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Bücher veröffentlicht von Noor Publishing

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  • von Kainat Abbas
    21,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Aouatef Sari
    35,00 €

    Ce livre est dédié aux étudiants de la première année des classes préparatoires en sciences et techniques. Il est rédigé d¿une manière simple et limpide afin de comprendre aisément et de la meilleure façon possible les détails du cours et des travaux dirigés de physique 1. Les notions fondamentales de la physique newtonienne d'un point matériel sont particulièrement traitées dans ce livre. Aussi, des exemples réels illustrant le phénomène étudié et des applications directes sont traités afin de permettre aux étudiants une compréhension et une assimilation complète et rapide. Le contenu de ce manuscrit s¿articule autour de six chapitres. A la fin de chaque chapitre, une série d¿exercices est proposée avec des solutions détaillées.

  • von Asad-ur Rehman
    21,00 €

    The heart is a vital organ in the circulatory system, responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. It is a muscular organ located in the chest, slightly left of center. The primary function of the heart is to ensure the circulation of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to various tissues and organs, while simultaneously removing waste products. Comprised of four chambers - the left and right atria and ventricles - the heart operates in a coordinated rhythmic pattern known as the cardiac cycle. This intricate process involves the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle, facilitating the flow of blood through the arteries, veins, and capillaries. The heart plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis and sustaining life by supporting the delivery of essential elements required for cellular function and overall physiological well-being.

  • von Sayed Abdulrazek
    47,00 €

    This book, helps starting your path to becoming an accomplished English-Arabic medical interpreter. It includes:Introduction to interpretation, history, modern-day roles of interpreters, techniques for effective interpretation, and HIPAA regulations.A section detailing the Latin prefixes and suffixes used to construct all medical terminology, including their interpretation to English and Arabic, with examples, a chapter on Anatomy and Physiology, with translations for common symptoms, diseases, a chapter for medical science, including translations of common symptoms, diseases and treatments for each. As this is a very extensive subject, it will be continued in Part 2.A chapter on Vaccines, Laboratory investigations and Radiological examinations, a chapter on real-life scenarios that the reader can practice interpretation skills, can also be used as a group-study role-play.A section with puzzles and games to help reader memorize common medical terminology.Accuracy-wise, the book is reviewed by a world-wide specialized doctors, who are bilingual or multilingual in English and another native language such as Arabic, Danish, French, German, Hindi, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish,¿

  • von Manel Ben Jemâa
    52,00 €

    Nous vivons à l¿ère des technologies de l¿information et de la communication. La médiation numérique entre les établissements d¿enseignement artistique, propose d¿ouvrir des pistes fécondes pour les professionnels, étudiants, chercheurs, qui cherchent à évoluer et à améliorer les dispositifs de partage tel est le cas des plateformes collaboratives. Mots-clés : médiation numérique, système d¿information, écoles d¿art, interactivité, échange d¿expériences, dispositifs.

  • von Bala Kalyan
    23,00 €

    Innovation is not limited to technological advancements and encompasses novel approaches to problem-solving, processes, organizational practices, or business model innovations. Entrepreneurship is based on purposeful and systematic innovation. It included not only independent business people but also company directors and managers who actually carry out innovative functions. The book innovation and entrepreneurship development cover the basic concepts of being an entrepreneur and establishing an entrepreneur venture. The objective of the manuscript is to make students understand the nature of entrepreneurship, and change energy for students to take unexplored career paths.

  • von Younes Toubache
    23,00 €

    La rupture d'un barrage est une veritable catastrophe. Le presente travail traite les hypotheses de rupture des barrages et les demarche de calcul de l'onde de submersion a l'aval qui resultant une rupture total et instantanee d'barrage. Le but de cette etudes de determiner des caractéristique hydraulique de l'onde de submerssion afin d'evaluer le risque et afin d'établir une carte d'inondation. Le carcterstique hydraulique don't le debit max la vitesse la hauteur d'eau.

