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Bücher veröffentlicht von Physica Verlag,Wien

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  • - The Political Realization of Social Science Knowledge and Research: Toward New Scenarios
    50,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    - Applications of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Rough Sets to Musical Acoustics
    von Bozena Kostek
    95,00 €

    Applications of some selected soft computing methods to acoustics and sound engineering are presented in this book. The aim of this research study is the implementation of soft computing methods to musical signal analysis and to the recognition of musical sounds and phrases. Accordingly, some methods based on such learning algorithms as neural networks, rough sets and fuzzy-logic were conceived, implemented and tested. Additionally, the above-mentioned methods were applied to the analysis and verification of subjective testing results. The last problem discussed within the framework of this book was the problem of fuzzy control of the classical pipe organ instrument. The obtained results show that computational intelligence and soft computing may be used for solving some vital problems in both musical and architectural acoustics.

  • 13% sparen
    - Tasks
    140,00 €

    Intelligent systems enhance the capacities made available by the internet and other computer-based technologies. This book deals with the theory behind the solutions to difficult problems in the construction of intelligent systems. Particular attention is paid to situations in which the available information and data may be imprecise, uncertain, incomplete or of linguistic nature. Various methodologies for these cases are discussed, among which are probabilistic, possibilistic, fuzzy, logical, evidential and network-based frameworks. One purpose of the book is to consider how these methods can be used cooperatively. Topics included in the book include fundamental issues in uncertainty, the rapidly emerging discipline of information aggregation, neural networks, bayesian networks and other network methods, as well as logic-based systems.

  • - Proceedings in Computational Statistics
    50,00 €

  • - Recent Advances and Applications
    69,00 €

    The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is one of the most frequently used architectures for unsupervised artificial neural networks. Introduced by Teuvo Kohonen in the 1980s, SOMs have been developed as a very powerful method for visualization and unsupervised classification tasks by an active and innovative community of interna­ tional researchers. A number of extensions and modifications have been developed during the last two decades. The reason is surely not that the original algorithm was imperfect or inad­ equate. It is rather the universal applicability and easy handling of the SOM. Com­ pared to many other network paradigms, only a few parameters need to be arranged and thus also for a beginner the network leads to useful and reliable results. Never­ theless there is scope for improvements and sophisticated new developments as this book impressively demonstrates. The number of published applications utilizing the SOM appears to be unending. As the title of this book indicates, the reader will benefit from some of the latest the­ oretical developments and will become acquainted with a number of challenging real-world applications. Our aim in producing this book has been to provide an up­ to-date treatment of the field of self-organizing neural networks, which will be ac­ cessible to researchers, practitioners and graduated students from diverse disciplines in academics and industry. We are very grateful to the father of the SOMs, Professor Teuvo Kohonen for sup­ porting this book and contributing the first chapter.

  • 13% sparen
    140,00 €

    This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date account on recent applications of fuzzy sets and possibility theory in reliability and safety analysis. Various aspects of system's reliability, quality control, reliability and safety of man-machine systems fault analysis, risk assessment and analysis, structural, seismic, safety, etc. are discussed. The book provides new tools for handling non-probabilistic aspects of uncertainty in these problems. It is the first in this field in the world literature.

  • - Social and Engineering Applications
    50,00 €

    Fuzzy logic is a way of thinking that is responsive to human zeal to unveil uncertainty and deal with social paradoxes emerging from it. In this book a number of articles illustrate various social applications to fuzzy logic. The engineering part of the book contains a number of papers, devoted to the description of fuzzy engineering design methodologies. In order to share the experience gained we select papers describing not the application result only but the way how this result has been obtained, that is explaining the design procedures. The potential readership of this book includes researchers and students, workers and engineers in both areas of social and engineering studies. It can be used as a handbook and textbook also. The book includes some examples of real fuzzy engineering.

  • 12% sparen
    von Adnan Yazici & Roy George
    94,00 €

    Some recent fuzzy database modeling advances for the non-traditional applications are introduced in this book. The focus is on database models for modeling complex information and uncertainty at the conceptual, logical, physical design levels and from integrity constraints defined on the fuzzy relations. The database models addressed here are; the conceptual data models, including the ExIFO and ExIFO2 data models, the logical database models, including the extended NF2 database model, fuzzy object-oriented database model, and the fuzzy deductive object-oriented database model. Integrity constraints are defined on the fuzzy relations are also addressed. A continuing reason for the limited adoption of fuzzy database systems has been performance. There have been few efforts at defining physical structures that accomodate fuzzy information. A new access structure and data organization for fuzzy information is introduced in this book.

