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  • von Fergus Hume
    22,00 €

    "The Green Mummy" by Fergus Hume is a mysterious and suspenseful novel first published in 1908. It is a thrilling tale that combines elements of mystery, romance, and adventure, set against the backdrop of an Egyptian archaeological expedition. The story follows the adventures of Dr. Amersham, an archaeologist who is part of a team excavating an ancient tomb in Egypt. As the team unearths artifacts and explores the secrets of the tomb, they come across a remarkable discovery - a green mummy with a hidden treasure. However, this discovery sets off a series of events that lead to intrigue, danger, and unexpected alliances. Fergusson Wright Hume, known as Fergus Hume (1859-1932) was an English novelist. Shortly after graduation he left for Melbourne. He began writing plays, but found it impossible to persuade the managers of the Melbourne theatres to accept or even read them. Finding that the novels of Emile Gaboriau were then very popular in Melbourne, he obtained and read a set of them and determined to write a novel of a similar kind. The result was the self-published novel 'The Mystery of a Hansom Cab' (1886), which became a great success. After the success of his first novel and the publication of another he returned to England in 1888. He resided in the Essex countryside for thirty years, eventually producing over 100 novels and short stories. He was a capable writer of mystery stories, and may be looked upon as one of the precursors of the many writers of detective stories whose work was so popular in the twentieth century. His other works include 'Madame Midas' (1888), 'The Silent House' (1899), 'The Bishop's Secret' (1900), 'Secret Passage' (1905), 'The Green Mummy' (1908), and 'Red Money' (1912).

  • von John Burroughs
    18,00 €

    "Time and Change" is a 1912 work on geology by American naturalist John Boroughs. Within it, Burroughs explores the beauty and science behind the history of the Earth in the masterful way for which he is famous. John Burroughs (1837 - 1921) was an American naturalist, essayist, and active member of the U.S. conservation movement. Burroughs' work was incredibly popular during his lifetime, and his legacy has lived on in the form of twelve U.S. Schools named after him, Burroughs Mountain, and the John Burroughs Association-which publicly recognizes well-written and illustrated natural history publications. Other notable works by this author include: "Winter Sunshine" (1875), "Birds and Poets" (1877), and "Locusts and Wild Honey" (1879). Contents include: "The Long Road", "The Divine Abyss", "The Spell Of The Yosemite", "Through The Eyes Of The Geologist", "Holidays In Hawaii", "The Old Ice-flood", "The Friendly Soil", "Primal Energies", "Scientific Faith", "The Worm Striving To Be Man".

  • von Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce
    14,00 €

    "Write It Right" is a classic guide to writing and language usage penned by Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce, a prominent American journalist, satirist, and short story writer. Originally published in 1909, this concise and witty manual serves as a valuable resource for writers and language enthusiasts seeking to refine their command of English. In "Write It Right," Bierce takes on the role of a linguistic arbiter, offering a no-nonsense approach to common grammatical errors, stylistic pitfalls, and language misuse. Known for his acerbic wit, Bierce addresses these issues with a sharp and often humorous tone, making the guide both instructive and entertaining. The book is organized alphabetically, with Bierce tackling specific words or phrases that are commonly misused or misunderstood. His insights range from the proper use of punctuation to the nuances of word choice, aiming to clarify and rectify linguistic misunderstandings. Bierce's advice in "Write It Right" reflects his commitment to precision and clarity in communication. While some of the examples may be rooted in the language conventions of the early 20th century, many of the principles he espouses remain relevant today. Writers, editors, and language enthusiasts continue to find value in Bierce's straightforward and often humorous approach to language usage. Overall, "Write It Right" stands as a testament to Bierce's keen linguistic sensibilities and his dedication to the art of effective communication. It remains a compelling read for those interested in the nuances of language and the timeless pursuit of clear, impactful writing.

  • von George de Horne Vaizey
    22,00 €

    "A Question of Marriage" is a novel written by Mrs. George De Horne Vaizey, also known as Jessie Bell. This British author was active during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and she wrote numerous novels that typically focused on domestic and romantic themes. While I don't have specific details about "A Question of Marriage," Vaizey's works commonly explored relationships, social dynamics, and the challenges faced by individuals in the context of marriage and family life. Given the title, it's likely that this novel delves into the complexities and dilemmas associated with the institution of marriage. Vaizey's writing style is known for its emphasis on character development and the portrayal of everyday life. Her novels often capture the social norms and values of the time, offering readers a glimpse into the domestic concerns and relationships of her characters.

