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  • von Carolyn Cole
    12,00 €

    The book is to give HOPE to anyone and to show that change is not always bad but change can also be good even when we think it is bad.CAROLYN COLE- I am a Mother of 5 children and 14 grandchildren. I have gone to hell, and back in my life, my number one desire is to be pleasing to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has brought me through so many different challenges, hurts, losses, injuries, and so much more. As I reflect back on my life, I know I should not be alive, but it's only by the Grace of God that I am here, so I give all Praise, Honor, and Glory to Jesus!!

  • von Stephen C. Simms
    44,00 - 52,00 €

  • von Oscar "Ofoesho" Roberts
    16,00 €

    This book is a deep dive into my life story and the changes I've made along the way. Decisions good and bad and the effect of life in all of them so far. Oscar "Ofoesho" Roberts was born in Richmond, Virginia, and Raised in a religious and musically driven family. At the age of 4, his father decided to move the entire family from VA to LA to pursue his music and acting career. His father is also the nephew of the late great Ella Fitzgerald, which would make Oscar the great-nephew. With that Move, Oscar's interest grew rapidly. At an early age, he was writing poetry and rap songs till one day, he decided to take music and acting to the next level. Throughout his career as an artist, he has worked with high-profile/top artists and talent. Through much adversity and failures, Oscar decided to take his talents to a professional level to represent talent and protect them from all the madness in this business. So, he became a master facilitator/manager, A&R executive and never looked back. Now Oscar is running Ozone World with his Artist Zavi, who is also the CEO of Ozone World and Oscar is currently The President of Xstream Global Solutions & The Made Network and he is bridging many positions worldwide due to another side of his family legacy being the great-great-great grandson of Liberia's 1st President Joseph Jenkins Roberts, Oscar has leveraged his family history and legacy to bring a " Smart Africa/World Initiative Project" to your smart phone tv, etc. Through his family's revolutionary application called The XStream App revolutionary technology that will change the world. Oscar is a master facilitator who is finally getting his just due. Ready for the world and all it has to offer.

  • von David Gunnip
    15,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Juanita R. Vedder
    16,00 €

    RIP. Rest in peace. Why is it that when a loved one passes away, the family and friends say, "Rest in peace?" Are the dead really in peace? The dead know nothing, so how could that person be in peace? So, what is the truth behind this saying? God makes it clear in His word where people go after they die. Is there such a thing as life after death, or is death the end of life? People have different opinions about this. People need to know the truth about where they will spend eternity when they die, and not just someone's opinion except the fact that no one wants to know the truth, and if they did know the truth, they would not tell the deceased person's family that their deceased loved one is spending eternity in hell and being tormented daily. Imagine this: You are at your loved one's funeral, and you say, "Rest in peace," and then someone says to you, "Why are you saying that? This person lived a life of wickedness, cheating, hurting people, lying to people, and stealing from people, and you say, 'Rest in peace.' Why should that person be in peace? What did they do to deserve peace? That person is going to hell, and in hell, there is no peace." Is this something you want to hear at a funeral? Too many people are being deceived by this saying only because it helps those who are hurting to clear their minds. Yes, granted, that person's body is dead, but are they dead? Or are they living beyond their grave? The spirit is very much alive. So once again, is that person resting in peace, or how would a person even know? What about you? Where would you spend eternity if you were to die right now? Read this book and find out. All knowledge of this book has been inspired by God and is backed up by the word of God in it.

  • von Lynn Roberson
    13,00 €

    Hope for Weary SoulsWhat does it mean to be soul-weary?Maybe you already know the answer far too well. And what is Hearts-ease? Literally, it is a small, cheerful flower which resembles pansies and violets. In flower meanings it represents peace, rest, healing. Ease for your heart-ache, your heart-break. Jesus is the true source of ease for our hearts. He makes this special promise to every weary soul:"Come unto Me, all ye who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls."-Matthew 11:28.I hope this little book of true stories, dreams, and humorous anecdotes from my own very personal journey will give you Hearts-ease. I pray that in its pages your soul will find rest."There is so much peace and joy in Lynn's writing. It's almost liquid right off the page. She wants us, the readers, to truly know His love, to rest in His work, to look forward to Heaven, and so much more."-Rev. Laurie Langley, Evangel Cathedral"The story on page 15 alone is worth the price of the book. I wish I could respond to harsh people just like Lynn did!"-Rev. Arthur Holt, Spartanburg, SC.Author of "What I Have Come to Believe" and "People of My Journey""I personally read Lynn's book many times. Her down to earth writing reads as comfort food for the soul. I unfortunately was incarcerated when first I read it; but it quickly became the most popular book among our daily prayer group. Three men were moved to fully accept Christ as their Savior and myself finally accepted the calling God laid on me. Read the book and may God bless you and keep you."-"Preacher" - former inmate of Madison County Jail.

