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  • von Edenilson Brandl
    41,00 €

    Bem-vindo a "Terapia para Síndrome de Down". Este livro é uma jornada abrangente pelo vasto e complexo terreno das terapias disponíveis para indivíduos que enfrentam os desafios associados à Síndrome de Down. Ao embarcar nesta leitura, espero que você descubra não apenas uma compreensão mais profunda da síndrome, mas também um arsenal de ferramentas terapêuticas que podem ser aplicadas de maneira significativa e positiva.A Síndrome de Down é única para cada indivíduo, e é por isso que é crucial abordar suas necessidades de uma maneira holística. Este livro não pretende ser uma resposta definitiva, mas sim uma exploração dos diversos caminhos terapêuticos que podem contribuir para uma vida plena e significativa.Ao longo das próximas páginas, você encontrará informações sobre terapias tradicionais e inovadoras, desde abordagens psicológicas até técnicas de expressão artística. Cada capítulo é projetado para oferecer uma visão aprofundada, enquanto o conjunto completo fornece uma tapeçaria rica de opções terapêuticas.Acredito firmemente que a síndrome de Down não define uma pessoa, mas é apenas uma parte do que a torna única. A terapia, seja ela física, emocional ou cognitiva, pode desempenhar um papel vital na promoção do desenvolvimento e bem-estar.Espero que este livro sirva como um guia útil para pais, cuidadores, profissionais de saúde e, acima de tudo, para aqueles que vivem com a síndrome de Down. Que as páginas seguintes ofereçam insights, inspiração e, acima de tudo, a esperança de que cada jornada seja única e repleta de possibilidades.

  • von Christopher Harrison
    22,00 €

    In an age where data reigns supreme, harnessing this data's power and making intelligent decisions has become a quintessential skill for businesses, researchers, and even hobbyists. Machine Learning - a fascinating realm where machines gain the ability to learn from experience, adapt, and, most impressively, predict future outcomes. This transformative technology powers many of the applications we use daily, from recommendation systems on our favorite streaming platforms to the intelligent assistants on our smartphones."Mastering Machine Learning: From Concepts to Implementations - A Comprehensive Guide" is designed to be your navigator in this expansive universe. Whether you're a novice intrigued by the buzzwords or a professional aiming to sharpen your implementational skills, this guide offers a structured journey through the foundational concepts, the intricate algorithms, and, most importantly, the practical implementations.Beyond the theoretical constructs and coding tutorials, this e-book delves into the broader implications of machine learning. As we'll see, with great power comes great responsibility. The ethical considerations, the realworld impacts, and the future trajectories of this field are as vital as understanding the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning.

  • von Edenilson Brandl
    40,00 €

    "Terapia para Síndrome de Angelman" é um guia abrangente que mergulha nas diversas abordagens terapêuticas disponíveis para ajudar aqueles que enfrentam os desafios da Síndrome de Angelman. Desde técnicas tradicionais até abordagens inovadoras, o autor explora métodos como Terapia Reencarnatória, Terapia Narrativa, Terapia da Força da Mente, Terapia Prânica e muitas outras.Este livro não apenas fornece uma compreensão aprofundada da síndrome, mas também oferece soluções práticas por meio de diferentes terapias, abrangendo desde a Terapia de Grupo até a Imunoterapia e a Cura com Imaginação. O leitor será guiado por uma jornada de descoberta que inclui técnicas como PNL, Hipnose, Meditação e ArteTerapia, proporcionando uma visão holística e integrativa para o tratamento.Além disso, o livro aborda estratégias específicas para lidar com problemas emocionais, oferecendo técnicas de enfrentamento eficazes, como a Gestão de Mudanças e a Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental Online. O autor também compartilha dicas valiosas para o planejamento do futuro, encerrando o livro com um pós-fácio pessoal e uma breve apresentação sobre quem é o autor."Terapia para Síndrome de Angelman" é mais do que um guia terapêutico; é uma fonte inspiradora de esperança e apoio para aqueles que buscam maneiras inovadoras de enfrentar os desafios únicos apresentados pela Síndrome de Angelman.

