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  • - The Comparative Politics of Climate Change
    44,00 €

  • - Paradox or Dialectic?
    von Slavoj (Professor Zizek
    36,00 €

    A militant Marxist atheist and a "Radical Orthodox” Christian theologian square off on everything from the meaning of theology and Christ to the war machine of corporate mafia."What matters is not so much that Zizek is endorsing a demythologized, disenchanted Christianity without transcendence, as that he is offering in the end (despite what he sometimes claims) a heterodox version of Christian belief.”—John Milbank"To put it even more bluntly, my claim is that it is Milbank who is effectively guilty of heterodoxy, ultimately of a regression to paganism: in my atheism, I am more Christian than Milbank.”—Slavoj ZizekIn this corner, philosopher Slavoj Zizek, a militant atheist who represents the critical-materialist stance against religion's illusions; in the other corner, "Radical Orthodox” theologian John Milbank, an influential and provocative thinker who argues that theology is the only foundation upon which knowledge, politics, and ethics can stand. In The Monstrosity of Christ, Zizek and Milbank go head to head for three rounds, employing an impressive arsenal of moves to advance their positions and press their respective advantages. By the closing bell, they have not only proven themselves worthy adversaries, they have shown that faith and reason are not simply and intractably opposed. Zizek has long been interested in the emancipatory potential offered by Christian theology. And Milbank, seeing global capitalism as the new century's greatest ethical challenge, has pushed his own ontology in more political and materialist directions. Their debate in The Monstrosity of Christ concerns the future of religion, secularity, and political hope in light of a monsterful event—God becoming human. For the first time since Zizek's turn toward theology, we have a true debate between an atheist and a theologian about the very meaning of theology, Christ, the Church, the Holy Ghost, Universality, and the foundations of logic. The result goes far beyond the popularized atheist/theist point/counterpoint of recent books by Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and others. Zizek begins, and Milbank answers, countering dialectics with "paradox.” The debate centers on the nature of and relation between paradox and parallax, between analogy and dialectics, between transcendent glory and liberation. Slavoj Zizek is a philosopher and cultural critic. He has published over thirty books, including Looking Awry, The Puppet and the Dwarf, and The Parallax View (these three published by the MIT Press). John Milbank is an influential Christian theologian and the author of Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason and other books. Creston Davis, who conceived of this encounter, studied under both Zizek and Milbank.

  • von W. Wesley Peterson
    47,00 €

    Error-Correcting Codes, by Professor Peterson, was originally published in 1961. Now, with E. J. Weldon, Jr., as his coauthor, Professor Peterson has extensively rewritten his material. The book contains essentially all of the material of the first edition; however, the authors state that because there has been so much new work published in error-correcting codes, the preparation of this second edition proved to be a much greater task than writing the original book. The major additions are the chapters on majority-logic codes, synchronization, and convolutional codes. Much new material has also been added to the chapters on important linear block codes and cyclic codes. The authors cite some highly regarded books on recent work done in Eastern Europe and an extensive bibliography on coding theory in the Soviet Union [sic]. In its much-expanded form, Error-Correcting Codes may be considered another valuable contribution to computer coding.

  • - A New Approach to a Market at a Crossroads
    von Charles Freeman, Sewin (New York University) Chan, Federal Reserve Bank of New York) Tracy, usw.
    36,00 €

  • - A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design
    von Clay Spinuzzi
    44,00 €

    A sociocultural study of workers' ad hoc genre innovations and their significance for information design.In Tracing Genres through Organizations, Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows how understanding this impromptu creation can improve information design. He argues that the traditional user-centered approach to design does not take into consideration the unofficial genres that spring up as workers write notes, jot down ideas, and read aloud from an officially designed text. These often ephemeral innovations in information design are vital components in a genre ecology (the complex of artifacts mediating a given activity). When these innovations are recognized for what they are, they can be traced and their evolution as solutions to recurrent design problems can be studied. Spinuzzi proposes a sociocultural method for studying these improvised innovations that draws on genre theory (which provides the unit of analysis, the genre) and activity theory (which provides a theory of mediation and a way to study the different levels of activity in an organization).After defining terms and describing the method of genre tracing, the book shows the methodology at work in four interrelated studies of traffic workers in Iowa and their use of a database of traffic accidents. These workers developed an ingenious array of ad hoc innovations to make the database better serve their needs. Spinuzzi argues that these inspired improvisations by workers can tell us a great deal about how designed information fails or succeeds in meeting workers' needs. He concludes by considering how the insights reached in studying genre innovation can guide information design itself.