  • von Sameerah Abdulkareem
    35,00 €

    For global food security, the agricultural sector of the world economy must achieve a production level that ensures adequate food supply to feed the increasing population as well as provides raw materials for the industries. This is particularly so as the energy sector is vigorously pursuing research into the use of grains and root crops as sources of starch for conversion into bio-fuels. Coincidentally, these crops (maize, rice, millet, sorgum, soybeans, cowpeas, sugarcane, groundnuts, and e.t.c.) are the stable foods in most parts of the developing countries of the world such as Africa, South America and Asia. In addition to the above new development in the industrial utilization of these crops, they are frequently and vigorously attacked by herbivorous insects and other pests such as phytopathogens and mollusks. In fact the loss due to pests and diseases is about 35% on the field and 14% in storage, giving a total loss of about 50% of agricultural crops annually. Thus the world food production is adversely affected by insects and pests during crop growth, harvest and storage.

  • von A. Arun Kumar
    35,00 €

    In today¿s competitive landscape, data is not just information; it¿s the cornerstone of strategy. "Data to Strategy: Navigating Business Analytics for Growth" unveils the transformative power of data analytics in steering organizations toward unparalleled growth. From decoding complex data sets to extracting actionable insights, this book serves as a compass through the labyrinth of analytics, illustrating how businesses can convert raw information into strategic initiatives. With real-world case studies and practical frameworks, it arms leaders, analysts, and decision-makers with the tools needed to harness data's potential, guiding them in making pivotal decisions that drive success and sustainable and scalable growth. Unlock the strategic value hidden within your data and chart a course to sustainable prosperity with "Data to Strategy."

  • von Alim-Un Nisa
    21,00 €

    Shilajit or salajeet is natural organic-mineral product of predominantly natural biological origin, formed in the mountains (in mountain crevices and caves). Shilajit is a sticky, tar-like substance found in the rocks of the Himalayas, Altai, Caucasus, and other mountain ranges. Shilajit is not derived from a plant, instead, it is a complex organic-mineral substance that oozes out of the rocks in mountainous regions. The formation of Shilajit is a result of the decomposition of plant and microbial matter over centuries. Shilagit has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and is believed to have various health benefits. It is often consumed as a dietary supplement and is rich in minerals, and other organic compounds.

  • von Ali Rezaei
    23,00 €

    This book contains Introduction to Endocrinology, disscution about Pituitary hormones and their control by the hypothalamus, Thyroid hormones, Cancer and Hormonal cortical hormones, Pancreatic hormones, Regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism, Physiology of the gonads.

  • von Taha Hosseini Ahangari
    21,00 €

    The first part reviews the history of Iran-United States relations, from the 1950s to the present day. Key events are placed in their historical and geopolitical context, in order to better understand the evolution of mistrust between the two countries. The second part examines more specifically the Iranian nuclear issue, from the 1979 Revolution to the denunciation of the 2015 agreement. Beyond the technical aspect, this section seeks to decipher the issues of sovereignty and national security under -jacent. The third part discusses the economic sanctions imposed by the United States and their impacts on Iran. It demonstrates how these punitive measures have gradually deteriorated bilateral relations while weakening the Iranian.

  • von Naceur Aounallah
    23,00 €

    This book has been designed to cover the content of the 'Radiocommunications' module officially scheduled for the first year of the Master's degree in telecommunications systems. It is also intended, in general, for all students pursuing studies in the field of telecommunications within universities and engineering schools in Algeria.This work contains five chapters allowing the reader, whether a student or a teacher, to understand various theoretical concepts related to radiocommunications. The objectives focus on deepening the understanding of electromagnetic field concepts, studying the behavior of radio waves at ground level and in the atmosphere (troposphere, stratosphere, and ionosphere), mastering the design and sizing of a radiocommunication system, as well as studying space communications and satellite links. At the end of each chapter, exercises are provided with their solutions to help the student test their acquired knowledge and prepare for tests and exams that may be encountered in their journey through the field of radiocommunications.