  • von Jessica Cooper
    22,00 €

    What are fermenting and pickling? Preserving food has been an activity that humans have been doing ever since the beginning of human civilization. Due to the lack of refrigeration and other contemporary food preservation techniques, ancient people were forced to rely on time-honored practices such as smoking, salting, and drying their food in order to store it for longer periods of time than is possible today. Canning, freezing, and vacuum-sealing food are only few of the modern methods that are available for preserving food. Pickling and fermenting are, on the other hand, two of the oldest and most tried-and-true techniques for the preservation of food. In the following paragraphs, we are going to discuss what pickling and fermenting are, how they function, and the advantages of doing either one.The preservation of food by the method of pickling involves placing the item in an acidic solution, which is often composed of vinegar, salt, and spices. The acid contained in the pickling solution contributes to the formation of an environment that makes it difficult for bacteria, the proliferation of which can cause food to go bad. The process of pickling requires immersing vegetables or fruits in a pickling solution for an extended period of time. This enables the food to take on the flavors of the spices and vinegar used in the pickling process. The end product is a sour and tasty pickled dish that does not require refrigeration and may be kept for extended periods of time without spoiling.People in ancient Mesopotamia preserved food by submerging it in a brine made of salt and water. This method is thought to have originated in that region. Over the course of history, the method developed and advanced, becoming more complex as time went on. At the same time, several cultures developed their own distinctive pickling processes and recipes. Pickling food has been an increasingly common practice in many parts of the world in recent times.

  • von Natalie Ford
    22,00 €

    In the dimly lit corners of history, among the shadows of forgotten beliefs and ancient wisdom, there exists a path less traveled, a spiritual tradition that has endured and thrived through the ages-the path of Wicca. This ebook, "The Journey Through Wiccan Lore: Wiccan Pathways - Tracing the Rich History and Enduring Traditions of the Craft," invites you to embark on a journey of discovery, tracing the intricate web of Wiccan history, philosophy, and practice.Wicca, often called "The Craft," is a modern pagan, nature-based religion that draws upon ancient roots and timeless wisdom. It is a celebration of the sacred in all things, an acknowledgment of the cycles of nature, and a deep connection to the divine as immanent within the world. Its history is a tapestry woven with threads of ancient folklore, mysticism, and the spiritual yearnings of countless generations.In this ebook, we will explore the origins of Wicca, delving into its ancient pagan roots and the pivotal role played by figures like Gerald Gardner in the revival of modern Wicca. We will uncover the beliefs and principles that form the foundation of this spiritual path, from the Wiccan Rede's "Harm None" to the reverence of the Goddess and God.

  • von Amelia Mason
    22,00 €

    An explanation of why pickling and fermentation are important for prepper Food can be preserved in many different ways, some of the more common ones include pickling and fermentation, both of which have a long history of utilization. In recent years, these methods of storage have seen a rise in popularity not only because to their capacity to lengthen the period of time that food may be stored, but also due to the numerous health benefits that can be derived from employing them. As part of their mission to become more self-sufficient and prepare for emergencies, preppers, in particular, have taken an interest in pickling and fermentation as part of their overall preparations. In this section, we will explore the significance of pickling and fermenting for prepper communities by discussing about the advantages, the method, and the different kinds of foods that may be preserved through these processes.The primary advantage of pickling and fermenting food is that both processes can assist in the preservation of food, which in turn enables the food to be stored for longer intervals of time. Pickling and fermenting food can both contribute to an improvement in the flavor as well as the nutritional content of the food.To preserve food by the process of pickling, an acidic solution such as vinegar or saltwater is often used. The presence of this acid serves to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, both of which contribute to the rancidity of food. The flavor and consistency of food can both be improved by the process of pickling. For instance, pickled cucumbers, more commonly referred to as pickles, have a flavor profile that is clearly briny, and a lot of people really like it. When fermenting, on the other hand, you let the naturally occurring bacteria and yeasts in the food break down the sugars and starches, which results in a process called lactic acid fermentation. This procedure results in the production of lactic acid, which can be thought of as a natural preservative and is responsible for the sour taste characteristic of fermented foods. Fermentation is a process that can improve the nutritional content of food while also aiding to preserve it. For instance, fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi are loaded with probiotics, which are helpful bacteria that improve gut health and are found in high concentrations in fermented foods.

