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Bücher veröffentlicht von Red Wheel/Weiser

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  • - Tools for Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit
    von Alberto (Alberto Villoldo) Villoldo
    21,00 €

    "Profound age-old wisdom in twelve stories of profound transformation and growth." --Joe Dispenza, bestselling author of Breaking the Habit of Yourself The Wisdom, Power, and Beauty of Shamanic Energy Medicine One of the pioneers in energy healing and shamanism recounts twelve miraculous stories in which, through the use of shamanic energetic techniques, people experience extraordinary physical and emotional healings. Meet a dancer who could barely walk until a series of sessions with Alberto Villoldo, a businesswoman who is freed from headaches and discovers the benefits of an integrated interior life, and a young woman who confronts her past and recovers from crippling depression. Each of these stories is rooted in Villoldo's experience as a healer, mental health professional, and devotee of Indigenous wisdom and lore from around the world. Ultimately, Villoldo demonstrates how a shaman assists us in discovering our own capacity for self-healing. He introduces us to physical, mental, and spiritual disease and presents techniques that can heal us, make us whole, and make us new. Having devoted 25 years of study to the healing practices of the Amazon and Andean shamans, Villoldo is teaching people how to actually grow new bodies. By learning ancient shaman wisdom from Alberto Villoldo, you can heal disease, eliminate emotional suffering, and even grow a new body that ages and heals differently. The stories in this book are amazing and inspiring. This title was previously published in 2015 as A Shaman's Miraculous Tools for Healing (ISBN 978157174372)

  • - Ghosts, Seances, and Tales of True Hauntings
    19,00 €

    From shimmering specters to mysterious tricks, Varla Ventura's Paranormal Parlor includes original supernatural tales, classic ghost stories, legends, hauntings, séances, superstitions, and death customs. This book showcases a chilling collection of startling ghost stories as told to the author as well as legendary ghosts and haunted locations and an overview of the paranormal parlor games that rose to popularity in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. It also includes hidden history such as the story of Mark Twain's ghost, and the quiet horror writings of the architect who started the Gothic Revival movement (Ralph Adams Cram).

  • - Making the Imponderable Practical
    von Lynda Madden Dahl
    25,00 €

    What if consciousness is not a byproduct of matter, but the force behind and within all matter, nature, events and physically materialized life of every sort? What if creation is directed by the thoughts, feelings and imaginings of consciousness? And what if we are consciousness? Lynda Madden Dahl, award-winning author of eight Seth/Jane Roberts-based books, including her popular Living a Safe Universe series, takes us on an exploration of consciousness from the inside out, in this her third book. Using the Seth material by Jane Roberts as her basis, she explains how and why consciousness creates physical reality. And, as usual in her books, Lynda consistently brings us back to the practical aspects of creation, and what they mean to a fulfilling, abundant life. SOME WHO HAVE ENDORSED BOOKS by Lynda Madden Dahl: Robert F. Butts, Co-Creator of the Seth/Jane Roberts Books Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life and Empowering Women Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., author of Mind into Matter and The Spiritual Universe Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., former Stanford University scientist and author of The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution, and The Wisdom of Your Cells Norman Friedman, author of Bridging Science and Spirit and The Hidden Domain Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine and Miracles Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., author of Love is Letting Go of Fear Anne Meara, actor, playwright, and partner of Stiller and Meara comedy team Willis Harman, Ph.D., past President, Institute of Noetic Sciences; author of Global Mind Change Walter Eckhart, Ph.D, Professor, The Salk Institute Richard Schneider, Ph.D., Chancellor, University of Global Education; co-founder, Radio for Peace International

  • - Common Elements in David Bohm's Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth
    von Norman Friedman
    27,00 €

  • - Home of the Quantum Wave Function, Nature's Creative Source
    von Norman Friedman
    26,00 €

