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Bücher veröffentlicht von Olympia Publishers

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  • von Holly Franklin
    20,00 €

    Toni Rossi is a beautiful young therapist with the world at her feet. After escaping a loveless marriage, she has begun a new chapter in her life, starting a successful therapy practice with her friend and colleague, Bruce. Toni is also daring to allow a new love interest to bloom with her handsome and considerate landlord, Hank. Life is full of promise and possibilities for Toni, until, that is, she receives a gruesome gift, accompanied by an ominous threat, from a mysterious person calling himself loosecannon.As loosecannon steps up his campaign of terror against Toni, her life begins to unravel at an alarming speed. In addition, a terrible secret kept by Bruce throughout his years of friendship with Toni is revealed, and the consequences could be catastrophic. With her life in danger and time running out, can Toni discover the identity of loosecannon before it's too late?

  • von Segun Tewogbola
    17,00 €

    In Speaking Destiny, author Segun Tewogbola, like each of us has been on his own journey of life. He explains the reality of life. Life is full of challenges, and moreover, because you are a Christian does not mean you will not be faced with challenges. Challenges are ways of developing our mental capacity through the tests placed before us in real life.This book provides a simple yet thorough understanding of life. No doubt, life is beautiful, and every moment is a celebration of being alive, but one should always be ready to face adversity and challenges. Difficulties test the courage, patience, perseverance, and true character of a human being. Limits exist only in the mind! Once you can deal with the issues of mind, you are on your way to success. If you could not go far in your mind, you cannot go far in life. God created everyone for His particular purpose on earth. There is no one that is purposelessly living on earth today, although it is another thing if one has not realized the very purpose of his or her existing.

  • von Brittany Mishler
    27,00 €

    In this thought-provoking lyrical tragedy, Brittany Mishler carves out an unfortunate childhood of a little girl that has had to experience her growing years held in the clutches of pain, abuse, and loss. Growing up, sadly, has been no different. It is a reality not uncommon and often spoken of yet is just as heart-wrenching for every individual. From a little girl shrunken by the beatings from an excuse of a father to a grown woman fighting off the demons and stuck in a cycle of abuse, she wonders how the man who now claims to have found God tended to forget He exists when her life has become a big question of why she was never good enough to make him change his ways.

  • von M'Lord Chook
    25,00 €

    Like a zombie rising from a plague pit, M'Lord Chook is back with a vengeance in this, the second volume of the Black Metal Dad saga.Told in the same, uniquely hilarious style of, A Journey into the Dark Underbelly of Parenthood, this tome shines the spotlight on the mosh pit that is M'Lord's life. Incredibly relatable, you, the reader, will gain an intimate insight into what makes our narrator tick, warts, and all.Be warned though, this book is not for the faint of heart. While, 'Journey', was a rollercoaster ride, 'Hunting Unicorns', is like free-falling without a parachute. Into a lake of fire. Surrounded by a lego beach. You have been warned.So, take a seat and kiss your ass goodbye, the crazy train is about to leave the station.

  • von B. Lynn Goodwin
    23,00 €

    The San Ramos High students are busy rehearsing their performance of Our Town when the school and the surrounding towns are rocked by a 7.1 earthquake. As a series of unusual aftershocks disrupt the town further, their school is deemed unsafe, and the show is postponed indefinitely-unless they can find a way to turn that bad luck around. Dealing with their own personal difficulties and led by the stage manager, Sandee, who is working her way through the loss of her brother, they attempt to bring the community together, make the performance a success, and do their share to raise funds to rebuild. Both the show and life must go on!

  • von Melina Amalia Vavoula
    15,00 €

    Penned in this collection of lyrical thoughts are the author's heartfelt emotions spanning over various themes. Ranging from a hungry robin to the surreal images the clouds paint in the sky, to whether the freedom of speech is truly that and the unavoidable and sad reality of the displaced persons, the author has given much food for thought. The poems are sweet and nostalgic as well as gloomy and truthfully hard-edged.

  • von John Prince
    16,00 €

    Sam lives a happy life with a family that loves her. Her mother and father, Curie, and Joe, own a lovely farm that houses Sam's brothers, Timothy and Jake, and her best friend, a female pet chicken called Matthew. Life is moving along just as it normally does, going to school, hanging out with friends, and coming home, until Jake suddenly and shockingly goes missing. The family is naturally rattled, but none of them have any idea just how serious Jake's disappearance will prove until Sam and her friends make a discovery in the woods. What are these strange lights appearing in Kansas? What are the Primes? And how on Earth does being a vegan play into any of it?In Blood of the Last True Heart, John Prince tells a dark tale that encourages a will for compassion towards the nature we find around us.