  • von Samuel Prescott
    22,00 €

    An explanation of the benefits of pickling and fermentation Food has been preserved for ages through the use of pickling and fermentation. These methods involve adding salt, vinegar, or naturally existing microorganisms to produce a distinctive and tasty end product while extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Pickling and fermenting have regained popularity recently, not only as methods of food preservation but also because of the possible health advantages they may provide. This essay will examine the science of pickling and fermentation as well as the potential health advantages of eating foods that have been preserved in this way.It's crucial to comprehend the science underlying pickling and fermentation before delving into their health advantages. Food is preserved through the process of pickling in a brine solution that is commonly produced with salt, vinegar, and water. The food may be kept for a long time because of the acidic environment this solution generates, which stops the formation of dangerous bacteria. Contrarily, fermentation is a natural process whereby bacteria, yeast, or other microorganisms are used to break down glucose and turn them into lactic acid. This produces a tart, acidic flavor as well as acting as a natural preservative. Pickling and fermentation have advantages that go beyond food preservation. Some foods' nutritional content can even be increased by the fermenting process. For instance, fermenting vegetables to make sauerkraut or kimchi might improve the bioavailability of minerals like iron and calcium as well as the vitamins C and K. This is so that the cellulose in the vegetables may be broken down by the bacteria found in fermented meals, making these nutrients easier for human bodies to absorb.

  • von Matthew Nelson
    22,00 €

    In the mystical tapestry of the world's spiritual traditions, Wicca stands as a fascinating and enigmatic thread. With its ancient roots interwoven with the modern, Wicca has emerged as a vibrant and diverse path of spiritual exploration. " Wiccan Chronicles: From Ancient Roots to Modern Practice- Exploring the History and Traditions of Wiccan Craft" invites you on a captivating journey into the heart of Wiccan craft, where we'll unravel the intricate threads of its history, explore its rich traditions, and delve into the mysteries that have enchanted seekers for generations.W icca, often referred to as "The Craft," is a contemporarypagan, nature-based religion that celebrates the cycles of the Earth and the divine forces that reside within it. While its origins are shrouded in the mists of time, Wicca emerged in the mid-20th century as a revival of ancient European witchcraft traditions. This book will take you on a quest to uncover its historical origins, tracing its lineage from pre-Christian folk practices through the Witch Hunts and the birth of modern Wicca with figures like Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente.But Wicca is not a relic of the past; it's a living, evolving tradition that thrives in the 21st century. Within these pages, you'll also explore the diverse branches of contemporary Wicca and how it has adapted to the changing landscape of spirituality. From eclectic Wicca to Gardnerian and Alexandrian traditions, each offers a unique perspective and set of practices that have enchanted countless individuals seeking connection with the sacred.

  • von Ethan Collins
    22,00 €

    Welcome to "Witchcraft Whispers: The Art of Wiccan Spellcasting - Ancient Rituals and Modern Practices for Positive Change." This book is a comprehensive guide that bridges the ancient wisdom of Wicca with contemporary practices, offering both beginners and seasoned practitioners a deeper understanding of the art of Wiccan spellcasting. Whether you embrace Wicca as a spiritual path or simply wish to incorporate elements of this nature-based belief system into your life, this book is crafted to guide you through the transformative journey of Wiccan magic and ritual.Wicca, often misunderstood and shrouded in mystery, is a modern pagan religion that celebrates the cycles of nature, honors the duality of the divine, and practices magic through rituals and spellcasting. In this book, you will uncover the foundational beliefs of Wicca, learn about the power of the elements, the significance of the Wheel of the Year, and the veneration of the God and Goddess.Spellcasting in Wicca is not just about manifesting desires; it is a practice of aligning with natural energies to bring about positive change. You will learn how to prepare for spellcasting, understand the ethical implications, and discover spells for love, prosperity, protection, healing, and more. Each chapter is designed to offer practical advice, step-by-step instructions, and insights into the symbolic meanings behind the rituals.

  • von Nnecy O.
    18,00 €

    "Nuggets from the Book of John" is an insightful exploration of Jesus' mission on Earth, examining how his life and teachings can guide individuals in living a successful life and fulfilling their own purposes. This book is particularly aimed at two distinct audiences: non-believers and existing believers in Christ. For those not yet in the faith, it serves as an introduction to the Christian journey, offering a pathway to understand and potentially embrace the teachings of Christ. Concurrently, it acts as a resource for established believers, aiming to deepen their relationship with God and encourage a more devoted and profound spiritual life. Readers are advised to keep a Bible at hand while engaging with the text, as it can enhance understanding and reflection. The ultimate goal of "Nuggets from the Book of John" is to enlighten its readers and, most importantly, foster a closer connection with God through the teachings of Jesus Christ."

