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  • von Salvador Rodgers
    27,00 €

    Imbalances in the chakras can lead to significant cognitive and physical distress. Individuals can become susceptible to mental illness, anxiety, and feelings of insecurity. In addition to causing extensive physical discomfort and irritability, an imbalance in the chakras manifests through symptoms such as chronic pain and elevated blood pressure.No further purchases are necessary, such as meditation videos, yoga mats, or chakra crystals that are typically required for other instructional books on chakra healing. Furthermore, the uncomplicated exercises for healing the mind, body, and soul can be completed in just a few minutes each day.What are the compelling reasons to acquire this book? Over the previous years, the practice of chakra healing has gained popularity through various mediums such as literature, online platforms, including blogs, YouTube channels, and multiple social media outlets. It appears that a considerable number of individuals are contemplating and implementing this alternative approach to enhancing not only their physical and mental well-being, but also their spiritual state. Certain individuals dismiss the excessive excitement surrounding this matter as a passing trend, regarding it solely as an annoyance. They frequently inquire as to why one should allocate time towards the mending of an imperceptible chakra, when it is possible to seek medical assistance, obtain a prescription, and swiftly attain healing.

  • von Nathaniel Johnston
    27,00 €

    Do you have an interest in uncovering the authentic energy that lies dormant within you and remains untapped? It serves as the underlying cause for those occasions when you experience a diminished state of energy and an overall indifference towards both activities and individuals. The greater the efforts made to bring about change, the more adverse the outcomes become.By utilizing this book as a foundational resource, you will unveil the veracity concerning your chakras and ascertain strategies to optimize their capabilities in order to commence embracing your most exceptional existence promptly. By engaging in a meticulous and extensive examination of every chakra, you will come to realize that you possess all the resources necessary to commence your chakra practice with a sense of assurance.Featuring meticulously crafted prompts for introspection, as well as meticulously curated yoga poses for each chakra, detailed EFT tapping scripts and affirmations for every energy center, crystal recommendations, and guided meditations, this journal presents a well-organized 35-day regimen during which you can dedicate five days to individual exploration of the seven primary chakras. Delve deeply into your energy centers and acquire profound insights into the depths of your inner realm.

  • von Jefferson Sullivan
    26,00 €

    Pancreatitis is a severe condition that develops when the pancreas becomes inflamed.The pancreas is an organism that generates digestive enzymes and inulin.The pancreas can occasionally be hurt and irritated by the same enzymes that aid in digestion. This disagreement may be short-term or long-term.The condition of having an inflamed and healthy pancreas is referred to as pancreatitis. The pancreas is a gland that is located behind the stomach and next to the large intestine. The pancreas' functions include releasing digestive enzymes into the small intestine and releasing hormones like inulin and glucose into the bloodstream. When the potent digestive enzymes are activated before they are released into the small intestine and they start attacking the pancreas, it results in pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas.If you or an individual dear to you is grappling with pancreatitis, you have an experiential understanding of the obstacles that are associated with this ailment. Pancreatitis has the potential to significantly affect your quality of life, ranging from gastric discomfort and vomiting to reduced body weight and malnourishment. Nevertheless, by adopting an appropriate strategy towards dietary intake and proper nourishment, it is feasible to regulate pancreatic inflammation and enhance your holistic health and wellness.

  • von Marcus Valentine
    24,00 €

    First, let's ensure that everyone is aware of what pancake is. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas and is typically very painful. The pancreas releases excessive amounts of enzymes, effectively starting to digest itself. Many patients need to adhere to a healthy diet in order to heal.Some patients must refrain from drinking alcohol mouth to mouth.It is crucial that you call your doctor and follow their instructions if you are experiencing an acute pancreatitis episode. Hospitalization is required on occasion.This cookbook offers straightforward cooking instructions and recipes that are easy to follow, so every dish you prepare will turn out perfectly, regardless of your level of culinary expertise. You can say goodbye to the restrictions imposed by pancreatitis by using this guide to take back control of your dietary decisions. Instead, you can embrace a full life that is filled with delicious and nourishing food. Place your order right away to start your journey to better health and gastronomic fulfillment!But that's not all. Our cookbook encompass an extensive range of insights on pancreatitis, highlighting the significant contribution of diet and nutrition towards effectively managing the ailment. Our program encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the varied forms of pancreatitis, in addition to elucidating the function of enzymes and nutrients in the recuperative process. We equip you with the requisite knowledge and resources to assert authority over your health adeptly.

