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  • - Learn Human Psychology by Reading Body Language and Personality Types
    von Caleb Benson
    16,98 €

    Have you ever wanted to understand people in a new and better way? Your not alone as many others do too. This is a skill that not everyone has and it is a useful one as well because this can help you in your life.These are skills that can help you be a more open person and have better social interactions and relationships with people as well. Having the ability to understand this as well as understanding how having a better emotional stability can help you resolve these issues as well as helping you with other issues that you have. This book is dedicated to showing you how you can get in touch with your emotions as well as being able to interact with people in a way that is healthy for you and will make it easier on you as well. This eliminates fear when you are wanting to talk to people and understand them better.This book is the perfect tool for understanding how to connect with people at work and other situations that you face as well. We also give you information on how to understand factors that can lead to a personality disorder. By utilizing this information to your benefit you will be able to recognize it in others as well as yourself. All of these things may seem small but they all lead to you being able to analyze people in a much better and healthier way. 

  • - 3 Books in 1 - Emotional Intelligence, How to Analyze People, Empath
    von Caleb Benson
    36,00 €

    Emotional IntelligenceWe all have different traits, needs, desires and ways of expressing our emotions or feelings. Navigating through all these aspects takes cleverness and tact, especially when you want to succeed in life. At this point is where emotional intelligence becomes essential.We know of some people who can interact with another person and immediately make the other person feel special. These people will never be aware that they are appropriately applying their emotional intelligence abilities. It has been discovered that sensitive information is always far much critical than the intellect (IQ) and it can be enhanced later in a person with the appropriate supportive skills.How to Analyze PeopleHave you ever wanted to understand people in a new and better way? Your not alone as many others do too. This is a skill that not everyone has and it is a useful one as well because this can help you in your life.These are skills that can help you be a more open person and have better social interactions and relationships with people as well. Having the ability to understand this as well as understanding how having a better emotional stability can help you resolve these issues as well as helping you with other issues that you have. This book is dedicated to showing you how you can get in touch with your emotions as well as being able to interact with people in a way that is healthy for you and will make it easier on you as well. This eliminates fear when you are wanting to talk to people and understand them better.EmpathExplore strategies for coping with emotional overload and exhaustion. Discover tips on shifting your own vibration, clearing energies, and develop techniques for creating barriers between yourself and the emotions of others.  In this book we explore the various ways that being an Empath can affect our personal relationships, careers, and personal habits.  Identify which coping mechanisms you currently have, whether good or bad.  Learn how to develop those techniques for centering yourself that will work best for you on this journey.  Make the commitment to work on recognizing your empathic abilities and trust that your higher-self is guiding you.  You’ll be able to participate in life on a new level by simply understanding yourself and developing energetic boundaries.   With the information provided here, you should be able to fully enjoy your deeper connection with others, and the ability to truly feel what others are experiencing.  Use this as a guide to help you in the ways you respond to whatever life has to offer you, and for always treating others with compassion.

  • - 3 Books in 1: Emotional Intelligence, Empath, Self-Discipline
    von Theresa Chang
    36,00 €

    Emotional IntelligenceFor the longest time, people believed that book smarts were the key to success. They'd throw themselves into books and ignore other areas of their lives. This resulted in masses with high IQ but poor social skills. The high IQ fellas must have sensed that something was wrong with them. At that point, it was clear that success wasn't influenced by your capacity to cram books alone. You need to be able to connect with other human beings, and one of the ways to develop this skill was through the acquisition of emotional intelligence. Thankfully, emotional intelligence isn't an innate trait. This means that anyone that wills may develop this skill and improve their capacity to connect with other human beings. This book delves into the subject of emotional intelligence and explores the techniques that people may utilize to develop various aspects of emotional intelligence.EmpathWhile many people understand what showing empathy means, few understand what it means to be empathic. In fact, there are many people who go their entire lives with this ability without knowing what it is called or why they seem different from everyone else. When you are an empath you are highly affected by the emotions and thoughts of others. People don’t even have to say a word, the only have to be in the same room as you, for you to pick up on their emotions and energies. Whether their emotions are positive or negative, empaths have a distinct ability to pick up on it. Frequently, empaths even feel these emotions as if they were their own.Self-DisciplineHow do you get where you’re going from day to day? Is your life a smoothly paved highway where you get everything done on time, you are the person you have always wanted to be with the perfect career, house, body, and bank account? Would you be reading this book if that were true for you? The reason you are here is that you are looking for help to become a more self-disciplined person in need of some strength, encouragement and helpful tools and guidelines to help you reach your goals and create the life of your dreams.

