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Bücher veröffentlicht von Park Books

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  • - Architect of Death and Life
    von Mikael Andersson
    120,00 €

    The definitive monograph on Swedish modernist architect Sigurd Lewerentz, offering the most comprehensive survey to date of his manifold work, featuring a wealth of previously unpublished material from Lewerentz's estate held at ArkDes, Sweden's national center for architecture and design, alongside new essays by leading experts.

  • von Benjamin Stæhli
    48,00 €

    The name Montessori is widely and inextricably associated with an entirely child-centered and careful pedagogy and education of children. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an Italian physician, reform educator, and philosopher whose ideas and work have remained influential throughout the world ever since the 1910s. Her educational concept covers the entirety of development from infancy to young adulthood. It is based on the image of the child as a "builder of his or her self" and therefore uses for the first time the form of open teaching and free work in a prepared learning environment. Montessori schools became trendsetting educational institutions early on, and their concept is strongly reflected in their architecture and equipment. Montessori Architecture is the first book that comprehensively addresses architectural design, construction, and the use of materials in and the furnishing of educational spaces according to Montessori's ideas. The book's first part explores spatial and design principles that make up good kindergarten and school buildings. In the second part, nine case studies are featured in detail through photographs, plans, and concise texts. These examples are located in Europe (the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain) as well as in tropical countries (Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka). Thus, this highly illustrative volume offers practical advice and a wealth of information that is of utmost importance for the design of school buildings in general.

  • - Ideated by Valerio Olgiati - Written by Markus Breitschmid
    von Markus Breitschmid
    25,00 €

    Demonstrates a new approach to architecture in a world increasingly free of ideologies and references and offers a foundation for conceiving a non-referential architecture in such a non-referential world

  • von Gabriela Burkhalter
    58,00 €

    From the 1950s to the 1980s, the open-air playground was a social laboratory. Innovative, wacky, educational, and exciting playground designs emerged in European and American cities, as well as elsewhere around the world: artists, landscape designers, architects, and activists sought to provide children with the best possible place to play, while also reimagining cities and communities. First published in 2018, The Playground Project instantly became a classic. This much-expanded new edition brings back the wealth of ideas of that period to inspire us today. It offers many previously unpublished images, numerous new portraits, especially of female protagonists of the time, as well as findings from the latest research on playground design. An incisive introductory essay places the playground at the intersections of education, architecture, urban politics, design history, and leisure policy. A detailed focus is placed on the forgotten history of playgrounds in the former German Democratic Republic. Moreover, young researchers explore the culture of memory surrounding the Shek Lei Playground in Hong Kong, and the role that playgrounds played in the process of state-building in Mexico. The book is a tribute to play in public spaces and a rich source for architects, designers, students, children, and political actors.

    58,00 €

    Das Bauen mit wiederverwendeten Bauteilen ist derzeit eines der meistbeachteten Phänomene der europäischen Architekturdiskussion. Dieses 2021 in Deutsch erschienene und nun auch in Englisch vorliegende Buch ist ein umfassendes Kompendium, das allen Fragen zur Wiederverwendung von Bauteilen im Detail nachgeht.Interdisziplinäre Fachgespräche verorten die Wiederverwendung innerhalb der Rahmenbedingungen heutiger Bau- und Planungspraxis, Essays stellen zirkulär gedachte Bauten und Konstruktionen vor, acht Thesen zeigen architektonische Herausforderungen sowie Potenziale und ein umfassender Aufsatz erläutert die Kulturgeschichte der Bauteilwiederverwendung.Mit Beiträgen von Andreas Abegg, Marc Angst, Guido Brandi, Barbara Buser, Arne Vande Capelle, Michael Eidenbenz, Nathanea Elte, Deborah Fehlmann, Patric Fischli-Boson, Oya Atalay Franck, Michaël Ghyoot, Pascal Hentschel, Meinrad Huser, Christian Kohler, Marc Loeliger, Ákos Moravánszky, Kerstin Müller, Andreas Oefner, Katrin Pfäffli, Michael Pöll, Tina Puffert, François Renaud, Barbara Rentsch, Alexis Ringli, Andreas Sonderegger, Eva Stricker, Cyrille Veron und Barbara Zeleny.