  • 13% sparen
    - New Approaches to Modeling in Cognitive Science and Technology with Parity Logic, Fuzzy Logic, and Evolutionary Computing
    von Michael Zaus
    140,00 €

    In Part I, the impact of an integro-differential operator on parity logic engines (PLEs) as a tool for scientific modeling from scratch is presented. Part II outlines the fuzzy structural modeling approach for building new linear and nonlinear dynamical causal forecasting systems in terms of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs). Part III introduces the new type of autogenetic algorithms (AGAs) to the field of evolutionary computing. Altogether, these PLEs, FCMs, and AGAs may serve as conceptual and computational power tools.

  • 12% sparen
    94,00 €

    This book presents the main tools for aggregation of information given by several members of a group or expressed in multiple criteria, and for fusion of data provided by several sources. It focuses on the case where the availability knowledge is imperfect, which means that uncertainty and/or imprecision must be taken into account. The book contains both theoretical and applied studies of aggregation and fusion methods in the main frameworks: probability theory, evidence theory, fuzzy set and possibility theory. The latter is more developed because it allows to manage both imprecise and uncertain knowledge. Applications to decision-making, image processing, control and classification are described.

  • - Volume 1: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Computational Statistics
    70,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von James J. Buckley & Thomas Feuring
    94,00 €

    The primary purpose of this book is to present information about selected topics on the interactions and applications of fuzzy + neural. Most of the discussion centers around our own research in these areas. Fuzzy + neural can mean many things: (1) approximations between fuzzy systems and neu­ ral nets (Chapter 4); (2) building hybrid neural nets to equal fuzzy systems (Chapter 5); (3) using neura.l nets to solve fuzzy problems (Chapter 6); (4) approximations between fuzzy neural nets and other fuzzy systems (Chap­ ter 8); (5) constructing hybrid fuzzy neural nets for certain fuzzy systems (Chapters 9, 10); or (6) computing with words (Chapter 11). This book is not intend to be used primarily as a text book for a course in fuzzy + neural because we have not included problems at the end of each chapter, we have omitted most proofs (given in the references), and we have given very few references. We wanted to keep the mathematical prerequisites to a minimum so all longer, involved, proofs were omitted. Elementary dif­ ferential calculus is the only prerequisite needed since we do mention partial derivatives once or twice.

    50,00 €

    Provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of fuzziness together with a compilation of recent advances in the application to medicine. The tutorials in the first part of the book range from basic concepts through theoretical frameworks to rule simplification through data clustering methodologies and the design of multivariate rule bases through self-learning by mapping fuzzy systems onto neural network structures. The case studies which follow are representative of the wide range of applications currently pursued in relation to medicine. The majority of applications presented in this book are about bridging the gap between low-level sensor measurements and intermediate or high-level data representations. The book offers a comprehensive perspective from leading authorities world-wide and provides a tantalising glimpse into the role of sophisticated knowledge engineering methods in shaping the landscape of medical technology in the future.

  • 12% sparen
    141,00 €

    The volume "Fuzziness in Database Management Systems" is a highly informative, well-organized and up-to-date collection of contributions authored by many of the leading experts in its field. Among the contributors are the editors, Professors Patrick Bose and Janusz Kacprzyk, both of whom are known internationally. The book is like a movie with an all-star cast. The issue of fuzziness in database management systems has a long history. It begins in 1968 and 1971, when I spent my sabbatical leaves at the IBM Research Laboratory in San Jose, California, as a visiting scholar. During these periods I was associated with Dr. E.F. Codd, the father of relational models of database systems, and came in contact with the developers ofiBMs System Rand SQL. These associations and contacts at a time when the methodology of relational models of data was in its formative stages, made me aware of the basic importance of such models and the desirability of extending them to fuzzy database systems and fuzzy query languages. This perception was reflected in my 1973 ffiM report which led to the paper on the concept of a linguistic variable and later to the paper on the meaning representation language PRUF (Possibilistic Relational Universal Fuzzy). More directly related to database issues during that period were the theses of my students V. Tahani, J. Yang, A. Bolour, M. Shen and R. Sheng, and many subsequent reports by both graduate and undergraduate students at Berkeley.