  • von Thornton W. Burgess
    14,00 €

    "Whitefoot the Wood Mouse" is a children's book written by Thornton W. Burgess. It is part of Burgess's long-running series of animal stories, commonly known as "The Bedtime Story-Books." The series is designed to teach young readers about the natural world and its inhabitants through the adventures of anthropomorphic animal characters. In "Whitefoot the Wood Mouse," the focus is on the titular character, Whitefoot, who is a wood mouse living in the Green Forest. The story revolves around Whitefoot's daily life, his encounters with other forest creatures, and the challenges he faces in the wild. Burgess, known for his keen observation of wildlife and their habitats, weaves an engaging narrative that combines elements of adventure, friendship, and environmental education. Throughout the book, readers are introduced to various woodland animals, each with its distinct personality and characteristics. Burgess imparts valuable lessons about the interconnectedness of nature and the importance of coexistence among different species. The book is written in a style that is accessible to young readers, and the author's love for nature is evident in the way he describes the forest setting and its inhabitants. "Whitefoot the Wood Mouse" is not only an entertaining story but also serves as an educational tool, fostering an appreciation for the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it.

  • von Robert Gordon Latham
    22,00 €

    "A Handbook of the English Language" by Robert Gordon Latham is a work that focuses on the English language, providing comprehensive insights into its structure, grammar, and usage. Robert Gordon Latham, a 19th-century English philologist and ethnologist, was known for his contributions to the study of languages. The book serves as a practical guide for students and scholars interested in English linguistics. It covers various aspects of the English language, including: Grammar: Latham likely delves into English grammar, covering parts of speech, sentence structure, and syntax. The book may provide explanations and examples to help readers understand the rules governing the English language. Vocabulary: There may be sections dedicated to expanding and enriching one's vocabulary, including discussions on word origins, etymology, and the use of words in different contexts. Usage: Latham likely addresses common issues related to language usage, spelling, and punctuation. The book may offer guidance on effective communication and clarity in writing. History of the English Language: Given Latham's interests in linguistics, the book may include historical aspects of the English language, tracing its development over time and its interactions with other languages. Practical Application: The handbook might offer practical exercises or examples to reinforce the concepts discussed, making it a useful resource for self-study or classroom use.

  • von T. S. Arthur
    18,00 €

    ¿There was not a cloud in all the bright blue sky, nor a shadow upon the landscape that lay in beauty around the lovely home of Edward Markland; a home where Love had folded her wings, and Peace sought a perpetual abidingplace. The evening of a mild summer day came slowly on, with its soft, cool airs, that just dimpled the shining river, fluttered the elm and maple leaves, and gently swayed the aspiring heads of the old poplars, which, though failing at the root, still lifted, like virtuous manhood, their greenest branches to heaven." Timothy Shay Arthur (June 6, 1809 - March 6, 1885) - known as T. S. Arthur - was a popular 19th-century American author. He is famously known for his temperance novel Ten Nights in a Bar-Room and What I Saw There (1854), which helped demonize alcohol in the eyes of the American public. His stories, written with compassion and sensitivity, articulated and spread values and ideas that were associated with "respectable middle class" life in America. He also believed greatly in the transformative and restorative power of love as is shown in one of his stories, "An Angel in Disguise". He was also the author of dozens of stories for Godey's Lady's Book, the most popular American monthly magazine in the antebellum era, and he published and edited his own Arthur's Home Magazine, a periodical in the Godey's model, for many years.

  • von Marie J. Woolford
    16,00 €

    "The Joy of Cooking Journeys: A Culinary Voyage" is not just a cookbook; it's an immersive exploration of flavors that takes you on a delightful adventure through the world of gastronomy. With a blend of diverse recipes and captivating tales, this cookbook transcends the boundaries of the kitchen, inviting you to embark on a culinary journey like no other. Dive into the pages of "The Joy of Cooking Journeys" and discover a collection of carefully curated recipes that reflect the richness of global cuisines. Each dish is a passport to a different corner of the world, offering a fusion of tastes, textures, and cultural stories that will transport you from the bustling markets of Marrakech to the serene landscapes of Kyoto. This cookbook is not just about the end result on your plate; it's about the joy of the cooking process itself. With detailed, easy-to-follow instructions, home cooks of all levels can confidently recreate these culinary masterpieces. From comforting classics to innovative twists, the recipes are designed to inspire and elevate your cooking experience. But "The Joy of Cooking Journeys" goes beyond the recipes. Interspersed with personal anecdotes, cultural insights, and chef's tips, each page is a narrative that adds depth to your culinary adventure. Learn about the origins of a dish, the traditions that surround it, and the chef's personal connection to the recipe. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, "The Joy of Cooking Journeys" is an invitation to savor the joy of culinary exploration. It's a celebration of diverse flavors, a tribute to the universal language of food, and a guide that encourages you to infuse every meal with the spirit of a culinary voyage. Prepare to embark on a journey where the joy of cooking becomes a feast for the senses and a celebration of cultural diversity.

