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Bücher veröffentlicht von Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers

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  • - Culture, Identity, and Policy
    von J a Mangan
    84,95 €

    This edited volume fills a gap in this understudied niche of sport in Hong Kong by offering an interdisciplinary inquiry that acknowledges sport as a global force that shapes local culture, identity, and politics. As such this publication accommodates perspectives across sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, policy studies, and history to offer both a rich and complementary account of sporting culture in Hong Kong's socio-historical context. In the past, Orientalist myths told through movies and advertisements have produced an idealized image of Hong Kong as a city of hybridity, a place where "East meets West," with a futurist skyline that has inspired countless steampunk and sci-fi novels. However, the last few years have significantly changed the global perception of this Asian metropolis amidst the formation of a new geopolitical frontier. This volume is not so much a documentation of a peculiar sports system, but a timely discussion and analysis of Hong Kong as a postcolonial place in crisis mode.

  • - Breaking Records, Glass Ceilings, and Social Codes
    von Linda K Fuller
    102,95 €

    Athlete activism by female Olympians and Paralympians is wide-ranging, with a colorful, sometimes contentious history blending sport and society. Emphasizing the rhetoric of women from around the world in multiple disciplines, Female Olympian and Paralympian Athlete Activists highlights 800+ women from 90 countries (including the Refugee Olympic Team). The book is underscored by author Linda K. Fuller's developing theory of Gendered Critical Discourse Analysis (GCDA).

  • - A History, with Profiles of Journalists and Writers Who Practiced the Form
    von Edd Applegate
    80,95 €

    This book presents the history of investigative journalism in the United States. It includes biographical details of various journalists and writers who wrote about possible wrongdoing by businesses and state or federal employees. Several of those discussed helped bring about political and social change as a result of what they exposed. Others focused on individuals who were in positions of power or prestige and who misused their positions for personal gain. Each biographical sketch includes the journalist's name and dates of birth and death, if deceased. The writer's life is summarized, with information pertaining to his or her professional career and major works. Also included is a substantial bibliography.

  • - Causes and Cures for Opportunity and Achievement Gaps in a Key Twenty-First Century Skill
    von Paul Deane
    36,95 - 102,95 €

    Writing is a critical skill people need to survive and prosper in the modern economy. But most people fail to become competent writers. Those who succeed (at least, in English-speaking countries) are predominantly White, upper middle class, and female. These achievement gaps are primarily the result of opportunity gaps - in other words, they represent the failure of our educational systems to provide equitable instruction. This book examines why so many students fall behind and analyzes what teachers and schools can do to help them succeed. It is for anyone who wants to know, in detail, what modern educational research tells us about the causes and cures for writing achievement gaps, and presents a theory of action designed to help educators and policymakers understand what needs to happen if all students are to become competent writers. Educational statistics demonstrate an ongoing tragedy, in which boys, students from poor families, and members of minority groups are often discouraged, provided substandard education, and then treated as failures. However, there is no magic bullet. Equitable writing instruction happens when schools motivate all students to excel, provide them the knowledge they need to succeed, give them time and space to think and to write, teach them effective strategies to manage their work, and make sure that they master foundational reading and writing skills.

  • - Reflections on Extracting Elite Women's Stories from Medieval and Early Modern French Narrative Sources
    von Stephen G Nichols
    84,95 €

    This book is a series of case studies reflecting on narrative primary source representations of queens, regents, and royal mistresses in medieval and early modern France. Examining stories of famous women, including Isabeau of Bavaria, Valentina Visconti, Agnès Sorel, Diane de Poitiers, Eleanor of Austria, and even Anne Boleyn, who spent her formative years at the French court, author Tracy Adams takes unprovable or false anecdotes as a point of departure and follows them back to their primary sources. When readers open a work of history, they have the right to assume that what they find on the pages is "historically true," in other words, that it accords with primary sources. And yet scholars studying women of the medieval and early modern periods know all too well how often unprovable or even false anecdotes, frequently scandalous or misogynistic, pass for true. Typically deriving from secondary sources that themselves rely on secondary sources, these anecdotes are passed along in a self-reflexive feedback loop. The central argument of Queens, Regents, Mistresses is that, taken on their own, primary sources cannot be used as straightforward vehicles of truth. Each of Adams' case studies therefore lays out the process of engaging with these sources. Revised interpretations leave readers with new perspectives on these famous women, and also the bibliographical information necessary to turn to the primary sources for themselves.

