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Bücher veröffentlicht von Peter Lang GmbH

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  • von James Fanning
    56,95 €

    Dieses umfassende Fachwörterbuch dient als Hilfsmittel einerseits beim Verfassen von literaturwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in der Fremdsprache und andererseits bei der Lektüre fremdsprachiger Sekundärliteratur, wobei in erster Linie an einen deutschsprachigen Benutzerkreis gedacht wurde. Es enthält auch Termini der neuesten Theorien sowie Halb- und Nichttermini, die zur Fachlexik gehören. Außerdem wurden viele Termini aus Nachbardisziplinen (Linguistik, Theater, Philosophie usw.) aufgenommen. Im englisch-deutschen Teil werden vielfach auch knappe Erläuterungen in Deutsch gegeben. Der englisch-deutsche Teil enthält volle API-Umschriften zu den Stichwörtern; der deutsch-englische Teil bietet Betonungsangaben sowei einige Teilumschriften zu den englischen Äquivalenten.

  • - Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Biologie
    von Anne Baumer
    79,95 €

    This extensive bibliography of the history of biology covers the time from Classical Antiquity up to the 20th century. More than 5000 books to the following subjects are included: General treatments of the history of biology, of the history of botany and zoology of special periods, bibliographies and collective biographies - Literature about special problems/methods/ideas like systematics, development of life, experimentation, quantification, theories of evolution, natural philosophy, biology and religion - The development of individual disciplines like physiology, comparative anatomy, embryology, microbiology, biochemistry, molecular genetics, ethology - The relevant literature to the most important biologists of the special periods. In dieser umfassenden Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Biologie wird der Zeitraum von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert erfaßt. Verzeichnet sind über 5000 Literaturtitel zu folgenden Bereichen: Geschichte der Biologie allgemein, der Botanik und der Zoologie nach einzelnen Epochen, Bibliographien und Sammelbiographien - Literatur zu speziellen Problemen/Methoden/Ideen wie Systematik, Entstehung des Lebens, Experimente, Quantifizierung, Evolutionstheorien, Naturphilosophie, Biologie und Religion - Die Entwicklung einzelner Disziplinen wie Physiologie, Vergleichende Anatomie, Embryologie, Mikrobiologie, Biochemie, Molekularbiologie, Verhaltensforschung, Anthropologie - Die wichtigste Literatur zu den bedeutendsten Biologen der einzelnen Epochen.

  • - Eine Kritische Wuerdigung Seiner Militaertheoretischen Angebote
    von Gerhard Oberkofler
    47,95 €

    Hans Kelsen hat das Bewusstsein und die Einstellung von einigen Juristengenerationen entscheidend geprägt, obschon der Inhalt seines anspruchsvollen Gedankengebäudes nur wenigen Experten tatsächlich bekannt ist. In Vergessenheit geraten ist allerdings, dass Hans Kelsen im Grossreich Österreich-Ungarn fast zwanzig Jahre seines wissenschaftlichen Werdens und Wirkens erlebt und hier schon vor Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges seine als «Reine Rechtslehre» bezeichnete Theorie des positiven Rechts entwickelt hat. Im Verlaufe des Ersten Weltkrieges gelangte Kelsen in die militärpolitisch einflussreiche Position des letzten Beraters des letzten Kriegsministers des letzten Kaisers von Österreich. Noch am 7. Oktober 1918 war er am Grünen Tisch des k.u.k. Kriegsministeriums Spiritus rector einer Konferenz der höchsten militärischen Prominenz, die hinter dem Rücken der Völker der Monarchie nach einer «für alle Verhältnisse passenden» Wehrmachtskonstruktion suchte.

  • von Michael Jaeger
    65,95 €

    Mit Inkrafttreten des neuen Betäubungsmittelgesetzes am 1.1 1982 hielt erstmalig die dem anglo-amerikanischen Rechtskreis entspringende Figur des Kronzeugen Einzug in das deutsche Recht. Noch umgibt sie der Reiz des Fremdartigen, die schillernde Aura eines Handlangers der Gerechtigkeit. Die vorliegende Arbeit überprüft dieses neue Rechtsinstitut auf seine Systemkonformität im deutschen Recht unter verfassungsrechtlichen, strafprozessualen sowie kriminalpolitischen Aspekten und schildert erste Erfahrungen, die im praktischen Umgang mit der kleinen Kronzeugenregelung 31 BtMG seither gemacht wurden.

  • - Untersuchungen Zu Wortgebrauch, Theorie Der Dichterischen Darstellung Und Zur Dialogischen Gestaltung Bis Zur Politeia
    von Ulrike Zimbrich
    67,95 €

    Mimesis, die zentraler Begriff der platonischen Philosophie ist, umfasst die Bedeutungen des Nachahmens als Aneignen und als Darstellen. Von dieser Spannung ist Platons Verhältnis zur Kunst und insbesondere zur Dichtung wesentlich bestimmt. Die Untersuchung sowohl der Aspekte, unter denen das Phänomen der Mimesis bei Platon in den früheren Dialogen auftritt, als auch der Politeia mit ihrer Dichter- und Mimesiskritik zielt auf Platons eigene Darstellungsweise, die sich nach dem Wort aus dem Phaidon als ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ konturiert.

