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Bücher veröffentlicht von Pharma Med Press

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  • von V Alagarsamy
    168,00 €

    The main objective of this book is to attract the undergraduate Pharmacy students and make them to understand the basic principles of Organic Chemistry which can be applied in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry. Thus the book is aimed to eliminate the inadequacy in teaching and learning of Organic Chemistry by providing detailed information about the Organic compounds.Salient Features:┬╖         As per PCI Revised syllabus the coverage is complete with the basics as well as B. Pharm. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Semesters portion.┬╖         The content of this book is innovative and presented in 31 chapters with simple and uniform pattern of explanation along with all chemical reactions.┬╖         The book has covered the entire Pharmaceutical organic chemistry, starts from origin of organic chemistry to Heterocyclic chemistry and Stereochemistry.┬╖         In each chapter, a brief Introduction of the individual chapter, Importance, Detailed discussion of the Basic Theory, Preparations, Reactions, Test for identification and Applications of each class of compounds in Pharmacy are described which reflects the title of the book "Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry".┬╖         The principles of Organic Chemistry, which is difficult to remember by the students is described in a student friendly manner and shall be reproduced well in examinations.┬╖         To make the learning comfortable and magnetize the attention we have used color in equations and diagrams.To inspire the readers, Interesting facts about great scientists and organic compounds and their discovery are given under each chapter.

  • von S Balasubramanian
    77,00 €

     The term ''Pharmacy Practice'' denotes both Community Pharmacy Practice and Hospital Pharmacy practice and hence all the matters relevant to both these Practices are covered in detail to help the budding pharmacists to choose and practice the carrier of their choice. As the pharmacy practice now is more patient-oriented than product Oriented, a new branch of Clinical Pharmacy Practice is included in Hospital Pharmacy Practice and that is dealt elaborately in this book so that students of Pharm.D can also find this book useful. The book has 21 chapters in all with model questions at the end of each chapter. Sub-headings of each chapter''s content are given in the contents pages so that the readers can easily locate the topic they want to read.

  • von Prabhakar Verrareddy Reddy
    70,00 €

  • von N K Jain & G D Gupta
    94,00 €

  • - A Practical Manual
    von B S Sanmathi, Kalpesh Mehta & Anshu Gupta
    141,00 €

  • von C K Moorthy
    90,00 €

    This book addresses a long felt need in the industry for coherent information on “contamination control, cleanrooms and biosafety” and offers insights, guidance and assistance to ensure that facilities, practices and procedures are in step with current norms.The highlight of the book is its focus on the environmental expectations and testing for continued compliance as laid down in :ISO 14644 Standards for Cleanrooms and Qualification·        ISO 14698 Final Draft International Standards for Biological Monitoring and Control The WHO Guidelines for Sterile Pharmaceutical PreparationsBy explaining the Whys, Hows and Whats, it helps clear myths and misconceptions that abound in the industry, and presents a composite, holistic approach to understanding, analyzing and synthesizing cleanroom systems and practices. Starting from basics the book takes the reader progressively to advanced concepts and techniques that a layman as well as the expert can appreciate and apply the emphasis is centered around real life problems throughout the books.Whether you belong to Aerospace orZoonosis, if contamination Biosafety is your concern, this book is for you.

  • von Nadendla Rama Rao
    121,00 €

    This book deals with discovery and development of drugs for treating variety of diseases. The present edition of Medicinal Chemistry treats many aspects of drugs such as Structure-Activity Relationships, Mechanism of action, synthetic concepts and clinical uses. Synthetic procedures are described in mechanistic approach in simple language. It provides comprehensive chemistry of synthetic drugs.In this book each chapter commences with an introduction followed by classification of drugs, Chemical names, structures and / or synthetic procedures, properties and uses of drugs.

