widespread is the monumental and artistic component in the cities of Umbria.Perugia, for example, the regional capital, to describe it is to lose oneself in the richness, complexity, and magnificence of its architectural and artistic treasures.This guide covers the region of Umbria, in Central Italy, called "the green heart of Italy." In detail, it covers Perugia, Assisi, Gubbio, Passignano Sul Trasimeno, Orvieto, Spello, Spoleto, Todi.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    28,00 €

    This is a guide to a 15 days trip in the north-east of Italy: round trip Venice to Bolzano passing through Grado, Aquileia, Trieste, Pordenone, Udine, Pieve di Cadore, Cortina d'Ampezzo, and returning through Trento, Lake Garda, Verona, Vicenza, Ferrara and Ravenna.There are extensive descriptions and color photos of the attractions.It is ideal for use on your smart phone, it contains active links to the web sites of many reviews for the best recommended restaurants that are at the location described. There are active links to the review pages, you can use them if you have an active Internet connection, but, if you don't, you have the basic information ready: the name, address and telephone number are included in the guide.There is the possibility of making reservations for places where to stay: Hotels, Apartments, Farm Houses, Bed & Breakfasts, Condo Hotels and Country Houses.

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