  • 12% sparen
    94,00 €

    The most powerful computers in the world are not only used for scientific research, defence, and business, but also in game playing. Computer games are a multi-billion dollar industry. Recent advances in computational intelligence paradigms have generated tremendous interest among researchers in the theory and implementation of games. Game theory is a branch of operational research dealing with decision theory in a competitive situation. Game theory involves the mathematical calculations and heuristics to optimize the efficient lines of play. This book presents a sample of the most recent research on the application of computational intelligence techniques in games. This book contains 7 chapters. The first chapter, by Chen, Fanelli, Castellano, and Jain, is an introduction to computational intelligence paradigms. It presents the basics of the main constituents of compu­ tational intelligence paradigms including knowledge representation, probability-based approaches, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and rough sets. In the second chapter, Chellapilla and Fogel present the evolution of a neural network to play checkers without human expertise. This chapter focuses on the use of a population of neural networks, where each network serves as an evaluation function to describe the quality of the current board position. After only a little more than 800 generations, the evolutionary process has generated a neural network that can play checkers at the expert level as designated by the u.s. Chess Federation rating system. The program developed by the authors has also competed well against commercially available software.

    49,00 €

    Research results using some of the most advanced soft computing techniques in intelligent robotic systems are presented. The main purpose of this book is to show how the power of soft computing techniques can be exploited in intelligent robotic systems. The main emphasis is on control system for a mobile robot, behavior arbitration for a mobile robot, reinforcement learning of a robot, manipulation of a robot, collision avoidance and automatic design of robots.This book will be useful for application engineers, scientists and researchers who wish to use some of the most advanced soft computing techniques in robotics.

  • 11% sparen
    - Foundations
    143,00 €

    These two volumes consIstmg of Foundations and Applications provide the current status of theoretical and empirical developments in "computing with words". In philosophy, the twentieth century is said to be the century of language. This is mainly due to Wittgenstein who said: "The meaning of a word is its use in the language game". "The concept game is a concept with blurred edges". In the first phrase, "the language game" implies the everyday human activity with language, and in the latter, "game" simply implies an ordinary word. Thus, Wittgenstein precisely stated that a word is fuzzy in real life. Unfortunately this idea about a word was not accepted in the conventional science. We had to wait for Zadeh's fuzzy sets theory. Remembering Wittgenstein's statement, we should consider, on the one hand, the concept of "computing with words" from a philosophical point of view. It deeply relates to the everyday use of a word in which the meaning of a word is fuzzy in its nature.

    50,00 €

    Model-based fuzzy control uses a given conventional or a fuzzy open loop of the plant under control in order to derive the set of fuzzy if-then rules constituting the corresponding fuzzy controller. Furthermore, of central interest are the consequent stability, performance, and robustness analysis of the resulting closed loop system involving a conventional model and a fuzzy controller, or a fuzzy model and a fuzzy controller. The major objective of the model-based fuzzy control is to use the full available range of existing linear and nonlinear design of such fuzzy controllers which have better stability, performance, and robustness properties than the corresponding non-fuzzy controllers designed by the use of these same techniques.

  • von Ernest Czogala & Jacek Leski
    49,00 €

    Intelligence systems. We perfonn routine tasks on a daily basis, as for example: ¿ recognition of faces of persons (also faces not seen for many years), ¿ identification of dangerous situations during car driving, ¿ deciding to buy or sell stock, ¿ reading hand-written symbols, ¿ discriminating between vines made from Sauvignon Blanc, Syrah or Merlot grapes, and others. Human experts carry out the following: ¿ diagnosing diseases, ¿ localizing faults in electronic circuits, ¿ optimal moves in chess games. It is possible to design artificial systems to replace or "duplicate" the human expert. There are many possible definitions of intelligence systems. One of them is that: an intelligence system is a system able to make decisions that would be regarded as intelligent ifthey were observed in humans. Intelligence systems adapt themselves using some example situations (inputs of a system) and their correct decisions (system's output). The system after this learning phase can make decisions automatically for future situations. This system can also perfonn tasks difficult or impossible to do for humans, as for example: compression of signals and digital channel equalization.