  • - Science of Rapid Skill Acquisition- Learn, Remember, & Master New Skills
    von Dale Clear
    18,00 €

    If you are certain that the current world need people who are informed and updated about the happenings of the world, 2nd Accelerated Learning - Science of Rapid Skill Acquisition- Learn, Remember, & Master New Skills is the book for you.  Technology and globalization have made the world a very small global community where a lot of information is shared every minute.Consequently there is a lot of ‘noise’ making it hard for people to learn and retain the information they gather. Sometimes, one is required to know so much in minimal time. This book is written in the simplest language to explain to you how you can learn things faster, retain more information and even recall what is required as quickly as possible.To that end, inside you will find valuable, and quite possibly the best information designed to ensure you are as prepared as possible when it comes to learning the principles of accelerated learning. You will also learn crucial skills related to your memory and learning a new language or skill, more importantly, the best ways to enhance learning and the key to excellent concentration.At this stage in the game, the type of preparations that you already have on hand aren’t nearly as important as the fact that you have made it a point to take inventory of your current situation. The first step to learning a new skill or language is getting started and it is the stumbling block for many people, simply because there is no deadline to completion. Don’t continue being complacent, stop dreaming about doing something and get ready to start learning now. Get started by purchasing this book now!

  • - Advanced Techniques in How to Analyze, Read, and Influence People
    von Dale Clear
    16,98 €

    He says he’s my friend, but I can’t shake this feeling something's not quite right….. Doubt. Confusion. Bewilderment. Unhappiness. That’s what they do best. These dark, devious, deceptive personalities who prey on those they believe to be weak. The ones who will shake your confidence to the core, and reduce even the most self-assured individual into a confused, unhappy shadow of the person they once were.These are the people we call manipulators.Behind that charming smile lies a more sinister character, capable of behavior that most of us cannot even fathom. Behind that friendly, “I’ll be your best friend” persona lies an individual who will stab you in the back at the first chance they get. They could be your family. Your friends. Your co-workers at the office. They could be the very people who claim they love you and would be willing to do anything in the world for you. Is it all a lie? Can these people ever truly be trusted? Or do we need to sever ties with them at the first chance we get?Manipulation: Advanced Techniques in Dark Psychology - How to Analyze, Read and Influence People is the ultimate inside look into the minds of the personalities known as the Dark Triad. This book takes a deep dive into the techniques and nuances used by these individuals to carry out their mind games, taking a look at how they exercise control over their victims while presenting a completely different personality to the world. 

  • - The Power of Focus - Beat Procrastination with Daily Habits
    von Dale Clear
    16,98 €

    The self is who we are. It is the things that we do with our daily routines. We are different from others, and yet, we are the same, connected to everyone. We think, and therefore, we are. It is life and death—the time spent existing. It is what we dream and hope and why our hearts beat. It is creativity and success. We are defined by what is “us.” When we talk about discipline, we are looking at control. It is the way of moving from one thing to another. It is the ability to see weaknesses and push beyond them. It is about knowing what is proper for accomplishment and how to avoid the temptation to abandon and wander into something else. It is the ability to focus. Self-discipline is both self-control and self-mastery—the centering of ourselves and seeing what we really want. There is a skill to finding what you want and knowing how to go get it. We are all dreamers. Every human has a creative side, and more often than not, this side of ourselves tends to be a bit underappreciated. The reasoning is that in order to show success in the creative, to make our dreams become a reality—it requires determination, drive, and discipline.

  • - 3 Books in 1 - Accelerated Learning, Manipulation in Human Psychology, Daily Self-Discipline
    von Dale Clear
    34,00 €

    Accelerated Learning:If you are certain that the current world need people who are informed and updated about the happenings of the world, 2nd Accelerated Learning - Science of Rapid Skill Acquisition- Learn, Remember, & Master New Skills is the book for you.  Technology and globalization have made the world a very small global community where a lot of information is shared every minute.Consequently, there is a lot of ‘noise’ making it hard for people to learn and retain the information they gather. Sometimes, one is required to know so much in minimal time. This book is written in the simplest language to explain to you how you can learn things faster, retain more information and even recall what is required as quickly as possible.Manipulation:Manipulation: Advanced Techniques in Dark Psychology - How to Analyze, Read and Influence People is the ultimate inside look into the minds of the personalities known as the Dark Triad. This book takes a deep dive into the techniques and nuances used by these individuals to carry out their mind games, taking a look at how they exercise control over their victims while presenting a completely different personality to the world.Self-Discipline:The self is who we are. It is the things that we do with our daily routines. We are different from others, and yet, we are the same, connected to everyone. We think, and therefore, we are. It is life and death—the time spent existing. It is what we dream and hope and why our hearts beat. It is creativity and success. We are defined by what is “us.”When we talk about discipline, we are looking at control. It is the way of moving from one thing to another. It is the ability to see weaknesses and push beyond them. It is about knowing what is proper for accomplishment and how to avoid the temptation to abandon and wander into something else. It is the ability to focus.Self-discipline is both self-control and self-mastery—the centering of ourselves and seeing what we really want. There is a skill to finding what you want and knowing how to go get it.