  • von David Remer
    36,00 - 49,00 €

  • von T. F. Fig
    20,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Samuel Andrews
    13,00 €

    Radio Broadcaster and singer Samuel Andrews shares his journey to find purpose and meaning through travel, introspection, and faith. Join Samuel as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, traveling from the US to Europe and immersing himself in new cultures while on a quest to find his true calling.Along the way, he confronts his fears, discovers the power of forgiveness, and learns to trust in a higher power. This uplifting and inspiring tale will have you packing your bags and setting off on your own journey of self-discovery.Samuel Andrews studied at the Multnomah School of the Bible and graduated from the National Broadcasting School in Portland, Oregon.Samuel was the first African American broadcaster hired at KPDQ AM/FM located in Portland, Oregon, while it was a Christian format; Samuel currently lives in Los Angeles, CA. Samuel lived in Germany for 11 years, working in a Christian Missionary singing group with Joan Faulkner and also working as an artist recording the Find My Home / Price EP with Peter Hauptfleisch from the group Freshmoods. Samuel has been able to travel to more than 15 countries as of this date.

  • von Nicholas Licausi
    21,00 €

    When I wrote all my books, it felt as if I were immersed in the scenes, watching a vivid movie unfold. I made a conscious effort to convey the content in a fictional, dynamic, and empowering way.Our hope is that someday, an individual or entity with financial resources, perhaps even from within the government, will undertake the development of a medical computer as described in these three books. This advanced medical computer would possess the capability to diagnose illnesses, identify optimal treatments, and halt the spread of viruses such as COVID-19. The most challenging aspect for us was the editing process, for which I sought assistance. Nevertheless, the journey of crafting the three books has been immensely enjoyable.The author has a degree in Aerospace Engineering and has worked for some of the biggest companies in the world. He has worked as an Engineer, a Programmer, a Manager, and an Executive. He is now retired and enjoying the fruits of his labor.I am motivated to write this book due to the positive reception of my previous works, namely "The Medical Project" and "Self-Help and Mental Health Path to Wellness," which inspired me to write this book. Additionally, the lack of progress in the medical industry in harnessing the available computing power, along with other global issues that could benefit from computer technology, compelled me to undertake these projects.While this book is fictional, it contains numerous projects with ideas that have the potential to improve the world. Given the interest in adapting the first book into a movie, I decided that it would be prudent to write a second and third book in anticipation of a potential series.Nicholas LicausiNow that I am retired from my positions as an engineer, programmer, manager, and executive in several large companies, I have decided to pursue writing. It allows me to explore ideas aimed at truth, justice and a better tomorrow. Given the fictional nature of this book, I can envision and bring to life the transformations from within the government and into society that I believe should occur.

  • von James Frazee
    20,00 - 29,00 €

  • von A. Laureano
    17,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Shawn T. Tilley
    17,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Sidney L. Jackson
    23,00 €

    The fight between good and evil is a war that has been raging since the world was created. Every man and every woman is affected by how the progenitors of the properties have influenced their lives and how their responses to the stimulus created a way of life for them. Monica Miller, the heroine of this story, suffers from a curse she inherited from her father, who is also a victim of the curse from his father. How does it play out in her life's struggles?A maze of life's journey is the setting as she tries to navigate her way through the various challenges, pitfalls, trials, and tribulations that all the vicissitudes of life have to offer. Many ways to travel are presented, but to discover the right way and have the curse broken, she must learn the truth. Discovering the right way can only be found when she learns that there is only one way, and that is by Finding The Way (I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life - John 14:6)...

