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  • von Aldous Huxley
    29,00 €

    "Dive into the shadowy underworld of Dashiell Hammett's 'The Maltese Falcon', a masterpiece that redefined the detective genre. In the fog-laden streets of San Francisco, meet Sam Spade, a sharp-witted private detective with a knack for trouble. When the alluring Miss Wonderly walks into his office, Spade is plunged into a labyrinth of deception and greed. At the heart of this whirlwind is the elusive Maltese Falcon, a priceless artifac t steeped in mystery and coveted by a cast of cunning characters, each with their own dangerous agenda. As Spade navigates through lies and treachery, he must contend with murder, betrayal, and his own dubious morals. With twists at every turn, Hammett crafts a tale where trust is a luxury and the stakes are deadly. Will Spade unravel the mystery of the Maltese Falcon, or will he be outwitted in this deadly game of cat and mouse? 'The Maltese Falcon' is not just a story-it's a riveting journey into the heart of noir, where the line between right and wrong is as blurred as the foggy San Francisco skyline."

  • von P. Rajendran
    31,00 €

  • von S. Rani
    23,00 €

    "Electroanalytical Methods" is a pivotal text that offers a comprehensive exploration of electrochemistry and its numerous applications across a wide array of scientific disciplines, including earth science, life science, physical science, biochemistry, and pharmaceutical chemistry. This book is an invaluable resource for chemistry graduates, underlining the increasing necessity for a sound knowledge of electrochemistry in today's scientific landscape.Thoughtfully crafted to cater to the educational needs of both undergraduate and postgraduate students at Indian universities, this book skillfully demystifies complex electroanalytical techniques. The concepts are presented in an accessible manner, enriched with relevant examples and problems to foster easy understanding and practical application.This text stands out not just for its educational utility but also as a bridge connecting readers with the latest advancements in the field of electroanalytical methods. It equips the readers with both a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts and an updated insight into the latest developments, empowering them to effectively tackle the evolving challenges in scientific research.With its detailed yet clear presentation, "Electroanalytical Methods" is more than just a textbook; it's a gateway to further exploration and a deeper appreciation of electrochemistry's role in modern science. Whether for academic pursuit or professional enrichment, this book is a must-have for anyone seeking to advance their understanding and application of electroanalytical methods in the scientific realm.

  • von S. Mohan
    35,00 €

    Are you preparing for competitive examinations in the field of physics, such as University Examinations, GATE, NET, or SLET? If so, success is within your reach with our comprehensive guide, "Multiple Choice Questions in Physics."In today's competitive academic landscape, multiple-choice tests are a common hurdle that every aspiring physicist must overcome. While most are familiar with this format, it takes more than just subject knowledge to excel in these exams. It requires precise test-taking skills and strategies.Our book is designed to equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to triumph in these challenging assessments. Whether you've acquired some background in physics through self-study, leisure reading, or coursework, our book will help you consolidate your understanding. You'll review the fundamentals, explore sample materials, and dive into recommended textbooks at the university level.What sets our book apart is its focus on preparing you for the intricacies of competitive multiple-choice questions. Inside, you'll find essential advice, such as managing your time efficiently, postponing answers to tough questions, and the importance of always attempting every question. Plus, we'll guide you on marking your answers clearly and neatly, as they'll be scored by an optical scanner. And remember, multiple-choice questions often trick test-takers with seemingly correct wrong answers, so we'll teach you how to consider all possibilities before making your final choice.Success in these examinations requires meticulous planning and preparation. Our book is here to provide you with the necessary tools to demonstrate your knowledge across a range of physics topics. Whether you're striving for personal or professional goals, "Multiple Choice Questions in Physics" will be your trusted companion on the journey to success.Don't leave your success to chance; let our book empower you to conquer your physics examinations. Start preparing effectively, manage your time wisely, and increase your chances of achieving your academic and career aspirations. Good luck in your venture to excellence!

  • von D. Velmurugan
    31,00 €

    Crystallography is the experimental science of determining thestructure of materials and the three-dimensional arrangement ofatoms in molecules. This book systematically covers the basics ofcrystal structure and their organization. All chapters have been amplyillustrated to enable ease of understanding of this highly complexsubject. To appreciate the use of crystallography in determining thethree-dimensional crystal structure of molecules, SHELXprogramme with relevant plotting routine has been elaborately dealtwith. Solved examples and exercises provided would be helpful tothe students to have a good understanding of this subject.