  • von Mohamed Mohamed Al-Toukhy
    29,00 €

    This book to is a modest scientific addition to the path of science and knowledge, it is a scientific approach and a useful multi-interest tool for scientific researchers, readers, and all those interested in the science of strategy, modern management theories and contemporary strategies that arose under the relevant modern literature.

  • von Muhammad Obaid Tahir
    21,00 €

    Bears, with their keen intelligence and adaptability, have managed to thrive in a variety of habitats, ranging from dense forests and grasslands to icy tundra and mountainous regions. Their ability to adjust to diverse environments is a testament to their evolutionary success, as they have become apex predators in their respective ecosystems. The polar bear, for instance, has evolved to master the harsh Arctic conditions, relying on its powerful limbs and keen sense of smell to hunt seals on sea ice.

  • von Rachad Oulad Ben Zarouala
    23,00 €

    Cet ouvrage présente les bases fondamentales de la thermodynamique appliquée et phénomènes de transferts que doit maîtriser tout futur ingénieur pour les mettre en ¿uvre lors de la conception ou de l¿amélioration d¿un procédé. Il s¿adresse principalement aux élèves de la première année de la filière génie mécatronique de l¿école nationale des sciences appliquées ainsi qüaux étudiants de Licence en Sciences de la matière (SMP) des facultés des sciences. Il devrait intéresser aussi les élèves de certaines écoles d¿ingénieurs. Le but de l¿ouvrage est d¿offrir à l¿étudiant une base solide pour l¿apprentissage de la thermodynamique appliquée et des phénomènes de transferts.Il reprend dans la première partie les bases de la thermodynamique et l¿étude des machines thermiques. La seconde partie est consacrée à l¿étude des systèmes ouverts, des transitions de phases des corps purs et des potentiels thermodynamiques. Et la dernière partie traite les modes de transfert thermique d¿énergie : conduction, convection et rayonnement.

  • von Atef Jalabneh
    35,00 €

    This book is written in an empirical approach; this is visible from the style of writing and the exercises given at the end of each chapter. My aim is to provide students and scholars with phonetic theories of articulatory (i.e. all articulators/ or sound-producing system), acoustic (i.e. pitch, frequency, loudness and intensity), and auditory phonetics (the outer ear, middle ear and the inner functions) as in chapter one. I make the task simple by analyzing all airstream mechanisms that are needed to produce sounds of languages and give examples from various languages and then compare and contrast them to Arabic data while discussing consonants and vowels as in chapter two. I have adopted various theoretical views of fortis / lenis, aspirated / non aspirated, voiced / voiceless and nasal plosion / non nasal plosion while discussing Arabic consonants; also adopted notions like high/ low, front/ back, tense/ lax and rounded/ unrounded while discussing the Arabic vowels as in chapter three. I ended the book with chapter four in which I wrote a number of beneficial exercises focused on phonetic description of Arabic data.

  • von Atef Jalabneh
    35,00 €

    The book is written to simplify the study of American English spelling system; it provides a comprehensive analysis spelling differences between British and American. I link American phonetic symbols with IPA. The book also covers the branches of phonetics, namely, articulatory, acoustic and auditory. I explain the organs of speech and the vital roles they play in the articulation of consonants and vowels at the word level. I give a full-fledged articulatory description of the English consonants; they are classified with reference to both place and manner of articulation and voicing. I provide a chart in which there is a connected relation between a phonetic form of a consonant and letter(s). I provide a detailed analysis about the source of the American vowels; they are derived basically from cardinal vowels proposed by Jones (1986). Vowels are classified into simple/ mono-thongs (tense and lax) and complex (diphthong and triphthong). They are differentiated from each other with reference to broad transcription in terms of state and movement of the tongue, shape of the lips and the state of the nose.

