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  • von Karla Bearce
    21,00 €

    Outdoor fun has long been a staple in our world. However, not all of us enjoy this woodsy world. If you have any reservations about leaving the comforts of modern life, this story is for you. An honest and comical look at a Girls' Trip Gone Wrong, you will be entertained by the pitfalls of backpacking and life outdoors. This easy reading comedy, sprinkled with useful information and humorous outdoor experiences, is written for those reserved about any outdoor experience.

  • von Don Halstead
    21,00 €

    Follow the heartwarming life of Ben, a Virginia Border Collie. Meet his loving human parents-Don and Sherri-and their grandchildren. Share Ben's joy when he spends time with his two adopted feline sisters-Emma and Pipin-and the three adorable pet rabbits on the farm. Finally, share our Border Collie's excitement when his parents adopt two additional animals and friends for Ben: a cute dwarf goat named Snuggles and an awesome American Paint Horse named Bentley.

  • von Nick Huntley
    20,00 €

    Could CERN, the creator and birthplace of the World Wide Web, be involved and even be behind the most ultimate conspiracy in all of history with their science, symmetry, Satanism, paganism, and rituals? This book is designed as a brief introduction into how CERN is deeply and darkly connected to many world leaders, the Vatican, the Hollywood elites, the deep state, the Illuminati, and the New World Order. My book takes the reader on a journey through what is easily one of the most secretive organizations in all of times and is an accessible and very carefully structured introduction into how it all started, how everything was created with the big bang, almost fourteen billion years ago, and CERN's burning desire to recreate those conditions through physics and by colliding particles together at almost the speed of light and attempting to be like God almighty. They have created the largest machine in the world and even discovered the god particle, the glue that holds the entire universe together. Why would they build their nuclear research facility upon the burial grounds of Apollyon the Destroyer? Could CERN be responsible for releasing the devil from the bottomless pit, from his prison, hell, as written in the Bible in Revelation 9? CERN has long been accused of opening up black holes that could very well swallow the entire universe, and they even admitted to this Armageddon-like possibility on several occasions. Behind the scenes, CERN's insidious plans are to open up wormholes, Stargates, and portals to other dimensions, not to enter through, but more so to let something evil into our world. What or who they intend to welcome is known to have many names, such as the horned god, Abaddon, Apollyon, the Beast, Lucifer, Satan, or as many of us would know to be, the devil. Will CERN share its dangerous dark matter with a government or military that is dead set on war, world domination, and destruction? Will CERN create a black hole that swallows the world, or will they release Satan and his legion of demons, locusts, and armies upon the world as the last days predict and approach?

  • - Accessing and Elevating Your Spirit and Soul
    von Jason Shurka
    18,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Valerie Webster
    14,98 €

    The Girl in the Box (But Occasionally I Escape!) is my second book of poetry. It's written with all the emotions that the human spirit can possibly feel! At times, it will make you laugh; other times, you'll cry! Then, perhaps just ponder life's situations and how they apply to all of us! It is captivating, a true page-turner. Aside from that, it was a journey into my soul, which I penned to paper. A true undertaking of who I am. I hope my readers enjoy!

  • von Robert F Boland
    15,00 €

    This is not an anti-war book. Rather, the book is about the bad behavior of the US government in Washington, DC, in taking the country into military adventures when it is not necessary. To state that the country should never go to war would be irresponsible. Wars cannot always be avoided. A characteristic of the Unites States foreign policy establishment is their refusal to admit they made a mistake. There are never any consequences for invading the wrong country. The establishment carries on as if everything is okay, and they quickly forget about the dead and crippled. Currently, the US has approximately 800 bases in seventy countries. As of November 2016, the US was dropping bombs on seven different countries. This book does not favor either political party. However, some may disagree. In 1935, retired General Smedley Butler published a small book entitled War Is a Racket, which explained how and why the US Government manipulates the country into various wars and military interventions for power and their own selfish interest. This is an update on General Butler's 1935 book. Most of us have heard or read the following words many times. We are forced to go to war or do a military intervention to save our liberty and freedom, to make the world safe for democracy, a war to end all wars, to save the world from communist or whatever, to protect American lives, to save the world from a country that might possess weapons of mass destruction, etc. This is a book explaining how the United States government manipulated and lied its way into a number of wars and military interventions. This information will not normally be taught in your school history class or viewed on your history channel. This is not conspiracy theory stuff. You can look it all up. This information is available to all citizens if they care to research it. Some of this information may shock you.