  • von Patricia Trueman
    27,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Prakash S Lohar
    31,00 €

    "Cell and Molecular Biology" is a comprehensive and engaging book that reflects the author's enduring passion and fascination with the field. Rooted in years of experience and a deep-seated interest in cell and molecular biology, this book is more than just an academic text; it's a vivid journey into the heart of life's fundamental processes.The author, with a rich background in physiology, has crafted this book to cater to the curious minds of graduate and postgraduate students from diverse fields such as Biotechnology, Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Health, and Medical Sciences. The text aims to ignite appreciation for the intricate activities of biomolecules and microscopic structures in the cellular world.Recognizing the dynamic nature of cell and molecular biology as a core subject in the curriculum of most Indian Universities, this book offers a concise yet comprehensive coverage of each topic. From fundamental concepts to the latest developments, the material is presented in an accessible style that is particularly beneficial for students preparing for competitive examinations.The book is abundant with detailed discussions on all cell organelles, their structures, and functions, complemented by incredible illustrations. It integrates the molecular aspects of genes, making it an invaluable resource for researchers and academicians as well.Designed to be student-friendly, the book ensures comprehensibility and enjoyment for those with minimal backgrounds in biology and chemistry. Complex materials are presented in a simple, lively manner to avoid boredom and maintain engagement. The text comprises twelve chapters, with the initial chapters dedicated to exploring the diverse nature of cells and their components such as the cell wall, plasma membrane, nucleus, and others. It highlights the importance of microscopy and micrometry in cell function studies and dives into the structural and genomic organization of various viral classes, bacterial genetics, and the role of microorganisms in genetic engineering.Further chapters discuss the cellular cycle, cell divisions, DNA structure and replication, transcription, RNA synthesis, and gene expression regulation in prokaryotes. Each chapter concludes with a summary and review questions, enhancing understanding and retention.Additional features of the book include a glossary defining key terms and an updated list of Nobel laureates in physiology/medicine and chemistry. "Cell and Molecular Biology: Unraveling the Mysteries of Life" stands as a testament to the beauty and complexity of the cellular world, making it a must-read for anyone delving into the realms of life sciences.

  • von S. Rajan
    50,00 €

    This book is an essential resource for anyone delving into the complex world of pathogenic microorganisms and the diseases they cause. This book is meticulously structured to provide the foundational aspects of medical microbiology in a clear, concise, and easily digestible format, making it an invaluable tool for students and professionals alike.Divided into six units, the book adopts a hierarchical organization inspired by Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. It covers a broad spectrum of topics, including the characteristics of pathogens, the pathogenesis and multiplication of viruses, the life cycles of parasites, laboratory diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of various diseases. The initial section sets the stage by offering a general overview of normal flora, host-microbe interactions, antimicrobial chemotherapy, vaccines, and the epidemiology of infectious diseases.What sets this book apart is its detailed exposition of identifying features of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths. This is achieved through comprehensive descriptions involving microscopy, macroscopy, culture media, and biochemical tests, providing a thorough understanding of each pathogen."Medical Microbiology" is an ideal textbook for undergraduate students across various disciplines such as microbiology, biotechnology, zoology, nursing, pharmaceutics, and medicine. Its practical approach is further enhanced with the inclusion of spotters, practicals, and model questions at the end of each chapter, making it a perfect guide for exam preparation.Moreover, this book serves as an invaluable source for those preparing for competitive exams like ICMR, CSIR, UGC, NET, SLET, and others. It's more than just a textbook; it's a comprehensive guide that bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the field of medical microbiology.Whether you're a student seeking to excel in your studies or a healthcare professional aiming to stay updated in the field, "Medical Microbiology: A Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Professionals" is an indispensable addition to your library.