  • - Legacy, Relevance, and Future
    von Thomas K Nakayama
    42,95 - 111,95 €

    The research of international topics and writing about cultural identity formations does not automatically equate to transnationalizing intercultural communication. Studies often perpetuate a hegemonic and U.S.-centric way of doing research, and by default doing intercultural communication scholarship. Thus, intercultural communication and critical intercultural communication (CIC) has not yet fully experienced a transnational turn. Instead, by considering the ideas of nation-state, nationality, and citizenship through theoretical frameworks that are developed by non-U.S.-scholars and transnational scholars within U.S. academia, this book addresses the citationality politics present in the field. While past studies of critical intercultural communication have been international in scope, with researchers from international backgrounds, their visibility and voice have remained limited in CIC. To achieve transnational inclusivity with CIC, the authors of this book advocate for the use of critical and cultural multi-methods or fusion of them or incorporation of new hybrid methodologies to answer complex, multidimensional, intersectional, and transnational issues and represent those lives and stories. Collectively, the authors address different topics that help further conceptualize transnational critical intercultural communication. They all call attention to examining global cultural disparities, mediated transnationalities, and transnational oppressive cultural and political structures. Many chapters offer narrative-based writing or autoethnographic methods to unearth these issues and spotlight oppressive structures and inequalities. This book will be essential reading for scholars of CIC and those interested in how transnational cultural practices, regulations, expectations, and limitations continuously shape and reshape the lives of transnational individuals.

  • - Three Decades Later
    von Steven D Roper
    84,95 €

    Published to mark the three decades of a war whose grievances have never been satisfactorily resolved, The Armed Conflict of the Dniester: Three Decades Later brings together an international team of experts to discuss the causes and repercussions of the military operations carried out in 1992. Against the backdrop of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the region of Transnistria--a strip of land between the Dniester river and the Ukrainian border--proclaimed independence from Moldova in 1990. In a development with notable contemporary resonances, the separatist movement was backed by Moscow, leading to intervention by the Russian Fourteenth Army alongside paramilitary formations recruited from former Soviet states. The subsequent conflict with Moldovan forces was brought to an end by the 1992 ceasefire, but few were satifised with the arrangement, and the political status of Transnistria has been unresolved ever since. This book--the result of collaboration between The Laboratory for the Analysis of the Transnistrian Conict (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania) and the Balkan History Association--presents a wide range of voices, and seeks to be non-partisan in its approach. Among the issues it tackles are the political and geopolitical causes of the war; the documentary sources and their analysis; quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the combat forces, their levels of training and professionalism, command structures, tactics, weapons, and equipment; the organization and actions of the paramilitaries; the interests of Russia, Moldova, and other international actors, and their political and military actions; and finally the political and patriotic capital generated by the war. The book will be useful to scholars and students, but also to all those involved in the observation and regulation of the Dniester conflict. Finally, anyone interested in the evolution and status of 'frozen conflicts'--particularly in light of recent events in Ukraine--will find much of interest.

  • - Pour Une Anthropologie Du Visuel
    von Andrew McGregor
    84,95 €

    Si les pratiques festivalières mobilisent depuis longtemps la recherche scientifi que, il semble qu'un tournant ait été opéré à la fi n du XXe siècle avec l'émergence des Film Festival Studies. Depuis une vingtaine d'années, face à l'essor constant des manifestations festivalières en Europe et à l'international, de plus en plus de chercheur. e.s se sont en effet focalisé.e.s sur l'objet « festival de cinéma » en l'envisageant à la fois comme la construction d'un regard spécifi que sur le cinéma (et à travers lui sur le réel), un lieu de transactions professionnelles intenses et un espace de mediation avec les publics et la critique de cinéma. L'ambition de cette publication collective est de contribuer à l'identifi cation d'une nouvelle période festivalière caractéristique des années 2000 d'un point de vue cette fois français. La démarche des auteur.e.s ici réuni.e.s a consisté à penser l'émergence des sociétés festivalières du XXIe siècle dans une perspective anthropologique, en s'attachant à leurs modes d'existence d'une part et en interrogeant la manière dont, par leurs actes de programmation, les festivals pensent et fondent la representation des mondes contemporains d'autre part. La question de fond qui anime les quinze présentes contributions porte sur la façon dont se crée et circule l'altérité dans ces cultures festivalières dont la nature complexe se situe à l'intersection de la sociologie, de l'économie, de la géopolitique et de l'esthétique.