  • von Frederick Sproull
    21,00 €

  • von Roy D Perkins
    23,00 €

  • von Kevin H. Abdur-Rahman
    18,00 €

  • von Georganne Aldrich
    17,00 €

    Midnight Ramblings by Georganne Aldrich

  • von Maria Ventura
    17,00 €

    A Lover and a Stranger takes you through the journey of love, trust, pain, and betrayal. How much can one person endure for love? Can trust ever be restored? The heart is our worst enemy.

  • von Lashawn Harris
    20,00 €

    Jolena is a twenty-seven-year-old woman who works in the downtown Chicago area as a lead collections representative for a big law firm. She is single and looking for that right man to settle down with and start a family. Her ex-boyfriend Keith, who is also her high school sweetheart, broke her heart deeply after he cheated on her and became a father to another woman's child. Keith apologizes to Jolena and continues to convince her that he is the man she needs in her life. Behind the devastating news Keith brought about, Jolena entered into a dark place in her life in which she felt she could never trust another man again. Keith was her everything, and now her world is shattered until she meets Aaron after being single for a while and praying every day and night for God to send her the man of her dreams. Aaron comes along and sweeps her off her feet with everything she is looking for in a man, and they instantly fall deeply in love. Would Aaron still be her prince charming after being in a bad car accident and finding out some heartbreaking news from the doctor of the emergency room and her mother? Would she be able to forgive her mother?

  • von Lisa Dunn
    20,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Robert Poindexter
    17,00 €

    How is your life working out so far? Is it what you wanted, or not? Have your experiences consisted of ongoing circumstances over which you had no control? Therefore, the only choices you could possibly have made were the ones you made because you had to; they were all that were available to you. We will even verbalize, "I had to do it, I had no choice." Our having no choice is just not true. Everything happening to us is the result of our choices.If we choose to be victims of circumstances--it's our choice. You see, circumstances happen to all of us; it's what you do with them that makes all the difference. You see, it's within every one of our present abilities to choose different paths for our lives. Even Jesus said, "Open your minds." We must become aware, each of things working out in our life is the result of a decision to choose a different path.So what will yours be? It's your choice to be victimized by your circumstance of life, or not. What will you do?

  • von Brogan Broyce
    39,00 €

    Hello, my friend,Thank you very much for showing interest in my book. As for me, I was raised on the far southeast side of Chicago. I was a typical boy with typical interest (sports and play). However, all throughout my school days, I was told that my essays were stimulating and my poetry interesting. I didn't pursue either until thirty years later. My family was my life. I had married my high school sweetheart, and we raised our five children together. I worked as an electrical lineman for thirty-three years, and after retiring early, we moved to Tennessee.It was there that I discovered an article about the misfortunes of Ireland during the potato famine (1845-1849). The more I peered into Ireland's history, the more interested I became. Then at the onset of COVID, I had more sympathy for Ireland than ever before. Hence, I researched and put together a novel even as our world also contended with a dreadful malady. And here we are today.Thank you for your interest, and good reading to you.Brogan Broyce

  • von Paola Andrea Morales
    18,00 €

    This is the first of many stories that we will be able to tell in the following editions. Let's fall in love with the Bible, that marvelous book that shows us how to handle daily realities with wisdom. I am sure that the teachings of Jesus Christ will lead us to strengthen our spiritual side, and we will never be the same again. Reading this text with love and discipline will make us grow in our desire to learn more and put into practice the law of God. Thanks to all readers and blessings.

  • von Humberto Mendez Vega
    15,00 €

    Este libro fue escrito para ensenar una vida real, para que detectes a los malos, que por el mundo van. Deseo que encuentres la felicidad al dar lo mejor de ti. Gracias por escucharme al leer mi libro.Que tu mente y tu corazon se llenen de alegria, mucho mas en estos dias. Y cuando veas los tiempos dificiles recuerda que pronto pasaran. Y el resto es siempre tuyo.

