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Bücher veröffentlicht von Parson's Porch

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  • von Scott Taylor
    24,00 €

  • - Poems by Shelia Gaines
    von Shelia Gaines
    13,00 €

  • - Sermons that Matter
    von Tom Evans
    19,00 €

    Parson’s Porch Books is delighted to present to you this series called Sermons Matter.We believe that many of the best writers are pastors who take the role of preacher seriously. Week in, and week out, they exegete scripture, research material, write and deliver sermons in the context of the life of their particular congregation in their given community.We further believe that sermons are extensions of Holy Scripture which need to be published beyond the manuscripts which are written for delivery each Sunday. Books serve as a vehicle for the sermon to continue to proclaim the Good News of the Morning to a broader audience.In this volume, Tom Evans gives us a concert of sermons which challenges the one who reads him preach to examine one’s heart, mind and soul.We celebrate the wonderful occasion of the preaching event in Christian worship when the Pastor speaks, the People listen and the Work of the Church proceeds.Take, Read, and Heed.

  • von Paul Alcorn
    24,00 €

  • von Lisa D Kenkeremath
    19,00 €

  • von Will McIntosh
    33,00 €

  • von William Finnin
    17,00 €

    The essays in this small volume stand as time-bound responses to specific issues marking my professional engagement in church-related higher education. They represent perspectives and opinions that found their public advent in denominational publications and professional quarterlies, campus newspapers, city dailies, a literary journal for students new to writing, and a couple of collegiate chapels. Each bears a back-story about its origin that may or may not become evident in its reading. For those gaps I beg forgiveness.These days I write sermons and then preach them without the manuscripts that framed their original thoughts. That manuscript stack has grown tall and cumbersome and likely will soon head for the shredder. This varied compendium of focused reflections remains. In many instances motivation for writing arose from one of those unique but incessant interruptions chaplains and my colleagues in higher education ministry readily describe as the heart of ministry. So it is here.Deep gratitude to those stalwart individuals who simultaneously supported and tolerated my collegiality at LSU for eight years and SMU for twenty-nine. In many ways, this last half-century has provided a sometimes-wild but oh-so-wonderfully meaningful journey. Thank you Connie Steele and True Dianne Faust and Mary Ladd Bingham, Betty McHone and Judy Henneberger and Nancy Kasten, Jenny Veninga and Marcy Pounders and Edilson Volfe! Each in your own way has been an amazing colleague on this trek through life. Let me never fail to thank Bob Cooper, colleague chaplain for thirteen years before his retirement, for his ever forgiving liberality of spirit and joyful politics.

  • von William Finnin
    17,00 €

    William “Will” Finnin and I have been colleagues for almost twenty years. Before that, we came of age in the 1960s, those extraordinary years of civil rights struggles, new visions of social justice, greater inclusivity in government and institutional religion, and uncovering silenced voices, of women, Black and Hispanic Americans, and countless others throughout history. I honor him for his contributions in all of these areas.       But my regard for Will goes beyond our shared generational goals. Rather, it is more about his belief that the redemption of the human spirit is always possible in our uncertain world.       Will is an artist, and his talents are amazing. He is a musician, a painter, author, counselor, and more. But I believe that it is his poetry that has continued to sustain him and others for a lifetime. His poetry has given expression to the flow of his life in all of its moments of pain, joy, survival, uncertainty, and courage. His words are testaments to his vision of transformation.       As a poet, Will understands this job, and he offers this volume from his serious yet playful heart, his life, and his vision of a joyfully transformative human spirit.

  • von Matthew R Nieman
    19,00 €

  • von Ben Mathes
    21,00 €

    Rev. Dr. Ben Mathes is one of the most engaging, thrilling, and articulate storytellers around today.  His words bring you into the story, and the story and its characters come off the page and into your livingroom as you read. For over 35 years, Ben has travelled the world loving people in the name of Jesus. For the past 20 years that has been through Rivers of the World (ROW), the organization he founded. To read the pages of this book is to walk alongside Ben in the jungles of places like Venezuela, Peru, and the Congo. You’ll ride with him in the boat as he travels the Amazon River, the Mamano, the Oroso, and many others. His stories will take you to places you will likely never have the opportunity to visit (and to some places you’d never want to visit either) as he has reached out to provide loving care for God’s people for 4 decades. To know Ben is to love him. For 18 years, I’ve had the privilege of calling Ben my friend. We’ve walked together through war, disease, and famine that you will likely never experience beyond the pages of this book. We’ve experienced great joy as lives have been transformed and hope has been restored where it had been lost for centuries. We’ve laughed, cried, and prayed together, and God has used Ben Mathes to literally change the world.Reading this book will be like sitting in a pew while Ben shares stories of his life in a sermon, or at a table with him over tea as he captivates you with the unfolding of his life’s experiences. By the end of the journey you’ll be different, and you’ll likely want to make a greater difference as well. ENJOY!

