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Bücher veröffentlicht von MIT Press Ltd

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  • - Materialism without Phenomenal Concepts
    von Michael (University of Texas) Tye
    36,00 €

    Four major puzzles of consciousness philosophical materialism must confront after rejecting the phenomenal concept strategy.

  • - The Mathematical Foundations of Music
    von Gareth (President, Inc.) Loy, Gareth & usw.
    50,00 €

    A commonsense, self-contained introduction to the mathematics and physics of music; essential reading for musicians, music engineers, and anyone interested in the intersection of art and science.

  • - Critical Theory between Past and Future
    von Nikolas (Australian Catholic University) Kompridis
    36,00 €

    A provocatively argued call for shifting the emphasis of critical theory from Habermasian "critique," restricted to normative clarification, to "disclosure," a possibility-enhancing approach that draws on and reinterprets ideas of Heidegger.

  • von Anthony Chemero
    43,00 €

    A proposal for a new way to do cognitive science argues that cognition should be described in terms of agent-environment dynamics rather than computation and representation.While philosophers of mind have been arguing over the status of mental representations in cognitive science, cognitive scientists have been quietly engaged in studying perception, action, and cognition without explaining them in terms of mental representation. In this book, Anthony Chemero describes this nonrepresentational approach (which he terms radical embodied cognitive science), puts it in historical and conceptual context, and applies it to traditional problems in the philosophy of mind. Radical embodied cognitive science is a direct descendant of the American naturalist psychology of William James and John Dewey, and follows them in viewing perception and cognition to be understandable only in terms of action in the environment. Chemero argues that cognition should be described in terms of agent-environment dynamics rather than in terms of computation and representation. After outlining this orientation to cognition, Chemero proposes a methodology: dynamical systems theory, which would explain things dynamically and without reference to representation. He also advances a background theory: Gibsonian ecological psychology, "shored up” and clarified. Chemero then looks at some traditional philosophical problems (reductionism, epistemological skepticism, metaphysical realism, consciousness) through the lens of radical embodied cognitive science and concludes that the comparative ease with which it resolves these problems, combined with its empirical promise, makes this approach to cognitive science a rewarding one. "Jerry Fodor is my favorite philosopher,” Chemero writes in his preface, adding, "I think that Jerry Fodor is wrong about nearly everything.” With this book, Chemero explains nonrepresentational, dynamical, ecological cognitive science as clearly and as rigorously as Jerry Fodor explained computational cognitive science in his classic work The Language of Thought.

  • - Authority, Expertise, and Power in Mexican Forests
    von Santa Cruz) Mathews & Andrew S. (University of California
    40,00 €

    A study of how encounters between forestry bureaucrats and indigenous forest managers in Mexico produced official knowledge about forests and the state.

  • - Contemporary Readings
    45,00 €

    A collection of the most important recent work on reasons for action and the question "why be moral?”Some of the most challenging questions in philosophical ethics concern the justification of action. Can you have reasons to do something that you are not, and perhaps cannot be, motivated to do? If reasons rest on desires, why respect the rights and interests of others when doing so prevents us from getting what we want? In other words, why be moral?In his 1979 essay, "Internal and External Reasons,” Bernard Williams framed the dispute about reason and motivation in a way that captured the philosophical imagination. An explosion of work on reasons and action followed, with influential responses by Christine Korsgaard, John McDowell, and Michael Smith. This volume collects the most important work on the topic, including Williams's seminal essay, the responses by Korsgaard, McDowell, and Smith, and more recent contributions by central figures.Taken together, the selections offer a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art work on internal reasons and a distinctive, focused approach to foundational questions of ethical objectivity. A substantive introduction by Kieran Setiya skillfully guides the reader through the theoretical and conceptual terrain, explaining what is at stake in the larger debate.

  • - Business, Climate Politics, and the Rise of Emissions Trading
    von Jonas (University of California At Berkeley) Meckling
    35,00 €

    An examination of how a transnational coalition of firms and NGOs influenced the emergence of emissions trading as a central component of global climate governance.