    98,95 €

    A History of Traditional Chinese Military Science provides a clear and informative survey of traditional Chinese military theory and examines its distinct character in different eras, starting from the primitive time to the end of the Qing Dynasty. Special emphasis is laid on the exploration of dynamics that goes into shaping military theory and culture in ancient China. Apart from representative military works, figures and battle cases, the book draws on military system, technology, tactics, army formations, military topography as well as cultural and archaeological insights. This not only enriches the scope of study and enlivens the narrative, but also makes it an ideal companion for military scholars and anyone interested in Chinese history and military culture.

  • - Pentecostalicity, Planetarity, and Africanity
    von Knut Holter
    89,95 €

    The book is a significant new analysis of African Pentecostal theology of humanity. In particular, it offers a new, more comprehensive interpretation of African Pentecostal theology of humanity 'in Christ', which author Chammah J. Kaunda views in terms of becoming, transcending and flourishing. The book takes an interdisciplinary approach, fostering dialogue with African studies and Pentecostal studies, but also with a broad spectrum of disciplines and approaches: post-colonial studies, theology, religious studies, cultural anthropology, and philosophy. The aim is to construct a new conceptual metaphor, the poetics of mysticality, materiality and plasticity. In the Bemba (Zambian) notion of Muntu, the author identifies not only a metaphor but also a local African resource for excavating and understanding the deeper roots of African Pentecostal theology of humanism. Anyone interested in African Pentecostalism, World Christianity, Christian spirituality, African theology, and the sociology of religion will find in this book a wide range of interesting and fresh perspectives.

  • - An Empirical Approach
    von Miao Wang
    84,95 €

    The book investigates the impact of grammatical differences on English-Mandarin Chinese simultaneous interpreting (SI) by drawing upon an empirical study of professional and student interpreters. It focuses on the effects of three English grammatical categories including passives, adverbials and noun phrases and of three Mandarin Chinese grammatical categories including co-verb phrases, noun phrases and topic-prominent clauses on SI between the two languages. For each category, interpretations of instances in which the grammatical structures are the same across the two languages are compared with interpretations of instances in which the grammatical structures differ across the two languages in terms of shortcomings in the accuracy of content such as errors, omissions, substitutions and factors affecting appropriateness of delivery such as grammatical errors, corrections and complete omissions. The results indicate that grammatical differences have a statistically significant impact on the interpreting performance of both professionals and students, although the impact of expertise is also attested through the consistently better performance of professionals than of students. This book also focuses on the implications of this research for interpreting teaching and training by referring to the most suitable interpreting model, the detailed contrastive analysis of Mandarin Chinese and English, and the comprehensive empirical data of both professionals and students. The study significantly enhances the understanding of the impact of linguistic differences between languages on SI between them, and emphasizes that language-related strategies are a necessary part of interpreting teaching and training.

  • - Inmanencia, Intertextos Y Superficies En Una Selección de Poemas de Jorge Eduardo Eielson
    von Andrea Milena Guardia Hernández
    42,95 €