  • von Steve Starzer
    19,00 €

    H.H. Farmer was quoted as saying that the sermon is the word of God through the personality of the preacher. I think that is absolutely true. The preacher is without cause to speak without the pages of Holy Scripture. The pages of the Bible are brought home when they are communicated through our own lives and experiences. I know that in my own situation, my preaching ministry is shaped by my own life and by the shared experiences I have had with the congregations I have been blessed to serve over the past 38 plus years.Of course my preaching ministry started out under the leadership and nurture of my own Dad, The Rev. Charles F. J. Starzer, who was the ultimate Pastor/Preacher. He deeply loved the congregations he served over the course of his 44 years of ordained ministry. But he knew that being a Pastor/Preacher was probably the hardest job that one could imagine. He never encouraged me to follow in his footsteps and he gave me every opportunity to say that I wasn't called to it. In retrospect the opportunities he gave me early on to preach may very well have been designed to make me stop and think before getting in too deep! The first sermons I ever preached were in the summer before I started college. I spent two Sundays preaching to the congregation which gathered in the "chapel" of Fairview State Hospital for the Criminally Insane in Waymart Pennsylvania. 

  • von Miriam Lewis
    13,00 €

    On a summer afternoon at the Old Fort Campbell hospital in 1977, Sgt. Mercury L. Lewis and Cheryl Thomas Lewis welcomed a daughter, into the world. They named her Miriam Enochlyn Lewis. Her date of birth was literally 7-7-77. The blessed child was me. I shall tell you of an epic life wherein I have found as well as continue searching for depth and meaning.Three days after my birth, Mom and I were discharged. My infant life was busy, full of trips to Southern states where the Lewis family was to relocate to one at a time, all within a time period of ten years.I recall one road-trip where Dad was asking my older sister Shelbi and me about the street signs. “What does that sign say, Shelbi?”

  • von John Pavlovitz
    12,98 €

    Grief is a solitary road.Even if we are fortunate enough to have people alongside us during the journey, (as I have been), no one can really travel all the way with us.  Our pain and our path are as individual as the relationship we share with the person we’ve lost. 

  • von Joe Evans
    26,00 €

    The sermons in this book were preached during my second year of ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Marietta, Georgia. This great church, who nurtured me as a child and through adolescence, even supporting me through college and seminary, called me to be their Senior Pastor in the summer of 2017. This call came in the aftermath of division. After our denomination met and approved new standards of marriage equality in 2015, the nearly 200-year-old congregation split. Around 300 members broke ties with First Presbyterian Church to start a new church in a more conservative denomination of Presbyterians, ECO. The three years following this split and preceding my arrival were marked by a genuine determination to survive, great moments of healing, and courageous leadership.The sermons in this book stretch across 2018, one year in the life of this great congregation. This was a year when God moved the congregation beyond survival and healing to growth and celebration. These sermons were easy for me to write and preach because all around me, the Holy Spirit was alive and well, and the Gospel was not confined to the pages of Scripture, for the congregation of First Presbyterian Church was living it.

