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Bücher veröffentlicht von Presses Interuniversitaires Europeennes

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    63,60 €

    La abundante teoría sobre diarios publicada estos últimos años, doblada por un interés por la génesis de los textos, ha producido un auténtico fervor por el género. En rigor, el diario es el espacio narrativo donde se forjan la ficción, el estilo y el «yo», el molde en que el escritor pone a prueba su propia escritura en tanto que la somete a incontables modificaciones y relecturas que arrojan luz no solo sobre la construcción de su poética, sino también sobre la de su figura de autor y sobre los modos de circulación y recepción del diario en la actualidad. Asimismo se impone en los estudios hispanistas la idea de que la literatura latinoamericana no ha producido grandes diaristas. Este libro intenta demostrar lo contrario: la gran importancia de un género tan heterogéneo en todas las sensibilidades estéticas del continente durante todo el siglo XX, como prueban Macedonio Fernández, Horacio Quiroga, Gabriela Mistral, Alfonso Reyes, Carpentier, Lezama, Arguedas, Octavio Paz, Bioy Casares, Idea Vilariño, Pizarnik, Ribeyro, Levrero o el mismo Che Guevara, entre otros.

  • - Lieux de rencontre et de memoire des Europeens- Lugares de encuentro y de memoria de los Europeos
    59,10 €

    Cet ouvrage souhaite contribuer à la création d¿espaces communs pour le dialogue entre les Européens, dans la tradition d¿une certaine culture méditerranéenne qui se reconnaît dans le plaisir des lieux de rencontre : le marché, la place, le café, « l¿agora », « la tertulia ». C¿est dans cet esprit que la volonté de débat et de dialogue interdisciplinaire est présente tout au long des différents chapitres. En guise de conclusion, la dernière partie, intitulée « La quête de l¿identité et la culture de la paix », rappelle les bases théoriques et les actions qui contribuent à diffuser une culture de la convivialité et du partage, fondée sur la tolérance et la solidarité, à une époque où les brassages de populations risquent de raviver préjugés et stéréotypes. Esta obra desea contribuir a la creación de espacios comunes para el diálogo entre los Europeos de acuerdo con una cierta tradición de la cultura mediterránea que se reconoce en el placer por hallar lugares de encuentro: el mercado, la plaza, el café, el ágora, la tertulia. El hecho de que la voluntad de debate y de diálogo esté presente a través de los diferentes capítulos aspira justamente a reflejar este propósito. A modo de conclusión, la última parte, titulada «La búsqueda de la identidad y la cultura de la paz», recuerda las bases teóricas y las actuaciones que contribuyen a difundir una cultura de la convivencia y del compartir, basada en la tolerancia y la solidaridad, en una época en la que las mezclas entre los pueblos amenazan con reavivar prejuicios y estereotipos.

  • - La sortie de guerre- Exiting a War
    67,90 €

    Avec ses quelque trois millions de morts civils et militaires, et ses innombrables destructions matérielles, la guerre dite du Vietnam reste à ce jour une des plus grandes tragédies humaines depuis 1945. Une réflexion sur les conditions politiques, diplomatiques et militaires dans lesquelles s¿est effectuée la sortie de la guerre, entre 1968, année de l¿ouverture des négociations américano-vietnamiennes à Paris, et 1976, date de la réunification administrative du Vietnam, semble d¿autant plus opportune que grandit actuellement l¿inquiétude sur les perspectives de l¿après-guerre en Afghanistan. Inspirés d¿un colloque international réuni à Paris, en 2008, les textes rassemblés ici par Pierre Journoud et Cécile Menétrey-Monchau abordent cette étape de la sortie de guerre principalement sous l¿angle diplomatique, mais débordant largement le spectre diplomatique traditionnel. Quelques-uns des meilleurs spécialistes croisent ici leur analyse de cette phase finale de la guerre, revenant sur les négociations qui ont mis fin à la dimension américano-vietnamienne du conflit, avec l¿Accord de Paris du 27 janvier 1973, avant que les armes ne tranchent l¿autre guerre, celle entre Vietnamiens, le 30 avril 1975. Ce livre est accompagné d¿un DVD avec des témoignages inédits sur les coulisses des négociations de Paris qui ont mis fin à la guerre du Vietnam (1968¿1973). With its three million civilian and military casualties and the enormous material destruction it brought about, the Vietnam War remains one of the worst human tragedies since 1945. Growing uncertainty about the potential post-war situation in Afghanistan has renewed interest in the political, diplomatic and military conditions that brought about the end of the Vietnam War ¿ the period covered by the opening of Vietnamese-American negotiations in Paris in 1968 up to the administrative reunification of Vietnam in 1976. The texts collected in this volume by Pierre Journoud and Cécile Menétrey-Monchau, first inspired from an international colloquium held in Paris in 2008, analyse the full range of exit strategies exploited during this period. Although written primarily from a diplomatic perspective, the focus of this publication extends well beyond the traditional realm of diplomacy. Some of the most eminent specialists present their analysis of the final phase of the war, and re-examine the negotiations which brought the Vietnamese-American phase of the conflict to an end with the Paris Agreement of January 27, 1973, before the other war, between the Vietnamese themselves, was decided by the force of arms on April 30, 1975. Provided with this book is a DVD with new testimonies on the Paris Peace negotiations that ended the Vietnam War (1968¿1973).

