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  • von Alex McAnders
    20,00 €

    Claude Harper pensait que son avenir dans le football-et avec son meilleur ami, Merri-était foutu, jusqu'à ce que son passé le rattrape avec une offre qu'il n'a pas vue venir. Merri, entraîneur adjoint d'une équipe professionnelle, doit trouver un quarterback capable de changer la donne pour conserver son emploi, et il croit que Claude a toujours le c¿ur et le bras dont il est tombé amoureux. Mais le départ de Claude de son équipe universitaire, et de la vie de Merri, ne se résume pas au football ; des sentiments intenses l'un pour l'autre et des conflits d'identité les ont éloignés l'un de l'autre. Aujourd'hui, armée d'espoir et d'un sourire, Merri se rend dans la petite ville de Claude dans le Tennessee avec une offre. L'objectif est clair: Merri doit faire en sorte que Claude lui pardonne d'avoir commis l'impensable, puis faire en sorte que Claude emménage avec lui pour l'été afin de s'entraîner... et surtout de ne pas retomber amoureux de lui. C'est simple, non? Mais lorsque les jours d'entraînement se transforment en nuits torrides, ces deux-là parviendront-ils à gérer leurs sentiments, un propriétaire d'équipe étroit d'esprit et un ex aigri, qui tentent de les séparer? Et quand les rires font place aux larmes et aux confessions déchirantes, que se passera-t-il ensuite? Leur amour et leur passion commune pour le sport permettront-ils de marquer l'ultime touchdown? Ou bien les blessures du passé et les obstacles qui se dressent empêcheront-ils ces meilleurs amis d'avoir la deuxième chance qu'ils désirent désespérément? Note: Ce livre fait partie de la collection de l'auteur L'amour est Amour , signifiant qu'il est disponible sous forme de romance épicée dans Ma Deuxième Chance , une romance torride de métamorphes loups, une romance Homme/Homme dans les Problèmes de Deuxième Chance , et une romance HH de métamorphes loups..

  • von Alex McAnders
    18,00 €

    Claude Harper thought his future in football-and with his best friend, Merri-had been sacked, until his past rushed back with an offer he never saw coming. Merri, an assistant coach for a pro team, needs to find a game-changing quarterback to keep his job, and he believes Claude still has the heart and arm he fell in love with. But Claude's departure from his college team, and Merri's life, was about more than football; intense feelings for each other and identity struggles drove them apart.Now, armed with hope and a smile, Merri heads to Claude's small Tennessee town with an offer. The game plan is clear: Merri must get Claude to forgive him for doing the unthinkable, and then get Claude to move in with him for the summer to train... and not fall in love with him again. Simple, right?But when practice days turn into steamy nights, can the two navigate their feelings, a close-minded team owner, and a bitter ex, all of which are fighting to keep them apart? And when laughter is replaced with tear-streaked cheeks, and heart-breaking confessions, what comes next?Will their shared love for the sport and each other score the ultimate touchdown? Or will past wounds and twisting obstacles keep these best friends from the second chance they both desperately desire?Note: This book is a part of the author's 'Love is Love Collection', meaning that it is available as a spicy romance in 'My Second Chance', a steamy wolf shifter romance, a Male/Male romance in 'Second Chance Trouble', and a MM wolf shifter romance.

  • - So It Doesn't Mean You're Gay
    von Cristian Youngmiller
    11,00 €

    This bestselling book has been positively reviewed by Child Care Experts. It is appropriate for boys and girls trying to understand their sexuality and parents looking for the right words to discuss sexuality with their children. Jack is a 13 year old boy that has been having confusing thoughts. And after his friends laughed at him for it, it's up to Jack's dad to help Jack to understand; why he's having those thoughts, and to explain to Jack that everybody has those thoughts once in a while. Respectfully Discusses: - Why straight people can have gay thoughts - Why straight people can become aroused by same sex situations - The Kinsey Scale - and more

  • von Cristian Youngmiller
    12,00 €

    This bestselling book has been positively reviewed by Child Care Experts. It is appropriate for boys ages 8 and up and parents looking for the right words to discuss masturbation with their children.This bestselling book has been positively reviewed by Child Care Experts. It is appropriate for boys ages 8 and up and parents looking for the right words to discuss masturbation with their children.About the Story: Billy is a 10 year old boy with a big problem. His older brother just told him that he was going to grow hair on his hands. Now it's up to Billy's dad to explain to Billy that what he was doing was normal and OK.Respectfully Discusses: - What is masturbation - Why it feels good - Who does it - Where it's appropriate - Masturbation hygiene - and more

  • von Cristian Youngmiller
    19,00 €

    'The First Day After Life' is about a psychic who dies and then tours the afterlife looking for God so that God can explain to him why his life didn't turn out the way that he expected. The story flips back and forth between his human life and the one after to show how the afterlife came into existence and to explain why bad things happen to good people.The Story Synopsis:Tian, a young psychic with overwhelming personal demons and a strong sense of purpose dies suddenly and arrives in the afterlife to an unexpected world outside of heaven. Irabell, his guide, shows Tian that the afterworld is a repository for more than just humans, and explains to him the mystery behind his psychic abilities. Disturbed by what he learns, Tian escapes his guide and breaks into heaven.There Tian meets a 1500 year old, discontented heavenly resident who shares with him the secret of heaven and god. Tian's otherworldly journey is cut short when he is forced to make the most important decision of his life. He can choose to stay in the afterlife and reap the rewards he has sown during a difficult life, or he can return to his broken body and complete the journey he was truly meant to take.

  • von Cristian Youngmiller
    10,48 €

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