    El libro propone un recorrido por la poesía del peruano Jorge Eduardo Eielson (1924-2006) a lo largo de sus 60 años de producción. El análisis sigue los cuestionamientos que surgen en la relación entre lenguaje y realidad, en tensión con la tradición poética heredada, y que operan en los deslizamientos semióticos entre la dimensión verbal y no verbal. El centro del estudio son las transformaciones que se evidencian en la búsqueda de lo trascendente a través de los poemarios, la cual se lleva a cabo en el marco de una poética moderna que se reapropia en una rica red intertextual, al mismo tiempo que recurre tanto a procedimientos retóricos clásicos como a formas artísticas intermediales contemporáneas. El corpus de trabajo es una selección de textos de la última antología poética supervisada por el autor en 2003 y de las dos últimas colecciones no recogidas en esta antología, publicadas en 2005. La poesía eielsoniana escrita después de 1970 resulta particularmente interesante pues los acercamientos críticos han sido escasos para analizar la evolución de la propuesta poética luego del agotamiento de la herencia simbolista, modernista, vanguardista y neo/posvanguardista en la segunda mitad del siglo xx. Estos poemarios no encajan fácilmente en las lecturas realizadas desde este paradigma y, por esta razón, el libro enfrenta la pregunta por la comprensión eielsoniana de la poesía una vez se ha clausurado la lírica de juventud y se han neutralizado los avances experimentales de los años 60.

  • - Lima en las relaciones de fiestas virreinales
    von Eva Valero Juan
    42,95 €

    El presente libro propone una novedosa visión sobre la construcción textual de la Lima virreinal a través del análisis de textos que dejaron testimonio de las fiestas acaecidas en Lima desde la segunda mitad del siglo XVI hasta comienzos del siglo XIX. A diferencia de otros estudios sobre la fiesta en la capital del Virreinato del Perú, abarca por tanto todo el período colonial. El libro sigue un eje cronológico para el análisis de una selección de relaciones especialmente significativas y ricas en claves de interpretación para la lectura de la sociedad, la civitas, desde los elementos constitutivos de la ciudad, la urbs. El estudio de tales textos resulta una relevante contribución a la investigación sobre la construcción literaria de la Lima colonial. Partiendo de la amplia perspectiva interdisciplinar que abren estos textos marginales, caracterizados por una hibridación entre historica y ficción y diferentes registros artísticos, su estudio complementa la investigación existente sobre la ciudad que se desarrolla en los textos literarios generados en torno a la corte virreinal, así como en los textos que conforman el denominado "archive indiano". La ciudad real del ámbito festivo, modelada por la ciudad letrada (los intelectuales que dan testimonio de la misma) es así la protagonista de las páginas de este libro. Esta monografía está destinada al ámbito académico que investiga sobre la literatura y la cultura hispanoamericana colonial, y a los estudiantes de postgrados, másteres y programas de doctorado que abordan la literatura y la historia de la América virreinal.

  • - An Interdisciplinary View
    von Zhi Cheng
    89,95 €

    In today's changing world, all kinds of problems are plaguing people's thinking. Why is there a conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Why did the Soviet Union continue to expand and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries? What is the difference between Roma in Europe and Hakka in China? What impact does the change in global temperature have on the development of human society? Why did the United States lose in Vietnam and Afghanistan? This book uses the knowledge of thermodynamics to explore the problems of social systems. We can even apply the theory of social thermodynamics to the animal world to see why the polygamous societies of lions are so markedly different from the monogamous societies of wolves. By quantifying some important parameters, the social thermodynamic system can be used to analyze the relationship between social pressure, social temperature and social space, and obtain corresponding critical parameters to judge the possibility of phase transition in social systems. At the same time, the state of the social system can be judged according to entropy and free energy. The main focus of this book is sociology, so the mathematics used is relatively simple.

  • - The Yearning of a People
    von He Lin
    89,95 €

    What makes a people so persistently guard its ethnic name, even at the expense of reconstructing its cultural entities? The Nu in northern Myanmar originated from the Anung and Nusu branches of the Chinese Nu people in the Nujiang River valley. In Myanmar's contemporary ethnic construction, the Nu failed to acquire an ethnic identity commensurate with their ethnic name, thus giving rise to their movement of ethnic reconstruction. Out of the need to retain their own language and culture and acquire their ethnic identity, the Anung and Nusu, who had little interaction with each other in history, have become united. Referring to the Chinese Nu people's construction pattern, they have reconstructed the Myanmar Nu people as a complete ethnic entity by enhancing their social identity, reshaping their cultural traditions, and creating their writing system, along with a Nu language-based Christian theological system, in the hope of eventually gaining recognition from various other ethnic groups in Kachin and of the Myanmar government.