  • von Pablo
    16,00 €

    The book is a raw depiction of young male's sexual experiences in and out of Africa. Well set in the free Western world, and embracing ideology hitherto a taboo in the restricted African society. It is written to appeal to all forms of sexual orientations without prejudice to any particular group but also as a learning tool for all. The raw presentation is to launch the reader into the real world of these sexual escapades and to bring imagination to reality.

  • von Hofer Ho
    16,00 €

    In this candid memoir Hofer Ho reflects on his tumultuous young life under the indomitable but often questionable leadership of his mother.From her own childhood experiences of war and the ever-near dangers of rape and starvation, Ho relates his mother's rise from the ashes to conquer every obstacle that threatens her family's success. But at what cost? From the near abandonment of husband and home to the steady erosion of her most sacred relationships; cat-and-mouse acts with immigration and close calls with the law Ho questions the price of his mother's seemingly insatiable need to acquire wealth.My Hakka Mother is a brave confrontation of memories so deep and bitter only forgiveness can soothe them.

  • von Brendan Murphy
    24,00 €

    Brendan Murphy was born into the Irish diaspora, returning home to Ireland in 1996, after multiple attempts, just as the Comet Hale-Bopp became visible, leading the way home as the bright light it was. He has lived in the Cooley Mountains in Tullaghomeath, high above Carlingford Lough since 1997, where his sense of belonging and identity have been nourished by the warmth of neighbours and community.Brendan's work as a Business Consultant has taken him to many countries, but it is Ukraine which left a mark on him, never to fade or be forgotten. He built a home away from home. Forged and nurtured friendships, which have seen them through war, turmoil and escape.A year into his separation from his ex-wife, meeting and falling in love with Sophia (not her real name) was what truly grounded him in Ukraine, even if it took them twelve years and two glorious attempts at their marriage. First the green wedding, then the blue.However, new home, family and life was suddenly disrupted by the threat of war and arguments with the Irish government, culminating on the morning Russia attacked where he lived, on 24 February 2022.From that moment, it was a race against time and death, as Brendan, along with Sophia and her family, navigated country roads in a small Skoda Fabia, sheltering in safe houses, and with no documents, hoping to make it to Ireland, before they too would become lifeless bodies, strewn about the roads, as many, horrifically, have done.This is their story.

  • von Rasool Darweesh
    18,00 €

    Following the conversation with his mother after the death of his father, Rasool vows to discover the truth about his father's demise by following two different channels: First, through the recollection of real events and second, through the extortion of souls. Bodies and souls narrate the same events through two parallel narrative perspectives.The author's mother then visits him in a dream asking to write the Soul of the King. She promises to visit him again when he completes the book. Rasool, since then has been waiting for his mother's return in his dream.=====Soul of the King is the latest in a substantial catalogue of books published by the author, Rasool Darweesh. He has written both fiction and non-fiction books.

  • von Faida Tshimwanga
    14,00 €

    Faida Tshimwanga dreams of restoring world peace. To put her thoughts to paper, she makes use of her muse Cosette - an inspiration from Les Misérables - as a vessel to bring calm and eradicate evil in the world.Cosette is plagued with a deadly disease caused by Satan. When at last she succumbs to her illness, she goes to God and asks Him to allow Satan back into the Heaven so him and his demons can leave the Earth in peace. God accepts this proposal and so does Satan, thus freeing Earth of all evil and wrongdoings.

  • von Farzana Quader
    15,00 €

    In Shards of Glass, we meet three women - Jhuma, Tanya, and Angela - as they navigate their way through their own individual challenges and life-changing decisions. Although initially strangers to each other, the three share a common bond in their desire to do good, defy the conventions that hold them back, and to do work that lifts those without a voice. United in a mission to help the Indian tribes retain their rights and their land, and to fight against political corruption, accounts of their humanitarian work cross over with personal struggles as they endure love, loss, and grief. In their own ways, the three must come to terms with their own changing perspectives of the world, and their purpose in it, as their destinies converge on their shared plight for justice.

  • von Nick Jacobson
    28,00 €

    Jailhouse food is tough.It's bland, it's cheap and you get what you're given.Unless you have this cookbook.With the recipes inside, you can take a handful of easily sourced ingredients to make delicious 'Spreads' from Cheese Squeeze, Meat Log, Kool-Aid and a whole variety of chips and Pork Cracklins.A must-have for the adventurous eater on a budget.

  • von Alca H
    13,00 €

    Exploring love, betrayal and hope this collection of poems takes you through the vast emotions of filial love, infatuation, and separation to the agonies of deceit. The author has written this anthology balancing between soft, mellow tones and stronger, more powerful tones.