  • - Decomposition Approaches
    von Masatoshi Sakawa
    49,00 €

    Simultaneous considerations of multiobjectiveness, fuzziness and block angular structures involved in the real-world decision making problems lead us to the new field of interactive multiobjective optimization for large scale programming problems under fuzziness. The aim of this book is to introduce the latest advances in the new field of interactive multiobjective optimization for large scale programming problems under fuzziness on the basis of the author's continuing research. Special stress is placed on interactive decision making aspects of fuzzy multiobjective optimization for human-centered systems in most realistic situations when dealing with fuzziness. The book is intended for graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields of operations research, industrial engineering, management science and computer science.

  • - New Developments in Knowledge Discovery in Information Systems
    50,00 €

    Rough set approach to reasoning under uncertainty is based on inducing knowledge representation from data under constraints expressed by discernibility or, more generally, similarity of objects. Knowledge derived by this approach consists of reducts, decision or association rules, dependencies, templates, or classifiers. This monograph presents the state of the art of this area. The reader will find here a deep theoretical discussion of relevant notions and ideas as well as rich inventory of algorithmic and heuristic tools for knowledge discovery by rough set methods. An extensive bibliography will help the reader to get an acquaintance with this rapidly growing area of research.

    69,00 €

    Symbolic processing has limitations highlighted by the symbol grounding problem. Computational processing methods, like fuzzy logic, neural networks, and statistical methods have appeared to overcome these problems. However, they also suffer from drawbacks in that, for example, multi-stage inference is difficult to implement. Deep fusion of symbolic and computational processing is expected to open a new paradigm for intelligent systems. Symbolic processing and computational processing should interact at all abstract or computational levels. For this undertaking, attempts to combine, hybridize, and fuse these processing methods should be thoroughly investigated and the direction of novel fusion approaches should be clarified. This book contains the current status of this attempt and also discusses future directions.

  • von Patricia Melin & Oscar Castillo
    49,00 €

    This book presents a unified view of modelling, simulation, and control of non­ linear dynamical systems using soft computing techniques and fractal theory. Our particular point of view is that modelling, simulation, and control are problems that cannot be considered apart, because they are intrinsically related in real world applications. Control of non-linear dynamical systems cannot be achieved if we don't have the appropriate model for the system. On the other hand, we know that complex non-linear dynamical systems can exhibit a wide range of dynamic behaviors ( ranging from simple periodic orbits to chaotic strange attractors), so the problem of simulation and behavior identification is a very important one. Also, we want to automate each of these tasks because in this way it is more easy to solve a particular problem. A real world problem may require that we use modelling, simulation, and control, to achieve the desired level of performance needed for the particular application.

    49,00 €

    The origins of relational theories can be found in the work of three 19th cen­ tury mathematicians: Augustus de Morgan (1864, On the syllogism IV and on the logic of relations), Charles Sanders Peirce (1882, Brief description of the algebra of relatives) and Ernst Schroder (1895, Vorlesungen iiber die Al­ gebra und Logik der Relative). The modern origins of the theory of relations are due to Alfred Tarski (14 January 1902, Warsaw -26 October 1983, Berke­ ley). His paper' On the calculus of Relations' published in 1941 gave rise to an algebraic theory of relations which is still extensively studied. In the 1970s, the applications of relational theories to various applied sciences emerged. Nowadays relational theories are experiencing a period of extensive development, with the emergence of new theories and systems allow­ ing better understanding and better use of such theories. Relational theories have been used, among others, in the following fields: ¿ Theory of programs: program specification, program verification, mod­ elling concurrency, process calculi, semantics of programming languages; ¿ Databases: relational databases, tabular methods, dependency theory, rectangular and difunctional decomposition of databases; ¿ Computational linguistics: relational semantics of natural languages, re­ lational grammars, Lambek calculus; ¿ Spatial reasoning: modelling of relationships between space regions; ¿ Handling uncertainty: fuzzy relations, many-valued relations, information relations. Indeed, the concept of relation emerges again and again throughout computer science, from its theoretical foundations to very practical implementations.