    Did you know that our everyday world arises form an invisible ocean of unlimited energy that surrounds and permeates us? That all events exist in potential form in this ocean, and certain ones are selected to be manifest in our reality? That this domain is the source not only of our universe but innumerable other universes as well? In The Hidden Domain, the continuation of his very popular Bridging Science and Spirit, Norman Friedman explores this realm using non-mathematical concepts that are solidly grounded in science. Ideas from physicists, from religious and philosophical sources, and from Seth (the discarnate entity brought to us by Jane Roberts) illuminate this intriguing depiction of the world that underlies all experience. BOOK REVIEWS: ¿I think Bridging Science and Spirit is one of the most insightful, comprehensive, and brilliant expressions of knowledge. I shall certainly use it as a reference guide. Many abstract ideas that I was not comfortable with are now more meaningful.¿ ¿ Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind; The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success; The Way of the Wizard ¿Bridging Science and Spirit accomplishes a formidable task. This book will be a valuable research document for many years to come for those concerned with a perspective that honors both science and spirituality.¿ ¿ Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.; author of Taking the Quantum Leap; Parallel Universes; The Physics of the Soul ¿Bridging Science and Spirit correctly asks, 'How does matter originate from consciousness?' This is the fundamental question of a growing body of literature regarding the new paradigm of an idealist, consciousness-based science. Norman Friedman has made an important and thoughtful contribution to this new science.¿ ¿ Amit Goswami, Ph.D., Professor of Physics, University of Oregon; author of The Self-Aware Universe ¿A masterful job of bringing innate psychic understanding and scientific knowledge together, brilliantly showing us how all is one and one is all.¿ ¿ Robert F. Butts - Husband of Jane Roberts, Channel for Seth ¿Few have understood both science and metaphysics well enough to remove our blinders to their underlying similarities ¿ and universal truths. Kudos to Norman Friedman for proving to be a master bridge builder.¿ ¿ Lynda Madden Dahl, Co-founder, Seth Network International; author of eight Seth-based books, including the Living a Safe Universe Series ¿An insightful synthesis of the outer frontiers of theoretical physics with the deep revelations of mystical insight, throwing important light on the reality we live in.¿ ¿ Peter Russell, author of The Global Brain; The White Hole in Time; The Global Brain Awakens ¿Some future historian will, I feel confident, identify the 'Great Debate' of the twentieth century around the question: 'What is science going to do about consciousness?' I would surmise that Norman Friedman's book Bridging Science and Spirit will turn out to be a benchmark in that inquiry. No one can read it without gaining some clarity on their own nature.¿ ¿ Willis Harman, Ph.D., President, Institute of Noetic Sciences; author of Global Mind Change ¿A brilliant synthesis of ageless wisdom and modern science. Friedman's writing provides pictures for our minds so we can 'see' reality.¿¿ Montague Ullman, Ph.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Emeritus, Albert Einstein College of Medic

  • - A Guide to Conscious Creation
    von Lynda Madden Dahl
    25,00 €

  • - Hidden Magic, Occult Truths, and the Stories That Started it All...
    23,00 €

    Selected by one of todays leading esoteric scholars, The Weiser Book of Horror and the Occult contains stories that will do more than make your toes curl and your skin crawl. These are the stories that reveal hidden truths, inspire forbidden pursuits, and divulge the secrets of magical initiation in a fictionalized form. Covering topics from rituals to hauntings to Satanism, this one-of-a-kind volume includes selections from Aleister Crowley, Ambrose Bierce, Arthur Machen, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert W. Chambers, Ralph Adams Cram, H.P. Lovecraft, Dion Fortune, Sir Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, and Bram Stoker. Each story includes commentary by Lon Milo DuQuette as well as interesting biographical details about the hidden lives of these late 19th and early 20th century authors.

  • - From the Fibonacci Sequence to Luna's Labyrinth to the Golden Section and Other Secrets of Sacred Geometry
    von Renna (renna Shesso) Shesso
    20,00 €

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