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  • von Antony J. Gregory
    29,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Ray Young
    65,00 - 75,00 €

  • von Tony Perez
    12,00 €

    9 lives & Still Running is about A man's will to survive by overcoming three craniotomies for brain cancer. The Author, Tony Perez, believes that much tenacity and his Faith in Yeshua-Al Messiah is the essence of his will to survive as he depicts his testimony through this book. Although having to go through three craniotomies for brain cancer, this is only the beginning of what evolved over the years in battling cancer with chemotherapy, radiation, and full paralysis, not to mention; the overwhelming cost of medical treatment. However, if you know the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Jehova- Shama, He is faithful and true to His seed.As a Messianic Jew in Christ, Tony Perez has been in missionary service for over 20 years, with extensive missions experience that includes pioneering new church plants, hosting city-wide evangelistic rallies, establishing discipleship programs, and starting Bible Schools. Over the years, Pastor Tony's ministry has ministered in the United States, as well as in Mexico, Holland, Spain, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Honduras, and Israel. His strong and uncompromising pulpit ministry brings a fresh revelation of G-D's love, anointing, and Redemptive Word. He and his wife, Dr. Carol, and son Dominick live in Mission, Texas, down South in the Rio Grande Valley sector. If you would like to contact Pastor Tony for speaking engagements, he may be reached via email: or via cell 361-228-2064.

  • von T. A. Duggan
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von F. G. Ghamsari
    13,00 €

    Life is a short journey, and in this short journey, there are many tasks. We have to breathe, drink water, and eat to stay alive. We have to sleep to have energy, to associate with others, to educate ourselves in order to have better lives, to have fun, to work, so it can provide for us, and... On the way to this journey, we have to stop once in a while and think about others and about the future of the world. The topics in A Basket of Goodies are deeply interwoven with our daily lives, and we are witnessing tragedies related to one subject in this book or another. By learning from each other and reflecting on the existing pain, we can prevent some of these tragedies. This book encourages humanity to overcome differences and seeks everlasting peace for all of humankind by understanding important social and economic differences and problems. If a young person can learn some things from it, it has completed its purpose. If it can bring a shed of joy to an elderly person, it has done better. And if it provides knowledge to a middle-aged person, it has done excellently. I consider this work as a part of my contribution to all that I owe to the world.

  • von Crnp Dennis Butler
    14,00 - 20,00 €

  • von Dominic Di Giamarino
    15,00 €

    As I review my general surroundings, I am somewhat confused. The children of today are being bombarded and consumed by the continual assault of cyber technology, and I have this worrisome feeling that they are progressing to oblivion. Let us hope that I am wrong and their childhoods were and will be as simple and happy as mine.Dominic is a retired educator and resides in Arizona. This is his first book.

  • von Dan Rodgers
    17,00 €

    Before I wrote this book, I interviewed police officers, detectives, police chiefs, captains, and sergeants. Many of these fine groups of people told me that the atrocities in my book happen every day.I was told that there are many people in law enforcement that are like the main character, David Stone. David Stone takes the law into his own hands and gets rid of the bad guys and only the bad guys. I have asked most of the law enforcement people if I could quote them directly and use their names.Each and every one of them emphatically told me no! Some disclosed to me that there are people, good, honorable people, even today are getting rid of the bad guys.Generally, the criminals that rape and torture their victims are the ones that never make it to court. At times during my interviews, I was surprised at what I was entrusted with.Therefore, I did not know if I could place my book under nonfiction, based on true events, or fiction, describing imaginary events.Needless to say, I dislike violent criminals, Blacks that hate Whites, Whites that hate Blacks, Mexicans who hate both Blacks and Whites, and Blacks that hate Mexicans.Some say my book is too graphic. However, it is based on true events.Dan Rodgers was drafted into the Army and sent to Vietnam for the Vietnam War. He was a squad leader and sergeant and was involved in the Tet Offensive. He was wounded twice and received two Purple Hearts. He wrote his book "Call Me Sergeant Rock" as an exercise to relieve stress. He lives near Houston and is a writer and race car and jet boat driver.Dan Rodgers, the author of the best-seller, "CALL ME SERGEANT ROCK," also wrote this book you are about to read.