  • - Sermons that Matter
    von Ellen Crawford True
    21,00 €

  • - Lenten Sermons that Matter
    von Julie Schaaf
    21,00 €

  • von Kerri Mock Hefner
    19,00 €

  • von Ann Neely
    23,00 €

  • - Reflections of Ever-Present Grace
    von Terry Ellis
    19,00 €

  • von Bob Ambrose
    19,00 €

  • von Timothy Ehrlich
    23,00 €

  • von Joe McKeever
    12,98 €

  • von Joe McKeever
    13,00 €

  • von Joe McKeever
    12,98 €

  • von Joe McKeever
    12,98 €

  • - Sermons from The Apostles' Creed
    von Stuart D Robertson
    19,00 €

    You have in your hands a book of sermons on The Apostles’ Creed by Dr. Stuart Robertson, written and preached in late 1993 and early 1994 at Faith Presbyterian Church in West Lafayette, Indiana.  I predict that as you read them, you will profit as I have from listening to him preach for many years when he was my pastor at this same church.What style of sermon should you expect?  What sort of a preacher is he?  He’s the kind of educated man whose education does not make him at all distant from others.  He has a special interest in history, having studied (among other things) the ancient Jewish writer Josephus, whose work was the focus of his doctoral dissertation.  In these sermons, you’ll see occasional allusions to history, mostly to church history and Biblical history, but not limited to those.  It’s one of the places that his meditations naturally take him as he is reflecting on God, on scripture, on what we need to hear as we make our way through life, trying to follow in the footsteps of Christ.  This is, I think, an especially helpful approach for a series of sermons on The Apostles’ Creed, an historic document that has united Christians across many centuries.-From the ForewordMichael Bergmann

  • von Carson O Mouser
    19,00 €

    The result of my personal experience of grief, coupled with my work of serving congregations experiencing the paralysis of disorientation, is the awareness that congregations caught up in this disorientation need a path guiding them through their grief. A path guiding congregations to answer the “why do we exist as a community of faith and who are we” identity questions while at the same time guiding them to discover the meaning or purpose for their communal lives, a purpose which congregations can intentionally live.Also, it will be a path guiding congregations to discover that change and transition is a positive time for growth in the natural cycle of life.  Of course, congregations will, also, discover living through change and transition does take time because the culture of the congregation is shifting to a new culture with either new traditions or older traditions being reframed to fit the new identity and congregational culture. 

  • von Stephen Melton
    19,00 €

    I heard a story about two guys talking about sermons. The first guy is complaining about preachers and their sermons: “I went to church for years but I forgot the sermon by the next day. So, I figured, ‘What’s the use in going to church and listening to a sermon if I can’t even remember it a day later?’” The other fellow says, “You know I can’t recall anything I had to eat this week but something tells me I did eat. In fact, if I hadn’t eaten, I would have noticed that. I can’t help but think sermons are like that. Even if I don’t remember them for long, it doesn’t mean they didn’t do me some good. They feed me despite the fact I can’t recall all the words.”This book is dedicated to pastors who labor each Sunday to find a way to nourish their congregations. No doubt some meals (i.e. sermons) are better than others, but thanks be to God for preachers who want to provide a meal each week for the parishioners looking for something to sustain them for the week, or perhaps, just for an hour.

  • von Marcus Holmes
    19,00 €

    he term Spectrum-Autist is how I describe one who is diagnosed with Autism-Spectrum Disorder.  Since I do not think of Autism as a "disorder, I prefer "Spectrum-Autist."  Being a Spectrum-Autist is to live in the in-between.  In-between a typical person and a profound Autist.  The in-between is a difficult place to be.  People can see me both as normal and as strange.  At first meeting me, there are not obvious signs and people often assume that I am like conventional humans.  The more time they spend in conversation with me, however, that view can rapidly deteriorates, but they do not quite know why.  They often recognize introversion, though I have been told by other introverts that I am "off the chart" introverted.  For a while, "painfully introverted" suited me for a label.  It is quite literally painful, to be among a group of people, expected to interact, and also to be alone, unable to be the person that I want to be.  At times I thought that I would slip into deep autism, never to emerge.  Meanwhile, I somehow got through school, college, graduate school, and a doctorate.  I learned other languages as part of my educational requirements.  Autistic people are not supposed to be good at language, right?  It was only later that I discovered, with the help of a brilliant and compassionate psychologist, Doctor James Pallas, that I have (what was then called) Asperger's Syndrome.  "What is that?", I asked.  He first put it in simple terms.  "You are a verbal-autistic."  A verbal autist.  Who knew?  He took me through the diagnostic criteria, and it explained so much of my life, my behavior, and the way that I express myself.

  • von Scott Nowack
    19,00 €

    Parson’s Porch Books is delighted to present to you this series called Sermons Matter.We believe that many of the best writers are pastors who take the role of preacher seriously. Week in, and week out, they exegete scripture, research material, write and deliver sermons in the context of the life of their particular congregation in their given community.We further believe that sermons are extensions of Holy Scripture which need to be published beyond the manuscripts which are written for delivery each Sunday. Books serve as a vehicle for the sermon to continue to proclaim the Good News of the Morning to a broader audience.Scott D. Nowack exemplifies the pastor who takes his sermons seriously week in and week out. His skills, both in crafting and writing, as a preacher are obvious.We celebrate the wonderful occasion of the preaching event in Christian worship when the Pastor speaks, the People listen and the Work of the Church proceeds.Take, Read, and Heed.

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