  • von Obaid Tahir
    21,00 €

    The name "sturgeon" encompasses over two dozen species, and these remarkable fish can be found in various parts of the world, primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. Their distinctive features include elongated bodies covered with bony plates (scutes), a cartilaginous skeleton, and a deeply forked tail. Sturgeons are well adapted to a wide range of aquatic environments, from freshwater rivers and lakes to brackish coastal waters. Their migratory behaviors, spawning habits, and foraging strategies vary among species, but they share a common thread in their remarkable ability to endure and survive in diverse conditions. Their evolutionary success story is a testament to the slow pace of their genetic change, resulting in minimal morphological alterations over millions of years.

  • von Baghdad Ahmed Bellia
    35,00 €

    Depuis le milieu des années 1960, le cinéma algérien faisait déjà preuve d'une grande maturité, malgré le manque de moyens et de capacités.Un groupe de jeunes intéressés par le septième art cherchaient à établir les bases d'une industrie et d'un commerce cinématographiques parallèlement à la création artistique .En 1971 Mohammed zinet réalisa son film tahya Ya didou , en essayant de montrer le vrai visage de la capitale algérienne , il sera suivi d'un autre film non moins important, "Omar Gatlato" de Merzak Allouache, qui a suivi la même tendance en décrivant les faits quotidiens de la jeunesse de la capitale avec une perspective socio-culturelle, et donc la réalité quotidienne algérienne est devenue un sujet du cinéma algérien.

  • von Moulay Ali EL Oualidi
    23,00 €

    Le présent travail s¿inscrit dans le cadre d¿un projet logistique au sein de l¿Office Chérifien Phosphates Safi_Maroc, le premier exportateur des phosphates et 3éme producteur au monde entier. L¿objectif principal de ce projet est l¿optimisation du transport de personnel du site de Safi tout en améliorant la qualité de service, c¿est donc de trouver un compromis entre la diminution des couts et l¿augmentation de satisfaction du personnel, pour ce faire nous avons adopter une démarche DMAIC, nous avons donc commencer par la détermination et la compréhension de la problématique et des objectifs à cibler, puis la collecte des données dont le chronométrage était une partie nécessaire pour standardiser notre fenêtre de temps, cette collecte nous a servi par la suite à décrire la situation actuelle, nous avons, ensuite, analyser cette situation pour en déduire les causes racines de la problématique, ceci pour proposer le plan d¿actions adéquats et enfin comparer entre ces actions et en choisir la meilleure. En effet deux volets ont était proposé, le premier, dans le cas de l¿effectif aléatoire et qui a pour objectif principal l¿augmentation du taux de couverture.

  • von Abdellali Bouzenzana
    29,00 €

    La consommation de minéraux augmente chaque année, obligeant les technologues à recourir à des gisements de moindre qualité qui seraient inutilisables sans la mise en ¿uvre de méthodes spéciales nécessitant une connaissance approfondie des phénomènes physiques et chimiques.Dans ce domaine important, il est nécessaire qu'un ingénieur ou un technicien utilisant ces métaux complète la connaissance possible des méthodes sous toutes leurs formes pouvant être utilisées dans différentes industries. Cet ouvrage a un double objectif : donner les principes de la minéralurgie (valorisation, enrichissement ou traitement) des minerais, de manière simple et claire, fournir des bases de compréhension des méthodes appliquées basées sur les phénomènes physico-chimiques et mécaniques des constituants des minerais, et s'adresse aux ingénieurs, aux étudiants DEUA du système classique, aux étudiants du système LMD, spécialisés en minéralogie, exploitation, métallurgie, spécialités connexes comme la géologie minière et autres domaines connexes tels que le génie civil, aux technologues en béton armé travaillant dans le domaine des mines, carrières, traitement des minéraux et métallurgie.