  • von Dan Rodgers
    26,00 €

    SERGEANT ROCK evolved from a naïve, morally good, Christian, church-going, baseball-playing, skinny little college kid to a hardcore well-trained killing machine in Vietnam. From California to the Tet Offensive of 1968, the cultural shock is overwhelming! He is thrust into war and killing. He finds that his approach to life and death has to be changed quickly and is pressured to change his values, but he holds fast to his beliefs.Sergeant Rock's company loses all but thirteen men in just two hours in a single Tet Offensive battle. His faith increases when he actually meets his guardian angel amidst a desperate battle. He knows he needs help, for he cannot save everyone by himself, and staying alive comes at a premium price. It takes a quantum amount of deaths to save a few. Sergeant Rock knows whom he can depend on to save lives. He knows which men to watch because if they don't adhere to his directions, they, or someone else, will die.How much can our minds take before they crack? Sergeant Rock believes that it is only through divine intervention that he is alive to tell his story.Dan Rodgers was drafted into the Army and sent to Vietnam for the Vietnam War. He was a squad leader and sergeant and was involved in the Tet Offensive. He was wounded twice and received two Purple Hearts. He wrote his book "Call Me Sergeant Rock" as an exercise to relieve stress. He lives near Houston and is a writer and race car and jet boat driver.

  • von Robert a. Holloway
    15,00 €

    Trouble in Paradise is the third trilogy of Christian novels called the "Jenson Series." Having presented the rise and blessings of the Jensons, from the conviction and imprisonment of Rusty Jenson to his conversion and his attempts to make amends for his criminal wrongs and his faithful Christian living, book three includes tragedies that come to the family and their response to them. The author attempts to picture life as it is with its successes and trials. It is often said that what happens to us is not as important as how we respond to it. Like all of us who claim to be Christian, the Jenson family will have the opportunity to compromise their faith or exercise it in real-life situations. Robert and his wife, Evelyn, live on a few acres in rural North Louisiana. Their sixty-four years of marriage have been blessed with four children and their families.Through the years, he has earned a B.A. with a major in religion from Louisiana [Baptist] College, an M.A. in English from the University of Louisiana at Monroe, a Master of Divinity, and a Doctor of Ministry from Luther Rice Seminary. In addition, he has done further studies at Louisiana State University.For most of his adult life, Holloway has been a pastor of Baptist churches, and until his retirement, he also taught for twenty-three of those years in the English Department of the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He continues to serve as pastor of the Watson Baptist Church of West Monroe, Louisiana.

  • von Michael D'Ambrosio
    17,00 €

  • von Jack Lauber
    23,00 €

    Thomas and Cory were best friends. Their lives in southern Utah were quiet and predictable until they met Tobias. Tobias wasn't quite from Earth. And he wasn't alone.Remmick was tracking Tobias. He wanted what Tobias had; secrets to traveling through space. He intended to make the boys' lives miserable until he got it. That included prison in a clandestine location in Nevada. With Tobias, his sister, Thomas, Cory, and Lori, Cory's girlfriend, in custody, he expected to realize his goal.With their lives at stake, the boys had to find a way to escape and find their families. In the process, they would discover who Tobias really was and what his father could do to aid them.Jack Lauber was born in Phoenix, Arizona, and has been writing his whole life. With the love of his life, he has fathered eight children and is a grandfather to 30 grandchildren. He now lives in Provo, Utah, and continues to work with children and adults in the nearby school systems.

  • von Dave Spiering
    17,00 €

    Imagine an unexpected guest showed up at your house. Would you be scrambling around, wiping down countertops, and straightening up couch cushions? What preparations would you need to make to get your house in order?Now imagine that Jesus was that special visitor. Is your spiritual house in order?If not, I Surrender All is a wonderful tool for all Christians ready to get serious about their faith and make preparations for the Lord's return. Author Dave Spiering reminds us that holiness and obedience are not options; they are commands. God desires for us to be informed of the truth, transformed into the image of Christ, and called into spiritual service. We find true happiness when we seek to know and please God.Be encouraged as you receive spiritual nourishment and learn to say I Surrender All.Dave Spiering and his wife live in Lamar, Missouri. He has bachelor's degrees in both arts and theology from Central Christian College. For the past twenty-five years, Spiering has served at Milford Christian Church in several ministries, teaching Junior Church, helping with nursing home and hospital services, and heading a Sunday School class. He has also been active in the Right To Life movement since 1979, serving as chairman of the board for the Missouri Right to Life since 1993.

