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  • - From the How-To's of the Game to Practical Real-World Advice--Your Definitive Guide to Successfully Coaching Girls
    von Kathy Strahan
    23,00 €

    Coach Girls for Success on and off the FieldCoaching girls' softball can be a wonderful experience. Witness the intensity of a batter connecting with a ball, a runner digging for home, or a fielder making a great catch, and you can't help but be inspired. The effort, pride, and enjoyment on players' faces are great rewards for parents and the sign of a good coach—the type of coach you want to be. So how can you get there?Perfect for coaches of girls up to age 13, Coaching Girls' Softball includes everything you need to be an outstanding coach and mentor to your team. Whether you are a seasoned coach looking to fine-tune your skills or a rookie looking to take the field running, you'll discover techniques for success that are tailored specifically to the needs of girls, including:·Drills and strategies for coaches new to the world of coaching softball ·Tips on what girls want and need from their softball experience ·Practical suggestions on how to motivate in a positive and encouraging way ·Advice for helping girls deal with their changing bodies ·And much more! Now you can be a coaching winner and help bring out the best in your players, both on the field and in the game of life.

  • - The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in a Postsecular World
    von Patrick Glynn
    24,00 €

    In the modern age science has been winning its centuries—old battle with religion for the mind of man. The evidence has long seemed incontrovertible: Life was merely a product of blind chance—a cosmic roll of an infinite number of dice across an eternity of time. Slowly, methodically, scientists supplied answers to mysteries insufficiently explained by theologians. Reason pushed faith off into the shadows of mythology and superstition, while atheism became a badge of wisdom. Our culture, freed from moral obligation, explored the frontiers of secularism. God was dead. "Glynn's arguments for the existence of God put the burden of disproof on those intellectuals who think that the question has long since been settled." — Andrew M. GreeleyBut now, in the twilight of the twentieth century, a startling transformation is taking place in Western scientific and intellectual thought. At its heart is the dawning realization that the universe, far from being a sea of chaos, appears instead to be an intricately tuned mechanism whose every molecule, whose every physical law, seems to have been design from the very first nanosecond of the big bang toward a single end—the creation of life. This intellectually and spiritually riveting book asks a provocative question: Is science, the long-time nemesis of the Deity, uncovering the face of God? Patrick Glynn lays out the astonishing new evidence that caused him to turn away from the atheism he acquired as a student at Harvard and Cambridge. The facts are fascinating: Physicists are discovering an unexplainable order to the cosmos; medical researchers are reporting the extraordinary healing powers of prayer and are documenting credible accounts of near-death experiences; psychologists, who once considered belief in God to be a sign of neurosis, are finding instead that religious faith is a powerful elixir for mental health; and sociologists are now acknowledging the destructive consequences of a value-free society. God: The Evidence argues that faith today is not grounded in ignorance. It is where reason has been leading us all along.

  • - And Over 50 Ways to Avoid Power Struggles in the Home and the Classroom
    von Jane Nelsen
    25,00 €

    Discover the Power of Positive Time-OutTime-out is one of the most popular disciplinary techniques used in homes and schools today. But instead of being the positive, motivating, experience it should be for children, it is often punitive, counterproductive, and damaging to their gentle psyches. In this book, bestselling parenting author Jane Nelsen shows you how to make time-out a positive learning experience for children. Inside, you''ll discover how positive time-out can teach children the art of self-discipline and instill such invaluable qualities as self-confidence and problem-solving skills. You''ll also learn how to: ·Make time-out an encouraging experience ·Develop an attitude and action plan to avoid power struggles with children ·Empower children by involving them in the behavior changing process ·Understand the mistaken goals of negative behavior "Gives parents and teachers the encouragement and tools they need to help children handle their own behavior."—Sheryl Hausinger, M.D., Texas Children''s Pediatric Associates and mother of three "Offers more than 50 ways that parents can set limits while still encouraging their kids. It should be in every doctor''s waiting room."—Jody McVittie, M.D., family physician