    66,15 €

    This book examines transatlantic security relations in recent years. The end of the Cold War in the late 1980s brought a change in these relations, but they remain important for Europe¿s security. Despite efforts to develop a European security policy within the European Union, the continent still largely depends on the United States for its security, as demonstrated by the NATO involvement to deal with the civil wars in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s. The lessons from those conflicts had the EU move towards an autonomous defence policy from 1999 and the Lisbon Treaty has recently strengthened what is now called the Common European Defence Policy (CEDP). But this policy is still geared towards ¿soft security¿ missions of conflict resolution, peace-making and peace creation. When it comes to more traditional security operations requiring heavy military involvement, European countries depend on US hardware and software, as we saw in Libya during the Arab Spring. Equally, in the fight against terrorism, transatlantic cooperation is also very important. This book considers all these issues and presents a strong analysis of the future of transatlantic security relations from the perspective of the EU.

    54,90 €

    The legal and political significance of human rights has increased enormously all over the world. The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2011 provides a dynamic picture of laws, institutions, policies and case law that have implemented international human rights norms in Italy over the past few years, particularly in 2010. The volume has four main sections, which concern respectively: Italy¿s adaptation to international human rights law; the human rights infrastructure both at national and sub-national levels; Italy in dialogue with the international machinery; and national, European and international case law. The Yearbook is the first volume in a series edited by the Centre for Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples of the University of Padua, in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace at the same University. The Centre, founded in 1982 with the support of the Region of Veneto, carries out research and training programmes according to an interdisciplinary approach. It hosts the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on intercultural dialogue and human rights and edits the quarterly journal Pace diritti umani/Peace human rights. The Centre also works in cooperation with the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNESCO, as well as with civic organizations, schools and local authorities. The editors of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2011 include Andrea Cofelice, Pietro De Perini, Paola Degani, Paolo De Stefani, Marco Mascia, Antonio Papisca (coordinator) and Claudia Pividori.

  • - Coherence, Unity and Effectiveness - With a Foreword by Herman Van Rompuy
    54,90 €

    This volume looks at the changing goals and instruments of European Union diplomacy and examines the reforms of the Lisbon Treaty and their effects on the unity and coherence of EU external action. The authors analyse institutional questions, particularly about the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the role of other EU actors in European foreign policy, and explore recent examples of EU multilateral, bilateral and unilateral diplomacy as well as the external perspective of third actors. The study concludes by investigating the current and future training of the Union¿s diplomats, which aims to prepare them for an effective EEAS. Will the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty reforms make the EU fit for the future? Can a common European foreign policy ensure that European interests are taken into consideration and that European values shape international relations? Will the European Union be an actor or an object on the international stage in the coming decades?