  • von Rose Buhlig
    20,00 €

    Enhance your language skills for the workplace with Business English: A Practical Guide to Language for the Workplace by Rose Buhlig. Dive into a comprehensive guide designed to help you navigate the nuances of business communication, providing practical insights and language tools for success in a professional environment. As Rose Buhlig demystifies the intricacies of business language, witness the practical advice and strategies that can empower you to communicate effectively in various professional situations. This guide goes beyond basic language skills, offering a hands-on approach to mastering the communication demands of the modern workplace. But here's the critical question: Can the practical guidance provided in Business English be your key to unlocking effective communication in the workplace and advancing your career? Are you ready to elevate your language proficiency and confidently navigate business interactions? Navigate through the pages filled with practical tips and language tools that capture the essence of Rose Buhlig's guide. Her expertise, combined with real-world examples, offers readers a valuable resource to enhance their business English skills and succeed in professional settings. Are you prepared to elevate your communication skills in the workplace with Business English: A Practical Guide to Language for the Workplace? Immerse yourself in the practical insights and language strategies presented by Rose Buhlig. This guide is an invitation to strengthen your business English skills, empowering you to communicate with confidence and professionalism in various workplace scenarios. Embark on a journey to effective business communication. Acquire Business English now and let Rose Buhlig's expertise guide you toward mastering the language of the workplace and achieving success in your professional endeavors. Secure your copy today and gain the language tools needed to excel in business communication, fostering success and advancement in your career. "Business English: A Practice Book" by Rose Buhlig is a language textbook that offers practical exercises and examples to help students improve their English communication skills in a business context. The book covers topics such as networking, presentations, and business correspondence.

  • von Christian D. Larson
    14,00 €

    Thinking For Results is a book by American New Thought leader Christian D. Larson, first published in 1912. It is a short self-help book that encourages you to change your way of thinking in order to become more successful in life. Larson discusses various ways in which to do this, how people should keep a positive mind, have end goals in sight, live in accordance with natural laws, and accept that mental conceptions will improve with greater concentration on the good things in one's life. Man is as he thinks he is, and what he does is the result of the sum total of his thought. The average person, however, thinks at random and therefore lives at random and does not know from day to day whether good or evil lies in his path. What he finds in his path is invariably the result of his own thinking, but as he does not know what results different kinds of thought produce he creates both good and evil daily not knowing that he necessarily does either of these. When he knows what each mental state will produce, however, and has gained the power to think as he likes under all sorts of circumstances, then he will have fate, destiny, environment, physical conditions, mental conditions, attainments, achievements and in fact everything in his own hands. You never think scientifically unless you think for a purpose; it is therefore purposeless thinking that you must avoid. To train the mind to think only in the right states of mind we must learn to distinguish between right and wrong mental states, though this is a matter that becomes very simple when we understand that the difference between right and wrong states of mind is found in this, that the former tends to relate the mind properly to the laws, the principles and the powers of life, while the latter tends to prevent that relationship.