  • - New Perspectives
    45,00 €

    Recent historical research and new perspectives on the Islamic scientific tradition.

  • - Cortical Organization and the Group-Selective Theory of Higher Brain Function
    von Gerald M. Edelman & Vernon B. Mountcastle
    34,00 €

    A proposal by two eminent biological scientists for a mechanism whereby mind becomes manifest from the operations of brain tissue.

  • von Noam Chomsky & M. Halle
    75,00 €

    The theoretical issues raised in The Sound Pattern of English continue to be critical to current phonology, and in many instances the solutions proposed by Chomsky and Halle have yet to be improved upon.

  • - A Transaction-Cost Politics Perspective
    von Avinash K. (Princeton University) Dixit
    39,00 €

    This text looks for an improved understanding of the politics of economic policy-making from a transaction cost perspective. It uses US fiscal policy and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) as two examples that illustrate the framework.

  • - The Less Developed Economy Revisited
    von Kaushik (The World Bank) Basu
    65,00 €

    An examination of theoretical development economics that points the way to further empirical work.

  • von Robert C. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Stalnaker
    44,00 €

    The abstract structure of inquiry--the process of acquiring and changing beliefs about the world--is the focus of this important book.

  • von Aldo Rossi
    43,00 €

  • - Essays in Technology and Modernity
    von Andrew (Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Technology Feenberg
    44,00 €

  • - The Geometry of Excitability and Bursting
    von Eugene M. (Chairman and CEO Izhikevich
    56,00 €

  • - From Marconi's Black-Box to the Audion
    von Sungook Hong
    35,00 €

    A new look at the early history of wireless communication.

  • von Fischer S. Black
    56,00 €

  • von Scott (University of Michigan) Atran
    44,00 €

    An analysis of the cognitive consequences of diminished contact with nature examines the relationship between how people think about the natural world and how they act on it, and how these are affected by cultural differences.

    54,00 €

    Original essays on the metaphysics of time, identity, and the self, written by distinguished scholars and important rising philosophers.

  • von Norvin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Richards
    33,00 €

    A study of the interface between syntax and phonology that seeks deeper explanations for such syntactic problems as case phenomena and the distribution of overt and covert wh-movement.

  • - The Architect, the Musician, and the Listener from the 17th Century to the Present Day
    von Michael Forsyth
    59,00 €

    In this remarkable study, Michael Forsyth--designer of concert halls, architect, and violinist--examines the effect of musical taste and style on architecture and the reciprocal influence that buildings and their acoustics have had on musical performance and composition.

  • von Andrew Arato & Jean L. Cohen
    92,00 €

    In this first serious work on the theory of civil society to appear in many years, Jean Cohen and Andrew Arato contend that the concept of civil society articulates a contested terrain in the West that could become the primary locus for the expansion of democracy and rights.

  • - Deviations from Deleuze and Guattari
    von Brian Massumi
    44,00 €

  • - Leading and Following in the Post-Modern Organization
    von Larry (Ctr For Applied Research) Hirschhorn
    44,00 €

    One critical change in how people work, argues Larry Hirschhorn, is that they are expected to bring more of themselves psychologically to the job. To facilitate this change, it is necessary to create a new culture of authority—one in which superiors acknowledge their dependence on subordinates, subordinates can challenge superiors, and both are able to show their vulnerability.For many companies, the past decade has been marked by a sense of turbulence and redefinition. The growing role of information technologies and service businesses has prompted companies to reconsider how they are structured and even what business they are in. These changes have also affected how people work, what skills they need, and what kind of careers they expect. One critical change in how people work, argues Larry Hirschhorn, is that they are expected to bring more of themselves psychologically to the job. To facilitate this change, it is necessary to create a new culture of authority—one in which superiors acknowledge their dependence on subordinates, subordinates can challenge superiors, and both are able to show their vulnerability. In the old culture of authority, people suppressed disruptive feelings such as envy, resentment, and fear of dependency. But by depersonalizing themselves, they became "alienated"; in the process, the work of the organization suffered. In building a new culture of authority, we are challenged to express these feelings without disrupting our work. We learn how to bring our feelings to our tasks. The first chapters of the book examine the covert processes by which people caught between the old and new culture of authority neither suppress nor express their feelings. Feelings are activated but not directed toward useful work. The case studies of this process are instructive and moving. The book then explores how organizations can create a culture of openness in which people become more psychologically present. In part, the process entails an understanding of the changes taking place in how we experience our own identity at work and that of "others" in society at large. To do this, the book suggests, we need a social policy of forgiveness and second chances.

