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Bücher veröffentlicht von Master Design Publishing

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  • von Joe Elliott
    22,00 €

    Discover Your Unique Purpose! You have tremendous potential. The problem is ... you may never discover it. Potential is a measure of what could be, not a guarantee of what will be. It's completely normal to have doubts about your future, to be frustrated in your current state knowing you are capable of more, but uncertain about what exactly that looks like. Perhaps you have daydreamed about the possibilities over the years only to be snapped back to reality by the unending demand of bills, family, and your current job. Maybe you are finally at a place in your life where you have room to explore-you just don't know where to start. Whether you are 18 or 80, the good news is that discovering and living your unique purpose does not have to remain a mystery. This book was written as a result of helping thousands of people, just like you, gain clarity and actionable steps forward that have led them to a path in life they now love. This world needs you to be who you were uniquely made to be, applying your talents and experiences to the areas that matter most to you. This book clearly outlines what you need to do right now. It's not philosophical-it's extremely practical. So if you love people who get straight to the point, you are going to enjoy this very fast read.

  • von Rose Peak
    19,00 €

    God sent a message! The Hebrew language and the DNA of humans were planned to link up by our Creator God before He created anything. A link has been hidden in human DNA to reveal who the Creator was. Knowledge of this mystery was especially chosen for the times we live in, times of discovery of many hidden things made possible by the invention of, for instance, computers, microscopes, and the electron microscope, which enabled the discovery of DNA. Declaring the End from the Beginning reveals miraculous proofs that the Tanakh (the Old Testament) is spoken by God, and men wrote down exactly what He said. There are three such proofs that will be shared throughout these pages. The first proof involves straightforward mathematics. The second proof involves equal letter spacing, or ELS, in the Tanakh, which God allowed to be fully discovered with the invention of the computer. We will save the third proof for the pages of the book. We hope you enjoy the discovery!

  • von Shelvie Hutchinson Smith
    18,00 €

    This book is the story of a woman who was not defeated by a two-year battle with severe depression and the loss of her two sons and her husband. Shelvie Hutchinson transparently reveals how she first dealt with a period of severe depression and then later dealt with a period of crushing grief. However, this is not a book about martyrdom, just getting by, or even suffering bravely. It is about overcoming tragedies and losses and still living a pleasant, God-honoring, victorious life. It's about receiving true healing from depression and re- placing grief with hope through God's grace. Ultimately, it is about sharing a living hope with others. Shelvie doesn't look back at her life's journey with bitterness and anguish. She has learned what it means to wait on the Lord and receive renewed strength; to walk and run and not be overcome by weariness; and to mount up with wings of eagles and see life from an eternal perspective. "Even the youths shall faint and be weary, the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (Isaiah 40:30-31)

  • von Beth-Sarah Wright
    18,00 €

  • von James B Law
    19,00 €

  • - Matumaini kwa Moyo wa Mwanamke, Msaada kwa Ndoa ya Mwanamke, Maelewano kwa Nyumba ya Mwanamke
    von Brenda Lancaster
    25,00 €

    Familia zinapasuka kwa kiwango ambacho haijawahi kuwa kwa historia ya kibinadamu. Mwandishi Brenda Lancaster anakualika kupumzika kutoka kwa machafuko ya maisha ya kila siku na kugundua kanuni tisa za msingi, ambazo zikitumika, zinaweza badilisha maisha yako na familia yako. Brenda anasema, "Wanawake hawawezi kuwa vitu vyote kwa watu wote. Najua, Nilijaribu na haijawahi kufanya kazi. Lakini, nilipogundua na kutumia kanuni hizi za msingi tisa, mwanga wa tumaini mwishoni mwa handaki kujisikia kama treni inayokaribia mizigo! Ndoa yetu ilifufuliwa, kuamuru machafuko yaliyofanywa, na hali nzima ya nyumba yetu na wavulana wadogo watatu wenye nguvu, kuboreshwa kwa kasi." Ikiwa wewe ni mtaalamu katika ulimwengu wa ushirika au Afisa Mkuu wa Uendeshaji wa Kukaa nyumbani Mama, Inc., utapata kwamba mwanamke huweka sauti kwa nyumba. Anapata uwezo wa Mungu wakati anapofanya kanuni zake katika mipangilio ya kila siku ya maisha. Kazi za kila siku zinahakikisha kuwa ushindi mdogo kila siku. Fomu hii ya kitabu cha kazi pia inapatikana kwa Kiingereza, Kireno, na Kihispania. 