  • von W. F. Webster
    21,00 €

    At the request of friends, I have prepared this short text-book, outlining the method of carrying forward the course, and emphasizing the principles necessary for the intelligent communication of ideas. It has not been the purpose to write a rhetoric. The many fine distinctions and divisions, the rarefied examples of very beautiful forms of language which a young pupil cannot possibly reproduce, or even appreciate, have been omitted. To teach the methods of simple, direct, and accurate expression has been the purpose; and this is all that can be expected of a high school course in English. The teaching of composition differs from the teaching of Latin or mathematics in this point: whereas pupils can be compelled to solve a definite number of problems or to read a given number of lines, it is not possible to compel expression of the full thought. The full thought is made of an intellectual and an emotional element. Whatever is intellectual may be compelled [page iv] by dint of sheer purpose; whatever is emotional must spring undriven by outside authority, and uncompelled by inside determination. A boy saws a cord of wood because he has been commanded by his father; but he cannot laugh or cry because directed to do so by the same authority. There must be the conditions which call forth smiles or tears. So there must be the conditions which call forth the full expression of thought, both what is intellectual and what is emotional. This means that the subject shall be one of which the writer knows something, and in which he is interested; that the demands in the composition shall not be made a discouragement; and that the teacher shall be competent and enthusiastic, inspiring in each pupil a desire to say truly and adequately the best he thinks and feels.

  • von Walter Besant
    24,00 €

    Jerusalem, the City of Herod and Saladin is a fascinating history of the city which starts from 0 A.D. to the end of the 19th century. It includes a lengthy history of the city during the crusades. Walter Besant was a prolific British novelist and historian in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, known for works such as "All Sorts and Conditions of Men" and "Dorothy Forster".

  • von Philip Sidney
    15,00 €

    "The Psalmes of David" is a collection of biblical psalms translated into English verse. The Book of Psalms, found in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament, is a collection of 150 religious poems and songs attributed to King David. These psalms cover a wide range of themes, including praise, thanksgiving, lament, and expressions of faith. Numerous translations and adaptations of the Psalms have been made over the centuries, aiming to render the poetic and spiritual qualities of the original texts into various languages. The title "The Psalmes of David" is often associated with English translations or paraphrases of the Psalms that have been used for devotional and liturgical purposes. One notable historical version is the "Bay Psalm Book," which was the first book printed in British North America in 1640. This version aimed for literal accuracy in translation, though its poetic qualities were often criticized. Subsequent translations, including those by poets like John Milton and others, have sought to capture both the religious essence and the artistic beauty of the Psalms.

  • von James Allen
    13,00 €

    "The Mastery of Destiny" is a self-help book written by James Allen, a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational and spiritual works. The book was first published in 1909 and is a collection of philosophical essays that aim to guide readers toward achieving personal mastery and realizing their full potential. The central theme of the book revolves around the idea that individuals have the power to shape their own destinies through the control of their thoughts and actions. Allen emphasizes the importance of self-discipline, positive thinking, and the cultivation of virtuous qualities. He argues that by understanding and harnessing the power of one's mind, individuals can overcome challenges, achieve success, and ultimately master their destinies. The book is divided into several chapters, each addressing different aspects of personal development and mastery. Topics covered include the influence of thought on circumstances, the role of character in shaping destiny, the power of concentration, and the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. Throughout the book, Allen draws on philosophical and spiritual principles, often influenced by Eastern and Western philosophies, to convey his message. His prose is reflective and contemplative, encouraging readers to engage in introspection and self-examination. "The Mastery of Destiny" is considered a classic in the self-help genre and continues to be appreciated for its timeless wisdom and practical advice on personal growth and self-mastery. The principles outlined in the book are rooted in the belief that individuals have the ability to transform their lives by aligning their thoughts and actions with positive and constructive principles.

  • von Immanuel Kant
    14,00 €

    "Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals" is a philosophical work written by Immanuel Kant, one of the most influential figures in Western philosophy. The book, originally published in 1785, is a key text in Kant's moral philosophy and ethical theory. In this work, Kant sets out to establish a foundational framework for moral philosophy based on rational principles. The central question he addresses is, "What is the basis for moral principles, and how can we determine what is morally right or wrong?" Kant's approach to ethics is deontological, meaning that he emphasizes the inherent nature of moral duties and principles rather than focusing on the consequences of actions. Key points and concepts from "Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals" include: Categorical Imperative: Kant introduces the concept of the categorical imperative, which is a fundamental principle that guides moral action. The categorical imperative states that one should act according to maxims (personal principles or rules) that can be consistently willed as a universal law without contradiction. In other words, an action is morally permissible if everyone could, without contradiction, adopt the same principle governing that action. Good Will: Kant argues that the only thing that is unconditionally good is a good will. He contends that the moral worth of an action is determined by the motivation behind it, particularly the rational exercise of a good will. Autonomy of the Will: Kant emphasizes the autonomy of the rational will, suggesting that individuals, as rational beings, have the capacity for self-governance and the ability to legislate moral principles for themselves. Universalizability: The idea that moral principles should be applicable to all rational beings without contradiction is a recurring theme. Kant argues against actions that cannot be consistently universalized. Kant's "Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals" is a dense and foundational work in moral philosophy that has had a profound and lasting impact on ethical thought. It continues to be studied and debated within the fields of philosophy and ethics.