  • von Cece Loop
    43,00 €

    Why Can't You Just Be A NORMAL Princess?Tara, Princess of the Realm of Brythrony, is weary of joining her parents' royal audiences, tired of sessions at the Law Courts, fed up with ribbon-cutting ceremonies, and hates the Season-the countless, tedious formal balls given around the kingdom that her mother insists she attend. She doesn't seem at all suited to ruling Brythrony; worse, she doesn't even appear to be interested! At last, in total frustration and disappointment, her parents send her out into the kingdom to perform a single very simple but important royal duty. Surely, they tell themselves, she'll come back more responsible and princess-like.What could go wrong?Plenty, as it turns out! Tara is kidnapped and left for lost on a burning, sinking ship. In the nick of time, she is rescued by another princess-a mermaid-and, together with four others each with her own abilities, must face down hostile witches, a bloodthirsty creature made of sand flies, and the malevolent queen of a strange underground kingdom who will stop at nothing to find a long-lost artifact. What chance does Tara, who isn't magical in the slightest, and her friends stand against so many bent on the destruction of them and Brythrony? All they have for help are several strange purses with a stick, a vial, and a bag of dust inside. What use could they possibly be?And Tara still needs to prove to her parents she's worthy of ruling her own kingdom!

  • von Norman Kowalskie
    13,00 €

    Confessions of a Unicorn is a recounting of a young man's life through adversity.Norman Kowalskie has had a very tough upbringing. His family was forced to leave their war-torn middle eastern home country to find sanctuary in northern Europe.However, the hard times don't end there; they are, in many ways, just beginning. Norman's father is a drug addict and has little regard for others, even his family, as he seeks to find his next fix. He even takes Norman with him when he goes to score so that Norman is a distraction if he should be stopped while driving.This eventually gets to be too much for Norman's mother, and she leaves her husband to take her children, three boys and one girl, to start a new life with family in America. Life is good there until his mother becomes ill and is forced to return, with her children, to Europe to get the medical help she needs.Norman meets a like-minded soul with similar troubles of her own and moves in with her. He is dabbling with drugs, and one New Year, shortly after moving in with her, they have an LSD-infused fireworks experience together. The day after this, he receives some devastating news. From there, his life spirals...

  • von C. H. N. Hughes
    31,00 €

    The year is 1328, the Year of the Prophet. In the city of Sikandagor resides the Khan, the ruler of the Sikandastan Khanate, living in luxury while his subjects suffer in slums. Crime is rife, the authorities are corrupt, and all while the country is at risk; insurrectionists attack the East, and the looming threat from two warring foreign nations, the Jazeera Caliphate and the Great Tonghai, is ever-present. Living in Sikandagor, Ramin, a merchant's son, is leaving home for the first time to establish his own trading post in the far-off city of Jagrâkand. However, a cruel twist of fate thrusts Ramin directly into a world of vicious conflict.Sweeping across the ancient empires of Central Asia, The Theatre of Shadows is a tale of soldiers, spies, bandits, and rulers, all caught in a twisted web of love and murder, victory and loss, deceit, and corruption.

  • von Anne-Catherine Polayes
    25,00 - 32,00 €

    In either a home or an educational setting, a fun and interactive book with a host of learning opportunities for children ages 1 to 7!Infants! Start at the earliest age of a child's development and use the book to increase vocabulary by naming the endless delightful animals and colourful eye-catching details of the drawings, as well as the colors that are highlighted throughout.Toddlers! The short rhyming stories will not only encourage further language development, it will also introduce a number of good habits, such as promoting cleanliness, generosity, equality and honesty. The seek and find game also becomes a hit during this period in a child's life.Preschoolders and school age children! Easily teach children the notion of adjectives and opposites, as well as start word recognition with the adjectives that are presented in a large catchy font.At any age! Use the stories and the adjectives that describe feelings in a variety of ways to ask questions and encourage children to express themselves, whether it be to discuss their own emotions or to engage in a dialogue about the good habits presented throughout the book. A unique book children and adults will turn to again and again!

  • von Kat Rule
    17,00 €

    The Lonely Puppy is about a small dogs journey to family and happiness, and overcoming the obstacles faced in life.

  • von Kimberly P. Rebello
    31,00 €

    Join Perlita as she enters a new elementary school not knowing what to expect. The butterflies inside her stomach start kicking in as she gets introduced to a new culture and a new environment. Will the kids make fun of her? Will she make any friends? This inspiring picture book details rich experiences from the eyes of a child overcoming her first day of school jitters. School isn't that scary after all!

  • von Cara Thomas
    18,00 €

    As a snowstorm descends on Mount St. Agatha, a group of friends embark on their annual journey to the secluded ski lodge of the Arington family. What started as a trip to end their last year quickly morphs into a fight for survival on the treacherous mountain.Battered by the merciless cold, they have to set out into the storm to reunite their scattered friends. Their journey leads them to an ominous discovery. Something else is on the mountain and it's hunting them one by one. A creature that calls from the dark to exact its vengeance on the group as they scramble for safety.As the boundaries between reality and nightmare blurs, the group must unveil secrets to outsmart the creature on their trail. The friends find themselves in their deepest fear, but that only encourages them to fight harder to save their group and get off the mountain.In 'Crocuta' explore the limits of friendship and the depths of human resilience when faced with a malevolent force that shadows the woods they once held dear. As the past unravels, ancient secrets of an enslaved tribe resurface, setting the stage for an unrelenting, edge-of-your-seat descent into impending doom.