  • von Edenilson Brandl
    40,00 €

    É com grande entusiasmo e dedicação que apresento este livro, "Terapia para Síndrome de Turner". Como autor, meu compromisso é oferecer uma fonte de informação e apoio que vá além das páginas impressas, alcançando cada leitor de maneira significativa e compassiva.A Síndrome de Turner, uma condição que toca a vida de muitas mulheres, não é apenas uma complexidade genética, mas uma jornada única que demanda compreensão, empatia e, acima de tudo, esperança. Este livro surge da convicção de que a terapia, em suas diversas formas, pode iluminar o caminho daqueles que enfrentam os desafios associados a essa síndrome.Ao longo destas páginas, mergulharemos em um vasto oceano de terapias, desde aquelas fundamentadas na ciência até abordagens mais criativas e espirituais. O objetivo é oferecer um guia prático e acessível, repleto de ferramentas que podem ser adaptadas à singularidade de cada jornada. Não se trata apenas de um manual técnico, mas de um companheiro de confiança na busca pelo bem-estar.Além disso, reconhecemos a importância do aspecto criativo no processo terapêutico. Ao integrar a arte terapêutica com as técnicas cognitivas, buscamos não apenas aliviar sintomas, mas também fomentar a expressão e a conexão emocional. Afinal, a terapia não é apenas sobre tratamento; é sobre descoberta, autenticidade e a construção de uma base sólida para um futuro mais luminoso.À medida que avançamos pelas terapias narrativas, artísticas, cognitivas e além, desejo que este livro não seja apenas uma leitura, mas uma fonte de inspiração e capacitação. Que cada página seja um convite à reflexão, à autocompaixão e ao progresso.Neste ponto inicial, expresso minha gratidão a todos os envolvidos nesta jornada, desde os especialistas que compartilharam seu conhecimento até os leitores cuja busca por compreensão e cura inspira cada palavra escrita. Que este livro seja uma luz guia na estrada da terapia, proporcionando conforto, compreensão e, acima de tudo, esperança.Que sua jornada de leitura seja tão transformadora quanto a jornada de escrever estas palavras.

  • von Edenilson Brandl
    41,00 €

    É com grande entusiasmo que apresento este livro, uma obra dedicada a explorar o vasto campo das terapias e abordagens terapêuticas destinadas a pessoas que enfrentam a desafiadora jornada da Síndrome de Williams. Ao longo destas páginas, mergulharemos em um universo de possibilidades terapêuticas, abordando desde métodos tradicionais até inovações contemporâneas.A Síndrome de Williams, com suas características únicas, demanda uma abordagem holística, e é exatamente isso que este livro busca oferecer. Cada capítulo foi cuidadosamente elaborado para proporcionar uma compreensão abrangente da síndrome e apresentar ferramentas terapêuticas que buscam não apenas aliviar os sintomas, mas também promover o bem-estar global.Desde terapias convencionais, como a Terapia Familiar e a Terapia Cognitiva, até abordagens menos convencionais, como a Arte do Origami e a Escultura com Balões de Água, cada técnica é explorada com o objetivo de fornecer uma visão diversificada e adaptável ao leitor.Este livro não pretende ser apenas um guia teórico; é, antes de tudo, um convite à ação. Ao longo das páginas, você encontrará histórias reais de indivíduos que enfrentaram desafios semelhantes, superando obstáculos por meio dessas diversas terapias. Cada técnica é acompanhada de orientações práticas, incentivando a aplicação imediata no dia a dia.Ao abordar temas como Terapia Narrativa, Terapia da Força da Mente e PNL, procuramos oferecer uma visão ampla e acessível, permitindo que tanto profissionais quanto leigos possam se beneficiar deste conhecimento. Afinal, a jornada da síndrome de Williams é compartilhada por toda a comunidade, e a compreensão mútua é vital.Este livro é resultado de uma jornada de pesquisa, aprendizado e empatia. Ao longo da minha própria busca por entendimento, encontrei inspiração em histórias de resiliência, força e superação. Espero sinceramente que estas páginas sirvam como uma fonte de orientação, apoio e inspiração para todos aqueles que buscam caminhos terapêuticos na jornada da Síndrome de Williams.