  • - Ein Beitrag Zur Astro-Archaeologie
    von Barbara Meck
    33,95 €

    Sind die Stelen der Stadt Axum/Äthiopien frühgeschichtliche astronomische Hilfsmessgeräte aus Stein und nicht wie bisher angenommen überdimensionale, christliche Grabsteine?

  • - Successo Nelle Vendite Con Strutture Chiare e Con Cuore
    von Karl Herndl
    47,05 €

    Il punto di partenza per questo libro e stato l'esperienza dell'autore che nelle vendite molte cose accadono in modo arbitrario e casuale. Alla ricerca di un modello d'ordine comprovato ha scoperto la Regola benedettina, e ha trasferito i contenuti di questa regola alle vendite.

  • - A Polish-English Contrastive Study
    von Adam Jaworski
    29,95 €

    A discussion of English and Polish gender systems, generic words, forms of address, referring expressions and other topics, provides evidence that in these two languages males and females are not treated equally. The main concern of this book is linguistic sexism. The data indicate that speakers of both languages treat male as the norm, attribute less desirable qualities to the speech and behaviour of women, stereotype women more than men, or simply make women linguistically invisible members of society.

  • - A Schreber Case from a Cameroon African on His Mental Illness
    von Alexander Boroffka
    52,05 €

    For the first time, autobiographical notes of an African on his own psychosis are presented in print. Mr. Tanka's experiences are related to problems of his environment, characterized by cultural change. Information on his tribe, the Menka, and psychiatric comments provide the necessary background for the notes. The course of Mr. Tanka's illness, followed for twelve years, illustrates results of the International Pilot Study on Schizophrenia (IPSS) of the WHO that schizophrenia in patients from traditional cultures often has a favourable prognosis.

  • - A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
    von Aek Phakiti
    77,40 €

  • - Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Implications
    von Ralf Fendel
    73,25 €

  • - A Literary Ambassador Between East and West
    77,40 €

    In this book, Zinaida Afanasievna Vengerova, a once famous literary critic, whose importance for the turn of the century European intellectual world is no longer sufficiently appreciated, receives her first full length systematic study. Her intellectual exploration at the turn of the 19th century brought her into contact with Symbolist ideas from several European countries, and she used her profound understanding of these different currents of Symbolism to fashion for herself an ambassadorial role between Western Europe and Russia. In many critical studies she introduced the Russian intellectual world to a wide spectrum of Western European literature, art and thought, including Baudelaire, Maeterlinck, and the French Symbolist poets, Pre-Raphaelite and Expressionist art, and the thought of Nietzsche. As a regular contributor to the Mercure de France in Paris and the Fortnightly Review in London, she acquainted Western audiences with Chekhov and other fin-de-siècle Russian writers. Vengerova was instrumental in developing a theory of Symbolism, especially as it came to be understood in Russia. This book examines her life and work, and the intellectual milieu in which she lived; and serves as a window on Western European and Russian cultural history from the fin-de-siècle through the pre-war period and into the age of Russian émigrés of the 1920s and 1930s.

  • - Essays on J M. Coetzee
    57,75 €

  • - A Worldwide Perspective
    132,40 €

    This book is published during a phase of crisis and transformation for the automobile industry across the world; this crisis is particularly acute in Europe and the United States. The book is written especially for the non-specialist with more than a passing interest in the sector, such as experts of other sectors, trade unionists, representatives of the corporate world, policymakers and public managers who deal with industry, commerce and public planning. The authors provide up-to-date information and assessments of what is actually taking place, with particular attention paid to the sub-supply companies. The main focus lies on four European countries, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Italy, each of which is significant for its different experiences. Finally, three important non-European situations, the United States, Brazil and Japan, are examined.

  • - Philological Elements in The Lord of the Rings
    von Allan Turner
    73,25 €

  • - Aspects of Gradience and Article Usage
    von Grace Y. W. Tse
    85,90 €

  • - American Frontiers in Las Vegas
    von Ingrid Eumann
    73,25 €

    In an interdisciplinary approach this book for the first time explores frontier-related elements in «real» Las Vegas as well as its representations in literature and film. Drawing on a broad range of sources, the analysis reveals that, although Las Vegas highlights its new frontiers in the entertainment industry, the city operates within a framework that builds on Old Frontier concepts adapted to meet the needs of present-day Western experience culture. The Outer Edge of the Wave therefore suggests that the concept of the American frontier as a cultural symbol has continued to be at the very core of the success of the cultural symbol Las Vegas. Today¿s Las Vegas, with its kaleidoscopic assemblage of frontier interpretations and adaptations, thus represents a unique version of the American frontier.