  • von Henry Van Dyke
    14,00 €

    "The First Christmas Tree" by Henry Van Dyky is a short story that tells the legend of the first Christmas tree. Henry Van Dyke was an American author, educator, and clergyman, known for his writings on religion and his inspirational stories. In "The First Christmas Tree," Van Dyke presents a fictional story set in the 8th century. The narrative revolves around a monk named Winfried, later known as Saint Boniface, who is on a mission to convert the Germanic tribes to Christianity. During his travels, he comes across a sacred oak tree, worshipped by the local people as a symbol of their pagan beliefs. To demonstrate the power of Christianity and to emphasize the message of love and peace associated with Christmas, Winfried decides to cut down the sacred oak tree. As the tree falls, a young fir tree springs up from its roots. Winfried then uses the fir tree to symbolize the Christian faith, explaining how its evergreen nature represents the everlasting life found in Christ. The story is a creative blend of Christian symbolism and a charming holiday legend. It aims to convey a message of the transformative power of Christianity and the triumph of love and hope over darkness and superstition. Keep in mind that interpretations may vary, and this summary provides a general overview of the narrative.

  • von Annie Payson Call
    16,00 €

    "Power Through Repose" is a classic work by Annie Payson Call, published in 1891. The book delves into the principles of relaxation and repose as essential elements for achieving physical and mental well-being. Call emphasizes the importance of rest and the correct use of the body to enhance one's overall vitality and effectiveness. The author explores the idea that true power comes not from constant activity and strain but from the ability to release tension and find repose. Call provides practical insights and exercises to help readers understand how to achieve a state of repose, both in body and mind. She emphasizes the connection between physical and mental states, highlighting how a relaxed body can lead to a calm and focused mind. "Power Through Repose" is a thoughtful exploration of the mind-body connection and a guide to achieving a more balanced and powerful life through the practice of repose. While it may reflect the perspectives of its time, the principles of relaxation and self-care it presents remain relevant today.

  • von Henry Van Dyke
    14,00 €

    A Christmas book by American author, educator, and clergyman Henry Van Dyke, including two short stories, two essays, and two prayers for the season. 1. The Spirit of Christmas by Henry van Dyke is a beautiful story of the angel that foretells the birth of Christ to the other angels. Also, a short Christmas sermon of how to keep Christmas in your heart all the year. Two prayers at the end. Charming, beautifully written and recommended to all. This book is full oft thoughtful collection of sermons, reflections, prayers, dreams. 2. In this volume of Christmas stories and prayers, we read of courage, generosity, and the triumph of light over darkness from The First Christmas Tree, a magical tale of the Thunder Oak and the false god Thor, to the lyrical story of The Christmas Angel in the Country Beyond the Stars. Destined to become a Christmas classic for the whole family, The First Christmas Tree and Other Stories will inspire us all, in the words of Henry Van Dyke, "to live Christmas not just Christmas day."

  • von Cyrus Townsend Brady
    14,00 €

    "A Little Book for Christmas" is a collection of short stories and essays written by Cyrus Townsend Brady, an American journalist, and author who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This book, originally published in 1917, is a heartwarming and festive collection that captures the spirit of Christmas. The book consists of a series of tales that evoke the warmth, joy, and goodwill of the holiday season. Brady's writing is known for its nostalgic and sentimental tone, and "A Little Book for Christmas" is no exception. The stories and essays in this collection are designed to bring comfort and inspiration to readers during the Christmas season. The book covers various aspects of Christmas, including the importance of family gatherings, the joy of gift-giving, the magic of Christmas Eve, and the underlying message of love, hope, and redemption that defines the holiday. It is a celebration of the traditions and values that make Christmas a special time of year. Brady's writing style is characterized by its rich descriptions and an appreciation for the simpler pleasures of life. In "A Little Book for Christmas," readers will find tales that transport them to a bygone era, filled with holiday cheer and the timeless lessons of kindness and generosity. Overall, "A Little Book for Christmas" by Cyrus Townsend Brady is a charming and evocative collection that captures the essence of the Christmas season, making it a perfect read for those looking to immerse themselves in the spirit of the holiday. It has remained a classic choice for those seeking the warmth and magic of Christmas through the written word.