  • - An Ethnography of an Akha Village in Northern Thailand
    von Ma Chongwei
    89,95 €

    This book studies recent developments in immigration in one Akha village in northern Thailand by examining issues such as the coffee economy, ethnic relations, religious beliefs and cultural changes. The author demonstrates how their social structure and culture allow the immigrant population in this location to adapt to the demands of modernity by making constant adjustment to their tradition. The analysis sheds important light on how this marginal population manages to turn the tension between their participation in local politics and their identity as subjects of state governance into opportunities for growth. Instead of resorting to the art of not being governed, these immigrants have achieved a balance between preserving their distinctness and being governed in a modern nation-state, thereby creating greater space for their own survival and development.

  • - Culture, Resistance, Liberation, and Familia
    von William A Calvo-Quirós
    36,95 - 102,95 €

    The Lowrider Studies Reader: Culture, Resistance, Liberation, and Familia, the first book dedicated to lowrider studies in the world, is a powerful groundbreaking book that is a collection of writings from brilliant lowriders from inside and outside the academia speaking on lowrider history, teaching, pedagogy, culture, politics, society, justice, art, language, education, and importance within larger society. Lowrider studies, influenced by beautifully painted hydraulic cars and bicycles with chrome, gold, and murals and strolling slow and low with Dickie shirts and shorts, black low-top Chuck Taylors, and pulled up white socks, is a growing global field with an international influence and global cultural involvement. This book is a must for all Latina/o/x studies, Chicana/o/x studies, ethnic studies, sociology, and cultural studies programs. This interdisciplinary intersectional social justice book emerged out of the 1st Annual International Lowrider Studies Conference, a public free grassroots effort organized by Save the Kids. Like Hip Hop, lowrider culture is a space and place to divert violence, promote peace, and build familia. Read this book slow and low.

  • - A Study of the History of the Humanities at Xinan Lianda
    von Yang Shaojun
    84,95 €

    This book studies the academic history of the humanities of Southwestern Associated University from the following aspects: the general situation of academic research, research institutions and academic journals, philosophical research, historical research, literary research, linguistic research, ethnological and anthropological research, academic tradition, reputation and enlightenment. It comprehensively and systematically studies the academic history of Southwestern Associated University.

  • - The Construction of State Identity in a Northern Thailand Village
    von Zhang Jinpeng
    89,95 €

    This book focuses on the Han Chinese (mainly former Kuomintang troops and their family members as well as descendants) and cross-border ethic tribes (mainly Lahu people) of Yunnan origin now living in Meilianghe Village (Ban Huay Nam Khun) in northern Thailand. It is an ethnographic study of how this special group of people left Yunnan Province in Southwest China, migrated to northern Thailand via Myanmar, and underwent various survival predicaments before submitting to Thailand as its citizens. By analyzing multiple factors such as political events, state institutions, economic systems, and cultural influences related to these people's escaping from one country and submitting to another country, this book explores the political and cultural dimensions required for the construction of state identity.

  • - Proceso de Paz Entre El Gobierno Colombiano Y El Ejército de Liberación Nacional (2010-2019)
    von Karina Ansolabehere
    40,95 €