  • von Rebecca Borchardt
    18,00 €

    Stacey's life takes an unexpected turn when her best friend attacks her and she escapes the fight, only to be hit by a car. Her boyfriend's family invites her to stay with them for the medical treatment she needs, in Madison. What she doesn't know is that there is a guy who is desperate for her matter how he receives that love. He comes after her and she struggles against him. Will she be able to move on? Will she be able to get comforted by her boyfriend without fear? Will she be able to trust God with her future?Rebecca Borchardt lives in Wisconsin with her husband, Eric, and 3 children, Amelia, Michael, and Gabriella. She is a stay-at-home mom and volunteers at her church. In her free-time, she enjoys writing, reading, sewing, crocheting, and being with family.

  • von Shawn William Davis
    24,00 €

  • von Iona Hollins
    13,00 €

    Can you look at a life with its twists and turns and predict the outcome of that life? Many people; including teachers, psychologists, and other professionals believe that circumstances determine outcomes; that broken lives are the automatic consequence of poverty, divorce, discrimination, abuse, or a myriad of other factors. This is often true, but every now and then something happens; God intervenes, and circumstances become stepping stones. As one who has lived it, I know that circumstances don't define, but enable and fortify; and can be used to declare the awesome power of a loving God in the life of His child. This story is true. I am a living testimony of the power of God.Iona Hollins graduated from Hayti (Negro) Central High School as Valedictorian in May 1959. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in Education at Chicago State University and a Master of Arts in Counseling at Governors State University in Park Forest, Illinois. She has spent 42 years teaching in the public schools of Chicago, Illinois, and Missouri. She retired from the Ferguson-Florissant School District in 2007. She spends her time volunteering in her grandchildren's school library, her church library, researching her ancestry, teaching the women's Bible class, and writing books for children. This is her 5th book.

  • von Sharon M. Jones
    26,00 €

  • von Peggy Whitaker
    16,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Terrance D. Gibson Sr.
    17,00 €

    Man Up: The Revolution, is an inspirational guidebook to get men from where they are to where they're supposed to be in God. All the IMPORTANT STEPS are covered! God has a perfect plan for every man's life. But we have allowed the enemy to stop us from fulfilling God's plan. It's time for men to lace up their bootstraps, turn back to God, be a man, and start a Revolution. The whole world is counting on us! God created men to lead this world for Him. Let us Man Up and do God's will! Amen!!!Terrance D. Gibson Sr. is a Christian, Husband, Father of 3 sons and 3 daughters, Pastor, Author, and Businessman. He is totally devoted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making sure everyone he can reach hears about Jesus. He is the Senior Pastor of Jesus is Love Ministries, Hampton GA. This is the first of many books to come. Please support him as he supports the Jesus Revolution. God Bless!!!

  • von Gloria D. Burgess
    16,00 €

    The story is about a young boy at the age of twelve, who faces a complete overhaul in his life; from the loss of his mother to moving with an unknown father. So much in such a short period of time. In the midst of his transitions, he encounters another new relationship that no one will ever believe. This is the first fiction title written by Ms. Burgess. As a social worker, and Christian counselor, she chose a title that would hopefully appeal to children, by blending grief with fantasy. Ms. Burgess lives in Philadelphia.

  • von Rosie Riddick
    21,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Siamak Vakili
    16,00 €

    A young physician who doesn't desire motherhood lives alone; until one night, when she finds a naked little boy in her bathroom.The boy doesn't remember anything. The woman calls the police. The police can not take him to the station because he is just a little boy, and they cannot find his parents because he does not remember anything. Due to the holiday, the police can not take him to the nursery or anything similar. So the young physician has to care for him till after the holiday. In the few days ahead, she cares for the boy but the questions are: who is this boy? Where has he come from? Why he is in her bathroom? Is he real or just a sparkle of her passion she has tried to ignore for a long time? And, finally, can this incident wake motherhood up deep inside her?In Motherhood, by Siamak Vakili, we experience the universe playing a trick to wake the nature that lies deepest inside, and shows that it's very hard to escape from who we really are.From ages 24-25, Siamak Vakili worked as a journalist in Iran. He wrote literary critiques and articles about stories. He relocated to Norway and lived there for almost 20 years. There, he worked on short stories and novels and earned his Norwegian citizenship. Then, he moved to the United States for almost five years. His novel, Motherhood, was translated from Persian to English and is his latest work.