  • von Carol Appleyard
    19,00 €

    Meowy Christmas, a retelling of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, is Book One in the series Christmas in Little Dickens.The town of Little Dickens, Oregon, lost their annual Christmas Gala after the sudden death of the host, Jacob Morris. Because Jacob was considered an outsider, despite being a resident for ten years, the town enjoyed the prosperity he and his company brought with him but always kept him at arm's length. Career woman, Abigail Carson, lost her business partner and long-time mentor when Jacob died. Unlike Jacob, she wasn't smitten by the town with one foot in the 19th century and the other in the 21st. She's never been able to give her heart to this ungrateful town and the only reason she's staying is to finish the Community Center project they committed to prior to Jacob's death. After that, she's free to take the business anywhere she wants. It would take a miracle to even get her to consider staying.The miracle comes in the form of Jacob and his three ghostly feline companions. With their help, Abigail is taken on a Dickensian journey through her past tribulations, her present dissatisfaction, and her future prospects. Along the way, she learns the true meaning of Christmas and the power of compassion.Meowy Christmas is a heartwarming retelling of the classic tale, filled with feline charm and small-town nostalgia. Set in the whimsical town of Little Dickens, this first book in the series promises to transport readers to a world where love and magic are always in the air, especially during the holiday season. So, curl up with a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy this delightful Christmas story, which will leave you purring with joy.

  • von Michael Nannes
    22,00 €

  • von Clara Redwood
    22,00 €

    What root cellaring is and why it's important for prepper .The idea of being independent is gaining significance in today's fast paced world, when everything is available at the touch of a button.This highlights the growing significance of self-reliance. More and more individuals are looking for ways to become self-sufficient so that they can assure their own existence in the face of the risk posed by natural disasters, unstable economies, and other unforeseeable occurrences. Root cellaring is one of the most successful ways to preserve food and promote self-reliance. It is also one of the most effective ways to store food, which is an important part of self sufficiency.The practice of storing fruits, vegetables, and other crops in a setting that is cold, dark, and humid is known as root cellaring. This method is used to preserve the food. The idea behind building a root cellar is straightforward: you can lengthen the amount of time your harvest can be stored by simulating the circumstances of a cold winter, which will allow you to use it well into the following growing season. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including apples, pears, carrots, and potatoes, can be preserved for longer periods of time when stored in root cellars using the appropriate techniques.The practice of root cellaring dates back thousands of years and has played an important role in agriculture during that time. People used to keep food throughout the winter months, when fresh produce was limited, by relying on root cellars, which was common practice before the invention of modern refrigeration technology. Not only fruits and vegetables, but also meats and dairy products, were commonly kept in root cellars, which were typically buried underground and kept in a cold and dark environment. Root cellars were typically used.

  • von Aria Chen
    22,00 €

    Machine learning is among the fields of modern science that is most exciting and transformational in this period of rapid technological growth. Machine learning algorithms influence our daily lives in ways previously only seen in science fiction, from suggesting the next song on your playlist to identifying cancerous tumors in medical images. However, how do these algorithms work and convert massive volumes of data into valuable insights?The most thorough introduction to this fascinating field is "Navigating the Machine Learning Landscape: A Primer to Algorithms, Data Models, and Applications". This ebook aims to simplify the complexity of machine learning, whether you're a professional trying to expand your expertise or a curious hobbyist.You will travel through the history and significance of machine learning in the current digital era, starting with the basics of the field in these pages. We'll go deeper into the nuances of different algorithms as we investigate, learning about their workings and their applications. After that, we'll shed some light on the fundamentals of data models, highlighting their critical function in developing reliable and efficient machine learning models. Additionally, real-world machine learning applications from various industries will be presented, emphasizing the technology's significant influence on fields like finance and healthcare.

  • von Victor Sage
    22,00 €

    Few subjects have attracted as much interest, curiosity, and transformational power as machine learning (ML) in the enormous field of technological evolution. Machine learning has a huge and subtle impact on how we engage with technology, from the voice-activated assistants on our smartphones to the recommendation engines on our preferred streaming services. However, numerous individuals are still confused about the fundamental workings of machine learning, even in spite of its widespread use. This e-book aims to solve that puzzle.More than just an e-book for understanding the math and algorithms behind this potent technology, "Machine Learning: Unlocking Patterns and Insights with Advanced Algorithms" goes beyond that. It's a primer on how patterns arise from chaos and how machines learn from these patterns to anticipate the future. It's an investigation of the very fabric of our data-driven world.This e-book is suitable for readers of all levels, from the beginning data scientist who is keen to delve into the nuances of neural networks to the interested enthusiast who just wants to grasp the fundamentals. Before diving further into the fundamental algorithms that drive machine learning, we'll travel through time to trace the field's beginnings. Along the way, we'll address the difficulties this technology presents, such as ethical dilemmas and bias concerns, and investigate the plethora of practical uses that have transformed entire sectors.