  • von Raphael Alexander
    26,00 €

    Learn to understand your body and digestive system safely, reduce post-meal pain, and maintain panacea health without harmful drugs by reading further. Please read the remaining web page content attentively.Severe pancreatitis damage can hinder normal pancreatic function. It includes intestinal problems, diabetes, and cancer, which can be fatal.A serious medical condition called pancreatitis is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas, which causes symptoms like pain, nausea, vomiting, and other related discomforts. Adopting a diet that is gentle on the pancreas is essential to reducing these symptoms and fostering healing. In order to help those who have pancreatitis adhere to such a diet, this cookbook was created.For those undergoing treatment for diabetes, it's crucial that they consume high-protein, nutrient-dense diets that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and other lean protein sources. Avoiding alcohol and greasy or fried foods is crucial for preventing malnutrition and pain.

  • von Frances Hamilton
    24,00 €

    Are you prepared to commence a profound expedition towards gaining self-awareness and experiencing a spiritual renaissance? Seek no further than the "Chakra Book for Beginners," an all-inclusive handbook that elucidates the knowledge and proficiency required in comprehending and capitalizing on the chakra network's potential. The aim of this endeavor is to facilitate a more profound comprehension and appreciation of the concept of chakra, as well as the interconnected ideas and principles that surround it. Whether one is seeking basic knowledge on chakras out of curiosity or desiring to gain expertise in leveraging its principles in their reality, both pursuits are equally valid and valuable. Whether you opt for one or the other, you shall discover this compendium to be genuinely advantageous. This would prove to be an efficacious resource in comprehending the underlying principles of chakra.Get ready to be captivated as the curtain of mundane reality is lifted, exposing the remarkable opportunities that are within your reach. Enclosed within the pages of this mystical tome, lies a formidable mentor poised to shed light upon the course leading towards a prolific existence, abounding with opulence and satisfaction.

  • von Rudolf Pittman
    24,00 €

    If you desire a highly practical guide that can enable you to unlock your inherent potential, then your search ends here. This remarkable literary work serves as a conduit towards higher realms of consciousness, inviting you to initiate an esoteric expedition that will irrevocably transform your being. Your transformation begins here!This anthology embodies seven intriguing chapters that will function as your guide through the realm of Chakras. The initial chapter provides a concise overview and a precise elucidation of the term chakra. The notion of aura is presented in the succeeding section. The perusal of the third chapter is highly recommended as it offers readers a comprehensive understanding of the seven chakra centers.Despite the focus of this literature on the root chakra, it is imperative to note that the chakra system holistically operates; thus, comprehensive guidance on effectively engaging the complete system and the collective energetic impact of each chakra is also offered.

  • von Desmond Stephenson
    26,00 €

    This literary work has its genesis in the increasing passion of the general populace towards the age-old notion of Chakras. In contemporary media the notion of chakra has resurfaced, resulting in a revived fascination with this ancient and substantiated idea. Undoubtedly, this literary piece is poised to assist you in satiating your thirst for knowledge.Enter into a universe where the mysteries of cosmic balance are ready to be discovered, where the fundamental essence of being moves in perfect unison to the cadence of your aspirations. Explore the limitless expanse of knowledge and attain timeless insights into the art of harmony, unveil the enigmatic principles that govern the irresistible law of attraction, and delve into the illuminating force of meditation born from the foundational energy centers of the human body.A comprehensive course will be provided to acquaint you with the nuances of utilizing crystals, aromatherapy, food, color healing, and dowsing to facilitate the maintenance of a robust root chakra. Additionally, the course will cover topics such as the endocrine system, general lifestyle, working with an altar, and positive affirmations that create a harmonious and salubrious energy field.

