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Bücher veröffentlicht von Painted Gate Publishing

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  • von Amber Stewart
    24,00 €

    Sassy Sally and Her Little Dog Suzi Celebrate BirthdaysI'm Amber. The precious puppy pictured in my lap is my 3-year-old Yorkipoo named Darla Mae. I've had Darla ever since she was eight weeks old, and we've been inseparable ever since. Animals are so healing, and Darla has been a huge blessing in my life.I have Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 1, and I have a beautiful, but very different, life. When I was diagnosed at 6 months old, the doctors said I wouldn't live to be 2. My older sister died at 6 months herself from this disease, but God had a different plan for me. I'm now 32 years old and there's maybe nine other adults like me in the world, but I'm the most functioning one. Visit my website at to view art that I make (with help) and sell.I love Jesus and I know He loves me. I asked him into my heart at the age of 8, and even though I'm so imperfect and sometimes make a mess of life, He's constantly picking me up, dusting me off, and telling me to get back out there! He has taken the broken pieces of my life and made something absolutely beautiful out of them.I hope you like my book! Stay tuned for more of Sassy Sally and Her Little Dog Suzi!

  • von Sabrina Adewumi
    25,98 - 31,98 €

  • von Sabrina Adewumi
    31,98 €

    The Word of God is a source of affirmation and encouragement, particularly for young children still discovering who they are. Verses such as 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 - "Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new," remind us that our past does not determine our future, because God has promised us new life in Him through Jesus Christ. Written as an affirmation for every child who has accepted the precious gift of salvation, and an encouragement for those yet to make the choice, I Am A New Creation reminds us of the hope we have in Christ and the opportunity to become who He wants us to be."In Christ, we are a new creation. In Him, all things are made new!" As part of an introductory collection by the author, I Am a New Creation is filled with declarations inspired by and pulled directly from passages in the Bible. Whether read aloud with a parent, memorized as simple poetry or translated into song, these declarations will be enjoyed over and over again, helping children to understand and appreciate God's design. Simple language combined with rich vocabulary supports the needs of emerging readers, while carefully-selected imagery, diverse portraits and graphics in a hand-drawn style, provide a relatable reference for young children of any background. ABOUT THE AUTHORSabrina Adewumi is an Interior Designer, Project Manager, Visual Artist and Mother of three - who motivated her to create uplifting content for kids. Her experience spans picture books, coloring & activity workbooks, songwriting, character animation, and radio & television programming.Inspired by her personal journey to discover her identity in Christ, she hopes to encourage young boys and girls to explore the wonders of God's creation and celebrate His unique design for their lives.

  • von Adewumi
    25,98 €

    The Word of God is a source of affirmation and encouragement, particularly for young children still discovering who they are. Verses such as 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 - "Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new," remind us that our past does not determine our future, because God has promised us new life in Him through Jesus Christ. Written as an affirmation for every child who has accepted the precious gift of salvation, and an encouragement for those yet to make the choice, I Am A New Creation reminds us of the hope we have in Christ and the opportunity to become who He wants us to be."In Christ, we are a new creation. In Him, all things are made new!" As part of an introductory collection by the author, I Am a New Creation is filled with declarations inspired by and pulled directly from passages in the Bible. Whether read aloud with a parent, memorized as simple poetry or translated into song, these declarations will be enjoyed over and over again, helping children to understand and appreciate God's design. Simple language combined with rich vocabulary supports the needs of emerging readers, while carefully-selected imagery, diverse portraits and graphics in a hand-drawn style, provide a relatable reference for young children of any background. ABOUT THE AUTHORSabrina Adewumi is an Interior Designer, Project Manager, Visual Artist and Mother of three - who motivated her to create uplifting content for kids. Her experience spans picture books, coloring & activity workbooks, songwriting, character animation, and radio & television programming.Inspired by her personal journey to discover her identity in Christ, she hopes to encourage young boys and girls to explore the wonders of God's creation and celebrate His unique design for their lives.

  • von Margie Harding
    22,00 €

    Benson Bobcat wants nothing more than to be left alone. Wilder and Wallace Wolf have other ideas and demand security pay or suffer the consequences. Their bullying doesn't stop with Benson. What will Benson do to stay out of their way and protect himself and others from his predators?Toddler version of Benson Stands His Ground

  • von Harold Phillips
    24,00 €

    Five Levels of Love -Why do people do what they do? How can I understand why I do what I do?We know God has given us the ability to reason and to make choices; but those choices are dictated by a power bigger than we. How can we understand what this power is, and how can we learn to control it? We live in zones of love. Jesus said we are to love the Lord God with all our heart, and then love our neighbor as ourselves, in that order. These are the great commandments! If we do these two effectively, all will be well! How can obeying these two commands fix all our problems with man and God? I believe as you read this book you will see how God teaches us about five love levels that are the most powerful sources of influence in our lives, dictating our every move!Level one - self loveLevel two - family loveLevel three - love of missionsLevel four - love for our enemiesLevel five - love for GodJohn 14:23 "...If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him."John 21:15 "...Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me, more than these?"What does it all mean? How does this translate to life?The answer to man's problems is one basic truth: love God at level five and everything else will fall into place. All through the word of God we see examples of these levels, and how our dwelling in one or another of these love zones (or levels) dictates our every action.May this material give you answers to life's questions! Remember, love is the motivator of every aspect of life!