  • - Theatre Adaptation in Ireland (1970-2007)
    51,45 €

    This book examines the dramatic rewritings that emerged in the period 1970-2007, during which stage adaptations flourished in Ireland. The year 1970 marked the beginning of a significant theatrical renaissance in Ireland, recalling that which occurred in the early twentieth century. This renewal was characterized by the prominence of major playwrights such as Brian Friel, Tom Murphy and Thomas Kilroy. The essays collected in this volume seek to provide new perspectives on theatre adaptation in Ireland, while shedding light on the particular features of the contemporary Irish theatre landscape. Far from being an exhaustive history of theatre adaptation, these articles, using differing methodologies, investigate the many ways in which adaptation has left its imprint on Irish theatre since the 1970s. Appended to this book is a DVD that offers excerpts from a staged reading of Enda Walsh¿s Pondlife Angels. This DVD also includes the recording of a roundtable discussion, in which two Irish directors express their views on contemporary Irish theatre.

    54,90 €

    A strong brand is a key factor in business success, both in the short-term and in the long-term. Brands help to provide a better understanding of the corporate and commercial culture of different firms. A brand reveals the knowledge capital held by a company, but also often reflects the perception of the firm held by consumers and stake-holders. The book explores the historical process of building some of the most famous brands among European businesses and examines the extent to which the brands have contributed to the image of the firms and their differentiation against competitors in the industry.

    63,35 €

    The aim of this book is to highlight the crucial challenges the EU and its partners are facing within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The approach followed is of an interdisciplinary nature. Lawyers, economists, political scientists and experts of geopolitical and geostrategic issues have contributed to this book that is sub-divided into three parts, namely: ¿transversal challenges¿, ¿challenges in the Mediterranean and the Middle-East¿, and ¿challenges in Europe and Eurasiä. The book focuses on the main challenges emanating from the debate that emerged during the process of the 2011 revision of the ENP, including the potential consequences of the uprisings in the Mediterranean countries. The main challenges for the EU will be to support democratic transitions, to contribute to the resolution of protracted conflicts in the area and to progressively define the model of economic co-development and integration of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Area. L¿objectif de cet ouvrage est de mettre en lumière les défis cruciaux auxquels l¿UE et ses partenaires doivent faire face dans le cadre de la Politique européenne de voisinage (PEV). L¿approche suivie est de nature interdisciplinaire. Des juristes, des économistes, des politistes et des experts en géopolitique et géostratégie ont contribué à cet ouvrage qui se subdivise en trois parties : « les défis transversaux », « les défis en Méditerranée et au Moyen-Orient » et les « défis en Europe et en Eurasie ». L¿ouvrage se focalise sur les principaux défis qui ont emergé lors du processus de révision de la PEV en 2011, y compris les conséquences potentielles des révoltes dans les pays méditerranéens. Les principaux défis pour l¿UE seront de soutenir les transitions démocratiques, de contribuer à la résolution des conflits de longue durée dans la région et de définir progressivement un modèle de co-développement économique et d¿intégration de la zone pan-euro-méditerranéenne.

  • - A biography
    von Johan van Merrienboer
    61,95 €

    Mansholt, a biography is the inside story of one of the founding fathers of the European Union. As a European Commissioner the Dutchman Sicco Mansholt (1908-1995) initiated the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). A federalist and a Eurocrat who forced through an allegedly bad policy that is still a millstone round the neck of European taxpayers, Mansholt was also every inch a politician who had the courage of his convictions. A charismatic leader and a model for EU-statesmanship. The book offers a critical appraisal of Mansholt¿s life and work as well as a concise history of 20 century Europe. According to Chancellor Adenauer Mansholt ¿ being a socialist and a farmer ¿ was too much of a good thing. President Kennedy welcomed him as a good European, while de Gaulle denounced him as an enemy of France. And as far as President Nixon was concerned Mansholt was «that jackass in the European Commission in Brussels».