    85,00 €

    New edition of the most comprehensive survey of modern architecture in Africa to date that explores the close relationship between architecture and nation building after African countries gained independence from their former colonial powers.

  • von Manuela Hötzl
    48,00 €

    X Architekten ist ein vielfach ausgezeichnetes österreichisches Architekturbüro mit Niederlassungen in Linz, Wien und Lambach. Zum 25-jährigen Bestehen erscheint nun die erste, umfassende Monografie über das Schaffen des Büros mit den wichtigsten Bauten und einer Vielzahl von Textbeiträgen bekannter Autorinnen und Autoren. Das X im Namen ist Programm, es steht als mathematische Variable für Offenheit. Das X erfordert die Mehrzahl: Ein Team mit flacher Hierarchie ersetzt das Berufsbild des Architekten als Einzelkämpfer. Die Dynamik eines zwischen Kreativität und (Selbst-)Kritik pendelnden Arbeitsprozesses soll über das Vermögen des Einzelnen hinausgehende architektonische Qualität ermöglichen. Auch das Buch zum Jubiläum folgt dieser Idee und bringt vielfältige Stimmen des erweiterten Netzwerks von Schreibenden, Bauherrschaften, Mitarbeitenden usw. mit ein. Anhand von neun Begriffen, wie «dehnen», «falten», «wandeln» oder «verbinden», folgt der Band auf analytische und gleichzeitig metaphorische Weise den komplexen Gestaltungsaufgaben und stellt die bedeutendsten Bauten des Büros vor. So zeichnet das Buch ein collagenartiges Bild der letzten 25 Jahre Architekturproduktion von X Architekten und fragt nach den Ursprüngen und Perspektiven. Mit welchen Ideen, Vorstellungen, Wünschen und Träumen ist das Team vor 25 Jahren gestartet? Wie wollte man sich von den Kolleginnen und Kollegen unterscheiden? Welche Vorbilder und Einflüsse hat es gegeben?

  • von Angelika Fitz
    38,00 €

    Seit Jahrzehnten erfährt der Tourismus eine kontinuierliche Intensivierung und ist zu einem integralen Bestandteil unseres westlichen Lebensstils geworden. Über Tourismus beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen unserer Urlaubswünsche auf die gebaute Umwelt, das soziale Gefüge und den Klimawandel. Wann wird Tourismus eigentlich zum Übertourismus? Anschauliche Illustrationen, Beispiele und reiches Datenmaterial verdeutlichen u. a. das Zusammenspiel von Tourismus und Wirtschaftswachstum, steigenden CO2-Emissionen oder der Verdrängung der lokalen Bevölkerung durch ausufernde Wohn- und Lebenshaltungskosten. Vor allem aber sucht das Buch nach Transformationspotenzial. Zahlreiche internationale Beispiele machen Lust auf eine andere Art des Urlaubens. Acht reich illustrierte Kapitel befassen sich mit zentralen Aspekten des Tourismus im 21. Jahrhundert: Mobilität; die Destinationen Stadt und Land; das Verhältnis zur Landwirtschaft; die Privatisierung von Naturschönheit; Fragen der Tourismusplanung; die Veränderung der Beherbergungsstruktur und schliesslich die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Tourismus. Diese Themen werden in Essays internationaler Autorinnen und Autoren vertieft. Fragen, wie in Zeiten von Klimakrise, Kriegen, Pandemie, Fachkräftemangel und einer anhaltenden Energiekrise Tourismus neu gedacht und in andere, verträglichere Bahnen gelenkt werden kann und welche Rolle dabei Raumplanung und Architektur spielen, ziehen sich als roter Faden durch das Buch.

  • von François Charbonnet
    38,00 €

    Densification of our cities is an imperative that inevitably brings the topic of new high-rise buildings and the addition of stories to existing buildings to the foreground of discourse. Architecture and urban design must increasingly address the issues of verticality at all stages of planning, design, and composition. Social and cultural aspects must be considered in this process as well. The French-languag book De la verticalité combines two elements: a case study on high-rise buildings in Zurich and an explorative essay on the subject of verticality in philosophy, culture, and society. Together the threads form a dual commentary that highlights the challenges posed by the transformation of our cities. Illustrated with numerous spectacular montages and visualizations designed to broaden thinking, this volume, which comes from the laboratory of acclaimed Swiss architecture firm Made in, also offers concrete proposals aimed at architects and urban planners, politicians and flâneurs alike.