    Este libro ofrece un análisis comprensivo único del proceso de paz entre el Gobierno colombiano y el ELN durante el periodo 2010-2019, con base en diferentes análisis. Aborda tanto el proceso de negociación en sí mismo como los factores de contexto que tuvieron una infl uencia en él. Abarca una amplia gama de temas, como los enfoques de negociación empleados y sugeridos, la participación de la sociedad, la estrategia comunicacional de las partes, consideraciones de género, la construcción de confi anza, el primer cese al fuego bilateral entre las partes, la estructura y características clave del ELN, y la disposición de las partes para una salida negociada al confl icto armado. También ofrece un análisis prospectivo del proceso de paz de cara al futuro. La combinación de estos análisis ayuda a proveer un balance más integral y soportado del proceso de paz y derivar lecciones aprendidas útiles para negociaciones futuras entre las partes mencionadas, así como para otros procesos de paz. "Este libro es un recurso invaluable para cualquier persona interesada en comprender las complejidades y oportunidades del proceso de paz entre el Gobierno colombiano y el ELN. Lleno de reflexiones profundas y lecciones aprendidas de mucha relevancia para el proceso que empezó en 2022 y muchos otros procesos del mundo, con recomendaciones concretas y acertadas, el libro ofrece perspectivas diversas e interdisciplinarias con un número impresionante de entrevistas con actores clave - poniendo su voz en el centro." --Dra. Sophie Haspeslagh, docente, King's College London "Un libro indispensable para conocer al ELN, las transformaciones que ha experimentado en los últimos años en medio del escalamiento de múltiples formas de violencia y el alcance de su propuesta de definir los contenidos de la agenda de negociación con base en la participación de la sociedad. Una mirada que rompe con los prejuicios que se han construido sobre la imposibilidad de negociar con el ELN poniendo de presente, con rigor académico y realismo político, las dificultades y los desafíos que plantea el hacer de la negociación un camino posible hacia la democratización integral de la sociedad. Libro necesario para entender una paz necesaria para cerrar definitivamente el ciclo de las guerras insurgentes en Colombia." --Dr. Jaime Zuluaga, docente investigador, Universidad Externado de Colombia "Una paz aplazada, urgente y necesaria. Tres palabras juntas que describen una percepción generalizada en los círculos políticos, académicos y de opinión informada, aunque el acostumbramiento a la violencia nos haya llevado a pensar que podíamos sobrevivir con este incendio, alimentado por rescoldos y puntos calientes sin apagar. Más que un libro, Cécile y Esperanza, sus editoras, nos ofrecen un estudio académico no exento de sentido crítico, juicioso y contrastado con connotadas fuentes de conocimiento y opinión sobre el conflicto y las paces intentadas con esta insurgencia, la última que sobrevive a la eclosión guerrillera de la década de los sesenta, alentada por el ardor revolucionario de la Cuba liberada. Hoy cuando se intenta un nuevo proceso, en un contexto más decidido hacia la paz negociada, este libro cobra vigencia, frescura y despierta interés. Si este libro no existiera habría de ser escrito, sin atenuantes." --Carlos Arturo Velandia, promotor de paz

  • - Decolonial Praxes, Theories, and Histories
    von James C Jupp
    47,95 €

    This edited volume provides a compendium of recent work on critical curricularpedagogical praxes via itinerant curriculum theory (ICT). Overall, this volume advances ICT as a transnational-local way of doing critical curricular-pedagogical praxes, up-from-below, within bioregions. For those interested in doing critical pedagogy from an historicized, transnational, yet local perspective, this book is indispensable.

  • - Beauty, Justice, and Popular Culture
    von George A Gonzalez
    41,95 €

    Drawing on Hegel's model of aesthetics and beauty to analyze the Star Trek franchise, this book puts justice at the center of the "beauty"--and entertainment value--of popular culture. The author, George A. Gonzalez, shows that plot--revolving around justice and injustice--often determines the artistic success and popularity of TV and films. He argues that Star Trek is the most popular franchise in history because it puts the pursuit of justice, and therefore beauty, at the heart of its world. Star Trek and the Philosophy of Entertainment also offers a major corrective to the prevailing academic treatment of popular culture, demonstrating that Star Trek and other shows consistently challenge class rule and other forms of oppression based on race, gender, and nationality. In the world of Star Trek, justice is represented by a modern, classless society, totally free of ethnic and gender biases.

  • - How the Citizens and the Public Interest Are Being Shortchanged
    von Javier Ortega
    47,95 €

    The plot of the book is about how the rule of law functions to protect corporate structures that facilitate the commission of globalized fraud and abuse. The rules of law are used to dilute and hide accountability of high managerial agents and controlling persons, performing as a tool in aid of centralized and concentrated capital interests, devouring and destabilizing small-to-medium-sized companies. The theories and concepts developed in the book chapters are explored then applied to a real case and controversy--a mega-fraudulent bankruptcy in Argentina. In the zone of the world's largest grain manufacturing and exporting port complex, the VICENTIN SAIC default illustrates poignantly the premises of the book. The book will be a good tool to illustrate to students how globalized financial capitalism may perform predation of other actors in a given domestic real economy; what are the origins and abuses of corporate law in the transnational context; what factors influence the economies of emergent countries in Latin America; and what should be the protective role of law. These concepts can be learned and applied in higher education and post-degree students through this study of allegations of mega-fraud arising from the VICENTIN complex of companies based in Argentina, including consideration of the role of Glencore Ltd.