  • - Towards the Emergence of a New Form of Regulation? / Vers l'emergence d'un nouveau mode de regulation ?
    57,75 €

    Is the major crisis that began in 2008 nearing the end? Governments and analysts have time and again announced that. Yet this diagnosis remains very premature even now. The level of unemployment is still high in many countries. While the massive aids provided by the States to the economy have allowed them to avoid the collapse of the economic system, they have paradoxically exposed the States to their own failure. Many countries in Europe are in precarious situations. Far beyond Europe the role played by the State is in question. Which measures must be taken by the public authorities in order to remedy the economic crisis? Are we witnessing the emergence of a new form of regulation? How will the general interest be carried and defended in future? How have the relations between the State and citizens changed? What are the national or continental variations on these themes? Through international comparisons, specialists from Europe, Africa and the Americas linked to CIRIEC International bring new answers to these important questions. La crise majeure débutée en 2008 est-elle terminée ? Gouvernements et analystes l¿ont annoncé à maintes reprises. Pourtant, ce diagnostic reste aujourd¿hui encore très prématuré. Le taux de chômage demeure élevé dans de nombreux pays. Car, si les aides massives apportées par les États à l¿économie ont permis d¿éviter l¿effondrement du système économique, elles ont paradoxalement exposé les États à leur propre faillite. Plusieurs pays d¿Europe sont dans des situations précaires. Bien au-delà de l¿Europe, le rôle joué par l¿État est en question. Quelles mesures doivent être prises par les autorités publiques pour remédier à la crise économique ? Assiste-t-on à l¿émergence d¿un nouveau mode de régulation ? Comment est désormais porté et défendu l¿intérêt général ? Comment les rapports entre l¿État et les citoyens sont-ils transformés ? Quelles sont les variations nationales ou continentales sur ces thèmes ? C¿est à ces questions communes que différents spécialistes d¿Europe, d¿Afrique et des Amériques liés au CIRIEC international répondent dans cet ouvrage dans une perspective comparée.

  • - Survival and Metamorphosis in Contemporary British Literature and Culture- Followed by an interview with David Lodge
    von Ana Raquel Lourenco Fernandes
    67,55 €

    This book has been shortlisted for an ESSE book award 2012 in Literatures in the English Language, Junior Scholars. This book gives an account of the significance of the rogue in contemporary British literature and culture, focusing on this character¿s survival and metamorphosis from the second half of the 20 century onwards. While the character of the rogue is most often associated with the 16 and 17 centuries, the author focuses on contemporary literary texts, as well as cinematographic adaptations. She discusses the revival of the rogue mainly in the 1950s, adopting a comparative approach, establishing connections to other fields of representation besides literature. Thus, the originality of this book lies in its interdisciplinary nature. The focus on contemporary writers who have put the character of the rogue at the forefront in their works, particularly Martin Amis and Irvine Welsh, and the author¿s awareness of the socio-political circumstances in which the books were written, adds substantially to our understanding of the rogue character.

    67,55 €

    During the last decade the rapid growth of justice and home affairs as an internal policy making domain of the European Union has led to the Union emerging as an increasingly important international actor in this field. This book covers the institutional and legal framework of the external dimension of EU justice and home affairs; issues of policy interaction as well as specific challenges; policy responses and results in the fields of migration policy; judicial cooperation; counter-terrorism; and cooperation with major international partners. Taking into account the changes introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon as well as the priorities set by the 2010-2014 Stockholm Programme the book provides an in-depth exploration of the political and legal dynamics of a major new dimension of the EU.

  • - From the Nineteenth Century to the Twenty-First Century
    61,95 €

    Behind the conflicts and the crises, the agreements and the severing of ties, the oil sector is above all a global business, number one in terms of the scale of trading. The sector is not only essential to the world economy, but it is generally thought to be of strategic importance. The history of oil gives scholars the chance to track and analyse changes in the world in the twentieth century, especially through the transition from unequal trading towards more balanced solutions, in which oil-producing countries can really profit from their resources. Numerous solutions have been proposed to ensure that oil revenue is not lost, but also to ensure that profits are made and supplies are secure. In order to examine the diversity and complexity of the recent history of the oil industry, this book considers the twentieth century across different continents, using original examples and new research on regions such as Latin America and Africa. Different views are analysed and changes in the industry are put into context. Today¿s realities are brought into focus by putting the spotlight on long-term changes. The volume concludes that the oil sector has not yet fully established itself as a sector of strategic importance.