  • von Mukesh Pasupuleti
    33,00 €

    Discover the transformative world of molecular biotechnology with our essential guide, "Molecular Biotechnology." This book serves as a beacon for new research students venturing into the vast and vibrant field of the Molecular Sciences."Molecular Biotechnology" is crafted with the primary objective of being an accessible and informative gateway for those encountering the wonders of biotechnology for the first time. The application of recombinant DNA technology has revolutionized our understanding of life, leaving no area of experimental biology untouched. As we witness monumental milestones like the publication of the Human Genome Project, the role of biotechnology in education and research becomes ever more vital.This book delves deep into the basic molecular mechanisms behind recombinant technology, offering concise and clear explanations of its fundamental principles. Designed to be easily understandable, it aims to imbue readers with the same sense of awe and anticipation that has marked the field since the breakthrough of recombinant DNA technology.Recognizing that science is an ever-evolving entity, this book is meticulously updated to reflect the latest advancements and research. The author's commitment to providing current and cohesive content ensures that "Molecular Biotechnology" stands as a relevant and invaluable resource in an age of rapid scientific progression.Whether you are a student beginning your journey in biology, a scholar in the molecular sciences, or an enthusiast eager to understand the biotechnological revolution, "Molecular Biotechnology" is your indispensable companion. Embrace this opportunity to be part of a science that is reshaping our world every day.

  • von L. Veerakumari
    46,00 €

    In an era where scientific advancement is skyrocketing, the role of sophisticated tools and techniques becomes paramount. This book is a comprehensive textbook designed to bridge this knowledge gap for students and educators in the life sciences. With an emphasis on the instruments and methods integral to biological and molecular biology research, this book is a response to the growing inclusion of bioinstrumentation in the curriculum of many Indian universities.Spanning eighteen chapters, the book begins with foundational topics like laboratory safety and measurement units, crucial for anyone embarking on biological experimentation. It delves into microscopy, including cutting-edge non-optical scanning probe microscopy, and covers essential laboratory tools such as balances, centrifuges, and pH meters. Further chapters explore manometry, osmometry, chromatography, electrophoresis, and the diverse techniques of spectroscopy, integral to practical biochemistry.A notable addition is the chapter on biosensors, a rapidly evolving field with immense commercial and practical potential. These analytical devices, combining biocatalysts with transducers, are pivotal in personal health monitoring, food safety, and environmental assessment. The book also ventures into the realms of molecular biology, addressing DNA sequencing, PCR, DNA microarray, protein sequencing, and bioinformatics - an increasingly vital tool in managing biological data.Each chapter is enriched with numerous photographs and illustrations, enhancing understanding and engagement. Review questions at the end of each chapter aid in consolidating learning. The book concludes with a useful glossary and appendices, though it acknowledges its focus on bioinstrumentation in biology and molecular biology, deliberately excluding biomedical instrumentation to maintain scope and clarity.This textbook is an essential resource for students and teachers in biology, offering a thorough understanding of the instruments and techniques at the forefront of scientific research. It's a testament to the importance of bioinstrumentation in the ongoing quest for scientific discovery and innovation.

  • von P. Saravanan
    29,00 €

    Embark on an intriguing journey into the microscopic world of viruses with "Virology," a beginner-friendly guide that demystifies one of the most dynamic areas of biological science.This book gently introduces you to the basics of virology. Discover the diverse world of viruses - from their unique structures and life cycles to the significant role they play in our ecosystem and human health."Virology" breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language, supported by engaging illustrations and real-world examples. You will learn about the history of virology, including landmark discoveries and the evolution of our understanding of viruses. The book also delves into the impact of viruses on human health, discussing well-known viruses and recent global challenges.Whether you are a curious reader, a student starting a course in life sciences, or someone interested in understanding the viral phenomena that influence our world, "Virology" is your accessible and informative guide. Step into the world of these fascinating entities and gain a new appreciation for their role in the tapestry of life.

  • von I. Kannan
    33,00 €

    In this book readers delve into the profound evolution of this critical field, tracing its origins from the early 20th century to its current status as an interdisciplinary cornerstone. This comprehensive book covers the fusion of immunology with various domains such as microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, zoology, clinical medicine, and pathology. Designed to align with the changing approach towards immunology, it places significant emphasis on molecular aspects, paving the way for new treatments and diagnostic methods for complex diseases, including cancer.Unique to this text are pioneering chapters on immunological synapse, molecular immunology, immunohistochemistry, and tumor immunology, reflecting the latest advancements. The content is presented in a clear, accessible manner, ensuring it caters to both students and educators in life sciences. With up-to-date information and essential illustrations, this book is a key resource for understanding the intricate and ever-evolving world of immunology, affirming its critical role in life sciences. Whether for academic pursuit or professional growth, "Immunology" stands as an invaluable guide for exploring the dynamic interplay of biology and medicine.