  • von Clement Clarke Moore
    14,00 €

    "Twas the Night Before Christmas," also known as "A Visit from St. Nicholas," is a beloved and classic Christmas poem written by Clement Clarke Moore. It was first published anonymously in 1823 and has since become one of the most iconic and enduring pieces of holiday literature in the English language. Key features and themes of the poem include: Holiday Spirit: The poem captures the joyful and festive atmosphere of Christmas Eve, invoking a sense of wonder and anticipation associated with the holiday season. St. Nicholas: Clement Clarke Moore's poem is credited with shaping the modern image of Santa Claus. It describes Santa Claus as a jolly, rotund figure who travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer and delivers presents to children on Christmas Eve. Iconic Imagery: The poem is known for its vivid and enduring imagery of Santa Claus, the reindeer, and the magical journey on a sleigh. It has contributed significantly to the development of the contemporary Santa Claus mythos. Rhyme and Meter: "Twas the Night Before Christmas" is written in anapestic tetrameter, a style of poetry with a distinctive rhythm. This rhythmic quality, combined with the poem's rhyming scheme, gives it a musical and memorable quality that is particularly well-suited for reading aloud. Family and Tradition: The poem emphasizes the importance of family and the excitement of children as they prepare for Santa's visit. It has become a cherished part of many families' Christmas traditions to read or recite it on Christmas Eve. Influence: This poem has had a profound influence on the way Christmas is celebrated in the Western world. It has contributed to the development of Santa Claus as a central figure in Christmas celebrations and the popularization of gift-giving during the holiday season. Clement Clarke Moore's "Twas the Night Before Christmas" remains an integral part of the cultural and literary tapestry of Christmas. It has been adapted into numerous versions and has been illustrated in various ways, making it a timeless and cherished work that continues to be enjoyed by people of all ages during the holiday season.

  • von Margaret D. Gammill
    15,00 €

    Create recipes that appeal to both adults and children, making family mealtime more enjoyable. Include kid-friendly variations and tips for involving children in cooking. Learn the ins and outs of successful small-scale cooking from the experts. This groundbreaking resource was the first to re-engineer recipes to serve just two. We put our expertise to work to scale down our best recipes including the trickiest dishes, from soups and stews to stir-fries and meatloaf, even cakes and pies. We did the math to take the guesswork out of cooking for two so you can be sure that anything you want to make--whether it's lasagna or a batch of fudgy brownies or a fluffly yellow cake--will come out perfectly every time. The extensive introduction includes key ingredients, and our picks for the most useful kitchen equipment for any two-person household.

  • von John Lubbock
    19,00 €

    "The Pleasures of Life" is a book written by Sir John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury, and first published in 1887. The book explores the idea of finding joy and fulfillment in the various aspects of life, emphasizing the importance of both intellectual and sensory pleasures. John Lubbock was a prominent British banker, scientist, and politician who was well-known for his contributions to the fields of archaeology, biology, and entomology. In this work, Lubbock presents a wide-ranging and philosophical exploration of the sources of happiness and contentment in life. He delves into various aspects of human existence, from appreciating the beauty of nature and the arts to the value of education, culture, and leisure. He emphasizes the importance of cultivating a well-rounded life that balances intellectual pursuits and the enjoyment of simple, everyday pleasures. "The Pleasures of Life" encourages readers to take notice of the small, often overlooked joys in life, such as the beauty of a flower, the satisfaction of learning something new, or the pleasure of spending time with loved ones. Lubbock's writing reflects his belief in the significance of curiosity, the pursuit of knowledge, and the ability to derive happiness from a multitude of experiences. Throughout the book, Lubbock draws on his own experiences and observations to illustrate his points. He also weaves in the wisdom of thinkers and writers from various time periods and cultures, adding depth and diversity to his exploration of the pleasures that life has to offer. "The Pleasures of Life" is a classic work that encourages readers to appreciate the richness and diversity of human experiences and the potential for happiness that can be found in even the simplest of moments. It remains a source of inspiration for those seeking a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • von Francis Hopkinson Smith
    18,00 €