  • von Robert Jan Van Pelt
    48,00 €

    The Barrack, 1572-1914 tells the little-known history of a building type that many people used to register as an alien interloper in conventionally built-up areas. The barrack is a mostly lightweight construction, a hybrid between shack, tent, and traditional building. It is a highly efficient structure that sometimes also proves to be extremely durable. Easy to erect and to take down, it is-after the introduction of railways and later motor vehicles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries-also easy to transplant from one location to another. Originating as a standardized accommodation in the late 16th century, the barrack became a mass-produced utility of military and civilian mobilization in the 19th century, providing immediate shelter for soldiers as well as for displaced persons, disaster victims, or prisoners. The barrack played a decisive role in shaping the political space of modernity. Robert Jan van Pelt traces nearly 350 years of barrack history up to 1914. That year, in which the Great War broke out, proved to be a turning point in the perception of the barrack, away from pragmatic emergency shelter and towards sinister forced housing. Richly illustrated with some 250 images, van Pelt's book records the traditions of barrack design and the technological inventiveness that went into it in the late 19th century.

  • von François Charbonnet
    38,00 €

    Densification of our cities is an imperative that inevitably brings the topic of new high-rise buildings and the addition of stories to existing buildings to the foreground of discourse. Architecture and urban design must increasingly address the issues of verticality at all stages of planning, design, and composition. Social and cultural aspects must be considered in this process as well. The German-language book Zur Vertikalität combines two elements: a case study on high-rise buildings in Zurich and an explorative essay on the subject of verticality in philosophy, culture, and society. Together the threads form a dual commentary that highlights the challenges posed by the transformation of our cities. Illustrated with numerous spectacular montages and visualizations designed to broaden thinking, this volume, which comes from the laboratory of acclaimed Swiss architecture firm Made in, also offers concrete proposals aimed at architects and urban planners, politicians and flâneurs alike.

  • von Daniel Zamarbide
    38,00 €

    BUREAU, with offices in Geneva and Lisbon, is directed by architects Daniel Zamarbide and Carine Pimenta, and visual artist, designer, and art educator Galliane Zamarbide. The practice operates at the intersection of architecture, scenography, design, landscape design, and education. Founded in 2012, the firm focuses on building new and converting existing structures, interior design and furniture, exhibition design, inhabitable sculptures, and temporary pavilions. Their buildings and interventions feature spatial experiments, unusual shapes and perspectives, and play with the time factor as well. BUREAU thus navigates across the traditional boundaries of architecture, design, visual art, architectural teaching, and cultural education. Short Stories is the first survey of the firm's work to date. Brief texts-some narrative, some descriptive and categorizing-, illustrated with 360 images, are contributed by architects and researchers Fabrizio Gallanti, Zaccharie Lachance, André Tavares, and Marina Otero Verzier; curator and critic Tirdad Zolghadr; designer and curator Alexandra Midal; and Daniel Zamarbide. A conversation between designers and reserachers Amir Halabi and Ava Violich-Kennedy, Carine Pimenta, and Daniel & Galiane Zamarbide as well as concise information on the depicted buildings and projects by BUREAU round off this beautiful book.

  • von Antoine de Perrot
    29,00 €

    Transversal Territory is a laboratory of urban, environmental, and artistic experimentation at the renowned Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio, Switzerland. It undertakes transdisciplinary and participatory research on the relationship between us, our bodies, and our built and natural environments. Its unique approach is to explore experiences of-and reflections on-urban space through performative bodywork and on-site artistic installations. This process aims at transcending the conventional paradigms of perception and the understanding of urban space, and at creating a new imagination of it-an augmented reality. Transversal Territory's innovative research is conducted in annual workshops, in which students and local residents collaborate, and subsequent public presentations of the results. This volume features 20 performances and installations realized in 2022 in Mendrisio's Rime-Brech neighborhood, a typical suburban area with its mix of industrial structures, social housing, shopping malls, fast food outlets, parking lots, wastelands, and highways. It is conceived as a map of Mendrisio that spreads across the pages to recontextualize the genius loci in book format.