  • von Brenda Lancaster
    21,00 €

  • von Brenda Lancaster
    20,00 €

    Este novo e divertido estudo extraído da Palavra de Deus ajudarámulheres de todas as idades a serem as mulheres, esposas, e mães que Ele planejou. A autora Brenda Lancaster convida as mulheres a reservarem um tempinho do "zoológico" de suas vidas para aprenderem a aplicar, de forma prática, princípios eternos nas suas vidas.Este estudo encoraja a leitura bíblica diária, faz perguntas desafiantes e dá uma compreensão clara das passagens bíblicas dirigidas especificamente às mulheres. As tarefas de casa diárias garantem que ninguém ficará entediada!

  • von Brenda Lancaster
    18,00 €

  • - A Biblical Pattern for Pastors
    von Rob Finley
    21,00 €

  • - A Biblical Guide for Leaders
    von Gregory R Frizzell
    14,00 €

  • - A Journey of First Love Surrender
    von Gregory R Frizzell
    17,00 €

  • - The Biblical Path to Holiness and Relationship with God
    von Dr Gregory R Frizzell
    17,00 €

    You can become a powerful intercessor! Today there are rising signs that God is calling His people back to Himself through prayer and repentance. Yet, most of God''s children still feel intimidated about their prayer life. Indeed, many confess that prayer is the weakest area of their lives. God wants us to change that! God wants His children to experience prayer as a dynamic "relationship with Him," not just a ritual. In How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life, you will discover all the elements of powerful prayer and a dynamic walk with God. Most of all, you will experience prayer as the heart of your relationship with Jesus Christ. God longs to revolutionize your prayer life and your walk with Him. Don''t settle for anything less than His best! 

  • - Prayers That Protect and Transform
    von Gregory R Frizzell
    14,00 €

    In a day of unprecedented attack on marriages and children, it has never been more crucial for families to experience God''s close presence. Yet today, busy families seem to flounder when it comes to the most crucial foundation - powerful prayer! Thank God, our Lord has provided a powerful remedy for even the busiest families. There is good news in the fact any family can learn to experience prayers that truly transform and protect. In Powerful Prayer for Every Family, readers will discover the essential missing keys. (Matthew 6:6-13)While studies show most families pray in ways that are far too general and vague, more and more are learning to pray with power! They are learning it really does matter what and how they pray. Believers are also discovering how to pray an effective "hedge of protection" around their loved ones. Perhaps best of all, families are learning that powerful prayer patterns are not complicated, impractical, or out of reach.In Powerful Prayer for Every Family, all believers will discover the awesome power of spiritual cleansing. Readers will also experience the powerful dynamic of a "united prayer blitz." Once families understand the principles of spiritual cleansing and united agreement, they experience God''s presence as never before. Best of all, God''s grace makes victory possible for every marriage, single parent, and family. Now every family can experience God''s awesome presence and power!

  • - A Spiritual Journey into Identifying and Understanding Your Spiritual Gift
    von Robert T Mullins
    21,00 €

  • von Susan E Jeans
    13,00 €

    "Why am I here on earth? What is my purpose in life?" Have you ever had those thoughts? This books seeks to answer those questions by presenting the plan that Jehovah God has for the world and for you. Starting with creation and working its way through the Bible, including a section on how to live as a Christian, this book can increase your understanding of the bigger picture and how you fit into the plan. Great for individual or group study.