    "Colonel Carter's Christmas and the Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman" is a heartwarming novella written by Francis Hopkinson Smith, an American author, artist, and engineer. The book was originally published in 1891 and is a charming tale that captures the spirit of the holiday season and evokes a sense of nostalgia for a simpler, more genteel era. The novella is set in the American South, particularly in Virginia, and the story revolves around the character of Colonel Carter, an old-fashioned Southern gentleman. Colonel Carter is a kind and generous man who embodies traditional values and a strong sense of honor. He is a beloved figure in his community and is well-known for his warm and welcoming personality. The plot of the book centers around Colonel Carter's plans for a Christmas celebration that is not only filled with festive merriment but also aims to bring joy to those around him, including family and friends. As the story unfolds, readers are introduced to various characters and their experiences during this special holiday season. The novella explores themes of love, friendship, and the importance of community, all set against the backdrop of a traditional Southern Christmas. "Colonel Carter's Christmas" is celebrated for its evocative and picturesque descriptions of the holiday traditions of the time, from festive decorations to delicious feasts. It also presents the reader with a glimpse into the values and customs of the late 19th century South. The novella captures the essence of an old-fashioned, genteel way of life and serves as a delightful reminder of the joys of the holiday season and the importance of compassion, kindness, and togetherness. It has become a classic work of Christmas literature, known for its warm and nostalgic portrayal of a simpler and more gracious time in American history.

  • von John Fiske
    17,00 €

    "Through Nature to God" is a book written by John Fiske, an American philosopher and historian, and it was published in 1899. This work is part of the broader literature in the late 19th century that sought to reconcile science and religion, reflecting the intellectual climate of the time. Key aspects of "Through Nature to God" include: Harmony of Science and Religion: The book's central theme is the reconciliation of science and religion. Fiske argues that the findings of modern science do not necessarily contradict religious beliefs but can be seen as complementary. He believes that science and religion can coexist and that both provide valuable insights into the nature of the universe and the divine. Evolutionary Perspective: Fiske was deeply influenced by the concept of evolution, particularly Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. He believed that an evolutionary understanding of the natural world could be integrated with religious thought. Fiske saw evolution as a means by which to appreciate the grandeur and complexity of the universe, rather than as a threat to religious faith. Theological Considerations: Fiske discusses theological matters, including the concept of God and the relationship between the divine and the natural world. He argues that the evolutionary process, as revealed by science, can be seen as a manifestation of God's plan. Nature as a Source of Inspiration: Fiske emphasizes the idea that studying nature can lead to a deeper appreciation of the divine. He sees the natural world as a source of wonder and inspiration, where the complexity and order of the universe can be seen as evidence of a higher purpose. Influence on Progressive Theology: Fiske's work had a significant impact on progressive theology during his time. It was part of a broader movement that sought to modernize religious thought in the face of advancements in science and philosophy. "Through Nature to God" reflects the intellectual climate of the late 19th century, when there was a growing interest in reconciling science and religion. John Fiske's perspective was that science and religion need not be in conflict and that the study of the natural world can enhance one's spiritual and religious experience. The book remains of historical interest in the study of the relationship between science and religion and the evolution of theological thought in the United States during this period.

  • von Annie F. Johnston
    15,00 €

    The novella tells the tale of a remarkable woman named Fanny Forester, who is often referred to as "Miss Santa Claus." Fanny is a warm and benevolent figure, known for her generosity and kindness. She has made it her mission to bring joy, comfort, and hope to those in need, particularly during the Christmas season. The story is set in the late 19th century, a time when the Pullman Palace Car Company was a significant player in the railroad industry. Miss Santa Claus finds her way to the Pullman cars, where she encounters various characters, each with their own story and struggles. With her unwavering spirit of compassion, she touches the lives of the people she meets, helping them find happiness and solace, even in the face of adversity. As Christmas approaches, Fanny Forester's presence on the Pullman cars transforms the atmosphere, bringing about a sense of community and goodwill among the passengers. Her actions and the way she influences those around her ultimately highlight the true spirit of Christmas and the importance of selflessness and kindness. "Miss Santa Claus of the Pullman" is a heartwarming and sentimental story that embodies the values of charity, empathy, and the Christmas spirit. Annie F. Johnston's narrative style and ability to capture the essence of human goodness make this novella a delightful read for those seeking a touching and uplifting holiday story.