  • von Douglas Spencer
    26,00 €

    Whether you work for a for- or nonprofit organization, staying on top of your organization's brand, messaging, and marketing can be overwhelming. Advice may just be a Google search away, but it takes time to wade through all the options-good and bad. Three hundred pages later, you may or may not have any actional insights. Whether you work for a nonprofit or a for-profit organization, staying on top of your organization's brand, messaging, and marketing can be overwhelming. Enter, List Bump: Lists of Actionable Insights for Better Branding, Messaging, and Marketing! It is a succinct collection of advice compiled from nine years of blog posts by Spencer Brenneman Founder Douglas Spencer. With over three decades of experience, Douglas brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to List Bump. His practical approach and real-life examples make it easy to grasp complex concepts and apply them to your work, regardless of the organization's mission.

  • von Mara Popescu-Vasilca
    18,00 €

    În noul s¿u roman, "Unu Plus ¿ase", Mara Popescu Vasilca ne äeaz¿ în fä¿ dou¿ tipologii de personaje, dintru început, din dou¿ familii care se deosebesc prin situäia social¿, mod de viä¿, concep¿ii ¿i idealuri. Familia lui ¿tefan, un absolvent de liceu care înc¿ nu a cunoscut viäa în profunzimile ei, ¿i Sanda, o fat¿ crescut¿ cu toate binefacerile unei familii care i-a oferit totul pân¿ la vârsta de 20 de ani. ¿i care-¿i tr¿ie¿te viäa dup¿ propriile principii, f¿r¿ prea multe probleme de con¿tiin¿¿. Întâlnindu-se întâmpl¿tor, fata preia ini¿iativa ¿i-l invit¿ acas¿, ¿ocându-l pe b¿iatul timid aflat în perioada form¿rii identit¿¿ii ¿i cu bun¿ cre¿tere, care e confruntat pentru prima oar¿ cu o situäie de asemenea natur¿.

  • von Mara Popescu-Vasilca
    17,00 €

    Il filo della storia nel libro "Estranei" si svolge nel corso di diverse decadi, e i protagonisti fanno parte di diverse generazioni. Pertanto, ci troveremo di fronte a situazioni diverse strettamente legate al momento in cui si verificano. Nel corso del romanzo, vivremo esperienze complesse con un forte impatto sentimentale, dettagliatamente presentate, sentendoci nel cuore dell'azione, simili a un film in 3D. L'azione del romanzo si focalizza e riorganizza i destini di persone appartenenti a diverse classi sociali e età in un'avalanche di emozioni portate all'estremo.Il personaggio principale è modellato con grande abilità dall'autrice e portato alla perfezione, risultando in un personaggio complesso con un destino tragico sin dalla nascita. La sua infanzia, priva dell'affetto materno, lascia cicatrici profonde nel suo cuore e nell'anima. Questo aspetto, che lo segna profondamente, lo accompagna per tutta la vita, rappresentando un handicap psichico. Tuttavia, la vita gli riserva anche altri momenti di sofferenza sia nell'ambito amoroso che familiare.

  • von Stephen Shapiro
    19,00 €

    Well-intentioned leaders are inadvertently destroying innovation in their attempts to boost innovation.What if almost everything you know about creating a culture of innovation is hindering your progress? What if the way you are measuring innovation is choking it? What if your market research is focusing on the wrong metrics? It's time to innovate the way you innovate.Innovation isn't just about generating occasional new ideas; it's about staying consistently one step ahead of the competition.Best Practices Are Stupid offers forty counterintuitive yet proven strategies for boosting innovation and making it a repeatable, sustainable, and profitable process at the heart of your company's culture. They include:Hire people you don't like. Bring in the right mix of people to unleash your team's full potential.Asking for ideas is a bad idea. Instead, define challenges more clearly. If you ask better questions, you will get better answers.Don't think outside the box. Instead, find a better box. Rather than giving your employees a blank slate, provide them with well-defined parameters that will increase their creative output.Stop glorifying failure. Looking at innovation as a series of experiments allows you to redefine and minimize failure.This compact book shows that non-stop innovation is attainable and vital to building a high-performing team, improving the bottom line, and staying ahead of the pack. "Don't let its compact size-or snarky title-fool you. It's a worthwhile read. Unlike so many other books in this particular genre, it doesn't disguise otherwise straightforward concepts with overwrought explanations. Shapiro gets straight to the point with 40 often counterintuitive tips on how to strengthen your innovation muscles, served up with respect for your time and intelligence." - Jake Sorofman, Gartner Group