  • von Norberto Robles
    18,00 €

    Agradezco a cada persona que colaboro conmigo para poder llegar aqui y continuare por siempre dando gracias por cada persona que encuentre mis letras dignas de su atencion, les prometo que seguire esforzandome e inspirandome cada dia mas, para agradarles con mi poesia. !Agradezco mi trabajo y bendigo todo lo que hago!

  • von Eddy García Guevara
    17,00 €

    "La nina de la barca" es un poemario agradable, edificante y de facil lectura, adecuado para esos momentos dificiles o apacibles en los que se despierta en nosotros interes de reflexion sobre temas muy sensibles a nuestras vidas, como recuerdos de la infancia, la gracia de permanecer en amor matrimonial, la esperanza de reencontrarnos con la madre que se nos ha ido, la conexion de nuestros hijos a la paternidad de Dios, la ruptura de la incredulidad en nuestras nuevas generaciones respecto a la creacion y otros aspectos valiosos para todos aquellos que hemos sido lavados con la sangre de Cristo y apartados como portadores de luz en este mundo de tinieblas."La nina de la barca" partiendo de la experiencia personal del autor en su relacion con el Senor, nos deja ver en diferentes topicos como nuestro Dios de amor mantiene extendidos sus brazos de refugio para todo aquel que le busca en espiritu y en verdad para darles el privilegio de acceder a su oportuno socorro, restauracion y direccion, te aseguro que al leer este poemario se despertara en ti una apasionada gratitud con el Creador nuestro y de todas las cosas, y encontraras enfoques utiles en tu vida relacional con Dios y con nuestros semejantes, es un libro que vale la pena adquirir y compartir.

  • von Petra Patricia Rodríguez Ponce
    14,00 €

    Le doy gracias a Dios,por poner este libro en tus manos. Te doy gracias a ti, por darte la oportunidad de leerlo, se que eres una persona agradecida, es por esta razon que te hago una cordial invitacion para dar gracias a Dios a un poco de lo mucho que tenemos. Gracias a Dios me ha ensenado a valorar. El valorar me ha ensenado a disfrutar. El disfrutar me ha ensenado la felicidad y eso es lo que quiero para ti, incrementar la felicidad en tu vida.

  • von Jonathan Anderson
    23,00 €

    Seventeenth-century North America was truly a new world for both the European and indigenous First Nations native cultures that interfaced upon that spectacular wilderness theater. For both the native people and the European, this stage forged new understandings from all things thought familiar to previous generations. Throughout this historical period were episodes that defined the era, episodes that captured the essence of the human spirit, and episodes that abase a work of fiction.One such episode that proved an epoch of the era was the 1656 French Jesuit mission embassy among the Haudenosaunee-Iroquois. This was the mission Ste. Marie established in the heart of Iroquoia, at a place known and revered by the Iroquois for its spiritual and political significance--Gannentaha.The Ste. Marie mission proved as a captivating geopolitical choke point of its era. Its story remains an intriguing historical human drama, a hallmark cultural interface event, an inspirational faith journey story, and an audacious act of perseverance and courage within a larger historical saga.The Ste. Marie de Gannentaha episode is an enduring story to be told and remembered beyond the generation of those who lived it.

  • von D. R. Richards
    27,00 €

    Never Look Back is the second book of the Minnow Squad Trilogy. In their attempt to find answers about their past and circumstances that had physically and mentally changed them forever, they go full circle, returning to Vietnam. While part of the team pursues those answers back in the jungle, the others take on the mission of helping a friend free her father from international kidnappers. As their efforts take them from the US to Europe, the number of comrades grows along with the specialized assets needed by these older fighters for the underdogs.Back in Vietnam, the squad is faced with securing their acceptance within the criminal empire known as "The Dragon." Each in their own way, they become interictal members of this sinister family. Attacks against the family from outside and within are dealt with and uncovers the involvement of many players from several countries.With action at every turn, the book builds to an unforeseen conclusion, which only opens the door for the conclusion of the trilogy.