  • 12% sparen
    - New Trends for Designing Autonomous Systems
    94,00 €

    In the existing literature the intersection of agent technology with soft computing is a very recent and attractive issue. The book is devoted to a unifying perspective of this topic. In contains contributions by well-known authors whose expertise is universally recognized in these crossing areas. Particular emphasis is devoted to advanced research projects involved with Web-related technologies.Fundamental topics explored in this volume are: - formal theories and logics to represent and handle imprecise communication acts among communities of agents; - soft-computing approaches to define distributed problem-solving techniques to represent and reason about large-scale control systems; - decomposition of a complex system into autonomous or semiautonomous agents through evolutionary models; - enrichment of agent programming paradigm for cooperative soft-computing processing.

  • 13% sparen
    - Applications in Technology, Environment and Finance
    140,00 €

    Risk is a crucial element in virtually all problems people in diverse areas face in their activities. It is impossible to find adequate models and solutions without taking it into account. Due to uncertainty and complexity in those problems, traditional "hard" tools and techniques may be insufficient for their formulation and solution. This is the first book in the literature that shows how soft computing methods (fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc.) can be employed to deal with various problems related to risk analysis, evaluation and management in various fields of technology, environment and finance.

  • 13% sparen
    - Neuro-Fuzzy and Fuzzy Neural Synergisms
    von Marian B. Gorzalczany
    140,00 €

    Traditional Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems adopted symbolic processing as their main paradigm. Symbolic AI systems have proved effective in handling problems characterized by exact and complete knowledge representation. Unfortunately, these systems have very little power in dealing with imprecise, uncertain and incomplete data and information which significantly contribute to the description of many real­ world problems, both physical systems and processes as well as mechanisms of decision making. Moreover, there are many situations where the expert domain knowledge (the basis for many symbolic AI systems) is not sufficient for the design of intelligent systems, due to incompleteness of the existing knowledge, problems caused by different biases of human experts, difficulties in forming rules, etc. In general, problem knowledge for solving a given problem can consist of an explicit knowledge (e.g., heuristic rules provided by a domain an implicit, hidden knowledge "buried" in past-experience expert) and numerical data. A study of huge amounts of these data (collected in databases) and the synthesizing of the knowledge "encoded" in them (also referred to as knowledge discovery in data or data mining), can significantly improve the performance of the intelligent systems designed.

  • 14% sparen
    - Computation, Logic, and Common Sense
    185,00 €

    Fact finding in judicial proceedings is a dynamic process. This collection of papers considers whether computational methods or other formal logical methods developed in disciplines such as artificial intelligence, decision theory, and probability theory can facilitate the study and management of dynamic evidentiary and inferential processes in litigation. The papers gathered here have several epicenters, including (i) the dynamics of judicial proof, (ii) the relationship between artificial intelligence or formal analysis and "common sense," (iii) the logic of factual inference, including (a) the relationship between causality and inference and (b) the relationship between language and factual inference, (iv) the logic of discovery, including the role of abduction and serendipity in the process of investigation and proof of factual matters, and (v) the relationship between decision and inference.

  • 13% sparen
    - New Trends and Applications
    140,00 €

    1. The increasing number of research papers appeared in the last years that either make use of aggregation functions or contribute to its theoretieal study asses its growing importance in the field of Fuzzy Logie and in others where uncertainty and imprecision play a relevant role. Since these papers are pub­ lished in many journals, few books and several proceedings of conferences, books on aggregation are partieularly welcome. To my knowledge, "Agrega­ tion Operators. New Trends and Applications" is the first book aiming at generality , and I take it as a honour to write this Foreword in response to the gentle demand of its editors, Radko Mesiar, Tomasa Calvo and Gaspar Mayor. My pleasure also derives from the fact that twenty years aga I was one of the first Spaniards interested in the study of aggregation functions, and this book includes work by several Spanish authors. The book contains nice and relevant original papers, authored by some of the most outstanding researchers in the field, and since it can serve, as the editors point out in the Preface, as a small handbook on aggregation, the book is very useful for those entering the subject for the first time. The book also contains apart dealing with potential areas of application, so it can be helpful in gaining insight on the future developments.

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