  • von Maximiliano Quesada
    28,00 €

    Todos los consejos que encontrará en este libro de recetas están destinados an ayudarlo a crear preferencias alimentarias saludables y a dejar de lado la dieta carnívora, que puede ser tan dañina para su cuerpo.Nuestro libro de recetas está lleno de una amplia variedad de recetas que satisfacen todos los gustos y preferencias. We've got it all covered, from savory mains to indulgent desserts. Our cookbook has something for everyone, whether you're a seasoned vegan or just looking to add more plant-based meals to your diet.¡La salud no tiene por qué verse comprometida! Con esta selección de batidos energizantes que se adhieren a los principios veganos, puedes crearlos de forma rápida y sencilla. Ver las varias recetas allí. Ya sea que lo prepare para el desayuno o la merienda, estos calmantes complacerán hasta los paladares más exigentes.

  • von Gonzalo Tejada
    28,00 €

    Esta guía para principiantes es exactamente lo que debe leer si desea comenzar a mejorar su apariencia física, ya que le permitirá hacer la transición a una dieta basada en plantas todos los días sin renunciar a las comidas deliciosas.A dieta vegetariana no proporciona menos energía al cuerpo que una dieta de carne. Los veganos no suelen desarrollar músculo an un ritmo más lento que los que comen carne. You just need to keep track of the variety of foods consumed daily in order to ensure the right set of nutrients.Se incluyen 55 recetas de alta proteína basadas en plantas en este libro de cocción vegana para atletas, bodybuilders, cualquier aficionado a la actividad física y hombres y mujeres para una nutrición aeróbica equilibrada.

  • von Roberto Di Giacomo
    28,00 €

    Il potere di questo programma risiede nella sua capacità di permetterti di consumare i cibi che ti piacciono attivando anche determinati geni nel tuo corpo introducendo determinati alimenti nella tua dieta regolare. Quando i geni sono coinvolti, ti aiutano a ottenere il fisico che meriti e a condurre una vita di qualità superiore accelerando il processo di combustione dei grassi e aumentando i tuoi livelli di energia.Una delle diete disponibili più antiche e ben studiate è la dieta Sirtfood, che esiste da molto tempo. I pasti sani, come i cereali integrali, possono aiutare il tuo corpo a perdere peso in modo naturale. La dieta Sirtfood non ha effetti collaterali sfavorevoli di cui dovresti preoccuparti se decidi di prenderla per lungo tempo, a differenza di altre diete.Il libro ti fornirà tutte le informazioni necessarie per tornare in forma fisica e allo stesso tempo ti fornirà energia e benessere. È in grado di spiegare in modo accurato come funziona la dieta: Sarà necessario non solo seguire le regole, ma anche comprendere perché funzionano e come massimizzare il tuo potenziale, che è ciò che distingue una dieta efficace dal dimagrimento temporaneo.

  • von Leandro Palazzo
    28,00 €

    Vuoi perdere peso utilizzando una strategia all'avanguardia creata appositamente per rendere il corpo sano e aiutarti a farlo mentre ti godi alcuni dei tuoi cibi preferiti?Hai sempre voluto perdere peso, ma non sai da dove iniziare? Sei stanco di tutte quelle diete dispendiose per perdere peso che diventano sempre più difficili da seguire man mano che avanzano? Volete un metodo rapido e semplice per eliminare la pancetta?La dieta Sirtfood ha il potenziale per trasformare la tua vita; oltre ad aiutare con la perdita di peso, ha dimostrato di offrire proprietà antietà che ti faranno sentire e sembrare giovane.