  • von Dixie Marlene Williams
    54,00 €

    God's Itinerary is a hysterically funny truth based on faith and mindful travel through USA, India, and Egypt. Transformative, inspiring, and uplifting, inspired by dream vision and deep desire to experience truth. A solo journey of the soul.

  • von Mariève Rugo
    23,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Phillip Ford
    19,00 - 21,00 €

    Geoffrey Wilcox, aka Geo, is a convicted felon who, after doing eight years in a federal facility, has been released and is on a mission to find and punish those responsible for the death of his loving mother and daughter. He soon links up with someone who would change his life forever.

  • von Dorothy Morris
    17,00 €

    Dorothy Morris graduated from high school in May 1973 and in September that same year, began teaching at the Salem Basic School. It was her first experience teaching students numbers and letters. She learned a lot during that year that you have to encourage and involve the parents in the child's education. She later went off to college and returned to teach at her former high school where she became Ms. Gordon instead of Dorothy. She stood proudly beside some of her former teachers and seek their guidance whenever possible.Her parents played an active part in the Jamaican political arena and were strong advocates for the poor and needy. As a result of this, her siblings and she learned how to share and give to the poor and needy. That was her first exposure to social work which became her focus when she migrated to the USA. She continued her studies and graduated from Adelphi University with a Masters in Social Work, and as a Social Worker she has worked with children and families, with the HIV/Aids community, and incarcerated youths with the New York Board of Education. She later worked in alternative high school. These were students who did not graduate from traditional high school and decided to take the GED examination. This book covered the role that a grandparent played as a parent, a guardian, a protector, and as the book states, a predictor of the future.

  • von Mitzi Alvar
    28,00 €

    It's Minerva Rose's first day of school, and she is so excited and a little scared. But she knows she can handle it because she is named after a very strong Greek goddess, Minerva!Follow Minerva as she gets on the scary school bus and meets the bus driver, Ms. Charon, then she meets the scary principal, Mr. Styx. Follow along with her as she enters the school and meets other students who are scared like her and the one student who starts to bully Minerva but then decides that they should be friends instead. School is a wonderful place, and Minerva knows she can handle anything because she is strong and wise. She is Minerva!

  • von Judy Bibbins
    16,00 €

    Jeran was late. It was his job to grind the oats into flour for tomorrow morning's bread, and he was running late. It takes time to get the proper texture, and starting late would put him behind schedule. In truth, it was his schedule. He chose this specific job as his way to serve the farm, but he took his responsibility seriously. He frantically grabbed his red cap off the hook and ran from his home in the old oak tree, not checking to see if anyone was around. That was a mistake. If he had been paying attention, he would have seen the glow of the light in the barn and known someone was still awake.And so begins the tale of a little tomte and the adventure it sets into motion when Jeran accidentally meets the farm boy, Hagan. They form an unlikely friendship that sees them through some harrowing experiences, encounters with fairies, and learning the meaning of home. Come along into the world of Norse and Celtic mythology as Jeran and Hagan discover that love and friendship are where you find it.

  • von Pam Brown
    22,00 €

    The Family Who Loved Me tells the story through the home's point of view as it went from a small, neglected home to a beautiful and much-loved home. The home shares its thought and feelings about the family that took a chance on a small home that needed a lot of work and love and how this home was included in so many fun and heartwarming experiences throughout many years. We learn of the strong bond that is formed between this family and this home, a bond that continued even after the family had to move away.

  • von Jeremy Fenton
    15,00 €

    Poetry is not the kind of expression that one just decides they want to pursue. You are born with madness inside that just eats away at you both mentally and emotionally. For a poet, it can be beautiful and imaginatively introspective, and it can at times be destructive through its melancholy and divisive when your emotions are spun out of control only to feed your inner monologue in ways that beg the question of who is really writing this.Jeremy's poetry is constantly scratching at both ends of the spectrum in his work. There isn't necessarily a clear path, but one that is constantly gauging the forks by their virtue. The few pieces that do stick to one end of an emotional divide do so with a beat and very sticky wordplay.

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