  • - Body's Natural Intelligence for Anti-Aging and Healing - Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss & Self-Cleansing
    von Frances Spritzler
    18,00 €

    When you begin researching how to lose weight, heal yourself, or combat the side effects of aging, you probably have come across a multitude of different plans and ideas that offer unrealistic and “too good to be true” solutions. But the reality is that if it sounds unbelievable, chances are it is. All the different options out there that seem to offer you a magic pill to fix everything are often dangerous to your health and well-being. And they are probably not great for your waistline either. You cannot expect to support your body by only eating cabbage soup and celery. There is no way you can sustain that to keep weight off! So when it fails, you can expect it to be a hard fall. And after that? Do you go back on that seesaw, or look for something more realistic, sustainable, and supported by science?There are many choices out there to support your various goals, but only a handful can substantiate their claim to benefit all of them. Autophagy is more than a diet, but rather a state of being. It is a natural process that you can activate with your diet and lifestyle, and then reap some amazing benefits. You can activate it fast, with an “extreme” approach, such as water fasting, or mimic fasting and ease in slower into the state of being. And there are options in between those extremes that you can consider, too. But do you know exactly what autophagy is and why it is beneficial to your body? Do you know how and why it is activated in your body? Reading through this “manual” on how to cleanse and heal your body will give you these answers and more.It is not easy changing your lifestyle, losing weight, and supporting your health. It is especially hard if you are used to eating a traditional Western diet, full of unhealthy fats, carbs, and intense amounts of protein. A lot of these foods can cause incredible harm to your body, causing a host of diseases and side effects. But you do not need to suffer from these for the rest of your life. You now have the ability to do something about it that Western science and health practitioners have known for years; autophagy.

  • - A Psychologist's Guide to Learning the Art of How to Analyze People through Psychological Techniques, Body Language, and Personality Types
    von Lin Pen
    18,00 €

    The Art of Reading People: A Psychologist’s Guide to Learning the Art of How to Analyze People Through Psychological Techniques, Body Language, and Personality Types offers readers a unique and mind-blowing set of knowledge and tools that you can use every day of your life with anyone you meet. The art of reading people involves an in-depth study of human behavior in conjunction with how people express their emotions, even those which are deeply hidden, through their bodies, oftentimes without even realizing it. You will learn many useful strategies for reading people in various settings, including but not limited to: casual meetings, first dates, business meetings, and large speaking engagements.

  • - 2 Books in 1 - Keto Diet for Beginners, Autophagy
    von Frances Spritzler
    21,00 €

    If you have been going back and forth on the keto diet, then this is the book to convince you! Keto has become so popular because of the results it has produced. People have been able to lose excess weight and feel confident they are gaining other health benefits such as reducing their blood pressure, decreasing their cholesterol, and even preventing the onset of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. Not only that, people have noticed immediate results such as a boost in their energy level, better mental clarity and focus, and a better night's rest. No wonder keto has become so popular! It offers quick results that you can measure to keep you motivated and proud of your success!With this book, we have given a detailed background on keto and exactly what you have to look forward to and how the body adjusts. The adjustment period can be a bit tough due to your body realizing the sudden decline in carbohydrates. Considering that carbs usually make up nearly 70% of our diet, adjusting it to around 5% is a big change! Your body may feel some symptoms dubbed "the keto flu" as it adjusts, but motivate yourself that these symptoms won't last forever and soon you'll feel the results of keto! We have lots of tips to help you begin and maintain a keto diet including counting your macros, trying intermittent fasting, and incorporating light exercise into your routine. With tons of recipes, this book is all you need to take the first step!Autophagy When you begin researching how to lose weight, heal yourself, or combat the side effects of aging, you probably have come across a multitude of different plans and ideas that offer unrealistic and “too good to be true” solutions. But the reality is that if it sounds unbelievable, chances are it is. All the different options out there that seem to offer you a magic pill to fix everything are often dangerous to your health and well-being. And they are probably not great for your waistline either. You cannot expect to support your body by only eating cabbage soup and celery. There is no way you can sustain that to keep weight off! So when it fails, you can expect it to be a hard fall. And after that? Do you go back on that seesaw, or look for something more realistic, sustainable, and supported by science?There are many choices out there to support your various goals, but only a handful can substantiate their claim to benefit all of them. Autophagy is more than a diet, but rather a state of being. It is a natural process that you can activate with your diet and lifestyle, and then reap some amazing benefits. You can activate it fast, with an “extreme” approach, such as water fasting, or mimic fasting and ease in slower into the state of being. And there are options in between those extremes that you can consider, too. But do you know exactly what autophagy is and why it is beneficial to your body? Do you know how and why it is activated in your body? Reading through this “manual” on how to cleanse and heal your body will give you these answers and more. 