  • von Hayfaa Jasim Hussein
    42,00 €

    The intensive use of mineral (M) fertilizers may cause harm the environment via leaching or greenhouse gas emissions, destroy soil fertility as a consequence of loss of soil organic matter, and, due to their high price, they are economically unviable for producers. It is widely accepted that organic (O) fertilizers may deal with pressing challenges facing modern agriculture, even if farmers need to improve their knowledge for applying in fertilization programs. A meta-analysis approach has been adopted to evaluate the effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) and crop yield of O fertilizers, applied alone or in combination with mineral fertilizers (MO) under conventional (CT), reduced (RT), and no-tillage (NT) regimes. The analysis was performed in different climatic conditions, soil properties, crop species, and irrigation management. Organic fertilizers have a positive influence in increasing SOC compared with M (on average 12.9%), even if high values were observed under NT (20.6%). The need for flexible and environment-specific systems when considering organic fertilization subjected to different tillage regimes.

  • von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    23,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the Law, Covering Contracts, Intellectual Property, and Taxation Disciplines through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the lawl field.The need for a book on Terminology Employed in Contracts, Patents, Taxes & Legalities Disciplines has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the day-today affairs from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies, requirements and development of professional students in terms of law usage.

  • von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    42,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Bilingual Terms and Terminology Employed in Secretarial Practice, Conversation,Greetings and Communication Sectors through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Secretarial Practice and Communicative fields.The need for a book on Terminology Employed in Functional Language for Conversation and Communication domain has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the Functional language sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for Functional Language

  • von Irfan Syamsuddin
    21,00 €

    National ID or national identity is an official identification system used by a country's government to offer official identity to its citizen. Every citizen's full name, place and date of birth, gender, address, and other unique identity are included on the card.In addition to these benefits, there are a number of security risks that could result in citizens' personal data being released to unauthorized parties.This book delves into security approaches in the form of a Secure QR Code, which is being tried to improve the security of the National Identity System. The book you're holding right now will describe each stage in detail.

  • von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    21,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the Healthcare Sector through Arabic -English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology and concepts used in the Medical sector. The need for a book on Terms used in the Healthcare Sector has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the educational sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various Medical terms requirements and also the concepts and terms of current usage in Healthcare sector.

  • von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    21,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the fields of Sports, Fitness and Recreation through Arabic - English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the sports sector. The need for a book on Terms used in Sports, Fitness and Recreation has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the educational sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various Sports, Fitness and Recreation requirements of current usage.

  • von Derese Alehegn
    23,00 €

    More than 250 Amhara people from the Ethiopian region have been slaughtered by Oromo and Tigray as of each day. If we multiply 30 dates by 250, we get 7500 Amhara killed per month, 360 dates by 7500, and 2,700,000 Amhara dead in a year. The Oromia freedom and the Tigray liberation movements resulted in the deaths of 81,000,000 Amhara people from the Ethiopian area over the course of 30 years. This time, Amhara is being driven out of Oromia country by the joint army of Abi Ahmed and Shimel Abdisa. A national gathering has been organised by Ahmadinej Jebel, Mujib Aminou, and Murad Tadese to denounce Fanon, blame the Amhara, and claim that genocide took place in Gondar. According to Harun Media and Zawya TV, the entire Islamic Amhara in the Oromos have killed and slaughtered Wolag Kebele. A national gathering has been organised by Ahmadinej Jebel, Mujib Aminou, and Murad Tadese to denounce Fanon, blame the Amhara, and claim that genocide took place in Gondar. The Oromo group shouts without being heard because it lacks a regional Federal Majlis. The Wahhabi Islam Oromo, an adherent of Ahmadinejad Jebel, is responsible for the annihilation of the Amhara and the extermination.

  • von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    21,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. To secure the future of the Arabic language, concerted efforts are needed from both individuals and institutions. Promoting Arabic literacy, encouraging its use in education and administration, fostering a sense of pride in its speakers, and investing in linguistic research are vital steps in preserving its legacy.With unity and determination, the Arab world can navigate the challenges that face its cherished language and continue to celebrate the language that has been a cradle of civilization and a symbol of cultural pride for millennia. By heeding the warning and embracing the call of "The Arabic Language" poem, Arabic can transcend the boundaries of time and space, remaining a vibrant and relevant language that contributes to the global tapestry of human communication and understanding.This Arabic poem is a remarkable ode.

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