  • - Governing in the Age of Complex Societies
    von Daniel Innerarity
    49,25 €

    Nowadays, politics is only one voice among many in the concert of social self-organization. Its function is to articulate the differentiated systems of our societies: it encourages their self-restraint, while at the same time restraining itself. Such a conception obviously threatens the primacy of the nation-state. While it is not necessarily disappearing, it must nevertheless cease to be thought of as a dominant principle of organization, and must assume its place in a system of regulation that proceeds on several levels. Distant from the anarchist or Marxist theories that herald the end of the state as it is from libertarian theories of the minimal state, the book illustrates that it is possible in the contemporary period to go beyond the alternatives of dirigisme and neoliberal spontaneity. However, such a transformation can only prove effective through two conditions: we must first reject the enduring opposition between Right and Left, and second, we must invent an anti-state social democracy that is able in its own right to glean the most it can out of the liberal legacy. This book combines philosophical technicality, clarity and elegance of writing in an attempt to provide politics with meaning again, particularly in an era where discourse about its powerlessness abounds.

  • - How the West Shaped the Helsinki CSCE
    von Angela Romano
    54,90 €

    The Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) is usually overlooked in the literature on the Cold War and presented as the seal of détente. The Final Act came to be considered as the mere official recognition of the European balance for the sake of a fictitious dialogue and vague statements on the freer circulation of ideas, people and information. The emerging human rights movements in Eastern Europe then came as the unintentional consequence of a complete diplomatic and political failure. It is the opinion of the author that the West neither limited its action to a passive acceptance of a long-sponsored Soviet proposal nor sold out half a continent. The author carefully traces back the roots of the CSCE and argues that the Helsinki conference was also the result of the development in Western positions and a thoroughly conceived action, especially as far as the EC member states were concerned. She analyses the internal dynamics of the Western caucus and reveals the divergences on ideas, attitudes and goals that emerged between the United States and the European allies. In such a connection the author argues that the Hague Summit and the creation of the European Political Cooperation gave a boost to an active role of the EC states and the starting of serious pan-European talks. The author offers not only a thorough analysis of the Western experience at Helsinki, but also new seminal interpretations in the fields of Cold War history, transatlantic relations and the history of the European integration. By examining and reconciling all these aspects in a common context, this book contributes to more complete understanding of both détente and the CSCE.

  • - Contributions towards a Cultural History of Governance from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
    66,15 €

    This book is about authority, more precisely, about figures of authority. The editors have put together an international group of renowned scholars to discuss the emergence of modern notions of authority from different angles. Modern authority is no longer legitimated by status and social position, but rather by institutional affiliation and performance. To research the genealogy and intricacies of this kind of authority, the chapters in this volume cast a closer look at the various institutional actors on whom authority has been bestowed. The authors use a case study approach to look at the instances in which modern authority emerged, was ridiculed, contested, or even failed. Taken together, the individual contributions shed new light on the intricate relationship between the subjects and their organisations; they challenge any Whig historiography of rationalisation and modernisation, and they help us to rethink the inter-relationship between modern and even postmodern institutional arrangements on the one hand, and their subjects on the other.

  • - The Axiological Contexts of Science
    68,95 €

    Philosophy of science used to be identified with the logical and methodological analysis of scientific theories, and any allusion to values was considered as a deplorable intromission in a philosophical investigation that should remain strictly epistemological. As a reaction against this view, an opposite «sociological» approach downplayed the usual virtues of scientific knowledge (such as logical rigor and empirical adequacy) as artificial imageries that cover the actual nature of science, that is a social product submitted to all the kinds of social conditionings and compromises. A more balanced view is badly needed today, when technoscience is permeating all aspects of our civilization and wise persons understand that we cannot survive without using science and technology but at the same time we need to steer their development in view of the real benefit of humankind. We must investigate how science, technology and values are legitimately interconnected and, in particular, how the discourses of ethics, politics and religion can enter a fruitful dialogue with science. The essays presented in this volume offer a valuable contribution to this interdisciplinary study.

  • - A Comparison of Renewable Electricity Policies in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK
    von Isabelle de Lovinfosse
    49,95 €

    How and why do policies change? The author addresses this question by examining the renewable electricity policies of five European countries (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK) over the last thirty years. Employing a comparative approach that is qualitative yet consistent and rigorous, she describes how these countries¿ policies changed over time, whether incrementally or comprehensively, and shows how those changes may be explained, citing political, economic, social, and technological factors.