  • - How to Raise Responsible, Independent Children by Providing CLEAR Boundaries
    von Robert J. Mackenzie
    27,00 €

    Start Setting Effective Limits - Now! Do your children misbehave? Do they repeatedly ignore or refuse your requests for proper behavior? Are you constantly fluctuating between permissive and authoritarian parenting, with little or no success? Are you convinced there has to be a better way? There is. Setting Limits will help you establish the positive, respectful, and instructional groundwork your children need for proper ethical and behavioral development In this revised and expanded edition of his popular book, Robert MacKenzie, Ed.D., demonstrates proven techniques and procedures that not only correct misbehavior but instill the cooperation and conduct you want and expect from your children. This book shows parents how to: • Enforce clear, firm, and effective boundaries • Put an end to conflicts and power struggles • Establish rules that encourage cooperation • Teach children important problem-solving skills • Apply logical consequences of misbehaviorChildren need limits to guide their development. With MacKenzie's expert guidance, you will learn how to build and enforce the instructive boundaries necessary for a happy and rewarding family life.

  • von Shawn Messonnier
    22,00 €

  • von Steve Austin & Cathy Hitchcock
    24,00 €

    "This book is a fine resource for every doctor, patient, and family who has to confront the reality of breast cancer."-Bernie S. Siegel, M.D., Author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles Attitudes about breast cancer diagnosis are changing, and women and their families are becoming more assertive about managing their disease. They know that more choices are available now than ever before, and they are willing to make them. This book encourages you to take control. Cathy Hitchcock and Steve Austin, N.D., have written a book for women who are ready to actively participate in their diagnosis and treatment. A husband and wife team, Hitchcock and Austin walk you step-by-step through each part of diagnosis, treatment (both conventional and alternative), and prevention (including prevention of a recurrence). With the help of a flow chart, they examine different diagnosis options. They also suggest questions to ask your doctor and offer checklists, summaries, and overviews. Interwoven with all this information, Cathy shares her personal story as a breast cancer survivor. She describes her ordeal upon discovering the lump and the transitions she has gone through to live with the diagnosis in a life-affirming way. Unlike many other breast cancer patients, Cathy didn't simply accept the choices offered by medical doctors. Instead, with the help of her husband, she studied the research and made her own decisions about conventional and alternative treatments.

  • von Michael T. Murray
    20,00 €

    Strengthen Your Body to Combat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome! Chronic fatigue syndrome can lead to a continual cycle of symptoms including muscle and joint pain, headaches, low-grade fever, and lymph node swelling. If you or someone you love is struggling with chronic fatigue, turn the pages of this book to discover a thoughtful, complete approach that will help lead you to wellness. While traditional medicine treats each symptom separately, this book offers a “host-centered” approach that focuses on natural methods to effectively raise your energy level. Dr. Michael T. Murray, co-author of the bestseller Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, clearly explains specific measures you can take to improve your stamina, mental energy, and physical abilities. He offers advice on topics such as: • The causes of chronic fatigue syndrome • Detoxification purifiers to enhance your immune system • Methods for stimulating lymphatic flow • Nutritional support for the immune system • Adrenal balance and stress management techniques Now you can take control of your healing process using this completely natural approach. Begin a new, healthful lifestyle today!

  • - From the How-To's of the Game to Practical Real-World Advice--Your Definitive Guide to Successfully Coaching Girls
    von Sandy Simpson
    23,00 €

  • von Mary Griffith
    26,00 €

  • - 125 Books That Will Turn Any Child into a Lifelong Reader
    von Laura Backes
    27,00 €

