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Bücher veröffentlicht von Olympia Publishers

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  • von Karim Sabbagh
    13,00 €

    The Cursed House. What happens when curiosity takes over you? What happens when all your instincts are on the line? Be ready to lose all of your instincts to get out of there, except one.

  • von Lizzy Mae van Son
    26,00 €

    This light-hearted, friendly tome is not only filled with wonderful recipes, but also tips of how to store these labours of love, and guidance on how to grow the ingredients for these treats. From conception to consumption, it has it all, and will lift your spirits in the most simple, relaxing way.

  • von Saleste
    15,00 €

    Your eyes may wateryour teeth may gritbut this is your lifeyou choose whether to livein bliss or torment.When all around you seems to falland you cease to berememberall it takes is a mustard seedto grow into a tree.

  • von Bailey Vos
    23,00 €

    In a dark, dystopian future, America becomes Eramica, a new name for new and limited freedoms. Eramica enacts the era of the Censorship. The government's primary goal is to control misinformation about Unnaturals, a group of now-teenagers who were born with unusual abilities.When sixteen-year-old Mercer is discovered as an Unnatural and kidnapped by the government, she believes they plan to kill her. For Mercer is special, as she's the only Unnatural with multiple abilities.Upon waking at the government compound, 'The Domain', Mercer discovers Unnaturals are not being killed, but instead trained.Despite escaping what she thought to be imminent death, Mercer's prophetic dreams tell her that The Domain is not all it seems. Evil seeks to weaponize the powers of the Unnaturals, and Mercer is the only one who knows. Threatened by this secret, Mercer must escape the Domain before her dreams become reality.

  • von Sharon Salomon
    14,00 €

    Bare Skinned is a collection of poems about love, loss, grief, death, trauma, despair, desire, sex, life, healing, and the spirit. Allow the words and rhythm to help you heal and come home to your heart. Allow them to help you process, reflect, heal your spirit, and nourish your soul.

  • von Ingrid Lynch
    16,00 €

    Patrick is a retired military man who's living in his deceased parents' home. He's feeling he's a loser, and that life for him and his little dog in the Arizona desert will be quiet. Suddenly, his past catches up with him in a big way when a mysterious, odd-looking albino man appears in the ditch --- called an arroyo --- near Patrick's home. How this man brings back Patrick's old lost love life and how wicked problems arise because of this stranger is a daunting adventure. But Patrick somehow wins and proves he's a champion and a winner!

  • von Mar McKenna
    15,00 €

    This is Mar McKenna's debut book. From a very young age, McKenna has practiced writing creatively and as the years progressed, they started drifting towards poetry as their major art form. As Time Walks By includes the poems they have written that they have deemed the best from 2020 through early-2022. Contained within this anthology is a strikingly honest exploration of a mind tortured by the social mechanisms that form the lattice of our society - a strong, seemingly unbreakable lattice. Though it works for many, for McKenna it is a source of much heartache, brilliantly expressed in the lines found between the covers of this collection.

  • von Carolyn Hornblow RN (ret) CSNUi
    21,00 €

    This book can change your life. Similar to Desiderata, these fifty inspired 'talks' can assist you to live a more satisfying, happier life. You are given tools to help you connect to your Spiritual Soul Self. To help guide and assist you in many ways and discover how to have a more fulfilling, peaceful, and contented life.Written by a retired Registered Nurse who is an Spirtiualist National Union Accredited Healer and Medium. She channels Spiritual Wisdom to help us recognize that we are all Spiritual Beings in Human Bodies; trying the best we can to discover why we are here and what our life purpose is.

  • von John Morgan
    25,00 €

    Welcoming though Thai people are in many ways, the Orient still has its subtleties and surprises that can leave wayworn backpackers, sexual adventurers, or the badly briefed business visitor at a disadvantage. Underestimating the role that 'face' plays in Oriental societies is a common mistake, and exaggerated ideas about the 'sex scene' is a common mistake made about Thailand.Luckily, John Morgan's many years living and working in Thailand, teaching English to young and old, makes Same Same but Different as useful as it is entertaining, especially at the ground-truth level of interpersonal relations. Greater Bangkok never stops growing and now has an overhead Skytrain to connect it, but finding your way round the Land of Smiles need not be an ordeal now you have found a source of advice you can trust, from holidaymakers who want to land on their feet to professional visitors anxious to avoid culture clashes.