  • - Bioconstitutionalism in the Genetic Age
    44,00 €

    Investigations into the interplay of biological and legal conceptions of life, from government policies on cloning to DNA profiling by law enforcement.Legal texts have been with us since the dawn of human history. Beginning in 1953, life too became textual. The discovery of the structure of DNA made it possible to represent the basic matter of life with permutations and combinations of four letters of the alphabet, A, T, C, and G. Since then, the biological and legal conceptions of life have been in constant, mutually constitutive interplay—the former focusing on life's definition, the latter on life's entitlements. Reframing Rights argues that this period of transformative change in law and the life sciences should be considered “bioconstitutional.”Reframing Rights explores the evolving relationship of biology, biotechnology, and law through a series of national and cross-national case studies. Sheila Jasanoff maps out the conceptual territory in a substantive editorial introduction, after which the contributors offer “snapshots” of developments at the frontiers of biotechnology and the law. Chapters examine such topics as national cloning and xenotransplant policies; the politics of stem cell research in Britain, Germany, and Italy; DNA profiling and DNA databases in criminal law; clinical trials in India and the United States; the GM crop controversy in Britain; and precautionary policymaking in the European Union. These cases demonstrate changes of constitutional significance in the relations among human bodies, selves, science, and the state.

  • - Theory, Research, and Applications
    von Thomas B. (University of Alabama) Ward, Steven M. Smith & Ronald A. Finke
    44,00 €

    Creative Cognition combines original experiments with existing work in cognitive psychology to provide the first explicit account of the cognitive processes and structures that contribute to creative thinking and discovery.

  • von David E. Nye
    36,00 €

    From the Model T to today's "lean manufacturing": the assembly line as crucial, yet controversial, agent of social and economic transformation.

  • von Craig (University of Utah) Dworkin
    30,00 €

    Close readings of ostensibly "blank" works-from unprinted pages to silent music-that point to a new understanding of media.

  • - An Introduction to Neuroanthropology
    45,00 €

    Basic concepts and case studies from an emerging field that investigates human capacities and pathologies at the intersection of brain and culture.

  • - Work and the Burden of Risk in Innovative Industries
    von Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford) Neff & Gina (Associate Professor
    44,00 €

    Why employees of pioneering Internet companies chose to invest their time, energy, hopes, and human capital in start-up ventures.

  • von Noam (Institute Professor & Professor of Linguistics (Emeritus) Chomsky
    41,00 €

    The fiftieth anniversary edition of a landmark work in generative grammar that continues to be influential, with a new preface by the author. Noam Chomsky's Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, published in 1965, was a landmark work in generative grammar that introduced certain technical innovations still drawn upon in contemporary work. The fiftieth anniversary edition of this influential book includes a new preface by the author that identifies proposals that seem to be of lasting significance, reviews changes and improvements in the formulation and implementation of basic ideas, and addresses some of the controversies that arose over the general framework.Beginning in the mid-fifties and emanating largely from MIT, linguists developed an approach to linguistic theory and to the study of the structure of particular languages that diverged in many respects from conventional modern linguistics. Although the new approach was connected to the traditional study of languages, it differed enough in its specific conclusions about the structure of language to warrant a name, "generative grammar.” Various deficiencies were discovered in the first attempts to formulate a theory of transformational generative grammar and in the descriptive analysis of particular languages that motivated these formulations. At the same time, it became apparent that these formulations can be extended and deepened. In this book, Chomsky reviews these developments and proposes a reformulation of the theory of transformational generative grammar that takes them into account. The emphasis in this study is syntax; semantic and phonological aspects of the language structure are discussed only insofar as they bear on syntactic theory.

  • von Ben Gurion University) Landau & Idan (Associate Professor
    34,00 €

    A theory of control, equally grounded in syntax and semantics, that argues that obligatory control is achieved either through predication or through logophoric anchoring.

  • von Noam Chomsky
    41,98 €

    Attempts to situate linguistic theory in the broader cognitive sciences. In the essays, the minimalist approach to linguistic theory is formulated and progressively developed.

    37,00 €

    A provocative call for delegitimizing fossil fuels rather than accommodating them, accompanied by case studies from Ecuador to Appalachia and from Germany to Norway.Not so long ago, people North and South had little reason to believe that wealth from oil, gas, and coal brought anything but great prosperity. But the presumption of net benefits from fossil fuels is eroding as widening circles of people rich and poor experience the downside.A positive transition to a post-fossil fuel era cannot wait for global agreement, a swap-in of renewables, a miracle technology, a carbon market, or lifestyle change. This book shows that it is now possible to take the first step toward the post-fossil fuel era, by resisting the slow violence of extreme extraction and combustion, exiting the industry, and imagining a good life after fossil fuels. It shows how an environmental politics of transition might occur, arguing for going to the source rather than managing byproducts, for delegitimizing fossil fuels rather than accommodating them, for engaging a politics of deliberately choosing a post-fossil fuel world. Six case studies reveal how individuals, groups, communities, and an entire country have taken first steps out of the fossil fuel era, with experiments that range from leaving oil under the Amazon to ending mountaintop removal in Appalachia.