  • - Multi-Level Governance in the United Kingdom
    von Rosanne Palmer
    63,35 €

    The process of devolution in the United Kingdom (UK) established new institutions at the sub-state level with a range of legislative and executive competencies. Yet many of these devolved powers also have a European Union (EU) dimension, whilst EU policy remains a formally reserved power of the UK central government. This book explores how this multi-level relationship has been managed in practice, examining the participation of the devolved Scottish and Welsh institutions in the domestic process of formulating the UK¿s EU policy positions during their first four-year term. It also places their experiences in a broader comparative framework by drawing upon the experiences of multi-level governance in practice in other Member States of the EU.

  • - Des Etats et de l'ONU - About States and UNO
    34,95 €

    Créée informellement en 1989, la conférence des pays éditeurs de documents diplomatiques a réuni à Paris en octobre 2005, à l¿occasion de sa 8 session, une trentaine de délégations qui ont travaillé tant sur des questions de méthodologie que sur un thème historique, celui de la naissance et de l¿évolution de l¿Organisation des Nations unies. L¿ensemble de leurs contributions est réuni dans ce volume, dont la direction des Archives du ministère français des Affaires étrangères, organisatrice de la réunion, a choisi de confier la publication aux éditions Peter Lang, qui publie déjà les Documents diplomatiques français. Le lecteur y trouvera les secrets de fabrication de cette collection et de ses homologues les plus anciennes, et en découvrira d¿autres, plus récentes, voire en cours de création. Established unofficially in 1989, the International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents brought together in Paris in October 2005, on the occasion of its 8 meeting, more than thirty delegations. The conference concentrated on the methodology of editing and publishing and chose to focus on the historical theme of the birth and development of the United Nations Organization. Reports and papers presented by the participants are gathered in the present proceedings, the publishing of which was entrusted by the Archives of the ministère des Affaires étrangères to Peter Lang Publishing Group, which is currently responsible for publishing the Documents diplomatiques français. The reader will find in this publication the trade secrets of the French series and of the earliest analogous series of diplomatic documents, as well as discover other more recent collections or even some in the process of being created.

  • - An Italian Australian Perspective
    54,90 €

    This volume seeks to map an understanding of the Italian experience onto the broader picture of diasporic stories, though with an anchor in the Australian-Italian experience. It brings together key essays and testimonials that frame a picture of Italy¿s rich legacy at «home», in Europe more widely, and in the (post)colonial sphere, with a particular emphasis on the Australian experience. The essays collected here focus on the way an Italian Australian story has emerged and evolved in its own unique way. In some respects it might be possible to define Australia, through this community, as an Italian space, very much inscribed and described by the many voices that characterise it. What is clear throughout these pages is that past, present and future circulate through and around each other, just as notions of nation ¿ colonial, postcolonial, emigrant and immigrant ¿ jostle for purchase in what is in fact a contested space always under negotiation.

    61,95 €

    Canadäs capital ¿ Ottawa ¿ is earning a reputation as a global technology centre that offers a dynamic mix of economic, cultural, educational and recreational opportunities. It is an advanced technology centre, particularly known for its research and development in the fields of telecommunications, technology services, software development, defence and security, microelectronics/wireless and photonics. Readers can see innovation and the elements of the New Economy revealed by the different authors detailing different accounts and analyses of the Ottawa area. The book is organised into four themes: 1. Ottawa: A Knowledge City?, 2. Planning the Cluster: By Decision, By Design or By Destiny?, 3. ¿Growing¿ the Cluster: Idea Farming and Innovation Strategies for Economic Development, and 4. The Unique Ottawa Cluster: Regional, Bilingual and Cosmopolitan.

  • - From Critical Thinking to Responsible Action
    66,15 €

    The development of a fully fledged European Public Sphere is seen by many as the solution to the legitimation crisis the European Union is suffering today. It is conceived as a space in which a Europe-wide debate about the current economic, social and political crises can take place and through which solutions can be developed. This book proposes a new multi-disciplinary approach to discuss the European Public Sphere, arguing that it should be approached as a complex and interlinking concept, considering issues such as identity, citizenship building and multi-level governance structures and actors, and that it should not be analysed merely from the traditional perspectives of information and communication policies. The volume presents both academic papers and more policy-oriented contributions, offering perspectives from scholars, politicians, consultants and administrators to give the reader a truly multidisciplinary understanding of the European Public Sphere.