  • von Laurence Byrum
    26,00 €

    This book is about Hunts and Hunters from the time I was ten years old in 1948 until I retired from the hunting business in 2006. It focuses on some of the hunters. Most of the hunts took place in west Sully County, South Dakota. During those years there was very good hunting of geese, pheasants, ducks, grouse, prairie chickens and partridge. Making some of the hunts a mixed bag of birds and making many lasting friendships. A lot of our guests would bring their children and their children would bring their children. Passing hunting on from then until now. This book was put in place by Barb Thomas, who got involved in the effort to finish it. She even added a goose story of her own!

  • von Sabrina Adewumi
    26,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Sabrina Adewumi
    26,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Margie Harding
    23,00 €

  • von Margie Harding
    23,00 €

    Brody's behavior on the school camping trip leaves some of the friends completely frustrated. What he shares at the end of the day, however, demonstrates his ADHD doesn't mean he isn't thinking, as he "wows" them in a way they least expected. *Toddler Version of The Camping Trip

    59,00 €

  • von Caleb Phillips
    23,00 €

    61,00 €

    I want to thank each and everyone of you for your confidence and support in this artistic journey that is now my life. I am grateful to be able to do what I love on a daily basis. People have made the comment to me that I am " living the dream", and in reality this dream is hard work and often times filled with frustration. I think the true dream is to live each day to the fullest, and know that you have done your best no matter what the circumstances. To be able to end the day knowing that you have given your all doing what you love is important to me. Yes, I am living each day in this life to the fullest, and dreaming of what lies ahead in this journey. Don't be afraid to take that first step.

  • von Margie Harding
    23,00 €

    Hearing is one of our five senses we often take for granted, and children rarely even think about. Owen Owl's early ear infections cause him more issues than medicine alone can handle. First he breaks his wing after losing his balance doing something he'd done all his life and then he learns he has to have hearing aids. Owen is sure he's going to have ears, "just like Grandad!" Join Owen as he re-discovers the wonderful world of hearing. Toddler version of "Ears Like Gramps"

    65,00 €

    I am an award-winning artist and my works hang in private residences, community hospitals, businesses, and restaurants across the US and also abroad. I live in Pierre, South Dakota. Since 2008 I have owned Sharon Welch Gallery and Studio where I paint and teach classes. My theory is have fun, remove the fear of failure, experiment and let the child inside of you play.Very often my work begins with a heavily textured, boldly painted surface. My next step is to work within designprinciples, adding color, texture, pattern and line allowing the canvas to speak to me. The result is that my paintings are often eclectic, covering a wide range of subjects but cohesive because of color, bold marks, and movement.

  • von Jodie Baxendale
    68,00 €

  • von Gayle Jester
    22,00 €

  • von Margie Harding
    22,00 €

  • von Fred Wilson
    24,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Camille Wooding
    30,00 €

    Craft is a great way to complement teaching!. Art and Craft for Elementary School contains 52, easy-to-make arts and crafts projects which can be made in the classroom, in homeschool. It is recommended for kids ages five and over. Turtles and pinwheels and airplanes! All can be used as part of a holistic education model or done just for fun! We guide readers through each project, giving step-by-step photos and instructions that kids will be able to follow. Free online videos complement this book, and provide some added support for visual and auditory learners. The materials used in our crafts are affordable and readily available. We also use recyclable materials. When paired with our Handy Dandy Craft Box, sourcing materials is easy! Videos for book:

  • von Angel Sanchez
    64,00 €

  • von Margie Harding
    22,00 €

    The boy seated next to the friends on the bleachers seems to act so strange. What could make him behave so oddly? The friends learn Micah Mink doesn't mean to act different. He is autistic. Join the friends as they learn about autism when Whitney Wolf shares a story about her life none of the friends knew.

  • von Margie Harding
    22,00 €

    The great race started and Carmelita was leading. She tried to ignore the burning in her chest, and her breathing problems. Carmelita's attack sets the stage for the friends to learn about asthma and leaves Carmelita to wonder, who won the race?

  • von Margie Harding
    22,00 €

    Everyone had studied hard and all the friends were excited about the spelling bee. Who would be the best speller in the class and what would be the prize? Share the excitement of being the winner, and the disappointment with the reward, because of juvenile diabetes.*Toddler Version of The Spelling Bee

  • von Margie Harding
    22,00 €

    Marco knew something was wrong, but when he heard Muscular Dystrophy, he was clearly frightened. Marco remembered his cousin, Marvin. He had Muscular Dystrophy and he ended up in a wheelchair. Could the same thing happen to Marco?

  • von Margie Harding
    22,00 €

    Snow knew it would happen. He'd be asked to read aloud in school, and he was right. He hated reading. It never made sense and he was sure he was just plain stupid. How would Snow handle the situation and what would he learn as a result?

  • von Margie Harding
    22,00 €

    Lillianna spends the day in the park after Liam Mountain Lion convinces her the Friends will accept her, even with Down Syndrome. Is he going to be right or will Lillianna be disappointed?

  • von Margie Harding
    22,00 - 33,98 €

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