  • von Vladimiro Cosentino
    28,00 €

    Se la mia supposizione è corretta e hai una di queste domande, o altre simili, allora questo libro contiene tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per iniziare il tuo viaggio per rimodellare il tuo corpo con la dieta del fast food. Fornirà risposte chiare a tutte le tue domande sulla dieta Sirtfood in modo che tu possa trarne il massimo beneficio.Trovare una dieta sicura, semplice e creata per qualcuno con più di cinquant'anni potrebbe sembrare opprimente data l'abbondanza di diete disponibili. La dieta Sirtfood After 50 elimina le congetture da un'alimentazione sana e offre una guida facile da seguire.Hai la possibilità di prendere in mano la tua vita e raggiungere veramente il tuo peso ideale con una dieta che ti permetterà di mangiare molto e di essere felice.

  • von Sebastian Arteaga
    28,00 €

    Imagina sentarse ante una comida deliciosa y satisfactoria que no solo es beneficiosa para ti sino que también es fácil de preparar. A través de nuestro libro de recetas, tendrás acceso an una variedad de deliciosas recetas veganas que son rápidas y fáciles de preparar. Plus, with so many options to choose from, you will never get bored with your meals.encontrarás todo lo que necesitas aprender para preparar deliciosas comidas veganas, desde el desayuno hasta los refrigerios en la noche, con herramientas para hacer la cocina más fácil y consejos expertos sobre cómo construir tu negocio con ingredientes veganos.Una de las cosas más satisfactorias que puedes hacer es cambiar an una dieta vegana. La mayoría de las personas creen que cambiar an una dieta vegana significará comer una dieta blanda y aburrida basada en plantas. La mayor preocupación de la mayoría de las personas es que creen que no pueden comer nada delicioso más. ¡No es sorprendente que se sientan desanimados!

  • von Luther Faulkner
    28,00 €

    Hypnotherapy is now accepted in alleviating some bloom problems like stop smoking. Analgesic has been found to be the best able way to stop, and cocky analgesic stop smoker programs can be done in the aloofness of the home. Articles apropos stop smoker analgesic cocky advice are affluence and offer a array of choices.We all have habits-some of which we are proud of, others of which we regret-that we just can't seem to kick. If you take a close look at your life, you will undoubtedly find one or more behaviors that you are not very proud of, especially if they create discomfort in other people.It is feasible for you to quit smoking if you really want to, just as it was for countless others in the past. They were successful because they wanted it, made a decision to act, bought a book, learned new information, changed their thinking about smoking, found their path, and ultimately were successful. You can carry out the same action.

  • von Joaquin Maldonado
    27,00 €

    Major corporations including IBM, Microsoft, and others are developing infrastructure and applications for the Ethereum network. Not only has Ethereum produced a new kind of money, but also a brand-new platform for developing and executing web and computer applications.You may also take certain actions if you wish to participate in the cryptocurrency market as a user, miner, or trader. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the whole sector requires being aware of the many roles that may be played in the currency market.a thorough and one-stop shop for all of your requirements to begin your journey from a novice to an experienced cryptocurrency investor. This book has been written to clarify the fundamentals of the technology so that you can look behind the cryptocurrency price to understand the underlying profile rather than simply the market rumors impacting it.

  • von Nathan Sherman
    28,00 €

    Whatever the experts may say, cryptocurrencies are a permanent fixture. People are investing in these new currencies as a way of expressing their support for their success. You may decide whether you want to participate in this business or not by knowing all there is to know about them.With the help of this thorough, step-by-step manual, learn the fundamentals of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technology. This primer includes all the essential information concerning Bitcoin and other digital currencies, making it ideal for beginners. Gain knowledge about blockchain technology as well as the characteristics of Bitcoin and other digital currencies. Get the knowledge you need to become an expert and learn about the hazards associated with investing in cryptocurrencies. Learn Bitcoin's basics and participate in the financial future.The cryptocurrency Bitcoin and the blockchain technology that powers it are at the center of a financial industry upheaval unlike anything that has occurred in years. The emergence of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has upended the established financial order and created new opportunities in the banking sector and beyond.

