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Bücher veröffentlicht von Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften

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  • - I percorsi della "romanizzazione"
    123,10 €

    Esito del 2 Degrees convegno della serie "E pluribus unum? L'Italia dalla frammentazione preromana all'unita augustea", il libro tratta la "romanizzazione" dell'Italia preromana, affrontando le dinamiche socio-politiche e linguistico-epigrafiche, le strutture economiche e del territorio, l'integrazione religiosa e le produzioni artistiche e artigianali.

  • von Valerie Lussi Borer
    39,00 €

    En Suisse romande, l'institutionnalisation des formations a l'enseignement public au cours du 19e siecle s'accompagne de larges debats sur les modeles institutionnels et sur les savoirs necessaires pour former les futurs enseignants. Pour faire face a l'incroyable expansion des systemes scolaires durant le 20e siecle, les formations ne cessent de se developper pour repondre a la complexification de la profession enseignante. Si leur inscription au niveau tertiaire se generalise, elle ne fait pas l'unanimite et reste sujette a caution, meme si elle permet un rapprochement avec l'Universite, lieu de production des savoirs de reference pour l'education. Pour mieux comprendre les racines du processus de professionnalisation de l'enseignement, cet ouvrage retrace la mise en place des formations a l'enseignement primaire et secondaire dans les quatre cantons universitaires de Fribourg, Geneve, Neuchatel et Vaud. A travers une double approche monographique et comparative, il analyse les inscriptions institutionnelles ainsi que les savoirs disciplinaires et professionnels dispenses dans ces formations et pointe les tensions et enjeux qui jalonnent de maniere recurrente leur evolution.

    95,45 €

    This volume discusses women in Nabokov. It has two parts: In the first one, there are biographical essays on the role of the real women in Nabokov's life and how their love and suffering are reflected in his prose. The second part deals with Nabokov's women in his fiction.

  • - Ikonen-Lehre und Psychoanalyse in der Literatur der Moderne
    von Daniela Paola Padularosa
    119,00 €

    Das Buch fokussiert die tiefe und dennoch problematische und gegensatzliche Beziehung der Ikonen-Lehre zur Kultur des fruhen 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Auftreten von modernen Ikonen wird zum bedeutenden Ausdruck der Renaissance der Mystik in der Kunst, der Wissenschaft und Philosophie der Zeit, die sich oft als Debatte uber die Sichtbarwerdung des Unsichtbaren artikuliert. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysiert die Autorin das Werk von Hugo Ball, einem der auergewohnlichsten und raffiniertesten Interpreten der literarischen und kunstlerischen Szene der Zeit. Ausgehend von Balls dadaistischen Lautwerken bis hin zu seinen zum Teil unveroffentlichten Artikeln zur Psychoanalyse und Religion vertritt das Buch die These, dass die Ikone Christi und die Figur des Heiligen der rote Faden in seinem A uvre sind: Erinnert Balls kubistisches Kostum an eine byzantinische Ikone, erscheinen in den Schizophrenen Sonetten andere heilige Gestalten in der Form umgedrehter Ikonen Sein faszinierendstes Buch, Das byzantinische Christentum, versucht schlielich durch das wiederkehrende Bild der Himmelsleiter ein neues Verhaltnis zur Heiligkeit herzustellen und den Heiligen zum neuen Held der Moderne zu erheben.

  • - Fremdsprachliches Handeln in digitalen Umgebungen: vom formellen zum informellen Lernen, real und virtuell / Digital Environments and Foreign Language Interaction: Formal and Informal Learning in Real and Virtual Worlds
    84,25 €

    L'ouvrage rend compte des outils technologiques utilises pour l'apprentissage des langues. Les auteurs presentent les potentialites de ces technologies, par exemple, celles du Tableau Blanc Interactif, des plateformes d'apprentissage ou encore de la realite virtuelle. Les activites d'apprentissage informel en ligne y sont egalement abordees.

