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Bücher veröffentlicht von Parker Publishers

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  • von Grace Felicia Lawrence
    17,00 €

    "A Stayin' Alive = Volume II" is a comprehensive guide dedicated to the safety, security, and well-being of transgender and gender-nonconforming persons. Authored by Grace Lawrence, a survivor of hate crimes, the book offers insights into preventing gun violence, hate crimes, domestic violence, and suicide, alongside strategies for harm reduction and empowerment. It serves as a resource for self-defense, legal rights, and community support, aiming to educate and protect the LGBTQ+ community against discrimination and violence.

  • von Michael Alan Steinberg
    26,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Michael Alan Steinberg
    33,00 - 34,00 €

  • von Sam Fletcher
    64,00 €

  • von Gary W. Gordon
    44,00 - 50,00 €

  • von Josie Costa
    30,00 €

    What if you frightened yourself so badly that you scared your shadow right out of you? What if you were that shadow who just lost someone so dear? Would you venture out on Halloween night to be reunited with the person that means the most to you?

  • von Tina Rischlynn
    16,00 €

    A night that was supposed to mean nothing changed everything for Ainsley Bradford.She thought it was stress from taking over the family business. Trying to run a struggling auction house her father gave her was enough to make anyone sick on a daily basis or so she tried to tell herself before the pink lines showed on the pregnancy test.He couldn't stop thinking about her. Weston Richards tried to tell himself that one night was supposed to stay that way. If he only knew that he left more than just happy memories behind with Ainsley.

  • von Cecile Angela Labar
    10,00 €

    As each individual human being needs to grow and develop into an educated, healthy human being; so does a religious human being needs to grow in their faith. Hebrews 11:1-40. Our growth starts in our knowledge of the Bible, God Almighty's truth. The Bible gives us a true history of the creation of Heaven, Earth and Humanity. It tells us the correct prophecy, of the ages to come and it teaches us how to be saved, and how to live a Godly life.In this book, I tell of the dream I had before my baptism, and the visions I had after, one of them was seeing Lord Emmanuel.

  • von Diogo de Vasconcelos
    41,00 €

    Essa obra reúne, pela primeira vez, os três textos do padre jesuíta português Fernão Cardim (1548?-1625) escritos entre 1583 e 1601 durante sua primeira estadia no Brasil: Do Clima e Terra do Brasil, Do Principio e Origem dos índios do Brasil e Narrativa epistolar de uma missão jesuítica. Sob o título Tratados da terra e gente do Brasil, o livro foi publicado em 1925 em comemoração ao tricentenário da morte de Cardim e oferece preciosas informações sobre a fauna e a flora das terras brasileiras, as atividades econômicas das capitanias compreendidas entre Pernambuco e São Vicente (depois São Paulo), os costumes e crenças dos povos indígenas e a ação das missões jesuíticas na colônia. (Texto elaborado por Fernanda Trindade Luciani)

  • von Emily Brontë
    27,00 €

    Atualmente publicado em uma variedade de edições por selos editoriais distintos, O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes conta a história de Catherine filha de um rico proprietário de terras, o senhor Earnshaw , que um dia tem sua vida cruzada com a do jovem órfão Heathcliff. Os dois se conhecem ainda crianças após o Sr. Earnshaw retornar de uma viagem com um garoto maltrapilho para casa e passar a criar ele como parte da família. O menino é desprezado por todos os moradores do Morro, com a exceção de Catherine, que vê nele a oportunidade de ser a criança selvagem e arteira que ela sempre foi. Os dois se tornam amigos e criam um amor profundo um pelo outro, mas tudo começa a desandar quando o pai da menina morre e o irmão dela assume a propriedade e passa a maltratar Heathcliff. Romance escrito por Emily Brontë e das histórias de amor mais surpreendentes de todos os tempos, O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes é clássico da literatura inglesa e tornou-se o livro um dos livros mais vendidos no mundo.

  • von Ariana R. Sanderson
    19,00 €

    The story of Queen Vashti like you've never seen it before. Return now to the days of Israel's exile in the Persian Empire to witness the Biblical account of Esther unfold through the eyes of the divorced and exiled Queen Vashti.

  • von Angie Marie
    21,00 €

    I wish we could look back on our lives and see the JOY, only the joy: the polka-dotted, barefooted, carefree summer days of endless joy.Through heart-warming and deeply personal letters to her daughter, Angie invites you to consider how God is always drawing us near to Him. This series of letters culminates with a profound dream that captures the ordinary beauty of setting a table for those we love. You will be captivated by the warm invitation of Angie's heart as she inspires you to see how God is always redeeming the stories of our lives.27 Letters: P.S. God Loves You reads as a journal-style memoir that walks your heart through the love and grace of God that is available to all.

  • von Ale Munoz
    54,00 €

    This is the saddest book ever written. It contains the stories of 19 pregnancies that were deeply wanted but had to be terminated due to medical reasons. Every story has a different diagnosis, ranging from chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders to the mother's health issues.

  • von Eric Michael Wilson
    38,00 €

  • von The Little Friends of Printmaking
    46,00 €

    Silkscreen Is Easy by The Little Friends of Printmaking includes a foreword by JW Buchanan, an interview with Chris Jalufka and an afterword by John Foster. Published on the occasion of the exhibition The Little Friends of Printmaking: Silkscreen Is Easy at General Projects from June 26 to August 22, 2021. Portions of the interview with Chris Jalufka were first published on and are reprinted here with permission. Additional photography by Linnea Bullion, Pat Castaldo, Yannick Grandmont, and Eric Nakamura. "HEY! DID YOU KNOW: "Silkscreen is Easy!" Or, anyway, that's its reputation among snooty printmaker types (sorry to snooty printmaker types) who've never picked up a squeegee in their life. REAL HEADS KNOW that silkscreen is complicated and physically grueling. Anything and everything can go wrong; you're walking a knife's edge; your back is killing you, and-Whoops, now the ink is dry! Time to wash out or print off endlessly. Silkscreen is hell, and yet I love it and it's also better than anything else and please don't ask me to reconcile these disparate facts."--JW Buchanan

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