  • von Reginald Middleton
    28,00 €

    Of course, "embarrassing" habits are not the only ones you may wish to kick; there are plenty of others that might likely be endangering your health, habits that lead to mediocrity and underperformance, habits that lead to poverty, and many more. Whatever it is, if you've reached the point where a certain behavior is bothering or worrying you, you need assistance.The fact is that you lack an effective plan and haven't yet altered your connections with your smoking addiction if you are struggling with the terrible habit of smoking and haven't been able to stop. This book walks you through a step-by-step plan that will enable you to take charge of your life.You're going to learn a tried-and-true method for quitting smoking permanently. One of life's hardest struggles might be quitting smoking. It might be quite expensive and offers no benefits to the body. Then why do people continue smoke if it is the case? If not, why do you smoke? This book contains tried-and-true advice and methods for quitting smoking permanently.

  • von Rodolfo Sanchez
    28,00 €

    Learn about the development of new cryptocurrencies, the history of Bitcoin, and cutting-edge uses of blockchain technology that go well beyond virtual currency. Learn about the philosophical and political ramifications of decentralized currencies, as well as Satoshi's lasting vision and the possible future of cryptocurrencies.Imagine discovering one day that your bitcoin assets have lost all of their value overnight. This has occurred to many investors in the past, so you're not alone. But what distinguishes successful investors from those who suffer complete losses? Knowledge is the secret. Your guide to handling the ups and downs of the cryptocurrency market is the Start Now Guide to Crypto Crashes. With the help of the Begin Now Guide to Crypto Crashes, you'll discover how to recognize red flags, steer clear of typical mistakes, and make informed investing choices that will safeguard your wealth.The cryptocurrency Bitcoin and the blockchain technology that powers it are at the center of a financial industry upheaval unlike anything that has occurred in years. The emergence of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has upended the established financial order and created new opportunities in the banking sector and beyond.

  • von Leonardo Kaufman
    28,00 €

    Consider this: it could be OK to pick your nose while you're at home alone, but when you reach the point of doing it even during important talks, such as at an interview or business meeting, you are unquestionably bothering other people. Thumb sucking and nail biting are examples of humiliating behaviors that you may have attempted to break but were unsuccessful.If you have made the decision to stop smoking, try to remember that you are not merely quitting something; you are beginning something good for you, your life's quality, and the people you care about. You're beginning to breathe once again.They must have found it simple to say, huh? I am aware of your viewpoint. You claim you've already tried to stop too many times, but you know these lines and all the health warnings are accurate. You cannot, which is the issue. Addiction is a challenging foe. Because you are aware of what is and is not beneficial for you, you cannot simply overcome it.

  • von Edmond Villarreal
    22,00 €

    As you navigate your own personal voyage through the world, it is inevitable that you will encounter obstacles. And while there is never any shame in confessing you need assistance or a break, ignoring these emotions will only send you deeper into your own abyss.Everyone in the modern world has an opinion about every other person on the planet. Our society constantly labels us with its perceptions of who we are, what we should do, and what we should not do. It is always about our flaws and weaknesses, but never about how to innovate on these flaws to improve our self-esteem and become a better person.Your infant is not either born with or without self-respect. It develops gradually through interactions with you, their family, their peers, their instructors, and their environment. It can also fluctuate depending on your child's circumstances and experiences.

  • von Donald Warren
    26,00 €

    Do you understand what I am saying? If you answered yes, then this book is your window to self-discovery and the path to discovering new and innovative methods to harness all the imperfections you've been striving to live with up until now. It's the key to your happiness, because once you've discovered methods to use your flaws to build your self-esteem, you'll be a happier, more fulfilled person with faith in your ability to change your personality and your life.You will learn not only how to dismantle unhealthy, anxious attachment, but also how to demolish negative thoughts that can manifest regardless of your will. Thoughts are the most potent force in the universe because they pave the way for actuality.The new book, Improved Emotional Self-Care for Black Women, is a comprehensive resource that provides mental, emotional, and spiritual health-promoting tools and techniques. It includes a variety of self-care practices, such as mindfulness and meditation, as well as journaling and movement, all of which are specifically designed to address the unique needs and experiences of black women.