  • von Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Partner
    77,00 €

    The lavish five-volume set of Food for Architects is dedicated to the buildings and cooking of the renowned Zurich-based firm Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Partners. As enthusiastic housing designers, they have been searching for both the perfect floor plan and the perfect spaghetti for three decades. Volume 1 of this first comprehensive monograph on the firm's work brings together brief personal texts on the various types of rooms in a house or apartment as well as other aspects of living. Volume 2 offers insights into the evolution and design methods of Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Partners, documenting as well 65 key buildings and projects from their portfolio. Volume 3 features floor plans of a total of 168 furnished apartments with concise comments, interspersed with recipes for 12 spaghetti dishes. In a photo essay, volume 4 introduces the inhabitants of 11 apartments from various realized buildings, who also speak about their homes in brief interviews. The dessert of this five-course menu is the concluding volume 5, featuring a conversation with the firm's four partners-Jakob Steib, Patrick Gmür, Michael Geschwentner, and Matthias Kyburz-as they discuss topics that are key to their architectural work.

  • von Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Partner
    77,00 €

    The lavish five-volume set of Food for Architects is dedicated to the buildings and cooking of the renowned Zurich-based firm Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Partners. As enthusiastic housing designers, they have been searching for both the perfect floor plan and the perfect spaghetti for three decades. Volume 1 of this first comprehensive monograph on the firm's work brings together brief personal texts on the various types of rooms in a house or apartment as well as other aspects of living. Volume 2 offers insights into the evolution and design methods of Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Partners, documenting as well 65 key buildings and projects from their portfolio. Volume 3 features floor plans of a total of 168 furnished apartments with concise comments, interspersed with recipes for 12 spaghetti dishes. In a photo essay, volume 4 introduces the inhabitants of 11 apartments from various realized buildings, who also speak about their homes in brief interviews. The dessert of this five-course menu is the concluding volume 5, featuring a conversation with the firm's four partners-Jakob Steib, Patrick Gmür, Michael Geschwentner, and Matthias Kyburz-as they discuss topics that are key to their architectural work.

  • von Josef Frank
    38,00 €

    Der österreichisch-schwedische Architekt Josef Frank (1885-1967) war nicht nur ein erstklassiger Architekt, Designer und Innenarchitekt, sondern auch ein ausgezeichneter und einflussreicher Schreiber. Die ersten zwei Bände seiner gesammelten veröffentlichten Schriften sind 2012 erschienen und im Löcker Verlag, Wien, weiterhin erhältlich. Die folgenden Bände mit den unveröffentlichten Schriften werden bei Park Books erscheinen. Den Auftakt macht der vorliegende Band mit Josef Franks Auseinandersetzung mit der Kunst der Moderne. Die Betrachtungen über die Kunst unserer Zeit sind Josef Franks bislang unveröffentlichte finale Analyse der kulturellen Entwicklungen seit dem Fin de Siècle. Kunsthandwerk und künstlerisches Schaffen stehen im Widerstreit und werden gefügig gemacht von totalitären und diktatorischen Strömungen in Europa, die in den Zweiten Weltkrieg münden. Auch auf die USA, wo Frank lehrend und schreibend im New Yorker Exil lebt, greifen bedenkliche Tendenzen über. Der Text Zu Mondrian, ein «Leserbrief», den Frank 1945 anlässlich von dessen grosser Retrospektive im MoMA verfasste, veranschaulicht exemplarisch seine Bedenken gegenüber der Entwicklung der Moderne. In einem 60-seitigen Kommentar- und Essay-Teil setzen sich Hermann Czech, Otto Kapfinger, Tano Bojankin, Christopher Long, Claudia Mazanek und Caterina Cardamone mit Franks Texten und ihrem Entstehungskontext auseinander.