  • - Improve Emotional Intelligence Against Persuasion Tactics
    von Lin Pen
    18,00 €

    Think you’re being manipulated? You might just be right….We often wish we could be a better judge of character. Or be able to tell what kind of person we’re dealing with based on first impressions alone. There are some relationships which make us wonder if we’re being manipulated without even knowing it. Or worse, what if we were the manipulators and we didn’t even know it?The manipulator is the one who cleverly and unscrupulously influences both people and situations to their own advantage, and this makes them the most dangerous type of people out there.Manipulation comes in several forms, and if left undeterred, it can create an extremely toxic situation. People are such complex creatures. It is hard to tell what someone’s true intentions are until it is too late. If the person that you’re dealing with is a manipulator, that “too late” can often spell disaster. They certainly get a bad rep, but why do they do the things they do? What tactics do they use and how is it they seem to get the better of us and we don’t even see it coming until it’s too late? Is manipulation really all that bad, or can it be used for good if done in the right way? Those are the answers we are about to find out.

  • - A Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Negative Thinking, and Depression
    von Lin Pen
    16,98 €

    Do you find yourself often feeling anxious, unmotivated, depressed, or feeling negative about yourself? Is it so often that it is beginning to impact your day-to-day life? Have you wondered if your feelings are normal, but you feel too ashamed to ask those close to you about their own experiences, and you are unable or unwilling to speak to a therapist? Are your negative emotions causing you to react disproportionately when you are faced with a challenging situation? Do you wish you could change your way of thinking into something more conducive to living a fulfilled life? If you can answer yes to even one of these questions, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Negative Thinking, and Depression has arrived to help you.This book will be your comprehensive introduction into the wonders of cognitive behavioral therapy, teaching you how you can control your feelings and behaviors by altering your ways of thinking and challenging any thoughts that have become distorted.  You will learn about the constant feedback loop between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, discovering how your thoughts influence your feelings, which influence your behavior. By learning this key fact, you will be ready to unlock the methods of influencing your thoughts into something positive and productive. This method can be used to alleviate symptoms from nearly any mental health issue, and this book will take a particular focus on correcting anxiety, depression, and general negative thinking.Through no-nonsense descriptions and examples, this book will guide you through understanding what cognitive behavioral therapy is and how it is so beneficial. It will also provide you with insight into what mental health issues can do to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You will learn how cognitive behavioral therapy can be a valuable asset to changing your life, and you will learn the skills to complete this process, all from the comfort of your own home!  These skills you will learn will provide you with a mental toolbox that is armed to fix many of life’s various traumas you will inevitably face and will provide you with the option to follow these steps without requiring you to leave home.

  • - Strategies & Techniques to Trade Stocks, Futures, ETFs, Options, Forex, Cryptocurrency
    von Odin Velez
    17,00 €

    The book focuses on swing trading and the tricks and techniques that can be used to succeed in forex trading. It is a comprehensive work which covers a whole spectrum of trading strategies and how they function, best for both experienced and novice swing traders complete with the latest up-to-date data on trading techniques, tools, and trading systems for success.Are you a beginner interested in being the best swing trader in the world? Are you a professional trader and you need to gain more understanding about swing trading? This book provides the most updated information about ways you can use to beat the forex markets especially if you want to practice swing trading.

  • - Advanced Trading Strategies to Earn Income Online in Futures, Cryptocurrency, Stocks, Forex, & Option Contracts
    von Odin Velez
    18,00 €