  • von Ricardo Mizos
    12,00 €

    Are you struggling to understand why your neurodivergent loved one thinks and acts the way they do? Does ignorance in autism leave you feeling frustrated, isolated, and unsure of how to bridge the communication gap?In a world where autism is often misunderstood, not knowing how to approach a loved one who is unaware of their condition can leave you doubting whether you can provide them with the life that they deserve.If you want to navigate the challenges of autism and how an autistic person feels about it with empathy and understanding, then you need to read Ignorance in Autism!With this book in your hands, you will learn what ignorance in autism is and how to approach it to help create a world where neurodivergent individuals feel seen, heard, and valued.Inside the pages of Ignorance in Autism, you will learn- how to identify the signs of autism and the inability to notice it.- strategies for effective communication and empathy-building.- the impact of societal norms on neurodivergent self-perception.- methods for nurturing self-acceptance and self-advocacy in neurodivergent individuals.- practical tips for fostering a harmonious environment for neurodivergent loved ones....along with so much more! Now you can see the world through the eyes of autism as you gain insights into the unique perspective, frustrations, and coping mechanisms of a neurodivergent, allowing you to create a deeper connection with your loved one.It's a delicate balance between wanting to help and fearing that your efforts might inadvertently cause discomfort or distress. That is why Ignorance in Autism is here to help you transform from feeling helpless and frustrated to being confident as an advocate for their needs.Your neurodivergent loved one deserves to be celebrated for who they are, so grab your copy today to give them the love and care that they have earned.

  • von Lily Jenkins
    22,00 €

    Definition of root cellaring The practice of root cellaring has been around for centuries and is an effective way of keeping fresh produce for lengthy periods of time without the use of more contemporary preservation techniques such as refrigeration or freezing. In its most basic form, it is a method for producing an environment that is cold, dark, and humid in order to simulate the conditions of the earth. This, in turn, enables fruits and vegetables to maintain their freshness and nutritional value for an extended period of time.The practice of root cellaring, which has been around for centuries and practiced by farmers, homesteaders, and preppers alike, has seen a surge in popularity in recent years as an increasing number of individuals strive to live in a more self-sufficient and environmentally conscious manner. The purpose of this section is to examine the history of root cellaring, as well as the operation of root cellars and the advantages of root cellaring for those who are interested in prepping and sustainable living.The practice of digging pits in the earth in order to preserve food dates back to ancient times, which is where the history of root cellaring can be traced. As time went on, these caves eventually evolved into more complex underground buildings that are today known as root cellars. These buildings, which were often situated in close proximity to homes or farms, were employed for the purpose of storing a broad variety of fruits and vegetables, in addition to other types of food items such as grains, meat, and dairy goods.

  • von Chris Parker
    27,00 €

    How to camp in an RV and why it's a fantastic way to experience national parks. The United States' national parks are a real treasury of natural splendor and diverse animal life. These protected places are visited by millions of people each year so that they can learn about nature and feel more connected to it. There are a lot of different ways to enjoy the magic of national parks, so it doesn't matter if you've done a lot of traveling before or this is your first time there. RV camping is quickly becoming one of the most popular and memorable ways to experience America's national parks. In the following paragraphs, we will examine the meaning of RV camping, as well as its advantages and the reasons why it is an excellent way to travel to national parks.Camping in a recreational vehicle, also known as RV camping, involves staying overnight in a mobile home that features sleeping accommodations. Travelers are able to engage in nature and other forms of outdoor activity while yet benefiting from the conveniences and comforts of a house on wheels. Recreational vehicles (RVs) are available in a wide range of sizes and configurations, from compact trailers to massive motorhomes. They come equipped with a variety of conveniences, including a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, and a living area in certain models. Traveling to national parks and other beautiful places while camping in a recreational vehicle is a novel and cost-effective option.Camping in a recreational vehicle, or RV, has a number of advantages that make it an appealing option when visiting national parks. The convenience is one of the most important advantages. Camping in an RV enables you to take the comforts of home with you wherever you go. It relieves you of the burden of having to pack and unpack your belongings, get lodging, and eat at restaurants while you're away. RVs come furnished with all of the fundamental conveniences and comforts that are necessary to ensure a relaxing and pleasurable stay for the occupants.