  • von Dominik Poleski
    19,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Joshua Liddell
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Robert Holloway
    14,00 €

    Falling Acorns is the sequel to Deep Runs the River, which introduces Rusty Jenson, a young man whose lifestyle put him in prison, where he was saved. Then he returned to his hometown to make amends for the wrongs he had done. Falling Acorns follows up on his offspring and other family members as they follow in his footsteps with faith in Christ. They face some of the same challenges as most families - youthful indiscretion, drug use, death, business matters, and service - and deal with them masterfully.Robert and his wife, Evelyn, live on a few acres in rural North Louisiana. Their sixty-four years of marriage have been blessed with four children and their families.Through the years, he has earned a B.A. with a major in religion from Louisiana [Baptist] College, an M.A. in English from the University of Louisiana at Monroe, a Master of Divinity, and a Doctor of Ministry from Luther Rice Seminary. In addition, he has done further studies at Louisiana State University.For most of his adult life, Holloway has been a pastor of Baptist churches, and until his retirement, he also taught for twenty-three of those years in the English Department of the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He continues to serve as pastor of the Watson Baptist Church of West Monroe, Louisiana.

  • von Mai
    13,00 €

  • von David Barsky
    14,00 - 20,00 €

  • von Robert Holloway
    15,00 €

    Few of us will ever know the depths of despair and punishment that a drug and alcohol-crazed life earned Rusty, the principal character of Deep Runs the River. But while living out the consequences, he experiences the power to succeed morally and spiritually. Believing that he had wronged others, he is driven to make amends and earn forgiveness, reconciliation, and friendship. Along the way, he discovers the truth, reaches his goals, and finds true love.Robert and his wife, Evelyn, live on a few acres in rural North Louisiana. Their sixty-four years of marriage have been blessed with four children and their families.Through the years, he has earned a B.A. with a major in religion from Louisiana [Baptist] College, an M.A. in English from the University of Louisiana at Monroe, a Master of Divinity, and a Doctor of Ministry from Luther Rice Seminary. In addition, he has done further studies at Louisiana State University.For most of his adult life, Holloway has been a pastor of Baptist churches, and until his retirement, he also taught for twenty-three of those years in the English Department of the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He continues to serve as pastor of the Watson Baptist Church of West Monroe, Louisiana.

  • von Louis H. Dumas
    15,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Douglas Knight
    20,00 €

    Josh Crockett, psychiatrist, and author, returns to his hometown in Indiana to teach and encourage a church youth group. He meets and falls in love with Marcy James, who has recently ended a relationship with a married man. The church leadership feels Josh's interest in Ms. James is a distraction causing them to doubt whether Josh is the right example for their youth. What lies ahead for Josh at this bend in the river? Is it love or lust? Success or failure?Doug Knight earned both bachelor's and master's degrees in English. He spent many years working with youth of all ages as a teacher, professor, and church youth leader in Indiana, Kentucky, and North Carolina. Doug Knight has authored two other fiction novels after publishing A River Bend, Through the Valley of the Shadow, and On Satan's Island.

  • von Darleen Turner
    20,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Franz Rothe
    25,00 - 31,00 €

  • von J. Arvid Ellison
    20,00 €

    An enjoyable romp through exaggerated use of apple dancing, as children give to others out of the concept of "Goodness Grows." The teacher sets the example in the beginning.J. Arvid Ellison is a retired U.S. Army Colonel. He attributes his love for storytelling to his Father, who made up stories in a dark tent at night while camping in the mountains of Colorado. He writes his stories today from a blend of fact, fiction, & Fun. He wants children to adopt the principles exampled in the stories. J. Arvid has written many books for all ages.

  • von D. M. Bogacho
    15,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Virginia C. Mckinley
    19,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Kimberly Cole
    20,00 - 27,00 €

  • von D. E. Williams
    21,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Ana B Castano
    12,00 - 22,00 €

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