    53,00 €

    The fifteen original contributions in Language and Space bring together the major lines of research and the most important theoretical viewpoints in the areas of psychology, linguistics, anthropology, and neuroscience, providing a much needed synthesis across these diverse domains.

  • - A Life of Dissent
    von Robert F. Barsky
    36,00 €

    This biography describes the intellectual and political milieus that helped shape Noam Chomsky. It highlights Chomsky's views on the uses and misuses of the university as an institution, his assessment of useful political engagement, and his doubts about postmodernism.

  • - Planning, Practice, and Possibility for American Cities
    44,00 €

    Urban practitioners and scholars from various disciplines explore the role of storytelling in the effort to create sustainable American cities.

  • von Moshe (Rice University) Vardi, Joseph Y. (Cornell University) Halpern, Yoram Moses & usw.
    75,00 €

  • von George (Professor of Arabic and Islamic Science Saliba
    46,00 €

  • - Yvonne Rainer and the 1960s
    von Carrie (Assistant Professor Lambert-Beatty
    55,00 €

  • - From Theory to Practice
    45,00 €

    Looking at knowledge as a shared resource: experts discuss how to define, protect, and build the knowledge commons in the digital age.

  • - An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth
    37,00 €

    Scholars from a range of disciplines develop an integrated human and environmental history over millennial, centennial, and decadal time scales and make projections for the future.

  • - An Essay on Technical Democracy
    von Yannick Barthe, Pierre Lascoumes & Michel Callon
    43,00 €

    A call for a new form of democracy in which "hybrid forums" composed of experts and laypeople address such sociotechnical controversies as hazardous waste, genetically modified organisms, and nanotechnology.

  • - Evolution of the Sensory Self
    102,00 €

    Scientists elucidate the astounding collective sensory capacity of Earth and its evolution through time.

  • - Developing the School for Digital Kids
    von Katie (Professor) Salen Tekinbas
    25,00 €

    The design for Quest to Learn, an innovative school in New York City that offers a "game-like" approach to learning.

  • - Scarcity, Environmental Degradation, and International Cooperation
    45,00 €

    An argument that resource scarcity and environmental degradation can provide an impetus for cooperation among countries.Common wisdom holds that the earth's dwindling natural resources and increasing environmental degradation will inevitably lead to inter-state conflict, and possibly even set off "resource wars.” Many scholars and policymakers have considered the environmental roots of violent conflict and instability, but little attention has been paid to the idea that scarcity and degradation may actually play a role in fostering inter-state cooperation. Beyond Resource Wars fills this gap, offering a different perspective on the links between environmental problems and inter-state conflict. Although the contributors do not deny that resource scarcity and environmental degradation may become sources of contention, they argue that these conditions also provide the impetus for cooperation, coordination, and negotiation between states. The book examines aspects of environmental conflict and cooperation in detail, across a number of natural resources and issues including oil, water, climate change, ocean pollution, and biodiversity conservation. The contributors argue that increasing scarcity and degradation generally induce cooperation across states, but when conditions worsen (and a problem becomes too costly or a resource becomes too scarce), cooperation becomes more difficult. Similarly, low levels of scarcity may discourage cooperation because problems seem less urgent. With contributions from scholars in international relations, economics, and political science, Beyond Resource Wars offers a comprehensive and robust investigation of the links among scarcity, environmental degradation, cooperation, and conflict.

  • - From Neural Computation to Optimality-Theoretic Grammar Volume II: Linguistic and Philosophical Implications
    von Paul (Johns Hopkins University) Smolensky & Geraldine (Johns Hopkins University) Legendre
    57,00 €

    An integrated connectionist/symbolic architecture of the mind/brain, applied to neural/genomic realization of grammar; acquisition, processing, and typology in phonology and syntax; and foundations of cognitive explanation.

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