    Get Your Child Hooked on Books!Reading can become a favorite part of any child''s life—even children who think they hate to read. And, with the help of this unique book, it''s easy to put your reluctant reader on the path to becoming an enthusiastic reader. Inside are 125 books that are certain to ignite your child''s interest in reading. You''ll find a variety of titles with real kid appeal—the best of the best for children of all reading levels. These books will captivate your child''s interest and create a passion you never thought possible. So, for the love of reading and your child, come inside, explore all 125 books, and discover:·Complete descriptions and synopses ·The appeal of each book to reluctant readers ·Suggested audience and reading levels ·Recommended readings if your child enjoys a particular book ·And much, much more! By developing a love of reading and an emotional connection to books and ideas, your child can develop and maintain a high level of interest in reading—and get a head start on life."An excellent resource for parents and educators interested in promoting literacy among children, with practical tips on how to make reading a fun, educational, and rewarding experience for children of all ages."—Stephen Green, Ph.D., child development specialist, Texas A&M University

  • - America's Leading Wellness Doctor Shares His Secrets for Lifelong Health!
    von Julian Whitaker
    27,00 €

    A Blueprint for Healthful Living Julian Whitaker, America's wellness doctor, believes that there is almost no medical condition that cannot be improved or even reversed. Your body has the power to heal itself and stay healthy, naturally. Dr. Whitaker's Guide to Natural Healing shows you ways to help prevent heart attacks and strokes, reverse diabetes, lower blood pressure, protect yourself from cancer, stop the symptoms associated with Alzheimer's, end depression without drugs, and confront many other critical health issues. Instead of focusing on disease, this book provides you with a comprehensive roadmap for wellness by covering: • Prescriptions for optimal health that focus on prevention and wellness • Natural remedies and prevention techniques for nearly 100 specific health conditions, ranging from the common cold to hyperactivity and learning disorders • Creating your own, truly effective healthcare system • And so much more! Now you can take charge of your own health care. With Dr. Whitaker's Guide to Natural Healing, you can prevent and treat many health problems yourself, no matter what your age or current medical condition.

  • von Linda Berry
    31,00 €

    Cleanse Your Body of Pollutants and Other ImpuritiesWhy not feel gloriously better? Every day our bodies are bombarded with pollutants from food, air, and stress. This buildup of toxins is bad for you and ultimately leads to fatigue, depression, and a host of other chronic health problems.In this book are ways to help you give your body a fresh start and achieve vibrant good health. You will learn how to:·Recognize and avoid toxins in air, food, and water ·Use herbs, fiber, and therapeutic food powders for cleansing ·Enjoy tasty recipes and follow a healthful diet to complement cleansing ·Improve your digestion, your outlook on life, and your overall health"A wonderful, integrated approach towards cleansing. All individuals who are trying to make their way in a congested, polluted, toxic world will greatly benefit." —Jeffrey S. Bland, Ph.D., author of The 20-Day Rejuvenation Diet Program"Menopause and perimenopause are times of great transition. Dr. Berry's book will help women make that time easier and more enjoyable." —Mary Ann Mayo, coauthor of The Menopause Manager"A comprehensive and readable guide that should become a valuable companion for all who are intent upon improving their lives and living well." —Efrem Korngold, L.Ac., O.M.D., coauthor of Between Heaven and Earth"Conventional medicine has really missed the boat—cleansing helps you think and feel better." —Candace Pert, Ph.D., professor at the Georgetown University School of Medicine and author of Molecules of Emotion