    29,00 €

    Scarcity of resources in all forms is commonly portrayed in a negative light. Yet these conditions-which have long been a reality in many extreme climate conditions across the global South and are increasingly becoming a global reality-often stimulate an abundance of innovation, inspiration, and ingenuity. Permanence has created a climate crisis, with spaces constructed with non-degradable materials, resource extraction without active replenishment, and buildings designed for a single-eternal use. Our present reality is marked by a global pandemic, violent conflicts, and the looming threat of climate change-induced environmental disasters. Yet there remains an optimism about the creative possibilities that arise within these constraints. Field Notes on Scarcity, published in conjunction with the 2023 Sharjah Architecture Triennial, examines what scarcity truly looks like on the ground, and the challenges and opportunities it presents across architecture and design. Sixty scholars and practitioners from across the Global South-including Lesley Lokko, Yinka Shonibare, Formafantasma, Rahul Mehrotra, Olalekan Jeyifous, Abeer Seikaly, Ilze and Heinrich Wolff, Chitra Vishwanath, and Deema Assaf-contribute reflections, poems, visual essays, and dialogues exploring what scarcity represents, what it inspires, and what it reveals.

  • von Ana Francisco Sutherland
    38,00 €

    Blackheath and Greenwich, in the southeast of London, proved to be an unusually fertile ground for modern architecture in the decades following WWII. Housing in particular became the prime field of work for many architecture firms, who designed a large number of residential buildings of various typologies, using new concepts and trying new solutions, inspired by the spirit and political developments of the time. Modern Buildings in Blackheath and Greenwich is based on an extensive research project by architect Ana Francisco Sutherland. It analyzes and celebrates outstanding buildings by well-known architects such as Eric Lyons, Patrick Gwynne, Peter Moro, Walter Greaves, and Chamberlin, Powell & Bon, alongside works by lesser-known firms. A total of 64 individual buildings and housing developments by 38 architects are featured with images, plans, and concise texts. Sutherland also takes a broader look at the evolution of modern English architecture in the context of social and housing policies of the time. Brief biographical portraits reveal personal connections between protagonists that made Blackheath and Greenwich such an extraordinary field of design experimentation over five decades. An enclosed map with suggested routes makes the volume also a guide of extraordinary detail for architects and architecture lovers alike. Bronze medal at the German Photo Book Award 24/25.

  • von Lorenzo de Chiffre
    38,00 €

    Hans Hollein (1934-2014), Austria's only Pritzker Prize laureate (1985) and a self-proclaimed avant-gardist of the 1960s, was a meticulous curator of his own work throughout his life. At the same time, the reception of this work was often overshadowed by Hollein's immense personality. Hollein Calling: Architectural Dialogues explores the Hollein phenomenon from today's perspective. In dialogue with the positions of a younger generation, this book revaluates and brings back into the current discourse Hollein's thinking and designs. The first part offers interviews with 15 European firms in which they talk about their relationship to Hollein and his oeuvre, ranging from profound knowledge or selective admiration of specific aspects to skepticism and criticism. Topics such as cultural identity, visual worlds, design tools, and architecture as an independent cultural production run as a thread through these conversations. The second part features a selection of Hollein's buildings through sketches, models, photographs, prototypes, and documents from the Archive Hans Hollein, Az W and MAK, Vienna-many of which are published here for the first time-as well as new contextualizing texts. The two sections are connected by a grid of key terms formed of pertinent texts and images.

  • von Eva Kuß
    48,00 €

    Hermann Czech, born in 1936, is one of Austria's most eminent and influential architects and theorists. This influence is based not only on his work as a designing architect, which extends to furniture, interiors, and exhibitions. Czech is also widely admired just as much for his writings on architectural theory and as the editor and translator of classics of architectural history, including texts by Otto Wagner, Adolf Loos, Josef Frank, and Christopher Alexander, among others. This book is the long-awaited updated and expanded English edition of the only full monograph on Hermann Czech to date. First published in German in 2018, it goes far beyond a mere presentation of an architecture practice's buildings and projects. The first part traces what links Czech's work to the approaches of Viennese modernism. The second part explores Czech's biography and the trajectory of his career, analyzing as well the contemporary influences that shape his thinking and designs. The third part features selected buildings and unrealized projects, setting forth also Czech's numerous references and underlying reflections. A complete index of his buildings, projects, and writings, an essay by Vienna-based philosopher Elisabeth Nemeth on the relationship between architecture and philosophy in Czech's work, and an introduction by architectural historian Liane Lefaivre round off this volume.