  • von Scriptline
    25,00 €

    Wine Thoughts and a Coffin: Book Two shows us how matters of the heart can be resolved but prove to have effects even after time. Though logic may precede feelings this is for when you look back and makes you think what to do when feelings become ambiguous, which they naturally are. This book focuses on two souls who met and thought they were inseparable but reality had another tale. After two years filled with love they call it quits. Though the people are separated the love remains and isn't that the oldest tale? Each day a miscellaneous thing wraps around the lovers heart whether it be an ode, a prayer, a revisited feeling, a ballad, a cry. Hope is a daily prayer. Hope is a daily candle lit. Hope is a fervent desire to rekindle a relationship that is no more. Hope is 365 poems.

  • von Mychaela Frank
    16,00 €

    Laurel Crowns were given to those who became victorious in battle. In this book Mychaela explores the different victories of overcoming mental illness and remembering those that have changed her life along the way. She wears the crown for her and her past, younger self as she continues to fight for her life. Remembering different things that have happened that she forgot about while battling her toughest battle that being herself.

  • von Robert Horton
    25,00 €

    "Three hours later our daughter was born. My life would never be the same."Guy Henderson has always worked to provide a good life for his daughter, Anne. She is his whole world, and only he has always been there for her. Through all that life has thrown at him, only his faith in God, and his love of his daughter keeps him going.But when an opportunity turns up in Indianapolis, his whole life gets turned around. Will he be able to save the community that has prayed so long for salvation? And more importantly, will he find a true family for his daughter while he is there?

  • von M.D. Fournier
    21,00 €

    In the eighteenth century, Haiti was the richest colony in the new world. This aristocracy, however, dwindled as years went by and the slaves were finally able to exact their freedom. In the present day, lives of the Haitian peasants have become harder and harder. The political battles of the capital alone leave no respite for the poor, pitting one group against another while usurping a large percentage of the foreign aid. The number of kidnappings for ransom have continued to rise and one natural disaster after another strikes the poor land after every few years.However, despite all the turmoil and unrest, many Haitians in the countryside are intensely spiritual, and will always put goodness above their own personal interest, as have been taught to them generation after generation. Lacking basic education, Haitians depend upon wisdom passed down from the wise elders. The stories in this book, accumulated and eye-witnessed by the author, are testament to this fact.

  • von Lilia Child
    24,00 €

    Zayden McMarrow is one of the winners of the Capsule Lottery, an honor given to only three citizens of the Origin each year. After he enters the capsule, Zayden learns that his future is uncertain, and immediately following the ceremony, an explosion leaves The Gate damaged. The Gate is the city in which all citizens of the Origin live... It is also a vital machine that conveys souls to the rest of Lark. To create these pathways, this entity requires a Symbol from each of the other five countries. And when the Symbols are destroyed, the Head Archivist believes Zayden is the only person who will be able to recollect them.He begins his journey in Veona, a country whose frightening past will help unravel the mysteries of the first Symbol, the Orchid Stone. While searching for the stone, Zayden meets Marigold, a peculiar girl with mismatched eyes and a shocking secret of her own. Next, he must travel to Jharana, a rainforest biome with dazzling waterfalls, frightening creatures, and magical villages, where the second Symbol, Stardust, awaits. Will Zayden be able to collect the Symbols, fix The Gate, and save Lark?

  • von Kayla Burns
    15,00 €

    A man in the early 2000s connects with his estranged daughter through her book recommendations. An unusual teenage girl receives the affection of a boy for the first time and has her heart set aflame. A young man stationed in Japan carries around a picture of his American family to keep him company in this strange world. A gently cordial meditation upon life and the many choices and emotions that come with it, Bookmarks is a daring short story debut, Bookmarks is a worthy novel for any avid reader.

  • von Courtney White
    14,00 €

    A charming collection of beautifully written poems depicting and inspired by Courtney White's life. Every poem is reflective of aspects of life and is emotional to read.

  • von Thomas R. Boniello
    22,00 €

    When siblings Abisai and Charlotte Taylor are gifted an odd bookmark by an anonymous donor, they are threatened and then pursued by an enormous, fearsome stranger. When it is revealed that the bookmark is in fact a BookMarck, and able to transport Abisai and Charlotte into any book at will, they are pulled into an adventure like no other. As they are chased across the storylines of The Three Musketeers, Sherlock Holmes, and The Time Machine, can they reunite across narratives? Can they escape the mysterious Aginbyte of Inwit? And will they ever be able to return home?

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