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Bücher veröffentlicht von Mineralogical Society of America

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    44,00 €

    Volume 76 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry presents an extended review of the topics conveyed in a short course on Geothermal Fluid Thermodynamics held prior to the 23rd Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference in Florence, Italy (August 24-25, 2013).It covers Thermodynamics of Geothermal Fluids, The Molecular-Scale Fundament of Geothermal Fluid Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics of Aqueous Species at High Temperatures and Pressures: Equations of State and Transport Theory, Mineral Solubility and Aqueous Speciation Under Hydrothermal Conditions to 300 °C - The Carbonate System as an Example, Thermodynamic Modeling of Fluid-Rock Interaction at Mid-Crustal to Upper-Mantle Conditions, Speciation and Transport of Metals and Metalloids in Geological Vapors, Solution Calorimetry Under Hydrothermal Conditions, Structure and Thermodynamics of Subduction Zone Fluids from Spectroscopic Studies and Thermodynamics of Organic Transformations in Hydrothermal Fluids.

  • von J.J. Papike
    44,00 €

    Volume 36 of Reviews in Mineralogy presents a comprehensive coverage of the mineralogy and petrology of planetary materials. The book is organized with an introductory chapter that introduces the reader to the nature of the planetary sample suite and provides some insights into the diverse environments from which they come. Chapter 2 on Interplanetary Dust Particles (IDPs) and Chapter 3 on Chondritic Meteorites deal with the most primitive and unevolved materials we have to work with. It is these materials that hold the clues to the nature of the solar nebula and the processes that led to the initial stages of planetary formation. Chapter 4, 5, and 6 consider samples from evolved asteroids, the Moon and Mars respectively. Chapter 7 is a brief summary chapter that compares aspects of melt-derived minerals from differing planetary environments.

    44,00 €

    Volume 34 of Reviews in Mineralogy focuses on methods to describe the extent and consequences of reactive flow and transport in natural subsurface systems. Since the field of reactive transport within the Earth Sciences is a highly multidisciplinary area of research, including geochemistry, geology, physics, chemistry, hydrology, and engineering, this book is an attempt to some extent bridge the gap between these different disciplines. This volume contains the contributions presented at a short course held in Golden, Colorado, October 25-27, 1996 in conjunction with the Mineralogical Society of America's (MSA) Annual Meeting with the Geological Society of America in Denver, Colorado.

    44,00 €

    Volume 30 of Reviews in Mineralogy introduces in understanding the behavior of magmatic volatiles and their influence on a wide variety of geological phenomena; in doing this it also becomes apparent that there remain many questions outstanding. The range of topics we have tried to cover is broad, going from atomisticscale aspects of volatile solubility mechanisms and attendant effects on melt physical properties, to the chemistry of volcanic gases and the concentrations of volatiles in magmas, to the global geochemical cycles of volatiles. The reader should quickly see that much progress has been made since Bowen voiced his concerns about Maxwell demons, but like much scientific progress, answers to old questions have prompted even greater numbers of new questions. The Voltiles in Magmas course was organized and transpired at the Napa Valley Sheraton Hotel in California, December 2-4, 1994, just prior to the Fall Meetings of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

  • von Brooke Mossman
    44,00 €

    Volume 28 of Reviews in Mineralogy provides some of the necessary tools for the researcher interested in this area of interdisciplinary research. The chapters present several of the important problems, concepts, and approaches from both the geological and biological ends of the spectrum. These two extremes are partially integrated throughout the book by cross-referencing between chapters. Chapter 1 also presents a general introduction into the ways in which these two areas overlap. However, many of the areas ripe for the interdisciplinarian will become obvious after reading the various chapters. The final chapter of this book discusses some of the regulatory aspects of minerals. Ultimately, the regulatory arena is where this type of interdisciplinary approach can make an impact, and hopefully better communication between all parties will accomplish this goal. A glossary is included at the end of this book, because the complexity of scientific terms in the two fields can thwart even the most enthusiastic of individuals. This volume represents the proceedings of a course by the same title held at Harbor House Resort and Conference Center on Nantucket Island off the coast of Massachusetts, October 22-24, 1993.

  • von Derrill M. Kerrick
    44,00 €

    Volume 22 of Reviews in Mineralogy is a book exclusively devoted to three minerals: the Al2SiO5 polymorphs - andalusite, sillimanite, and kyanite. It covers a wide variety of topics that must be considered in the analysis of metamorphic systems and illustrates the fact that modern metamorphic petrology demands an awareness of a wide spectrum of geologic variables and processes. This volume is intended to provide a comprehensive review, summarizing the methods, theories and pitfalls of the various contributions on the aluminum silicates. Several sections of this book present the chronological development of research on various topics, giving readers historical perspectives on the development of theories, models and biases on various problems regarding the aluminum silicates.