  • von Associés & Gaëtan Le Penhuel Architectes
    25,00 €

    Paris-based Le Penhuel & Associés architectes have acquired great expertise in the construction of school buildings over nearly 30 years, having made their name in this field with pioneering designs. Based on this wealth of experience, the firm's founding pricipal Gaëtan Le Penhuel now presents ABC: Schools of the Future. Best Design Practices, a compact and charming guide to developing school buildings for the future that meet the needs of students. Each of the ten chapters focuses on one key part of these structures, such as the classroom, the school yard, the hallway, the auditorium, and so on. In conversation with architectural publicist Alice Dubet, Le Penhuel outlines pathways to better school architecture, and points out obstacles to overcome and mistakes to avoid. Quentin Vijoux's illustrations provide easy visual access to the concepts of Le Penhuel & Associés architectes-not only for architects and teachers, but also for students and their parents.

  • von Jeanne Gang
    35,00 €

    In this book, Jeanne Gang, one of America's most distinguished contemporary architects, proposes applying the plant cultivation technique of grafting to architecture and urban design as a way of rethinking adaptive reuse and combatting climate change. Grafting is the process of connecting two separate living plants-one old and one new-so they can grow and thrive as one. This ancient practice continues to be performed today in search of more fruitful, palatable, and resilient varieties of plants. Grafting is also a useful paradigm for how architecture can address climate change on a broadly impactful scale by reusing and expanding older structures. Addressing both the environmental and cultural value of reuse, Gang shows how the concept of grafting can inform architecture across many scales, provoking the imagination and shaping tectonic, programmatic, formal, and regenerative adaptations.

  • von LIQUIFER Systems Group
    38,00 €

    Conquering the extremes: LIQUIFER Systems Group, a design and research firm based in Vienna and Bremen, has been addressing the issue of human life on planet Earth and elsewhere in the universe for two decades. Their work demonstrates how considerate technology-based design solutions and careful use of available resources can enable us to live in space. Their concepts, feasibility studies, and technological developments all deal with the key issue of scarcity that defines life everywhere: on Mars, on the Moon, in orbit as well as on Earth. LIQUIFER Systems Group's projects range from a simulated Mars mission in Spain's Rio Tinto region and the interior design for the habitation module of the planned Gateway space station, to the EDEN ISS mobile greenhouse in Antarctica and biogenerative studies in which microbes are integrated into buildings to generate energy and recycle materials. LIQUIFER. Living Beyond Earth is the first book to present the practice's groundbreaking work. It features spectacular images and visualizations, detailed plans, and drawings that are supplemented with an introdutcion by and a conversation between the LIQUIFER team, as well asa prologue and an epilogue by renowned American space architects Brent Sherwood and Christina Ciardullo. It enables the reader to delve into the visionary world of Europe's leading space design firms.

  • von Ludovic Balland
    65,00 €

    Lux Guyer (1894-1955) was the first female architect to establish her own studio in Switzerland in 1924. One of her key designs is the Obere Schiedhalde, a single-family home above Küsnacht near Zurich. Completed in 1929 and temporarily occupied by Guyer and her family themselves, it is a variation on her legendary SAFFA-Haus of 1928. Between 2012 and 2018, the building itself as well as the surrounding garden were extensively and carefully restored by Basel-based architecture firm Christ & Gantenbein together with Sven Richter, co-founder of Richter Tobler Architects in Basel. Working in close collaboration with the Canton of Zurich's office for the preservation of historic monuments, they also called in experts for a historically conscious overhaul of the building's interior design, color scheme, furniture, and garden design. Together with the current owners, the architects made it their mission to not only preserve this significant architectural monument of Swiss Modernism, but also make it accessible to the public through this book. Conceived by graphic designers Ludovic Balland and Annina Schepping, it offers an in-depth documentation of the renovated Obere Schiedhalde. Some 200 photographs of the house, garden, interior details, and furniture, as well as historic and newly drawn plans are supplemented with texts in German and English that tell the story of the building and the entire undertaking of its restoration.