    If you are looking for a way to ditch your boring old 9-to-5 job but aren’t interested in something that simply replaces that with the drudgery of working online, then perhaps some type of day trading is more your speed. If this is the case, and you don’t have much experience in the markets, then options trading is one of the best places to start. Unlike with traditional stocks, when you purchase an option you have the opportunity, not the obligation, to purchase the underlying stock in question if it makes sense to you based on current market conditions. If this sounds too good to be true, then Day Trading Options for a Living: Advanced Trading Strategies to Earn Income Online in Futures, Cryptocurrency, Stocks, Forex, & Option Contracts is the book that you have been waiting for. While options were once, by and large, the domain of the Wall Street elite, the proliferation of online options brokerages means that all that anyone needs to get started making profitable trades these days is a little bit of know-how and a small starter fund. While this book can’t help you save up the required funds to get started, it can help to ensure that you have everything you need in order to start out trading options as effectively as possible. The fact of the matter is that a majority of the process involves research and having the determination to make a plan and execute on it no matter what, all you need to do is learn what it is you are looking for. Relatively easy investment opportunities like these are why the rich get richer while the poor miss out, the fact of the matter is there is not all that much too it, you just need to have the starter capital, and the dedication to stop dreaming about making a change and start actively working towards it. So, what are you waiting for? Change your life, buy this book today.

  • - Control Your Emotions and Relationships. Overcome Fear and Anxiety
    von Theresa Chang
    18,00 €

    While many people understand what showing empathy means, few understand what it means to be empathic. In fact, there are many people who go their entire lives with this ability without knowing what it is called or why they seem different from everyone else. When you are an empath you are highly affected by the emotions and thoughts of others. People don’t even have to say a word, the only have to be in the same room as you, for you to pick up on their emotions and energies. Whether their emotions are positive or negative, empaths have a distinct ability to pick up on it. Frequently, empaths even feel these emotions as if they were their own.There are many amazing aspects of being an empath, but it can also make people feel isolated and alienated. Thankfully, by learning about their abilities a person can find a community of people just like them. Similarly, they can also use the opportunity to learn techniques which help them block out negative energies and overcome overwhelming emotions.By learning you are an empath you can forever improve and change your life. You will be able to create a healthier emotional, mental, physical, and even spiritual life while also better helping those around you.  

  • - Daily Habits to Build Willpower, Mental Toughness, and Self Control
    von Theresa Chang
    16,98 €

    How do you get where you’re going from day to day? Is your life a smoothly paved highway where you get everything done on time, you are the person you have always wanted to be with the perfect career, house, body, and bank account? Would you be reading this book if that were true for you? The reason you are here is that you are looking for help to become a more self-disciplined person in need of some strength, encouragement and helpful tools and guidelines to help you reach your goals and create the life of your dreams.Plenty of us have tried more than once, or all along with our lives, to get on task, keep things organized, make it to the end goal and to achieve what we keep telling ourselves we want to do. Plenty of us also fall off the wagon, lose focus, drive off the highway and give up on our plans because of unforeseen circumstances, emotional setbacks, life’s challenges, and other people’s want needs and desires from us.The truth of the matter is that no one here on Earth can make you become more disciplined, not even this book. The answers to your quest to live the life you want are within your ability to learn and practice self-discipline. It is not something any of us are born with; we have to learn it. It is a skill that helps us follow our path to success and gives us the confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, and personal encouragement to accomplish what we need to in order to feel like our truest and most whole selves.As you begin to uncover how you look for ways to become more self-disciplined, you will find all manner of ways that you distract yourself, hold yourself back, convince yourself that you aren’t disciplined and never were, or that you aren’t good enough for what you truly want in your life. There is always a struggle between what the mind thinks and says and what the heart feels and knows. You know that you have a destiny and a goal live the life you, and you feel it in your heart that you could get there if you had more discipline.Your mind has a way of setting up obstacles and convincing you that you can’t make it, or that your old way of doing things is fine and will keep you afloat. This book shows you how to understand the way the mind works and how self-discipline can be learned by anyone. Your brain is full of billions and trillions on neurons and neural pathways that govern the way you move, act, think, feel, work, decide, love, and live. When you teach yourself self-discipline through the techniques and tools in this book, you are building new, neural channels and thought highways that help you become a more disciplined individual.

  • - A Guide to Burn Fat, Weight Loss, Improve Health, Healing - Low Carb Keto Diet Recipes
    von Elizabeth Gotelli
    16,98 €

    Intermittent fasting is a new lifestyle designed to ensure that you get the most out of every meal you eat. The idea is that you don’t need to change what you are eating. You merely need to change how often you are eating it and better understand how to prepare healthy meals. By working with your body’s natural rhythms, you can start seeing real gains regarding weight loss and muscle built in as little as one month. You won’t have to worry about calculating the carbs in your meal. They are already there; all of the net carbs, protein, calories, and total fats.What You’ll Learn:EXACTLY when you should eat if you want a healthy fast!Which supplements will support you during fastingHow your body stores fat and how it reacts to different fasting strategies (you’ll be surprised!)How to make intermittent fasting a part of your lifestyleAnd much, much more! 

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