  • von Swami Abhedananda
    14,00 €

    "Vedanta Philosophy: Five Lectures on Reincarnation" by Swami Abhedananda offers profound insights into the ancient philosophy of Vedanta, focusing on the concept of reincarnation. Through five illuminating lectures, the Swami elucidates how life's continuity is intricately woven through multiple existences. He explores the ethical, moral, and spiritual implications of reincarnation, unveiling its role in shaping destiny. With clarity and depth, the book bridges Eastern spirituality with modern inquiry, inviting readers to contemplate the eternal journey of the soul. Swami Abhedananda's lectures inspire seekers to grasp the intricate threads of existence and the profound purpose underlying each life.

  • von Hesba Stretton
    15,00 €

    1. The Christmas Child Miss Priscilla Parry, a passionately independent woman, lived on a farmstead and helped to raise her two nieces. Inspired by the Biblical Christmas story, the children Rhoda and Joan had a habit of visiting their barn manger every Christmas to look for a child. One day Rhoda mysteriously disappeared and a search began. The Christmas Child's message is to learn to forgive especially when it is very difficult to forgive. Luke 11:4-"And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us." 2. Alone in London An old man living in terrible poverty finds a little girl on his doorstep, takes her in, and discovers that she's his granddaughter. He barely has enough to live on, but he makes it do for the two of them, and is constantly delighted with the tiny child. A street urchin becomes part of their lives, and the three of them are very happy together. A beautiful and touching story about human kindness and love without any expectation of a reward.

  • von John Holladay Latane
    20,00 €

    The first edition of this book appeared in October, 1918, a few weeks before the signing of the Armistice, when the United States was at the high tide of its power and influence. In view of the subsequent course of events, some of my readers may question the propriety of the original title. In fact, one of my friends has suggested that a more appropriate title for the new edition would be "From Isolation to Leadership, and Back." But I do not regard the verdict of 1920 as an expression of the final judgment of the American people. The world still waits on America, and sooner or later we must recognize and assume the responsibilities of our position as a great world power. The first nine chapters are reprinted with only a few verbal changes. Chapter X has been rewritten, and chapters XI and XII have been added.

  • von Anne Cobbett
    21,00 €

    I HAVE taken so much pains to make the following work deserving of the title it bears, that I could not, without affectation, pretend to undervalue my own performance, by anticipating doubts of its utility, or by expressing any fear lest my friends should be disappointed when they look into it. Every publication of this description is necessarily calculated to be of some essential service; for it must not only be practical in its descriptions and directions, but must relate to matters touching the daily and hourly wants of all mankind; and it will, of course, be approved according as it may happen to meet those wants. While I am offering advice with respect to the manner of conducting domestic affairs, I cannot refrain from expressing my regret that so large a proportion of the young ladies of England are sadly deficient in that information, and in those practices of economy which are the most essentially necessary to their welfare as persons of influence and authority in a house. I am by no means singular in lamenting that the advantages of a knowledge of housekeeping seem to be so entirely lost sight of by those who have the responsibility of bringing up either their own or other people's daughters; and I find it frequently the subject of remark that the ladies of the present day have become incapable of being so skilful in the discharge of their domestic duties as the ladies of a former period were, in proportion as they have become more cultivated and more accomplished. The desire which many persons feel to give their children a better education than has been bestowed upon themselves is laudable, because it proceeds from sincere affection: but how often is the success equal to the motive which actuates? How often is the manner of attempting at all calculated for attaining the object so earnestly sought? An ambition to promote the welfare of children reconciles parents to part with them at that tender age when they ought to command more constant care than they generally need at a more advanced time of life; and this ambition is so strong that it will even cause little girls to be consigned to the blighting atmosphere of a crowded schoolroom, there to bewail the loss of the warm hearth, or the airy room of their own homes, and all the comforts which depend upon a mother's solicitude. With a view to their being educated, that is to say, fitted for the world, and for the discharge of their respective duties in it, girls are sent to school, and are there condemned to a dull course of lessons, before their minds have sufficient strength to imbibe any kind of learning that requires mental labour, and before their understandings are equal to any greater exertion than that of perceiving the difference between a roasted apple and a sugar-plum.

  • von Hermann Hesse
    16,00 €

    Hermann Hesse's classic novel has delighted, inspired, and influenced generations of readers, writers, and thinkers.In this story of a wealthy Indian Brahmin who casts off a life of privilege to seek spiritual fulfillment. Hesse synthesizes disparate philosophies - Eastern religions, Jungian archetypes, Western individualism - into a unique vision of life as expressed through one man's search for true meaning.Still one of the most beautiful, uplifting books ever written. "We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps"

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