  • von R. Sasidhara
    34,00 - 38,00 €

  • von K Bagavathi Sundari
    37,00 €

  • von K. Sivakumar
    35,00 €

    Laboratory studies constitute an integral and important aspect in thestudy of science subjects. Botany in particular is a subject heavily orientedon practical study. A proper comprehension of the subject matteris possible only in the laboratory. Laboratory manuals play an importantrole in helping the students to properly guide them in purpose of study,scope of study and details required for a practical study.Practical manual of algae aims to provide the students all they needto know about the practical aspects such as morphological characters, internalstructure if any and systematic identification. A number of labelleddiagrams included in the text are meant to help the student's comprehensionof the subject.This manual "Algae - A Practical Approach" deals with all the basicrequirements in the botany laboratory that a student should know. Theworking of compound microscope, the most important tool in the laboratoryis explained in great detail in the introduction, along with variousprocedures of study such as section cutting, staining, mounting, etc.,working principles of electron microscopy and material preparation forscanning and transmission electron microscopic studies. General charactersand classification of algae with all essential descriptions and identificationof representative members of various classes of algae have been providedin this manual.With the increased awareness of importance of laboratory studies,this manual should serve as an important aid to help students familiarizethemselves with laboratory methods in botany.

  • von Prakash S Lohar
    26,00 €

    Endocrinology is one of the most fascinating fields of physiology thatis playing an important role in human health and welfare. The bookwill stimulate the interest of young students and kindle in them adesire to read more intensively since it contains every aspect ofhormonal coordination in the human body. The integration of cellsignalling pathways, involvement of receptors in signal transduction,every aspect of endocrine glands with their dysfunctions, feedbackloops and role of hormones in pharmaceutical industry-all these factsof endocrinology are incorporated in a comprehensive form.The book has been presented in a simple form with appropriatefigures that would appeal to the undergraduate and postgraduatestudents of life sciences including Zoology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy,Health Science, Nursing and Medical Science. It is hoped that thebook will meet the need of students who desire to learn clear, up-todate,and complete instances of endocrine glands that are elaboratedin ten chapters. The presentation of every hormonal disorder with itslaboratory evaluation, related symptoms, and illustrations based on acombination of quality and adequacy are significant markers of thisbook.

  • von S Meena Kumari
    32,00 €

    This book on microbial physiology is self-sufficient in all the aspects of the physiology ofmicroorganisms. Each topic is discussed in asimplified style and the complicated biochemicalprocesses are presented in an easy-to-assimilatemanner with the aid of structural representationsand simple and clear explanations. All the topicsare narrated in an interesting and systematicmanner, making it an indispensable book thatprovides a clear understanding of the complexityof microbes.

  • von Nathaniel Hawthorne
    25,00 - 35,00 €

  • von H. G. Wells
    38,00 €


  • von Ben Jonson
    22,00 €


  • von Julian Lowell Coolidge
    29,00 €


  • von P. Ramadass
    44,00 €

    Animal biotechnology is the study of the techniques ofmanipulating the genetic material to achieve the desiredeffects in animals. This book extensively deals with the basicsand recent developments in Animal Biotechnology in asimplified manner. The detailed and systematic discussionabout each topic with illustrations and examples would helpthe readers to understand the different aspects of animalbiotechnology. The book also covers the Intellectual PropertyRights, and biosafety guidelines to be adopted in thelaboratory are also included. This meticulously written bookwould be of immense help to students, researchers andteachers in the field of biotechnology.

  • von A. G. Murugesan
    41,00 €

    "Environmental Science and Biotechnology: Theory and Techniques" by A. G. Murugesan & C. Rajakumari is a comprehensive textbook that bridges the gap between fundamental concepts and practical applications in the intertwined fields of environmental science and biotechnology. The book is meticulously structured to unfold the theoretical frameworks of environmental biotechnology and elucidate the state-of-the-art techniques employed to address environmental issues such as waste treatment, bioremediation, and sustainable development.The authors, A. G. Murugesan and C. Rajakumari, expertly guide readers through the latest advancements and methodologies, providing detailed explanations and step-by-step procedures. This text is enriched with case studies, real-world examples, and extensive references, making it an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and professionals.Whether it's for academic curriculum or as a reference for field practitioners, this book serves as a key resource for anyone looking to make a significant impact in the field of environmental biotechnology. It is an invitation to explore the potential of biotechnological innovations in creating a sustainable future.