  • - Security, Development and Knowledge-based Society
    52,95 €

    The intensification of bilateral relations between the European Union and Japan has been remarkable seventeen years after they adopted the Joint Declaration in 1991. This volume, which is the result of a unique long-term research project carried out by European and Japanese universities, offers a wide range of topical and comparative studies regarding Japan-EU relations and cooperation within the context of global governance. It focuses mainly on two dimensions: on the one hand, the impact of global economic transformations and knowledge society on both actors and their interaction; and on the other hand, the universal and regional security and development challenges.

  • - Deliberative Democracy in Divided Belgium
    von Didier Caluwaerts
    50,70 €

    This book has won the Jean Blondel PhD award of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), and was nominated for the Annual PhD Prize of the Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations. Theories on ethnic conflict tend to work on the premise that a deeply divided public opinion undermines democratic stability, and that conflict-ridden polities are not fertile ground for the development of a strong democracy. Democratic stability in divided societies is seen to be endangered whenever the demos plays too prominent a role, so the commonly formulated solution is that citizens should remain passive. This book addresses the role of citizens in such divided societies while they are facing political conflict. It offers interesting new perspectives on the potential of deliberative democracy as a viable alternative in the case of deeply divided polities. The author uses cutting-edge data from a deliberative experiment in Belgium, where he gathered Flemings and Walloons to discuss the future of the country at a moment when the tensions between the linguistic groups were at an historic high. His findings are insightful and interesting for deliberative theorists and practitioners, as well as for scholars of ethnic conflict.

  • - Narratives of Belonging, Homeland and Nationhood in Territorial and Non-territorial Minority Settings
    von Tünde Puskás
    63,35 €

    This book explores what happens with ethnic and national identifications built on the same ethnocultural grounds, but under different socioeconomic circumstances. Territorial and non-territorial minorities have traditionally been considered not susceptible to comparison because it was assumed that groups organized on different grounds were distinctively separate phenomena. In this study, the comparative method is used to throw new light on how ethnic and national identifications are constructed, negotiated, and re-constructed in territorial and non-territorial minority contexts. The author investigates whether the ethnic and national identification and articulation processes of Hungarians in Slovakia and Hungarians in Sweden constitute different types of Hungarianness. Drawing on extensive interview material the empirical focus is on the interaction of self-narratives and public narratives. The author seeks to challenge the notion that national minorities and diaspora communities are fundamentally different in their understanding of nationhood and their relationship to an external national homeland.

  • - Approches interdisciplinaires pour un monde en reliance / Interdisciplinary Approaches for an Interrelated World
    70,40 €

    Le 21 siècle présente des défis importants pour l¿enseignement des langues et des cultures. Les enseignants sont plus que jamais confrontés à un environnement complexe et dynamique de croyances et de pratiques, où la diversité et l¿interculturalité créent des identités constamment mouvantes. Cet ouvrage propose une réponse interdisciplinaire aux incertitudes de notre époque. Il s¿organise autour de deux notions clés, la reliance et les univers de croyance. Les auteurs proposent des perspectives éclairantes sur des thématiques telles que l¿empathie, les constructions de Soi et de L¿Autre, le développement de la conscience interculturelle et le rôle de l¿anglais comme lingua franca. Cet ouvrage constitue ainsi une avancée significative pour le développement d¿un paradigme théorique et pédagogique adapté à notre monde plurilingue et pluriculturel. The 21 century presents significant challenges for the teaching of language and culture. More than ever before, educators are faced with a complex and dynamic landscape of beliefs and practices, where diversity and interculturality create constantly shifting identities. This volume offers an interdisciplinary response to the uncertainties of our era. It takes as its focus two key notions: interrelatedness and universes of belief and thought. The contributors offer illuminating insights on topics such as empathy, constructions of Self and Other, the cultivation of intercultural awareness and the role of English as a Lingua Franca. As such, the volume makes a significant step towards developing a theoretical and pedagogical paradigm appropriate for our plurilingual and pluricultural world.

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