  • von B. S.
    21,00 €

    Bergtora and Ravn are getting married. The Isle Of Arran seems the perfect spot to celebrate their love.But once there, they begin to get flashes of lives not their own, lives which intertwine in and around their own experience as time begins to twist and turn.Moments of doubt lead to a break in their relationship, and, in investigating their own feelings, new friendships are made, old ones renewed and an unbreakable bond with the landscape is formed.All the while, the old gods watch over them, and all those that share their bloodlines, as their stories connect over millennia to help heal the imbalance in the world.

  • von Ellie Boman
    21,00 €

    A psychopath is born every forty-seven seconds. Never underestimate their evil.All Isabelle wants is a happy home life and a gratifying job; in the latter she is successful as she enjoys and thrives in her career as a teacher at a school where she is loved and respected. At home, however, it is another story. Years ago, Isabelle thought she had met the man of her dreams and, ignoring many red flags and bad signs, she agreed to marry him; his name is Michael. Despite warnings from friends, such is Isabelle's love for Michael, she devotes her life to this man who turns out to be far different to the one she fell in love with in the first place. He turns their home into a living hell for Isabelle and their children, and one day, Isabelle decides, something must change.

  • von Song InYeup
    20,00 €

    KOICAman, the author's love storywhich he, who spread Korea's 'Can-do spirit'in disaster areas all over the world,wants to tell the youth who are struggling with dating, employment, marriage, and parenting.The person who truly loves someone is a true person!The person who truly loves someone is a great person!!!(Song InYeup From the book)If I don't win Sarbast, I will die of grief,if I do win Sarbast, I will die of happiness.(Joanna From the Book)The king, who is busy in mind, kept talking and then they fell asleep.Feeling thirsty while sleeping, the queen stretched out her hand to the kettleand drank a glass of water and let go of the glass.At the very moment, the king, who seemed to fall in sleep, held the queen's hand hard.(Sheba and Solomon From the book)

  • von A. P. W. Colgan
    18,00 €

    The Siren Sea is a modern-day pirate story. This adventurous tale is told from the eyes of Alex, a former smuggler and full-time drifter. He makes his way to the seaside town of Antibes, in the south of France, to meet his former partner in crime, the wild and mighty Sebastian from Mauritius. By chance, Alex comes across an old Sea Captain, Finnbar Roberts. The captain tells them both of buried treasures and takes them on an Ocean journey to seek their final fortune. But unbeknownst to the young men, they discover mysteries beyond their wildest imaginations.

  • von Ilia Tversky
    33,00 €

    Ilia Tversky has written a terrific children' book. This story is full of comparisons, surprises, interesting events, and funny anecdotes. The way the book has presented the various characters and their worlds makes the story incredibly engaging. It's about David, who lives in a small village in Friendlandia. One day he comes across unfamiliar creatures, two Chuk-buruks, Good and Capricious. They join David's family and become his new friends. They go out, have fun, and share their everyday routines, but Capricious is always unhappy and makes things unpleasant for everyone. The Chuk-buruks and David enjoy exploring the surrounding world and its inhabitants and making new friends. One day, while traveling to a friend's house, Capricious gets lost. David and his friends spend a long time looking for him, and in the process, they discover several strange worlds inhabited by folks with differing personalities. However, they have planned wisely to go through this under varying circumstances. Well, will they find their capricious friend?

  • von Sonia Benros
    25,00 €

    Lilly is a clever little girl, with the most vivid imagination. The most important thing you must know about Lilly, though, is that she strongly believes in fairies, elves and all things magic and extraordinary. Lilly believed that an entire magic world was there, somewhere, and if she could not prove it to anyone, she would, at least, prove it to herself. This book provides a simple yet thorough understanding of a beautiful journey. Will Lilly find the fairies and elves she set out to discover?

  • von Nyameko Bottoman
    21,00 €

    Get ready for an exhilarating ride as award-winning author, Bottoman, takes you on a journey through a collection of stories that will leave you breathless. From love to terror, creation to regret, and everything in between, Bottoman's unique perspective on storytelling weaves together a tapestry of human experiences that will capture your heart and mind.With his masterful use of language, Bottoman brings to life the cultural heritage of South Africa, connecting readers to a rich and vibrant world filled with sirens, ghosts, monsters, and humans. His prose is powerful and evocative, transporting readers to the heart of each story and leaving a lasting impression that will stay with them long after they've turned the last page.In one story, Bottoman recounts the tale of a mother who will stop at nothing to protect her children from a jackal, embodying the strength and fierceness of all mothers of that time. In another, he reveals the ugly consequences of arrogance, reminding us that our true colors are often revealed in times of conflict.With each new project, Bottoman pushes the boundaries of his creativity and inspires others to pursue their passions. Whether you're a fan of literary fiction or simply love a good story, Bottoman's collection is a must-read for anyone looking to experience the full range of human emotion and the power of storytelling.