  • von Prakash S Lohar
    23,00 €

    This book deals with biotechnology-study ofuse of biological agents such as cells and bacteriato obtain desired products and services in thefields of agriculture, medicine, industrialprocesses, etc. The book covers the moderntrends, progress and diverse applications ofbiotechnology in detail so as to prove as anindispensable book for students and teachers.The imprroved methods for production ofantibiotics, vaccines and monoclonal antibodies,gene therapy, protein engineering, biofuelproduction and mineral mining are thoroughlydiscussed.Contents IntroductionAnimal Cell and Tissue Culture aGenetic EngineeringTransfection or Gene Transfer TechnologyBiotechnology, Human Diseases and MedicineEnzyme TechnologySingle Cell ProteinFermentation TechnologyBiofuel TechnologyEnvironmental BiotechnologyRecombinant DNA Technology

  • von William Faulkner
    25,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Virginia Woolf
    40,00 €

    The Voyage Out, Virginia Woolf's remarkable debut novel, is a captivating exploration of self-discovery, love, and the complexities of human relationships. Set against the backdrop of an ocean voyage from England to South America, the story follows the introspective and sensitive Rachel Vinrace, as she embarks on a journey that will forever alter her perception of the world and herself. As the ship makes its way across the Atlantic, Rachel encounters a fascinating array of characters, each grappling with their own struggles and desires. Through these interactions, Woolf skillfully weaves a rich tapestry of human emotion, delving into themes of love, loss, and the search for identity. With its lush prose, vivid imagery, and insightful character studies, The Voyage Out showcases Woolf's burgeoning talent as one of the most innovative and influential writers of her time. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Virginia Woolf's debut novel, and experience the transformative power of literature as Rachel embarks on her own voyage of self-discovery, love, and understanding.

  • von Oscar Wilde
    28,00 €

    "A Woman of No Importance" is a timeless classic by the renowned playwright and author, Oscar Wilde. Set against the backdrop of Victorian society's rigid moral code, this witty and thought-provoking play unveils the hidden truths and hypocrisies of the upper echelons of British society. At the heart of the story is Mrs. Arbuthnot, a woman shrouded in mystery and scandal, who becomes the focal point of a scandalous revelation that challenges the conventions of her time. With Wilde's signature sharp humor and biting social commentary, "A Woman of No Importance" explores themes of class, morality, and the masks we all wear in a world where appearances are everything. This captivating tale is a brilliant and entertaining commentary on the complexities of human nature, making it a must-read for literature enthusiasts and fans of Wilde's unparalleled wit.

  • von Franz Kafka
    35,00 €

    The Trial, Franz Kafka's haunting and enigmatic masterpiece, is a chilling exploration of the human struggle against an inscrutable and oppressive bureaucracy. With its surreal atmosphere and unsettling portrayal of the individual's fight for justice, this novel has earned its place as a cornerstone of modern literature.The story follows Joseph K., an ordinary man who wakes up one morning to find himself arrested for an unspecified crime. As he navigates the labyrinthine legal system in search of answers, K. becomes increasingly entangled in a nightmarish web of absurdity and hopelessness. With every step, the elusive truth seems to slip further away, leaving K. to grapple with the maddening forces that seek to control his fate.A powerful allegory of the human condition, The Trial delves deep into themes of power, control, and the crushing weight of an indifferent system. Kafka's striking prose and masterful storytelling create an unforgettable portrait of a man caught in the gears of a senseless machine. Prepare to be immersed in the disquieting world of The Trial, a novel that defies convention and challenges our understanding of the world we inhabit.

  • von Plato
    49,00 €

    "The Republic" by Plato is an enduring masterpiece of philosophical thought and a cornerstone of Western literature. In this timeless work, Plato invites readers into a dialogue that transcends the ages, as Socrates and his interlocutors grapple with fundamental questions about justice, morality, and the ideal society. Through thought-provoking debates and allegorical tales, Plato constructs a vision of a just and harmonious state, governed by philosopher-kings who prioritize wisdom and virtue. "The Republic" challenges our understanding of justice, politics, and the nature of reality itself, making it an essential read for anyone seeking to explore the depths of human thought and society. Plato's enduring wisdom continues to resonate, offering profound insights into the complexities of the human condition and the eternal pursuit of an ideal society.

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