  • von Amanda McQuade Crawford
    26,00 €

    More Women Choosing Herbal AlternativesNow, more than ever before, women are taking control of their own health and vitality by choosing herbal remedies as an alternative to traditional medicine. Because every year there are new research findings that women and their health providers need to know about, author Amanda McQuade Crawford, M.N.I.M.H, has used her clinical expertise to develop Herbal Remedies for Women. “[Amanda] is not afraid to speak the truth about women’s health issues and how herbs can help,” said Deb Soule, author of The Roots of Healing: A Woman’s Book of Herbs. “Her words of wisdom and capacity for caring are a gift to women everywhere.” Herbal medicine is, in fact, fast becoming the alternative medicine of choice. Included in Crawford’s book is a broad spectrum of herbal remedies for various ailments such as chasteberry seed for fibroids as well as dandelion root and leaf for endometriosis. Also included is an herbal glossary and information on herbal preparation which corrects many herbal myths. Organized into six sections, Herbal Remedies for Women is designed to offer readers natural and effective therapies for an array of women’s issues including: ·Problem of Menses ·Healthy Reproduction ·Infections ·The Change of LifeCrawford also divides each chapter into subheads which cover: definition of the syndrome, symptoms and signs, cause, conventional medical care, herbal treatment, and nutrition. Whether or not they have previous experience with herbal medicine, Herbal Remedies for Women provides readers with simple but effective remedies for self-healing.

  • von Mani Feniger
    24,00 €

    "By revealing her own story, Mani Feniger reminds us that our biggest fear can become our most profound teacher."—Geneen Roth, bestselling author of When Food is LoveYour heart pounds, palms sweat, eyes blur, breathing becomes difficult, and you feel dizzy or disoriented. You''re in a panic, even though there is no apparent danger. Every year millions of people suffer from anxiety disorders—now the number one mental health issue among women, and second only to substance abuse among men. In her new book, Journey from Anxiety to Freedom, author Mani Feniger shares her own struggle with panic and phobias, taking the readers on a journey from her terrifying first panic attack, to her renewed confidence driving across bridges, flying in airplanes, and finally taking a long-desired trip abroad. Readers may identify with her story and the vivid descriptions of seven other men and women whose lives were once compromised by fear. Anxiety sufferers will emerge with practical tools and motivation, knowing that others like themselves have faced their worst fears, and now live with peace of mind. By sharing the inspiring stories of diverse people, including Howard Liebold, M.D., who wrote the foreword, Journey from Anxiety to Freedom calmly walks readers through: ·Uncovering their own anxiety secrets ·Finding their turning points ·Designing their own program for healing ·Practicing exercises and meditations ·Developing skills and attitudes that promote trust

  • - A Teacher's A-Z Guide
    von Jane Nelsen
    25,00 €

  • - Your Natural Guide to Healing with Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Exercise, and Other Natural Methods
    von Michael T. Murray
    21,00 €

    Stop Candida Yeast Infections-Naturally! Are you one of the millions of people affected by chronic candidiasis-the yeast syndrome? Often mistaken for other maladies, the yeast syndrome can lead to headaches, sore muscles, general fatigue, low resistance to colds and viruses, and other problems in both men and women. Of the two most common prescription treatments, one can inflict severe liver damage and the other is safe but of only limited effectiveness. Fortunately, there are potent natural alternatives. They're clearly explained here by Dr. Michael T. Murray, co-author of the bestselling Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. You will learn how to: • Determine if you suffer from candida yeast syndrome • Follow Dr. Murray's seven step program for combating candidiasis • Adjust you daily diet to control candida growth • Supplement your meals with nourishing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants • Strengthen your immune system to help resist candidiasis and many other invasive disorders • And much more! Discover how to overcome yeast syndrome and keep it from coming back-naturally!

  • - A Complete Self-Help Guide
    von Jerry Dorsman
    26,00 €

    Free Yourself from AddictionQuitting drugs may be the best thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones. But it can also be the toughest challenge of your life. This book can help. Jerry Dorsman, author of the acclaimed How to Quit Drinking Without AA and a respected therapist who specializes in addiction recovery, has helped thousands of people quit drugs and get on with their lives. In How to Quit Drugs for Good, Dorsman helps you find the best approach to beating any drug habit—from barbiturates and prescription drugs to marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Through a series of self-discovery exercises, worksheets, and checklists, you will learn how to:·Determine if you have a drug problem ·Examine your individual reasons for using drugs ·Decide when and how you want to quit ·Develop your own treatment plan ·Choose the techniques that will work for you ·Create your own success ·And much, much more!

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