  • von Sarah Lovesy
    15,00 €

    Here come the What if? Kids on another amazing adventure. Thinking the magical words What if? they are propelled through a flame tree to the planet Gleesphere. A lot of time has passed, and Gleesphere is being destroyed by their arch-enemy Hugo Sogo and his offsider purple haze. Feel the menace in the air! Be astounded by the What if? Kids' heroic deeds to save Gleesphere. Watch our four heroes, with their laser swords and flowing cloaks fight many battles, meet old friends, and make new ones. So, get ready to go on another journey with nine-year old Juniper Chase who has been learning Brazilian ji-jitsu, his younger sister Dew who has been honing her astronaut skills, their joker stepbrother River who has taken up the drums, and their cat Ludwick who has been doing a pussycat exercise course so he can become the most renowned pussycat warrior in Gleesphere.

  • von Michele Jeanmarie
    20,00 €

    Earth Day Edible Earth Goes Soccer: A Lesson in Whole Food Signature features a soccer ball named César. César lands in a garden filled with fruits and vegetables. As César bounces around, he draws similarities between their physical anatomy to that of the human anatomy vis-á-vis their functions. Collectively, these fruits and vegetables are known as Whole Food Signature.Coincidence?No!The author uses repetition to show there is someone behind this coincidence, always pointing to the one who existed before all creation, the one who underscores Whole Foods.

  • von Dushka Petkovich
    21,00 €

    We would like you to meet Danny the Ducky and his unlikely friend, Gilly the Goose. This is the story of how an orphaned baby duck learns to survive and thrive over one magical summer. He dodges a hawk, stands up to bullies, and makes lifelong friends. A lush park on New York's Long Island is the ideal place for critters out of their comfort zones to bond, grow, and learn to love themselves.

  • von Meikko Sheiree
    22,00 €

    Nayelli is a college student with a restless soul, excited at the prospect of adventure and self-discovery during her first ever trip overseas. Nayelli is to spend the Christmas holidays visiting her friend Olivia who is studying in London, but instead finds herself alone in a strange city. It is in the midst of the cobblestone streets of the British capital that Nayelli's path intertwines with that of James, a charismatic Londoner with a captivating charm.James is a budding actor and musician who naturally exudes talent and ambition, but at times has a slight sadness in his eyes-an emotional unavailability that James refuses to admit even exists. Comfortable behind his shield of casual encounters and fleeting connections, James is both shocked and confused when he finds himself not as detached to Nayelli as he should be-especially since she lives thousands of miles away.Will Nayelli and James be able to get out of their own heads and lead with their hearts, or will it all come crashing down in heartache and unfulfilled dreams?Meikko Sheriee's captivating new novel explores the pursuit of passion, the unpredictable tides of the heart, and the universal quest for belonging. It reminds us that sometimes unexpected encounters make for the greatest lessons in the growth of one's own heart.

  • von Morgan Dame
    15,00 €

    From rebellious body piercings to monsters, ghosts, and murders, this collection of short stories is pulled together by an underlying theme of family - both chosen and blood - and what the characters are prepared to sacrifice for one another.

  • von Carnegie X
    19,00 €

    At the gates of Heaven, in the Thirty-Sixth Chamber of the Kings, the Advocate and his generals sit in judgement on the souls that wait there. Unfortunately there's been a problem since the Requiem Virus, and when the Books of Life get loose the problem is exacerbated.Dealing with the backlog of souls is hard enough, but then tensions explode between the whole carlsontucking lot of them, not helped by their inability to use proper curse words.Can the Advocate bring peace to these factions, or are they doomed to fight in the Forever War?The Untold Gospel of the Universe explores racism and populism in modern culture in a refreshingly original manner, bringing a new twist to the genre.

  • von Daniel Christensen
    25,00 €

    An encounter in a New York alleyway leaves journalism student Rick changed forever. After protecting his girlfriend from near-certain death, Rick goes on to discover he can save not only those he loves, but also the citizens of the world as a real-life superhero. Given new powers, however, he soon becomes the target. Can he save the world and the ones he loves the most?