  • von Lemuel Martinez
    26,00 €

    "Boosting Self-Worth" is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to develop a healthy sense of self-worth and build a life that is prosperous and meaningful. It will help build resilience, self-knowledge and self-worth.You may not believe me, but you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. You can be or do whoever or whatever you desire. To increase your self-esteem and self-confidence, all you need to do is alter how you feel about yourself...Simple, right!? This book will help young ladies find their motivation and take back control of their lives, helping them to feel empowered, commendable and propelled by their life.

  • von Guilherme Noronha
    13,00 €

    Você está lutando com aqueles últimos cinco a dez quilos que simplesmente não parecem ir embora, não importa o quanto você tente? Você está acordando todas as manhãs com fadiga e falta de bem-estar?Esta última tendência de dieta tem uma abordagem completamente diferente para a nutrição. Muitos médicos e nutricionistas holísticos o veem como uma estratégia de nutrição mais equilibrada, que considera as verdadeiras necessidades nutricionais do corpo.A dieta alcalina é um plano alimentar que visa equilibrar o pH do corpo, enfatizando certos tipos de alimentos. Pode ajudar a reduzir o risco de certas condições de saúde, mas é importante consumir uma dieta bem balanceada para apoiar a saúde geral.

  • von Jose-Miguel Paniagua
    13,00 €

    El libro enfatiza la importancia de crear un plan de pérdida de peso personalizado que tenga en cuenta los requisitos, las preferencias y el estilo de vida de una persona. Se enfoca en incorporar alimentos ricos en nutrientes, establecer una rutina de planificación de comidas y participar en una actividad física placentera, con un seguimiento regular del progreso y los ajustes necesarios.¿Tiene dificultad para perder peso? Cuando te miras en el espejo, ¿con frecuencia te encuentras deseando ser más musculoso o más delgado? ¡Quita esos pensamientos negativos de tu mente! Todavía es posible, lo cual es una excelente noticia para ti. ¡Puedes adelgazar! Comience inmediatamente adquiriendo conocimientos. Este libro ofrece varias ventajas.

  • von Alfonso Meseguer
    14,00 €

    El libro enfatiza los beneficios de la atención plena para la pérdida de peso a través de técnicas como la meditación, la respiración y el diario. Promueve el diálogo interno positivo, el establecimiento de objetivos realistas y estrategias prácticas para romper el ciclo de alimentación emocional.Descubra los secretos para perder peso sin esfuerzo y mejorar su salud con 'Low-Carb Made Easy: Delicious Recipes for Every Meal to Help You Lose Weight and Transform Your Health', una guía completa repleta de deliciosos, ricos en nutrientes y fáciles de aprender. preparar recetas bajas en carbohidratos.

  • von Reginald Wilkerson
    15,00 €

  • von Franklin Davenport
    19,00 €

  • von Sebastien Giesbrecht
    17,00 €

  • von Juan-Pablo Rosello
    12,00 €

    ¿Estás buscando recetas fáciles y efectivas para revertir enfermedades y devolver el equilibrio a tu cuerpo?Agua Alcalina, Agua Saludable, Agua Ionizada, Agua Alcalina Ionizada. También conocida como Agua Kangen, esta tecnología le brinda beneficios dramáticos para la salud al procesar el agua del grifo a través de una máquina especial que filtra e ioniza el agua de tal manera que aumenta la alcalinidad.Ahora es el momento de lograr su mejor mente, cuerpo y espíritu. Comienza con esta dieta de desintoxicación. Este es el programa que necesita para comer, vivir y disfrutar del estilo de vida alcalino, desde fideos alcalinos hasta verduras alcalinas.

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