  • von Obi Nnanna Nwabugwu
    15,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Derby Schafer
    16,00 €

    The story of Eko and Indra continues about two weeks after their last adventures in "The Perfect Season." Eko and Indra today are the world's most recognized people on Earth. The Young Men being 20 years of age have done more good for the entire world in little over a year since being discovered by the Agent for the Baseball Team, The Conquistadors. Their story and adventures continue not only in Sports/Olympics yet also to make the world a better place for all of mankind and all living things. Roger "Derby" Schafer has published 12 books and enjoys writing and sharing stories that actually began while coaching youths in Ice and Roller Hockey. Born in New Mexico and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, Derby values his family, friends, and loved ones. The Eko and Indra books are about being Great, down-to-earth people. In their free time, the Twin brothers have built homes and schools for the poor. Provide fresh, clean water and medicine to those most in need. They also create sanctuaries for endangered animals worldwide.

  • von Joseph D. Smith
    17,00 €

    The "Serendipity of Marriage" is based on biblical scrip-teaching. Reverend Smith as a minister, has been consoling men, women, and couples for over twenty years, discussing their difference in the behavior of the opposite gender. To help them better understand their role in their relationship, Rev. Smith would direct them to scripture, where they are able to feel their role within their relationship. Marriage is a sacred union before God; it does not matter how difficult your relationship is, with your husband or wife, because if you first have that relationship between you and God, then your relationship between your husband or wife will be a benefactor of your relationship with God. We should not go into marriage because of money or other material wants, but it should be based on "LOVE" and only "LOVE." Everything else that you receive after marriage would be a blessing from God.¿¿Rev. Dr. Joseph D. Smith is the fifth of eight children. He was born in Connecticut and was ordained as a Deacon there in 1979 at St. James Baptist church. Rev. Smith accepted his calling to the Ministry ten years later, was licensed as a Minister in 1990, and was ordained in 1995, serving as the assistant to the Pastor at Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church in Massachusetts. A data processing system analyst, he is married with two daughters and now lives in North Carolina; and loves playing the drums, chess, and listing to gospel music.

  • von Karen East
    22,00 €

    In the middle of the twenty-first century, the War on Terror has been going on for decades. Major corporations control both the government and the economy, and the resulting relaxation of environmental laws has caused pollution to go unchecked. All borders of the United States have been closed, and travel outside one's neighborhood is often viewed with suspicion. The Department of Homeland Security controls the media, written history, education, and individual freedoms.Thirty-year-old Janet Ryan works as a reporter for the Minneapolis Herald, where she writes stories that have been prepared for her by Homeland Security. Her parents reach the age for mandatory placement in a nursing home, and they escape the country to avoid confinement. Then Janet runs into a childhood friend who introduces her to a group of people skeptical about the government's restrictions and the loss of freedom. Janet has the chance to travel to northern Wisconsin to meet with an elderly woman who sought asylum on an Ojibwe reservation. There she encounters people who live happily without technology or competition. But what will happen when her visits-which are illegal-are discovered?Set in a future where a powerful corporate government strictly controls personal freedoms, this novel follows one woman as she learns of a different way to live.Karen East is a retired marriage and family therapist. She worked with several Midwest tribes. She has two children, a grandson, and four great-grandchildren.

  • von Harry Kroner
    15,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Deandre Dorsey
    12,98 - 24,00 €

  • von Marilyn Smith-Hawkins
    16,00 €

    "When am I going home?" Dawn asked.I wanted badly to give her an encouraging answer. I was running out of ways to comfort her. Before the nurse gave Dawn a shot to put her to sleep, I told her, "The test the doctors do today will help them decide what's wrong with you.""Yes, but I don't want them to hurt me anymore."I took her in my arms and said, "Oh, Dawn, you've been so brave. I pray this is the last test you have to go through."But it wasn't the last test. In an instant, the lives of Dawn Marie Smith and her family were torn apart when doctors delivered the dreaded diagnosis - brain cancer. If radiation was effective, they said, Dawn might live three to five years. If the treatment didn't work, she would die in six months.While the family struggled to comprehend Dawn's diagnosis, they realized it was only the first step of an arduous journey. There seemed to be no end to the doctor visit and hospital stays. In The Shining Eyes of Dawn, Marilyn Smith recounts Dawn's courageous battle with cancer, even as she dealt with physical and mental afflictions.MARILYN SMITH-HAWKINS lives in Florida. She desires her family's experience with cancer to minister to others and plans to donate proceeds from her book to cancer charities for children.

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