  • von Colin Rowe
    55,00 €

    This collection of an important architectural theorist's essays considers and compares designs by Palladio and Le Corbusier, discusses mannerism and modern architecture, architectural vocabulary in the 19th century, the architecture of Chicago, neoclassicism and modern architecture, and the architecture of utopia.

  • - Problems in the Philosophy of Science
    von Paul (City University of Ny Grad Ctr) Horwich
    54,00 €

    In this intriguing book, Paul Horwich makes precise and explicit the interrelationships between time and a large number of philosophically important notions.

  • - An Approach to Interactive Fiction
    von Nick (Associate Professor of Digital Media Montfort
    44,00 €

    A critical approach to interactive fiction, as literature and game.Interactive fiction—the best-known form of which is the text game or text adventure—has not received as much critical attention as have such other forms of electronic literature as hypertext fiction and the conversational programs known as chatterbots. Twisty Little Passages (the title refers to a maze in Adventure, the first interactive fiction) is the first book-length consideration of this form, examining it from gaming and literary perspectives. Nick Montfort, an interactive fiction author himself, offers both aficionados and first-time users a way to approach interactive fiction that will lead to a more pleasurable and meaningful experience of it.Twisty Little Passages looks at interactive fiction beginning with its most important literary ancestor, the riddle. Montfort then discusses Adventure and its precursors (including the I Ching and Dungeons and Dragons), and follows this with an examination of mainframe text games developed in response, focusing on the most influential work of that era, Zork. He then considers the introduction of commercial interactive fiction for home computers, particularly that produced by Infocom. Commercial works inspired an independent reaction, and Montfort describes the emergence of independent creators and the development of an online interactive fiction community in the 1990s. Finally, he considers the influence of interactive fiction on other literary and gaming forms. With Twisty Little Passages, Nick Montfort places interactive fiction in its computational and literary contexts, opening up this still-developing form to new consideration.

  • - Three Studies
    von Theodor W. Adorno
    43,00 €

  • - Studies in Sociotechnical Change
    66,00 €

    Building on the influential book The Social Construction of Technological Systems, this volume carries forward the project of creating a theory of technological development and implementation that is strongly grounded in both sociology and history.

  • von Massimo Pigliucci
    56,00 €

    Prominent evolutionary biologists and philosophers of science survey recent work that expands the core theoretical framework underlying the biological sciences.In the six decades since the publication of Julian Huxley's Evolution: The Modern Synthesis, the spectacular empirical advances in the biological sciences have been accompanied by equally significant developments within the core theoretical framework of the discipline. As a result, evolutionary theory today includes concepts and even entire new fields that were not part of the foundational structure of the Modern Synthesis. In this volume, sixteen leading evolutionary biologists and philosophers of science survey the conceptual changes that have emerged since Huxley's landmark publication, not only in such traditional domains of evolutionary biology as quantitative genetics and paleontology but also in such new fields of research as genomics and EvoDevo.Most of the contributors to Evolution, the Extended Synthesis accept many of the tenets of the classical framework but want to relax some of its assumptions and introduce significant conceptual augmentations of the basic Modern Synthesis structure—just as the architects of the Modern Synthesis themselves expanded and modulated previous versions of Darwinism. This continuing revision of a theoretical edifice the foundations of which were laid in the middle of the nineteenth century—the reexamination of old ideas, proposals of new ones, and the synthesis of the most suitable—shows us how science works, and how scientists have painstakingly built a solid set of explanations for what Darwin called the "grandeur” of life.ContributorsJohn Beatty, Werner Callebaut, Jeremy Draghi, Chrisantha Fernando, Sergey Gavrilets, John C. Gerhart, Eva Jablonka, David Jablonski, Marc W. Kirschner, Marion J. Lamb, Alan C. Love, Gerd B. Müller, Stuart A. Newman, John Odling-Smee, Massimo Pigliucci, Michael Purugganan, Eörs Szathmáry, Günter P. Wagner, David Sloan Wilson, Gregory A. Wray

    41,00 €

    Studies of the co-construction of technology and modernity that lay the foundation for a new, interdisciplinary field.

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