  • von Manuel Bremer
    59,10 €

  • - Incentives, Attribute Preferences and Opportunity Costs of Maintaining Local Varieties of Crops
    von Edilegnaw Wale Zegeye
    64,95 €

    The issue of maintaining a diverse gene pool in the form of crop varieties is very topical world wide. This is caused by the potential benefit of crop genetic resources for addressing future demand emanating from unforeseen agricultural problems. This volume is mainly concerned with on-farm conservation as a supplement to the other in situ and ex situ conservation options. The study aims at generating relevant information for maintaining local varieties on farmers¿ fields in Ethiopia. In order to effectively devise policies for on-farm conservation, the volume argues that an improved understanding of farmers¿ incentives, attribute preferences and opportunity costs is indispensable. These issues are extensively addressed (both theoretically and empirically) with a focus on policy that is expressed by the guiding question Given the socioeconomic set-up, what policy options are available to undertake on-farm conservation of crop diversity in Ethiopia? The study results are intended to help identify optimal policies for on-farm conservation taking sorghum, coffee, and wheat as empirical examples.

    78,95 €

    Der Band dokumentiert eine Reihe von Beiträgen der IX. Internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenz zur Bildungsreform und Lehrerbildung (¿vietimo reforma ir mokytoj¿ rengimas.) Das Konferenzthema des Jahres 2003 lautete: Verknüpfung der Hochschul- und Gymnasialbildung: Tradition und Wechsel im Bildungs- und Erziehungsbereich unter Berücksichtigung der Pädagogik der Schule, einschließlich der Allgemeinen Didaktik und Fachdidaktik, abgekürzt wiedergegeben «Innovation durch Bildung». Zu dieser Thematik diskutierten in Vilnius (Litauen) praktizierende Pädagogen, Wissenschaftler und Mitglieder von Bildungsorganisatoren. Behandelt wurden die wichtigsten aktuell anstehenden Fragen, so die schnellere Reformierung des Studiums und die Qualität der Ausbildung im Hinblick auf die Neuorientierung an die Anforderungen der internationalen Standards. This volume presents contributions of the IX. International scientific meeting on Educational Reform and Teacher Formation (¿vietimo reforma ir mokytoj¿ rengimas). The meeting topic of the year 2003 was: Combination of the university and high school education: Tradition and change represented in the education and education area, abbreviated under consideration of the education of the school including the general didactics and subject didactics «Innovation by Education». To this topic practicing educationalists, scientists and members of education organizers, discussed in Vilnius (Lithuania). The most important currently upcoming questions, as faster reformers of the studies and the quality of education were treated with a view to the reorientation to the requests of the international standards.

  • - The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the History of Adult Education
    69,95 €

    This volume comprises an edited selection of papers which were originally presented at the 9 International Conference of the History of Adult Education that was held in Leiden in September 2002. The theme of that conference and this volume addresses the key dynamics associated with the impact of globalisation upon both the historical and contemporary development of the organisation of adult learning. Following a general introduction to the key themes by the chief editor, the first section of the volume comprises a number of papers of a distinctly historical nature. The focus in this section is upon the development of organised adult learning as a major component of the European modernisation project from the Enlightenment period in the eighteenth century to the twentieth century. The second section examines contemporary developments and the emergence of new forms for the organisation of adult learning in the learning society. The emphasis here is upon those societal developments that contribute to the centrality of lifelong learning in current education and training policies. The third section comprises a number of country studies focused upon the dilemmas associated with the restructuring of national education and training policies. Issues of social inclusion and the risk of exclusion form the recurring theme of these country studies.

  • - Impact on the Readymade Garments Industry in Bangladesh
    von Serajul Hoque
    64,95 €

    Global trade liberalization with regard to the readymade garments industry is a topic of highest relevance for the Bangladeshi economy and linked very strongly to its changing social structure. Garment industry actually is a very new, export-oriented sector of the Bangladesh economy. It was only some twenty years ago that this sector was fully established in Bangladesh. Today it has grown to the number eighteen exporter world-wide, employing some 1.8 million people directly, of whom most of them are women, and another 10 million indirectly. The main markets are the EU and NAFTA. The development of Bangladesh garments industry was facilitated by the different Multi Fibre Arrangements. Therefore ¿ as many other new competitors have grown over the last couple of years, namely South and East Asian including China, the ASEAN, Mexico and 24 Caribbean countries ¿ Bangladesh¿s garment industry will face a difficult period after 2004.

  • von Stefan Lunze
    77,40 €

    This book follows the protection of religious ministers in armed conflict from its roots in religious law to the present-day status of religious personnel in international humanitarian law. The details of this legal protection are discussed as well as the practice of religious ministry to troops and prisoners of war. The author provides a comparison of protection of spiritual assistance to armed forces with protection granted to civilian ministry. Considering the example of German chaplaincy, he also examines interactions of international protection with the national status of religious personnel. Finally, problematic issues as new developments in the definition of religious personnel or their role in the conflicts of the 21 century are raised and relevant recent cases identified.

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