  • - (Exclusive of Micas)
    44,00 €

    Volume 13 of Reviews in Mineralogy presents much of our present-day knowledge of micas. Since 1984 was too much material available to attempt to cover all of the hydrous phyllosilicates in one volume, the micas were treated first because of their abundance in nature and the fact that many detailed studies had been carried out on them. The serpentines, kaolins, smectites, chlorites, etc. would have to wait their turn. Now, four years later, that tum has come. Hence the peculiar nature of the title of this volume. We know less about the rest of the phyllosilicates than we do about the micas, primarily because many of them are of finer grain sizes and lower crystallinities than most of the micas. As a result, we have been unable to determine as much detail regarding their structures, crystal chemistries, and origins. One compensating factor that has helped greatly in the accumulation of knowledge about these minerals is that some of them occur in large deposits that are of great economic value and thus stimulate interest. For this reason considerable emphasis in this volume will be related to the occurrence, origin, and petrology of the minerals.

  • von J.W. Valley
    44,00 €

    Volume 16 of Reviews in Mineralogy inroduces to high-temperature stable isotope geochemistry and should provide an entry into the pertinent literature, as well as some understanding of the basic concepts and potential applications.The first three chapters focus on the theory and experimental data base for equilibrium, disequilibrium, and kinetics of stable isotope exchange reactions among geologically important minerals and fluids. The fourth chapter discusses the primordial oxygen isotope variations in the solar system prior to formation of the Earth, along with a discussion of isotopic anomalies in meteorites. The fifth chapter discusses isotopic variations in the Earth's mantle and the sixth chapter reviews the variations in the isotopic compositions of natural waters on our planet. In Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10, these isotopic constraints and concepts are applied to various facets of the origin and evolution of igneous rocks, bringing in much material on radiogenic isotopes as well, because these problems require a multi-dimensional attack for their solution. In Chapters 11 and 12, the problems of hydrothermal alteration by meteoric waters and ocean water are considered, together with discussions of the physics and chemistry of hydrothermal systems and the 18O/16O history of ocean water. Finally, in Chapters 13 and 14, these concepts are applied to problems of metamorphic petrology and ore deposits, particularly with respect to the origins of the fluids involved in those processes.

    44,00 €

    Volume 8 of Reviews in Mineralogy treats a Short Course in Kinetics, which brings together the fundamentals needed to explain field observations using kinetic data. It is hoped that this book may serve, not only as a reference for researchers dealing with the rates of geochemical processes, but also as a text in courses on geochemical kinetics. The book is organized with a rough temperature gradient in mind, i.e. low temperature kinetics at the beginning and igneous kinetics at the end. However, the topics in each chapter are general enough that they can be applied often to any geochemical domain: sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous. The theory of kinetics operates at two complementary levels: the phenomenological and the atomistic. The former relies on macroscopic variables (e.g. temperature or concentrations) to describe the rates of reactions or the rates of transport; the latter relates the rates to the basic forces operating between the particular atomic or molecular species of any system. This book deals with both descriptions of the kinetics of geochemical processes.

  • - Mineralogy
    44,00 €

    Most of Volume 9A of Reviews in Mineralogy treats amphiboles and other hydrous pyriboles as isolated systems. It reviews the structural complexity and resulting chemical variability and diversity of petrologic behavior of amphiboles, whereby Volume 9A contains a hefty dose of petrology and in contrast, Volume 9B is dedicated more to an exploration of the social life of amphiboles and the amphibole personality in real rocks and in the experimental petrology laboratory. This volume was prepared in conjunction with the Mineralogical Society of America Short Course on Amphiboles and Other Hydrous Pyriboles, Fall, 1981.

  • - Mineralogy and Chemistry
    44,00 €

    Volume 11 of Reviews in Mineralogy attempts to synthesize our present understanding of certain aspects of the mineralogy and chemistry of the rock-forming carbonates. This review follows, by ten years, a major assessment of (sedimentary) carbonate minerals by Lippmann (1973). There is only minor overlap of subject material, and I hope that this difference reflects fairly how this field has developed.In this volume, some of the papers are general (i.e., those addressing crystal chemistry and phase relations), and they provide overviews of a fundamental nature and are of interest to many. Others are more specialized in coverage and generally reflect the different approaches used in carbonate geochemistry. The final chapter introduces transmission electron microscopy, a relatively new and powerful technique for mineralogical research that has great potential in carbonate research.

  • von Edwin Roedder
    44,00 €

    Volume 12 of Reviews in Mineralogy introduces to fluid inclusions. It covers the folowing questions: when and where inclusions form. how they change, how to prepare material and make microthermometric measurementsl, how to interpret these data, and what has been found in applications of fluid-inclusion studies to each of a series of different geologic environments. This book also attempts to discuss the many applications of fluid inclusions to the study of and understanding of geologic processes and the geologic environments in which they acted.

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