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Bücher veröffentlicht von Meidenbauer, Martin, Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH & Co. KG

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  • - A Handbook for Modeling Complex Organizations and Business Processes
    von Ralf Moser
    102,85 €

    These days it is clear that the process of industrialization also includes the area of business financials. Many ERP solutions are not prepared for this process. If we analyze the problem in more detail, we can see that the construction problem of complex organizations has not yet been taken into consideration, and that the current handling of business architecture does not meet our requirements.To consider the construction problem of complex organizations, there are many questions that need to be asked and to be answered. This book looks at this task, and answers the following questions: - «Why should we look into business architecture?» - «How can we structure the overall field of business architecture?» - «How can we structure business processes?» - «What is a company's overall architecture, and what parts of a company are relevant to that architecture?» - «What can I use the architectural structures of a company for, and what do I gain by using them?» - «What can we hope to gain by developing business architecture? The process of answering these questions does not only consider the construction problem of complex organizations, but also develops a planning and description standard for business architecture. The description standards for municipal and architectural planning are used as an example for the business world. These standards enable us to represent planning almost completely without technology. Drafts created in this way do not become obsolete as technology progresses, but at best, only as architecture does so. Technology becomes obsolete every ten years in our modern times, whereas good architecture is measured in hundreds of years.

    54,90 €

    Während in der Geschichtswissenschaft schon seit Jahren über Aspekte des sozialen, kulturellen oder kollektiven Gedächtnisses diskutiert wird, haben diese Konzepte in der Rechtsgeschichte bisher nicht die gleiche Aufmerksamkeit gefunden. 28 junge Rechtshistorikerinnen und Rechtshistoriker, Philologen, Politologen und allgemeine Historiker unternehmen daher in diesem Band den Versuch, über die Facetten des Erinnerns und Vergessens im Recht nachzudenken. Dabei zeigt sich, wie zeitlich und kulturell differenziert die Lösungen sind, die das Recht hinsichtlich seiner Funktion der Stabilisierung von Verhaltenserwartungen und der Lösung von Konflikten im Umgang mit der beschränkten menschlichen Gedächtnisleistung gefunden hat.

  • von Boris R. Dieter
    35,95 €

    First comprehensive publication about the optimisation and implementation of a Contract Management function focussed on the German IT-Consulting industry; with various best practices, the appraisal of an complementary industry survey with professional associations, academics and practitioners from the TOP 25 companies of the German IT-Consulting industry, extensive references to numerous sources of knowledge, representations of procedures and tools, descriptions of commonly established benefits and problem areas, detailed suggestions for the analysis, optimisation and implementation and a brief history.

    41,95 €

    Mit ihren 34 gesammelten Beiträgen zielt die vorliegende Publikation darauf ab, die Reihe European Yearbook of Young Legal History mit einem anspruchsvollen wissenschaftlichen Grenzbereich zusammenzuführen. Sie nähert sich der Disziplin der Rechtsgeschichte in einem komplexen Ansatz, indem sie sich ganz bewusst über die ungeschriebenen roten Grenzlinien allgemein anerkannter Rechtsgeschichte hinaus begibt, welche bisher von der vorherrschenden Geschichtsschreibung geprägt ist. Dabei gelingt es dem Band, Disziplinen benachbarter sozialwissenschaftlicher Richtungen, wie beispielsweise die der Linguistik, der Theorie Internationaler Beziehungen, der Geschichte des Altertums und sogar der Römischen Gesetzgebung aufzugreifen und einzubeziehen. Insofern strebt dieses Projekt danach, zu einem besseren, nicht notgedrungen konfliktgeladenen Verständnis der interkulturellen Erzeugung gesetzlicher Praktiken, Mechanismen und Normen in Europa beizutragen.

  • - Voci del corpo. Grammatica liminale nelle Rime di Guido Cavalcanti
    von Frederica Anichini
    41,95 €

    Guido Cavalcanti, the first thirteenth-century author to gain the reputation of an auctoritas while still alive, has been handed down by literary tradition mainly for his Canzone Donna me prega, a dense philosophical treatise about love. This book looks at the Rime from the perspective of the ¿minor¿ poems, in which Cavalcanti demonstrates his theoretical conclusion by staging the venture of a lover inescapably doomed. Mired in his sensations, the lover exemplifies an existence that falls short of the faculty of imagination, therefore of the vision of God. The terrestrial perfection available to humans also affects language. The Voices of the Body are the nonverbal signs that Cavalcanti employs to articulate a grammar that is delimited by the lover's sensorial capacities. Federica Anichini focuses on two corporeal modes of speaking, spirits and tears. Her investigation of Cavalcanti¿s lines is grounded in the pages of the most popular medical handbook of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Avicennäs Liber Canonis, as well as in the linguistic theories of the Modistae. This study outlines Guido Cavalcanti as the forger of a special grammar that stands as a revolutionary invention in the field of poetic language.

  • - Time and Space in German Literature, Art, and Theory
    47,90 €

    Ever since Aristotle pointed out how closely time, space, and plot are linked in literary texts, the study of time and space not only in literature but in the arts in general has been at the heart of Western European poetics. This has been particularly apparent in recent years, when interest in time has been joined by a ¿spatial turn¿ in cultural studies and the German Kulturwissenschaften. This anthology of research in German studies bears witness to these developments. Drawing on the work of theorists such as Mikhail Bakhtin and Gabriel Zoran, the contributors cover a range of topics including simultaneity in medieval narrative, Paul Klee's understanding of the line, and the cyberliterature of Thomas Hettche and Botho Strauß. Together, the essays show that the study of time and space is an interdisciplinary undertaking and reflect the extent to which concepts of time and space are subject to historical change and vary across media.

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