  • - A Comprehensive Approach
    von Dulal Krishna Tripathi
    158,00 €

    The aim of a pharmaceutical industry is to discover, develop, manufacture, and market safe and therapeutically effective medicines with the highest standards. Industrial pharmacy is a discipline that deals in development, manufacture, quality assurance, and distribution of drug products.Thus, Industrial pharmacy or Pharmaceutics is not a subject of single area; it requires knowledge of chemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, biochemistry, etc. for successful formulation development the physicochemical properties of the drug, its interaction with other ingredients, biopharmaceutical considerations of the pure drug and of its formulation, safety and therapeutic effectiveness need to be considered. Researchers have been working to meet therapeutic as well as patients’ requirements, as a result newer delivery systems are developed. However, it is essential for the students to understand the concepts of development and manufacture of drug delivery systems. The book, Industrial Pharmacy: A comprehensive Approach has been designed and prepared to transform the fundamental knowledge about various conventional dosage forms. In fact more than 90% of the preparations available in the market are of conventional type. Therefore the students pursuing pharmacy course at any level can gain basic information for development and manufacture of drug delivery systems. The language of this book is also simple to understand. 

  • von Robert D Braun
    230,00 €

    “Introduction to Instrumental Analysis”, second edition, contains 28 chapters and approximately 1100 pages which deal with an introduction to most aspects of electricity and electronics including computers and computer interfacing to analytical instruments, and all of the major categories of the instrumental methods of chemical analysis. The text has been updated from the first edition to include recent advances in instrumentation. The writing has been revised in order to make it more understandable to students and other readers.The instrumental methods of analysis that are described in the text include all of the major absorptive and luminescent spectral methods, the atomic and ionic spectral methods including atomic absorption, atomic and ionic emission, and laser-enhanced ionization, chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence, photoacoustic spectroscopy, radiative scattering, refractometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, multiple    x-ray methods, radiochemical methods, mass spectrometry, all of the major electroanalytical methods, all of the major chromatographic methods, thermal analysis, and automated laboratory analysis including the use of laboratory robots and control loops.                The appendixes include the answers to all of the problems, a listing of ASCII characters, abbreviations that are used in the text, and mathematical constants that are used in the text

  • - Concepts and Practice
    von K G Revikumar
    82,00 €

    PART I: PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY, 1.Background and Introduction of Pharmacoepidemiology, 2. Genesis and Development of Pharmacoepidemiology, 3. Need and Applications of Pharmacoepidemiology, 4. Pharmacoepidemiology in Pharmacy Practice, 5. Relevance of Pharmacoepidemiology in India,   6. Data Sources and Data Collection for Pharmacoepidemiological Studies, 7. Study Design in Pharmacoepidemiology, 8. Methods for Pharmacoepidemiologic Studies, 9. Systems to Study Drug Effects and Measurement of Outcomes in Pharmacoepidemiology, 10. Areas in Pharmacoepidemiology Research, 11. Evidence based Medicine and Concepts of Risks in Pharmacoepidemiology, 12. Sample Size and Causation in Pharmacoepidemiology, 13. Case Studies in Pharmacoepidemiology, 14. Practical Pharmacoepidemiology Review for Researchers, 15. References used in the Pharmacoepidemiology, PART II: PHARMACOECONOMICS, 16. Introduction to Pharmacoeconomics, 17. Cost Analysis and Cost Measurements, 18. Outcomes and Perspectives in Pharmacoeconomics, 19. Pharmacoeconomic Methods, 20. Cost Benefit Analysis, 21. Cost Effectiveness Analysis, 22. Cost Utility Analysis (CUA), 23. Cost Minimization Analysis (CMA), 24. Cost of Illness (COI),   25. Quality of Life and Health Related Quality of Life (QOL & HRQOL), 26. Construction and Applications of Pharmacoeconomic Studies, 27. Case Studies in Pharmacoeconomics, 28. References used in Pharmacoeconomics.