  • von Stephanie Bruwer
    27,00 €

  • von Catherine Sterling
    27,00 €

    The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of innovation and discovery in the digital age. No longer confined to science fiction, AI is a field that is influencing the direction of our future while being firmly rooted in the presentmoment. AI is a complex phenomenon that permeates almost every part of our life. It has a subtle yet profound impact on the choices we make, the things we use, and how we see the world. AI is a fabric woven with threads of promise and possibility. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the invisible force pushing humanity into new frontiers of innovation and technology, from the smartphones that carry about in our pockets to the driverless automobiles that drive us around. The aim of this e-book, " The AI Odyssey: Navigating the Future of Innovation and Technology," is to provide a clear and succinct overview of the constantly changing field of AI in order to demystify this disruptive ability.This e-book will take you through the history of artificial intelligence (AI), its early days, the complex network of its fundamental technologies, and the wide range of applications that are changing businesses, economies, and society as a whole. Wewill dig deep to uncover the elements that make up AI's grand narrative, whether it be the sophisticated algorithms that decipher intricate data patterns or the ethical implications that accompany unmatched technological advancements.As we approach the dawn of a new era, it is critical that we arm ourselves with the information and understanding necessary to negotiate the always changing digital frontier. This e-book seeks to serve as your guide by offering a broad overview of the AI ecosystem and examining the successes, difficulties, and future directions in this rapidly evolving and dynamic field.

  • von Kevin Jacobs
    13,00 €

    Meet Midnight, a brave little black kitten in the town of Birtonville! After a lonely start, Midnight discovers a magical garden full of new friends and fun. Join him as he learns about friendship, kindness, and finding a place where you truly belong. 'Midnight' is a charming tale of adventure and the joy of finding your own happy place

  • von Juan Rockermeier
    18,00 €

    El 25% de las regalías del libro se donará a la investigación del Dr. Seyfried.Este libro es un resumen del trabajo del Dr. Thomas Seyfried "Cancer as a metabolic disease" y comprende transcripciones de sus charlas y entrevistas, así como textos de su colega el Dr. Dominic D'Agostiono y Travis Christofferson (cuya fundación será apoyada por este libro).Aquí la descripción original del libro:El libro aborda las controversias relacionadas con los orígenes del cáncer y ofrece soluciones para su tratamiento y prevención. Amplía la conocida teoría de Otto Warburg de que todo cáncer es una enfermedad del metabolismo energético. Sin embargo, Warburg no relacionó su teoría con los "rasgos distintivos del cáncer", por lo que su teoría fue desacreditada.Este libro pretende aportar pruebas, mediante estudios de casos, de que el cáncer es principalmente una enfermedad metabólica que requiere soluciones metabólicas para su tratamiento y prevención. El apoyo a esta posición se deriva de la evaluación crítica de las teorías actuales sobre el cáncerLos estudios de casos de cáncer de cerebro se presentan como una prueba de principio de las soluciones metabólicas para la gestión de la enfermedad, pero se establecen similitudes con otros tipos de cáncer, incluidos los de mama y colon, debido a las mismas mutaciones celulares que demuestran.

  • von Rita Thomas
    14,00 €

    Big Mama Said is the first in a series of children's books dedicated to all grandmothers who nurture, discipline, inspire, advise, and love their children and others. So many people have succeeded because of the tireless efforts of amazing grandmothers. I highly recommend this book to children of all ages. It emphasizes two crucial lessons - communicating with love instead of anger, and we are stronger together than apart. When we unite and work towards a shared purpose, we can accomplish incredible things and make a positive impact on the world around us.

  • von Bennett Drake
    22,00 €

    Applications can now run in non-traditional environments thanks to the cloud and digitization. They have grown, broken apart, and changed, reflecting the rapidity and intricacy of today's changing business environment. Because of this rapid evolution, the infrastructure supporting these applications has also had to change quickly, leading to the need for containerization-a technology revolutionizing how we create, implement, and scale applications. But as the number of containers increased, so did the need for an orchestrator to effectively oversee them. Presenting Kubernetes, the best container orchestration tool available globally."Kubernetes Demystified: Your Roadmap to Mastering Container Orchestration" is not just a guide; it's your companion in comprehending how this mighty orchestrator can serve your container needs. This e-book is designed for everyone interested in delving into the hype about Kubernetes, whether an IT professional trying to maintain a stable infrastructure or a developer hoping to deliver resilient applications.As a preface for those unaware of these essential technologies, we explore the fundamental ideas behind containers and microservices. By step, we navigate through the enormous Kubernetes ecosystem, learning about its elements, features, and the enchantment it has for our containerized applications. Every chapter reveals a new aspect of Kubernetes, enhanced with real-world examples, case studies, and practical exercises. These sections cover everything from setting up your first cluster to deploying applications, managing storage, implementing advanced deployment techniques, and ensuring everything operates safely.

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