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Bücher veröffentlicht von Red Quill Books

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  • von Karl Marx
    38,00 €

  • von Justin Piché
    44,00 €

    In the 1960s-70s, the abolition of prisons was considered a desirable and viable policy option among a growing number of critical prison scholars and organizers. Penal system bureaucrats and their political masters in several western liberal democracies also sought a significant reduction in the use of incarceration. Yet, despite this rhetoric and the growth of alternatives to incarceration that ensued, prison populations in many parts of the world instead began to soar.It is in this context that Louk Hulsman, a founder of prison abolitionism, suggested that the abolition of prisons depended not on the creation of community-based sanctions, but on the abolition of criminalization and punishment as a way of thinking about and responding to 'crime'.While Hulsman's call for penal abolition became influential amongst scholars and activists, the complexity of his analysis and its origins have often been overlooked. In part, this is due to the fact that he unpacked his ideas in the greatest depth during a course of interviews with Jacqueline Bernat de Celis in Peines perdues : le système pénal en question (Le centurion, 1982).This edited anthology seeks to address this gap by providing the de Celis interviews in English for the first time and including reflections by academics, activists, politicians, policymakers, and practitioners analyzing the global impact of Louk Hulsman's life and work. In so doing, this project highlights the contemporary viability of abolitionism, along with the challenges faced by its proponents.

  • von Marc James Leger
    44,00 €

  • - Materialismo Historico
    von Karl Marx
    21,00 €

  • - Materialisme Historique
    von Karl Marx
    21,00 €

    "Un spectre hante l'Europe : le spectre du communisme. Toutes les puissances de la vieille Europe se sont unies en une Sainte-Alliance pour traquer ce spectre : le pape et le tsar, Metternich et Guizot, les radicaux de France et les policiers d'Allemagne..."Un spectre peine silencieusement dans les champs brûlés par le soleil. Il parcourt des villages dont les places sont poussiéreuses. Il trime dur à des corvées sur les planchers crasseux des usines. Il fouille les ordures dans les ruelles des bidonvilles. Il flotte au-dessus des cubicules dressés en rangs serrés dans les tours à bureaux. Où le capitalisme parade, notre spectre le suit sans faire de bruit. Il s'arrête auprès des aliénés, des pauvres et des exploités. Il est témoin de millions de hurlements silencieux. Et de plus en plus, nous apercevons ce fantôme. Mais pourquoi une version illustrée? Simplement pour revivifier le texte. Pour le rendre accessible à une nouvelle audience. Pour nous aider à mieux comprendre notre soif innée pour la promesse de meilleurs lendemains, et pour rencontrer à nouveau un pamphlet politique qui aura forgé les fondations idéologiques d'une des époques la plus idéaliste - mais aussi la plus répressive - de l'histoire humaine.

  • - The Proletariat
    von Karl Marx
    21,00 €

  • - La Burguesia
    von Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
    22,00 €

  • - La Bourgeoisie
    von Karl Marx
    22,00 €

  • - El Proletariado
    von Karl Marx
    22,00 €

  • - Le Proletariat
    von Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
    22,00 €

  • - Readings on Pacification
    48,00 €

  • - The Bourgeoisie
    von Karl Marx
    21,00 €

  • von Mark (University of Queensland) Hayes
    49,00 €

  • - Policing the Neoliberal Crisis
    85,00 €

  • - French Penal Politics and the Punitive Turn
    von Jean Berard
    45,00 €

  • - Neoliberalism, Organized Labour and the Canadian State
    46,00 €

  • - Neoliberalism, Islamist Politics and the Akp Years in Turkey
    55,00 €

  • - Discourses of Marginality - Marginalizing Disoourses
    57,00 €

  • - Critical Readings
    46,00 €

  • - An Introductory Assemblage of Crucial Concepts
    36,00 €

    46,00 €

  • - Critical Social Research in Critical Times
    31,00 €

  • - Interview in Venice
    40,00 €

    Revolutionary, philosopher, best-selling author, political prisoner and one-time exile, Antonio Negri is today considered one of the world's most influential radicals. His long-standing participation in political struggle and his contemporary analysis of social movements have reshaped the way we view resistance and the potential for revolution in an age of globalization.Claudio Calia takes us on an intimate visit to Negri's Venice home as we sit amidst busts of Lenin, communist propaganda, and the ghosts of 1968. A truly insightful book that traces the connections between Negri's revolutionary experiences and his most recent thinking on "multitudes". Beautifully illustrated and elegantly narrated, the book is both indispensible to the beginner yet a must-have for readers already familiar with Negri's works."I'm rather old now... Claudio has given me back my youth. He interpreted the years when I fought, with joy, together with a multitude of comrades, for a generous idea of democracy. Claudio knows how to show the energy, the wisdom and the hope of that epoch..."- Antonio Negri

  • - Shattering the Myth of Canadian Exceptionalism
    38,00 €

  • - Political Economy and Security in the Age of Enlightenment
    104,00 €

  • - Political Economy and Security in the Age of Enlightenment
    62,00 €

  • - The Institutional Web, Normativity and the Social Bond
    von Michalis Lianos
    50,00 €

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