  • von A Srinivasa Rao & Namburi Bhagya Lakshmi
    86,00 €

    This Book is useful to M. Pharm students of all specializations those who are having Screening Methods, Clinical Research and Toxicology subject, M.Sc. Pharmacology and also for Ph. D scholars those who are doing Course studies and for scientists who work in laboratories while performing preclinical evaluation.                This Book covers all steps of drug discovery like lead synthesis, preclinical studies, FDA requirements and clinical studies and also about High Throughput Screening. It also covers about all aspects about experimental animals. Breeding techniques, blood collection techniques, caring techniques and about production of various experimental useful animals. Various methods used in preclinical evaluations instead of animal models to minimize the usage of animals. It also contains Bioassays those are useful to estimate potential of sample by comparing with standard preparations. The book also covers various screening techniques of several drugs which are used to treat the CNS, CVS, ANS, Respiratory etc., system disorders. It also contains various principles of toxicology, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity. Various types of poisons, general treatment of poisoning and special treatment of various poisonings

  • von D H Panchaksharappa Gowda
    76,00 €

    Books covering pharmaceutical sciences combined with Mathematics  are not available in the market. To overcome this setback, this book is authored in a detailed and easy to understand in a  manner incorporating the updated information containing the following features.·Syllabus prescribed for B.Pharm & Pharm.D students is covered in detailThe application of pharmaceutical Mathematics  for  research and Pharmacokinetic Evaluation·Prime importance is given to the application in pharmaceutical field·Introduction to solving  factorial designs problems by matrix method· More stress is given about the their applications used in solving the Pharmaceutical Problems

  • - Design, Layouts and Validation
    von Manohar a Potdar
    90,00 €

    Designing, erection and commissioning of a pharmaceutical plant is a long drawn process. It needs basic understanding of pharmaceutical formulations and their logical and sequential processing. This whole process is tedious, time consuming and should have proper guidance in this regard. The book will provide such guidance which is a long felt need by the industry.Salient Features:· Pharmaceutical design aspects with sample layouts for all major formulations are discussed· All aspects related to project management, regulatory requirements, validation of facilities, HVAC and water system are discussed· A real handy book for all those who are involved in plant design, project management and facility and utilities validation in Pharmaceutical industry.

  • von A V Jithan
    163,00 €

    Since the release of the first edition of 'Oral Drug Delivery Technology' book, several things changed such as generic market in India, especially oral formulations has doubled. We are now supplying generic drugs to several countries of the world. Rules of their acceptance into respective markets have rigidified. Exploratory pharmaceutics in India is still receiving lukewarm attention. However, this is slowly changing in big pharmaceutical companies in India. Now pharmaceutical companies are trying to introduce new drugs into global markets. Strong preformulation teams, intelligent formulators, proficient regulatory managers, superior production managers are now needed more than before.                The second edition has been modified to cater the needs of pharmaceutical professionals in the above mentioned areas in a better way. Although central theme of this edition remained the same as that of the first edition, the following changes have been executed:The entire chapter on oral formulations has been given a totally new look. Description of all types of oral formulations has been included in this one chapter.·The structure of the book is revamped to give a more elegant look and comprehensive overview. Several chapters have been revised and expanded to provide greater insight.  A chapter on process validation has been added.· Chapters on safety and toxicity of new drug substances and Pharmaceutical statistics have been deleted to bring more attention to pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy.· The book can be used as a textbook as well as reference book for B.Pharm, M. Pharm and Ph.D. students and can be used as a quick reference by the industrial scientists. 

  • von Rajesh Bhaskar Nawale, Keshaorao Puranik Prashant & S Khadabadi Somashekhar
    76,00 €