  • - des benefices et de l'usage des figures analogiques dans la recherche et la vulgarisation scientifique
    von Clara Clivaz-Charvet
    69,15 €

  • - ancrage, transmission et edition dans l'espace galloroman
    84,25 €

  • von Jose Maria Buzon Garcia & Jose Ramon Gomez Molina
    89,95 €

    Este libro ofrece un analisis variacionista de la expresion verbal de lo futuro en el espanol de la comunidad de habla bilingue castellano-catalan de Valencia. Se investigan tres variantes: futuro morfologico, futuro perifrastico y presente prospectivo, y los resultados se comparan con los obtenidos en otras comunidades monolingues y bilingues del ambito hispanico. Junto a este estudio comparativo que permite conocer el paradigma alternante en el espanol de ambos lados del Atlantico, la obra aporta nuevos modelos para el tratamiento estadistico de los datos. Frente al programa empleado tradicionalmente en el Variacionismo, Goldvarb, se muestran las ventajas de Rbrul y del paquete SPSS; entre ellas, eliminar los knock-out y realizar analisis de regresion logistica multinomial. Tras identificar los factores internos y externos que estimulan cada marca temporal de futuro, se confirma el cambio en marcha favorable al futuro perifrastico y se corrobora el proceso lento de una doble gramaticalizacion: valor modal del futuro morfologico y valor temporal del futuro perifrastico.

  • - The Rhetoric of Dissent in American Writing
    74,80 €

    The essays in this book explore the rhetoric of dissent in a range of texts that include letters, novels, poems and nonfiction, mostly focusing on selected works by such authors as Abigail Adams, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mary Ovington, Toni Morrison, Adrienne Rich, Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo.

  • von Purificacion Meseguer Cutillas
    92,70 €

    La traduccion ha desempenado a lo largo de los siglos un papel fundamental en la transmision de ideas y conocimiento. Gracias a ella, se han derribado muros y tendido puentes que han permitido la union de diferentes pueblos y culturas. Esta faceta es harta conocida por todos. Pero que sucede cuando la traduccion se transforma en una herramienta al servicio del poder? A traves del estudio de un corpus de nueve novelas, caracterizadas por un fuerte componente sexual, religioso y politico, traducidas del ingles y del frances y publicadas en diferentes epocas del franquismo, el presente volumen trata de poner de manifiesto esta otra faceta de la traduccion, que bajo un sistema represivo se convierte en una poderosa herramienta de control ideologico y propaganda.

  • - The Interrelation of Fact and Fiction in Historical Works, Travel Tales, Autobiography and Reportage
    von Maureen A. Ramsden
    71,90 €

    In the twentieth century, the boundaries between different literary genres started to be questioned, raising a discussion about the various narrative modes of factual and fictional discourses. Moving on from the limited traditional studies of genre definitions, this book argues that the borders between these two types of discourse depend on complex issues of epistemology, literary traditions and social and political constraints. This study attempts a systematic and specific analysis of how literary works, and in particular documentary ones, where the borders are more difficult to define, can be classified as factual or fictional. The book deals with several areas of discourse, including history, travel tales, autobiography and reportage, and opens up perspectives on the very different ways in which documentary works make use of the inescapable presence of both factual and fictional elements.

  • - Interviews with the Contemporary English-Language Poets of Wales
    von Kathryn Gray
    87,90 €

    Voices and Visions captures the perspectives of key Anglophone Welsh and Wales-associated poets who have emerged in the wake of devolution or whose career profiles and development were consolidated in its wake. It is a fascinating record of play, seriousness, ambition, and local and international interests.

  • - Tabucchi's Travelling Texts
    von Liz Wren-Owens
    100,70 €

    This study explores translations of Antonio Tabucchi's writing from a global perspective. The book analyses these texts as a way of revealing key issues in translation studies as well as offering fascinating new perspectives on the transnational movement of texts between and across languages.

  • - Corps Et Creation Interculturels
    65,35 €

  • - A Comparative Analysis of the European Social Fund in Five Countries
    71,90 €

    Assesses the extent of the gap between the social policy objectives set through regulatory competences in multi-level governance and the structure of incentives it breeds in practice. This book focuses on the educational selectivity involved in national policy decisions concerning ESF implementation in the five countries.