  • von Shirley R Steinberg
    36,95 - 102,95 €

    This book draws inspiration from the author's own scholarship on race, anti-Blackness, Indigeneity, and anti-colonial studies to offer the personal travelogue of a Black scholar in academia. The author reflects on how he came to a critical consciousness about critical issues of race, anti-Black racism, and anti-colonial studies in the 1980s. The intersecting theme of Black scholars' responsibility for advancing a path of Blackcentricity wedded in Black and African Indigeneities to address global anti-Black racism and anti-Blackness is an important intellectual pursuit. In the struggle for true liberation, our work for social justice, equity, decolonization, and the anti-colonial end is only possible if we embrace critical solidarity through Indigenous resistance and community building. We must all be part of an on-going struggle; those of us with the privilege of being familiar with history have a responsibility to mentor and be mentored by our young colleagues as a nurturing of the power of knowledge.

  • - The Proverbial Rhetoric of John F. Kennedy
    von Wolfgang Mieder
    98,95 €

    The book is based on eight thousand pages of former President John F. Kennedy's printed communications, including his books, innumerable speeches, addresses, press conferences, debates, and letters. The first part is dedicated to detailed interpretations of the use, function, and meaning of the many proverbs, proverbial expressions, sententious remarks, and other formulaic language. Themes include: Kennedy's concern for appropriate language and elevated style; his visionary inaugural address, which was based to a large degree on formulaic language; his frequent employment of wisdom from the Old and New Testaments; his use of folk proverbs in the call for justice, freedom, and peace; his interest in animal metaphors to reflect human behavior; and his maritime expressions as indicators of life's ebb and flow. The second part of the book provides a comprehensive index of the many passages that include sententious and proverbial references, listed in their verbal contexts. Overall this study shows that John F. Kennedy was indeed a highly gifted communicator on the national and international stage, whose effective political discourse was informed to a considerable degree by proverbial language. The title proverb of this book - "A rising tide lifts all the boats" - was one of his favorites, and might well serve as a fitting symbol of his uplifting optimism in his struggle for freedom and peace throughout the world.

  • von Jia Wenshan
    115,95 €

    2023 is the tenth anniversary of China's proposal to jointly build the "the Belt and Road Initiative''(BRI). This academic monograph provides a theoretical analysis of China's "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI) from the perspective of economics and not only describes the status of the BRI construction, but also formulates development proposals. First, it provides a theoretical explanation of why the Belt and Road is feasible and how it can be applied in practice. Second, it introduces the overall situation and landmark projects from the past eight years of the "Belt and Road" construction using the method of case studies. Finally, it puts forward policy suggestions and measures to promote quality development of the "Belt and Road" in the future. This book provides an encyclopedic understanding of the "Belt and Road" project to the international community, especially after the G7 summit proposed "Build Back Better for the World" (B3W) in 2021 and the "global infrastructure and investment partnership" plan in 2022. This book is an indispensable textbook to understand and study the situation and experience of the "Belt and Road" construction that has been going on for eight years.

  • - Educators' Stories in Tangled Times
    von Justin Dillon
    36,95 - 102,95 €

    Our lives are tangled up in all kinds of suffering. The daily tasks of eating, working, clothing, and sheltering are tied to extreme ecological degradation, climate change, systems of oppression, colonial legacies of stolen land, and so much more. In the face of these complex, systemic challenges, and with the knowledge of our participation within them, what do we do? Particularly for educators - folks who are responsible both for reproducing and resisting the dominant culture - what does it look like to live with integrity in the midst of complicity? This book shares intimate narratives from 12 experienced, respected educators as they describe their understandings and experiences of integrity and complicity in today's world. Specifically, the educators highlighted here are academics working at the intersection of education, environment, and social change. Based on five years of research, their stories show the diverse ways people make sense of their lives and give readers opportunities to reflect on their own. Nora Timmerman argues that these stories collectively teach us how scale matters, to stop being one person, and to act anyway. Integrity comes not from ridding oneself of complicity but from critical learning, community accountability, cultivating interdependence, and strategic experimentation to create new worlds. This book is written for current and future educators studying teacher experience and postsecondary education. However, the stories have resonance for anyone working to understand the experiences of complicity and how to understand integrity in its midst.