    Pharmacy Practice is currently one of the fast-growing branches of pharmaceutical sciences. The book is written with aim to provide basic information to students of pharmacy profession about pharmacy practice. The book Concept of Pharmacy Practice is a collection of fundamental concepts of community and hospital pharmacist, aiming at the new challenges which are exciting as well as daunting. The book is interdisciplinary in its approach and provides basis for understanding the role of pharmacist in health care profession. The primary target of this book is D. Pharm., B. pharm. and Pharm. D. students. The text is divided in to 9 main chapters with index for ready reference. The figures and tables summarize the text material for quick revision. A book provides balance and adequate information about Role of Pharmacist in health care profession, his authorities, responsibilities, and ethics in profession. The chapters' communication skills & community pharmacy dealt with various skills the pharmacist should possess. Chapter number three & four namely dispensing pharmacy and hospital pharmacy describes role of pharmacist during dispensing the prescription, function and responsibilities in hospital pharmacy. The chapter five and six, adverse drug reaction and drug interaction describes significance of ADR and DI concept in pharmacotherapy, The chapter seven deals with patients counseling. The chapter 'pharmacy shop' describes establishment, organization, legal aspect, requirement and management aspect of pharmacy, while last chapter enlighten codes of ethics, code of conduct for pharmacist in his professional and social life. We hope this book will provide the basic concepts related to the professional life of pharmacist in patients health care system.

  • von Manavalan & C Ramasamy
    72,00 €

    This reprint presents a comprehensive review of fundamental principles in an easily understandable manner. It deals with the fundamental properties of drug substances such as solubility, stability, surface & interfacial phenomena, rheology, micromeritics, & complexation which will give a lead in formulating drug substances into suitable dosage forms. In addition, it includes ICH guidelines for stability testing and also suggestions for practicals wherever necessary. Moreover, the language is so simple that gurantees more clarity than brevity, We do hope the presentation will motivate self study.

  • von N K Jain & G D Gupta
    113,00 €

    Traditional practice as well as orientation of Dispensing and Hospital Pharmacy has undergone drastic changes. The spectrum of activities of the pharmacists involved in Dispensing and Hospital Pharmacy is widening with a greater focus and emphasis on health care delivery. The book 'Modern Dispensing and Hospital Pharmacy' comprises chapters such as Genesis and Evaluation of Pharmacy, Principles of Dispensing, Prescription, Pharmaceutical Calculation, Posology, Mixtures, Solutions, Emulsions, Powders, Lotions and Liniments, Suspensions, Ointments and Miscellaneous Preparations, Extraction and Galenical Products, and Incompatibility. This book also covers Organization of a Hospital Pharmacy, Drug Distribution, Drug Information Centre, Hospital Management and Records as applicable in modern hospital pharmacy. The main aim of writing this book is to present up to date knowledge to maintain a balance between the traditional and the modern techniques of dispensing and hospital pharmacy. An attempt has been made to include the newer concepts and latest knowledge relevant to a pharmacist as a member of health care delivery system

  • - Principles & Practice
    von N Swathi & Ananda Kumar
    93,00 €

    The modern medicinal chemistry utilizes several novel drug discovery tools to identify the drug-like molecules (lead) and to convert them into therapeutically potential molecules. The advanced and adequate practice in synthetic medicinal chemistry is essential for pharmacy graduates (B. Pharmacy and M. Pharmacy) to receive recognition in academia and industry sectors. This book titled Experimental Organic and Medicinal Chemistry-Principles & Practice consists of several topics covering both theory and practical concepts. The material spreads into synthetic and analytical approaches. The synthetic approach includes synthesis of drugs and drug intermediates and green synthetic strategy. The analytical approach deals with estimations of drugs, qualitative analysis of inorganic, organic and natural products, isolation and determination of active principles from natural sources. In addition, safety measurements, general laboratory practices, preparation of a few solutions and reagents are included as a ready reference. This book is a good companion for students of B. Pharmacy and a source book for M. Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry) and other Pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry disciplines.Salient features of this book are Systematic descriptions in simple language. Neat and self explanatory chemical reaction mechanisms. The role of reagents, alternative reagents and hazards associated are highlighted. Pharmaceutical relevance of chemical reactions are described. Limit tests, qualitative analysis of inorganic, natural and synthetic organic compounds are described in a lucid manner. Estimations of natural and organic-medicinal compounds along with isolation of active principles are discussed.

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