  • - Processus Et Evenements Dans La Creation Poetique Moderne Et Contemporaine
    65,35 €

  • - Tagore, Ben Jelloun and Fo in English
    von Marion Dalvai
    85,75 €

    The last two decades have witnessed an upsurge in scholarship on world literature. In most of this work world literature is understood as a concept in intellectual history, as a cultural system or as a curriculum to be taught. Grounded in three empirical case studies, this book complements such approaches by asking what world literature in English is or has been and what role authoritative readers (translators, editors, publishers, academics and literary critics) play in constituting it as a field for others. The ambivalent position of English as a roadblock to international visibility and as a necessary intermediary for other literary languages justifies a particular attention to what is presented as world literature in English. By emphasizing the constitutive function of cross-cultural reading, the book encourages reflection on the discrepancy between what is actually read as world literature and what might potentially be read in this way.

  • - Implications for Inclusion Policy and Practice
    von Geraldine Scanlon
    64,00 €

    Moving from primary to post-primary school and then further/higher education can pose significant challenges. This book reviews the conceptual, policy and research evidence on young people's experiences of these transitions. It provides a framework of evidence-based practice to develop effective and inclusive transition policies.

  • - Internationalism and Cultural Exchange, 1870s-1920s
    103,95 €

    What role did the arts play in the rise of internationalism at the turn of the twentieth century? The essays presented here explore the ways in which the arts operated internationally during this crucial period and how they helped challenge national conceptions of citizenship, society, homeland and native language.

  • - Grotesque Humor, Camaraderie and Remembrance
    von Michael Mackenzie
    95,95 €

    Otto Dix fought in the First World War for four years before becoming one of the most important artists of the Weimar era. This book takes Dix's very public, monumental works out of the isolation of the artist's studio and returns them to a context of public memorials, mass media depictions, and the communal search for meaning in the war.

  • von Sam Lyes
    83,00 €

    Du droit international penal au droit international des immunites en passant par le droit de la responsabilite internationale de l'Etat, cet ouvrage met en lumiere le caractere organique et politique des crimes internationaux les plus graves qui touchent l'ensemble de la communaute internationale. Il s'agit d'actes de fonction des hauts responsables au sein de l'Etat, de surcroit, imputables a l'Etat au nom duquel ils auraient agi. Par consequent, etant couverts par l'immunite rationae materiae, des actes de cette nature echappent en principe a la competence juridictionnelle des tribunaux appartenant a un autre Etat, sauf a vouloir juger l'Etat etranger lui-meme et violer ainsi le principe de l'egalite souveraine des Etats, un principe bien ancre en droit international. Dans ce cadre precis, deux regimes distincts d'immunites, c'est-a-dire l'immunite juridictionnelle de l'Etat et l'immunite de ses organes se rencontrent et interferent. Ainsi donc, les juridictions penales internationales constituent le forum conveniens habilite a statuer sur les actes de fonction.

  • - Die Wahl der Sprachen: Luxemburg in Europa / Le choix des langues : le Luxembourg a l'heure europeenne
    113,45 €

    Mehrsprachigkeit und Interkulturalitat bilden eine wesentliche Referenz der Erziehungslandschaft in Luxemburg. Der Band stellt grundlegende Aspekte dieser Entwicklung vor. - Le plurilinguisme et l'interculturalite constituent d'evidentes premisses du profil de l'education luxembourgeoise. Cette publication font le tour d'horizon de cette evolution.

  • - Linguistische Optimierungsprinzipien Fuer Die Muendliche Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion
    von Evelyn Thar
    109,30 €

  • - Genres, Discourse Strategies and Professional Practices
    67,75 €

    Bringing together a series of studies on the nature of the dissemination of specialist knowledge in English, this book explores the use of language in the creation and diffusion of knowledge, in its transformation from being a mere repository of information, achieved through complex discursive processes.

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