  • von Stephan Küng
    48,00 €

    Die Firma Küng Holzbau AG im schweizerischen Alpnach hat sich auf nachhaltigen Holzbau spezialisiert - insbesondere auf Vollholzhäuser, die ohne die Verwendung von Leim und Metall auskommen. Die ökologische Philosophie des Inhabers Stephan Küng hat sich in der Schweizer Architekturszene etabliert, und zahlreiche renommierte Architekturbüros verlassen sich auf die Holzbaukompetenz seiner Zimmerei. So hat Küng Holzbau beispielsweise jüngst den Zuschlag für die Fassade des von Peter Zumthor entworfenen Museumsneubaus der Fondation Beyeler in Riehen bei Basel erhalten. Für seine Werkhallen, sein Privathaus und auch das Bürogebäude der Zimmerei setzt Stephan Küng zudem bewusst auf qualitativ gute Architektur, um auch andere renommierte Bauträgerschaften für seine Bauweise zu begeistern. Bereits für mehrere solche Projekte haben Seiler Linhart Architekten mit Küng Holzbau zusammengearbeitet. Besonders ihr 2020 fertiggestellter Büroneubau für das Unternehmen selbst in Alpnach ist ein weitherum respektiertes Vorzeigeobjekt für die Möglichkeiten geworden, wie in nachhaltiger Bauweise mit Holz konstruiert und gebaut werden kann. Der von der Fachpresse und von anderen Architektinnen und Architekten vielfach gelobte Referenzbau wird nun in diesem Buch umfassend vorgestellt und trägt so die Visionen von Patrik Seiler und Søren Linhart sowie von Küng Holzbau in die Welt hinaus.

  • von Ana Vollenbroich
    29,00 €

    100 Persönlichkeiten zeigen ihr liebstes Architekturbuch und schreiben, warum sie immer wieder zu diesem Buch greifen. Die Nidus Architekturgalerie und der langjährige AD-Chefredakteur Oliver Jahn haben 100 Architektinnen, Designer, Künstlerinnen, Kulturschaffende und andere Prominente gebeten, dasjenige Buch in die Galerie zu schicken, das mit Architektur zu tun hat und das sie im Leben stets von Neuem zur Hand nehmen. Herausgekommen ist eine höchst vergnügliche und informative Hommage an das architekturbezogene Buch, mit vielen Trouvaillen, überraschenden Beispielen - und spannenden Einblicken ins Denken der angefragten Menschen. Im Band zu sehen ist je eine Fotografie des persönlichen Exemplars jedes eingereichten Buchs und der dazugehörige persönliche Text.

  • von Thomas Hasler
    48,00 €

    Trotz Computer und digitalen Renderings: Die architektonische Handzeichnung bleibt ein wesentliches Instrument zur Erfassung der Welt, zur Bewältigung räumlicher Fragestellungen sowie zum Erlernen eines eigenen Ideen- und Entwurfsvokabulars. Diese Skizzenfibel ist eine wunderbare Einführung in die Welt der Handskizzen von und für Architektinnen und Architekten. Entstanden ist sie in Zusammenarbeit mit Studierenden der TU Wien, angeleitet durch deren Professor, den Schweizer Architekten Thomas Hasler, und die Wiener Architektin Michaela Tomaselli. Mit über 250 detailreichen Zeichnungen, thematisch geordnet und elegant montiert, zeigt das Buch, wie die angehenden Architektinnen und Architekten zeichnend zum Wesen der Architektur vorstossen und so eine neue, eigene Sicht auf die Baukunst entwickeln. Die Abstraktion der Zeichnung führt zu einer Fokussierung auf das Wesentliche, sie schärft den Blick für die signifikanten Eigenschaften von Form, Proportion und Fügung des Materials. Die analytische Skizze strukturiert die Inhalte einer enormen Fülle von Bauweisen. Sie schafft hierarchische Ordnungen, akzentuiert und überhöht die primären Gestaltungselemente und kristallisiert so die innere Logik von Bauwerken heraus.