  • von Gerald Dickens
    55,00 €

    For over thirty years Gerald Dickens has been performing an energetic and exciting one-man show based on his great great grandfather's most famous book, A Christmas Carol. Yet as a schoolboy and young man he could scarcely bring himself to read any of the works of Charles Dickens.In this autobiographical account, Gerald tells the story of how Charles' 'ghostly little book' led to a vocation and came to dominate his adult life.From a childhood in Kent to his extensive tours of the USA, Gerald's story is filled with rich details and wonderful anecdotes, as he explains how an internationally acclaimed performance was created and honed.By sharing his extensive performance notes he explains how every line and movement help to build the atmosphere originally created by Charles Dickens in 1843.Gerald Dickens: My Life On The Road With A Christmas Carol is a fascinating insight into the world of one-man theatre, and a life lived celebrating the works of the greatest author of the Victorian age.

  • von Lana McAra
    19,00 €

    When Haley Meyers opens a new chapter in her life with a move to the charming town of Englewood, Pennsylvania, everything seems perfect: her freshly remodelled apartment, easy access to her therapy practice, and a handsome downstairs neighbour to boot. The very last thing she expects as a housewarming gift is the sudden appearance of her long-deceased father.Her idyllic image of the small town disappears when Haley finds herself the target of an unknown stalker who goes on a campaign of terror and destruction. She puts her newfound psychic talents to good use, but will she be able to discover who is after her before someone gets hurt? When her client is the victim of foul play, Haley can't help but wonder: Will she be next?

  • von Nomahlubi Jakuja
    15,00 €

    "We only lose if we quit."In a memoir of moving openness and reflection, Nomahlubi Jakuja tells her story of triumph, tragedy, and faith. Leaving nothing unsaid, her journey through personal and professional hardship will inspire readers of all walks of life to reflect on what matters most to them.Through business success and marital failure, from the joy of friendship to the cold hospital bed, Jakuja walks the reader back along the path she trod. Full of wit, honesty, and astounding resilience, this is a tale of one woman's journey to true happiness through God.

  • von Prabhakaran V V
    18,00 €

    Upon the Hillock describes life in the wild hills and woodlands of Kerala in India. A place where snakes, elephants and tigers are a common threat to the people that live there.This story follows the life of a princess, Rajalakshmi, who is banished from the royal household in disgrace after her conniving cousin, the Kings niece, ensures she is caught in a compromising position with a young man.She is sent to live in a compound run by a lecherous man who has designs on winning her affections. However, after becoming ill with a bout of smallpox, she is left in the woodlands to die. She survives, however, after being found by a native called Kodanddi, himself heir to the throne of his tribe.They marry and have a son, a male heir to the King's throne... and then soldiers start turning up, and the couple worries for their son's life.Will the niece succeed in her plan? Kodanddi and Rajalakshmi go into hiding with their son and Kodanddi's mother to stop this from happening. Will the young heir survive?

  • von Barnaby Growling
    17,00 €

    In Confessions of an Australian Assimilator, author, Barnaby Growling, arrives in Australia on the 22nd of March 2021. He settles when he arrives in Rockhampton in September 2021. It is now January 2022, and his heart has yet to flutter. He is living a bit of an Australian stereotype. Those who know him best have said that if anyone deserves to be here, he does. But even if he chooses to accept the premise that he had a special capacity to run harder and faster than anybody else, in the relay race that brought him to the lucky country, he knows it would have meant nothing if all the people who assisted him hadn't put a baton in his hand to cross the finish line with. You can't win without that.

  • von E. M. Sorensen
    26,00 €

    Paulie Zahn is a sergeant in the army, awarded with the Purple Heart, an Air Medal with a V for valor, and a Distinguished Flying Cross. One fateful meeting with a captivating woman during her vacation leads Paulie on a roller coaster of events that change her life forever.Spartak Newmark and his company has been interested in Sgt. Paulie Zahn since before her attack. After her conversion, her skills that she learned in the army as well as her new-found vampire talents make her indispensable for the Newmark Industries and their vampire coven. But someone else surfaces in their area that has become too interested in Paulie as well. A group of rogue vampires created by Newmark's adversaries begin stalking Paulie, considering her their property as she was created by one of their own. Now, Paulie along with the Newmark clan must discover the den of the rogue vampires and eliminate them before they get their hands on her.

  • von Christopher Lee Scoville
    18,00 €

    Eric Sommerson works at the Endless Crusts Pizza Crust Factory in a job that makes him question every day what he is doing with his life. Coming from a well-regarded family, a lot is expected of him but under all this pressure he prefers to seek solace in the virtual world of video games, where he at least feels like he has some power over the world around him. When his parents get him the VirtuaHelmTM, Eric finds a virtual reality world where he can live out his fantasies more realistically and more convincingly than he has ever done before, as well as meet people from across the world, all in one online space, the city of Prium. This opportunity comes with many challenges that Eric and his group of friends must face, that provide them all with the sense of purpose they had all been missing in their 'real' lives.

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