  • von Dulce Maria Scott
    98,95 €

    Esta é a segunda de duas coleções dedicadas ao conto popular português na América do Norte (Canadá e Massachusetts). O presente volume, que contribui para a preservação de uma tradição imemorial em via de desaparecimento, é composto por 82 contos folclóricos de carácter indo-europeu gravados em Taunton, Massachusetts. A maioria (72) foi contada por Guilherme Alexandre da Silveira, um septuagenário da ilha das Flores, o qual era sem dúvida um dos últimos grandes contadores dos Açores, e talvez de toda a Europa. Os contos foram fielmente transcritos, incluindo numerosos arcaísmos, regionalismos e alguns dos anglicismos que caracterizam a fala dos imigrantes. A introdução, em português e inglês, apresenta um panorama da imigração portuguesa para a Nova Inglaterra. Cada conto é precedido por um resumo em inglês e classificado de acordo com o catálogo internacional de Hans-Jörg Uther. Seguem-se secções dedicadas ao mundo lusófono (Portugal, Brasil, Angola, Cabo Verde, Goa, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique e Timor) e à área cultural ibérica (Espanha, América Latina e Sefarditas). Este livro, que também é de grande valor linguístico, termina com cinco apêndices: vocabulário, informantes, motivos, e dois apêndices dedicados aos tipos-conto. O primeiro classifica as histórias aqui incluídas; o segundo reúne todos os contos encontrados nas três colecções norte-americanas. This is the second of two collections dedicated to the Portuguese folktale in North America (Canada and Massachusetts). The present volume, which contributes to preserving an ancient, disappearing tradition, consists of 82 folktales of Indo-European character recorded in Taunton, Massachusetts. Most were told by Guilherme Alexandre da Silveira, a septuagenarian from the island of Flores, who was one the last surviving great storytellers from the Azores, and perhaps all of Europe. The tales were faithfully transcribed from recordings, including numerous archaisms, regionalisms, and some of the Anglicisms that characterize immigrant speech. The introduction, in Portuguese and English, presents an overview of Portuguese immigration to New England. Each tale is preceded by an English summary, and is classified according to Hans-Jörg Uther's international catalog. There follow sections dedicated to the Portuguese-speaking world (Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde, Goa, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Timor) and the Iberian cultural area (Spain, Latin America and the Sephardim). This book, which is of great linguistic value, ends with five appendices: vocabulary, informants, motifs, and two appendices dedicated to tale types. The first classifies the stories included here; the second brings together all the tales found in the three North American collections.

  • von Zhou Ping
    89,95 €

    Inter-ethnic political integration is a major theoretical and practical problem which is increasingly prominent in the political reality of multi-ethnic countries. This book is the final result of a special study on inter-ethnic political integration, emphasizing and proving the basic concepts and questions of inter-ethnic political integration, constructing a theoretical system of inter-ethnic political integration, forming a theoretical framework of inter-ethnic political integration, and thus promoting the healthy development of inter-ethnic political integration research.

  • - A Chinese Perspective, Second Edition
    von Yunxian Chen
    115,95 €

    This book aims to look into countries' national financial behaviors and their attributes under the modern financial system and explore several important themes regarding national finance. Different from the commonly referred to finance discipline which studies financial affairs in general, national finance focuses on the most essential and immediate issues pertaining to a country's financial development: After a country designs its top-level financial layout and chooses a regulatory regime, how should it lead its domestic finance to develop and overtake? How should a country's financial system respond to the worldwide rapid development of hi-techs? How to guard against and cope with systemic or regional financial risks? How should a country participate in the construction and promotion of a new international financial order amid international financial powers? These are all questions national finance as a subject must address at the highest level.

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