  • - The Priority of Prayer
    von Blake Gideon
    14,00 €

    You are not alone. This book sets out to empower you to soar with the eagles and take your prayers to a whole new level. Using Biblical, theological, historical, and personal viewpoints, each aspect of prayer is unraveled. Starting with the family altar, you will learn practical steps to use in your prayer life to give you hope, sustaining power, and preparedness for spiritual warfare and intercession. Just like the flight of the eagle, prayer allows us to soar with God to heights unknown to the natural man. Countless books have been written on prayer. "Soaring With The Eagles" is a call to the practice of prayer by someone who does it! Blake Gideon is an active pastor who practices prayer. This book is the fruit of that practice It is not a call to endorse prayer but to enter into it. It is not a call to assent to truth but to act upon the truth you already have in hand. This book is more of an eclectic compilation of essays about various elements of prayer than a systematic study of prayer. Therefore, the reader can turn to any chapter and not feel completely lost. It can be used as a personal devotional, for a small group book study, or even for sermon or lesson preparation. Because these truths are Biblical, they will have application in whatever setting you may choose. Your struggle can be over. You can learn how to effectively increase your understanding and hunger for prayer today. You can grow in one of the most important aspects of the Christian life-prayer. You can soar with the eagles.

  • von Robert Finley
    14,00 €

  • - Vida Aplicaciones del Libro de Ester
    von Emily Wickham
    23,00 €

    ¿Siempre Estás Peleando Con Hacer Lo Que Es Correcto?Todos lo hacemos.  El mundo influencia lo que decimos y lo que hacemos –¡aun lo que pensamos! Añádanle  los esfuerzos por complacer a otros y a nosotras mismas a menudo nubla nuestro juicio.Algunas veces nos enfrentamos con circunstancias fuera de nuestro control. Este fue el caso deEster. Fue llevada desde el cuidado de su primo hasta su matrimonio con el rey. Cuando descubrieron la maldad que había contra los judíos, Ester encontró un mayor dilema: ¿Podría ella permanecer en silencio o arriesgar su vida por la vida de su pueblo?¡Pero DIOS tenía un plan! El colocó a Ester en el palacio: ÉL le dio esa oportunidad para alcanzar la justicia. Para que ella escogiera hacer lo que es correcto, DIOS la usó en SU plan –y ÉL, puede usarte también. En este libro, veremos la historia de Ester y como se relatan nuestras peleas por hacer lo que es correcto. Usando esta aplicación de vida, estarás retada a examinar tu propio comportamiento.Alcanzando la Justicia:    •    Mejorará tu conocimiento de la Palabra de DIOS.    •    Te animará a tener una refrescada profundidad acerca de la justicia.    •    Te permitirá perseguir la justicia en maneras prácticas.    •    Enriquecerá tu interacción con DIOS.Como DIOS usó a Ester de una manera extraordinaria, ÉL puede usarte a Tí.  Participa en sus planes hoy –y  cada día –para Alcanzar la Justicia.

  • - A Teenager's Guide to Finding Their True Calling
    von Joe Elliott
    20,00 €

  • - Remaining Faithful in the Great Tribulation
    von Susan E Jeans
    14,00 €

    The Great Tribulation, the end times, the prophecies of Daniel, the warnings of Jesus, the vision of John…what do they all mean - and are they relevant to today?If you have ever wondered about Biblical prophecies concerning the end of this age but have been afraid to try to tackle such sweeping amounts of Scripture (and the terrifying subject matter), this book was written just for you. In a defense of a pre-wrath rapture, In the Strength of His Might follows the Scriptures through Daniel's insights, Jesus' discourse on the end times, Paul's exhortation to the church at Thessalonica, and John's vision as recorded in Revelation. Laying out these difficult passages in a logical, easy-to-follow outline and exposition, this study serves as an enouragement to be sure that you have your "house in order" as well as instruction on how to be prepared. This is one book you cannot afford to miss.

  • - Life's Greatest Story
    von Blake Gideon
    14,00 €

  • - Living Your Life with Influential Purpose
    von Blake Gideon
    16,00 €

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