  • von Andreas Furrer
    48,00 €

    Das Berner Architekturbüro A. Furrer und Partner hat sich in den 40 Jahren seiner erfolgreichen Bautätigkeit durch konstant hohe Qualitätsansprüche, eine gestalterisch unprätentiöse und zeitlose Architektursprache und die sorgfältige Anwendung der zur Verfügung stehenden technischen und baulichen Möglichkeiten ausgezeichnet. Die Vielfalt der ausgeführten Bauaufgaben ist gross: von der Umgestaltung des historischen Bärengrabens in ein zeitgemässes Tiergehege über Umbauten von Privathäusern und Hochschulgebäuden bis zu Neubauten wie jenem für das Medienhaus Stämpfli AG. Die Berücksichtigung funktionaler Zusammenhänge und die örtlichen Gegebenheiten sowie deren Lesart standen dabei stets im Fokus der architektonischen Auseinandersetzung. Bei Umbauten war zudem immer der originale Bestand zentrale Quelle der Projektentwicklung. Diese Monografie präsentiert umfassend mit Fotografien, Zeichnungen und Plänen 16 ausgeführte Projekte in Bern und Umgebung, die einerseits die Rahmenbedingungen der jeweiligen Zeit widerspiegeln und andererseits Entwürfe nach zeitunabhängigen Kriterien darstellen. Abgerundet wird der Band durch einen Essay des Kunst- und Architekturhistorikers Michael Hanak.

  • von Institut Urban Landscape
    38,00 €

    Orte und Städte haben sich entlang von Strassen entwickelt. In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben der stetige Ausbau für den motorisierten Individualverkehr und die bauliche Reaktion auf dessen Lärm die räumliche Struktur entlang der Strassen stark geprägt und vielerorts zusammen mit fehlenden Aufenthaltsqualitäten zu unwirtlichen Stadträumen geführt. Diesem Befund geht Städtebau beginnt an der Strasse nach und versucht, Abhilfe zu schaffen. Das Buch, das aus langjährigen Forschungen des Instituts Urban Landscape der ZHAW in Winterthur hervorgegangen ist, zeigt Wege auf, wie die Strassen vom Problemfall wieder zu einem Rückgrat der Orts- und Stadtentwicklung werden. Anhand von Analysen und Fotodokumentationen werden die heutigen Qualitäten und Herausforderungen diskutiert. Mit konkreten Beispielen aus der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich zeigt das Buch Strategien auf, wie die Herausforderungen von Klimaanpassung, Mobilität, Lärm und der Bezug zur Quartierstruktur integral gedacht und Strassen wieder zu qualitätsvollen öffentlichen Räumen werden können.

  • von Oliver Elser
    19,00 €

    Protest movements shape public space not only through their messages, but in many cases also through their-mostly temporary-buildings. Frankfurt's Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM and Vienna's MAK-Museum of Applied Arts are exploring this thesis in a joint exhibition project. The exhibition and the book coinciding with it explore the topic based on examples spanning from 1830 to 2022. Protest Architecture is the first-ever international survey of the architecture of protest and presents it in all its manifold forms and, in some cases, ambivalence. It is conceived as an encyclopedia with 176 entries, supplemented by 13 more expansive case studies. A preceding chronology portrays 68 protest movements and their architectural manifestations through concise texts and one image each, including examples from all over the world, such as the 1830 July Revolution in Paris, the 1848 March Revolution in Berlin, the 1911 Sugar Workers Strike in Queensland (Australia), the 1936-37 General Motors Sit-down Strike in Flint, MI (USA), the 1969-98 Troubles in Northern Ireland, Freetown Christiania in Copenhagen since 1971, the 1986 People Power Revolution in Manila, the 1999 WTO Protests in Seattle, WA (USA), the 2011 Arab Spring revolutions on Cairo's Tahrir Square and Manama's Pearl Roundabout, the 2013-14 Euromaidan uprisings in Kyiv, the 2015-16 #FeesMustFall student protests in Pretoria, the 2019 Acampamento Terra Livre in Brasilia, the 2020-21 Indian Farmers Protests, and the 2022 Freedom Convoy in Ottawa.

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