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Bücher veröffentlicht von Reformation Press

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  • von Lachlan Mackenzie
    18,00 €

  • von Samuel Rutherford
    20,00 €

    Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661) was one of the greatest preachers and theologians of Scotland. He is renowned as the writer of a most remarkable series of devotional letters-a religious classic full of rich spiritual nourishment.The Power of Faith and Prayer is a discourse on Matthew 9:27-31, which records the healing of two blind men who followed Christ and called upon him. Samuel Rutherford deals masterfully with two great matters which concern Christians-faith and prayer.This extremely scarce book was published posthumously in 1713, more than fifty years after Samuel Rutherford's death. Reformation Press first issued the book in 1993. This second edition contains extra notes to explain obscure and archaic terms, and these help to make Rutherford's precious book accessible to present-day readers.

  • von Donald Maclean
    23,00 €

    Rev Donald MacLean (1915-2010) was a gifted minister of the gospel whose pastoral ministry on the Isle of Skye and in Glasgow lasted over fifty years. Many thousands heard his powerful preaching throughout these years and under the blessing of the Holy Spirit this was profitable to many people. Unsearchable Riches contains twelve of Donald MacLean's instructive and devotional sermons. The book begins with a sermon whose title epitomises the contents of the volume - 'Unsearchable riches'.The reader will find here solid expositions of Scripture, a rich covenantal theology, and a warm emphasis on Christian experience.

  • von Hugh Cartwright
    39,00 €

    Daniel is a testimony to us that God never forsakes his people. Even if they are thrown into a den of lions, God is on their side. He will never abandon them. Therefore they should be faithful, as Daniel was, and persevere to the end in the strength of the Lord.

  • von Samuel Rutherford
    15,00 €

    This guide to daily walking with God has been transcribed from a manuscript and is now published for wider benefit. It contains valuable spiritual counsel on setting aside time for reading the Word and prayer, meditating frequently on the Word, having spiritual thoughts during the day, while resisting idle thoughts.This very searching brief volume is also highly personal and shows Rutherford's own convictions of conscience as to how he had misspent his time. He shows us the way to reflect more deeply on this and gives some very practical rules for ordering daily life to the glory of God alone. Rutherford's general guidance on how to seek the presence of God in all circumstances is both concise and weighty.

  • von Thomas McCrie
    24,00 €

    The Book of Esther gives us a wonderful view of God's providence. In particular, it shows how God rules and defends his Church in times of great adversity. A remarkable train of events led to the Lord raising up Esther from an obscure position in society to become the Queen of Persia. God then gave her grace to stand firm, at the risk to her own life, so that she might save the Jews from the wicked plot of Haman.This is a very readable study of Esther's life, and clearly shows us many practical lessons for Christian living. This is particularly useful in our day, when the Church is assailed by many enemies.

  • von John Macdonald
    30,00 €

  • von William Maclean
    24,00 - 41,00 €

  • - Daily devotional readings from 19th century Scottish ministers
    32,00 €

  • - A Highland Christian and her circle
    von Donald MacFarlane
    17,00 €

  • von James Durham & David Dickson
    16,00 €

  • von William Guthrie
    15,00 €

    We live in desperate times?in moral and in other concerns. Things are also collapsing in on themselves spiritually in terms of widespread decline in what the professing Church believes and the standards by which it lives. But William Guthrie shows that our problem is not just living in a time of destruction, but self-destruction. We may be concerned about moral deterioration in society, but also need to see ourselves as personally implicated. Where can we

  • von Alexander Nisbet
    15,00 €

    We must prepare for eternity and we cannot put this off until we think it is imminent. Ecclesiastes 12 urges this wise instruction through striking pictures of physical decline. Alexander Nisbet draws out the way in which this spiritual wisdom applies urgently to each one of us.

  • von Samuel Rutherford
    16,00 €

    Este livro fornece breves pensamentos para cada dia do ano retirados da ?mais not?vel s?rie de cartas devocionais que a literatura da Igreja Reformada pode mostrar? (John Macleod). Aqui est? o conselho spiritual e insights para lhe dar for?a renovada para cada dia. Cada dia apresentauma oportunidade distinta de glorifi car a Deus j? que ?v?s tendes tantas novas vidas tanto quantos s?is Deus faz nascer sobre v?s? (Samuel Rutherford).

  • von Donald Maclean
    14,00 €

  • - Autobiography, diaries and meditations of Alex Maclennan
    von Alex MacLennan
    24,00 €

    Alex Maclennan (1889-1972) was a home missionary in the Beauly and Dingwall congregations of the Free Presbyterian Church where he assisted Rev. Donald A. Macfarlane by taking services and helping with pastoral work. This book contains Alex's autobiography together with reflections on his own religious experience and the turnings of providence. It also includes notes of his clear and memorable addresses on the Word of God.

  • von Robert Dickie & Norman Campbell
    19,00 €

    Today's Christians face uncertain times and anti-religious pressures. This book focuses on Christians from Caithness and the nearby Sutherland community of Strathy who lived in times of great social and religious upheavals. Their stories span the time from the Highland Clearances to the mid-twentieth century. The lives of these believers were closely scrutinised as they endeavoured to be faithful to their Lord in the workplace, community and family. The book tells us about their lives and soul experiences, and shows how the Lord sustained them in their faithful profession of Christianity. These accounts should encourage Christians to live like these godly people - in dependence on God and in faithfulness to his commands.

  • von James (Macquarie University Australia) Guthrie
    12,98 €

    It is dangerous to any Church to have ministers who are not called and qualified for their office. We must be equally concerned to have worthy men as elders and deacons. Zeal for the Lord's honour and the gospel,love to souls and fear of the Lord's judgment will make this a priority. James Guthrie is concerned that many elders and deacons are neither aware of their duty nor conscientious in doing it. This book provides a straightforward explanation of the purpose and duties of these offices. There are various encouragements as well as crisp clarity and searching requirements.

  • - Studies in Hebrews 11
    von Donald Maclean
    22,00 €

  • von Samuel Rutherford
    16,00 €

    This book provides brief thoughts for each day of the year selected from the 'most remarkable series of devotional letters that the literature of the Reformed Church can show' (John Macleod). Here is spiritual counsel and insight to give you renewed strength for each day. Each day presents a distinct opportunity to glorify God since 'as many suns as God maketh to arise upon you, ye have as many new lives' (Samuel Rutherford).

  • von Thomas Boston, John (The Cellucon Trust UK) Kennedy, James (Core Psychiatry Trainee Central & usw.
    17,00 €

  • - Reformation in Bohemia
    von Robert Dickie & Oscar Kuhns
    22,00 €

    Jan Hus-also known as John Huss-was one of the early European Reformers. He became a priest in Prague in 1400 and quickly rose to become a popular preacher and the Rector of Prague University. Hus opposed the sale of indulgences and rejected the Church's erroneous teaching on various topics. By his words and actions he posed a threat to the authority of the entire Roman Catholic system. This led to his trial and martyrdom at the stake in 1415, over a century before the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther. This book examines the life and times of Jan Hus and tells of the dangerous struggles to bring about a reformation in Bohemia. It also traces the history of the Hussites after his execution, when they resisted the military might of the Roman Catholic Church. The history of reformation in Bohemia is fascinating. This book gives an excellent introduction to the story of Jan Hus and these stirring events. It is rounded off by thumbnail biographies of the major characters.

  • von Samuel Rutherford
    15,00 €

  • von Hugh (University of Oxford) Cartwright
    31,00 €

    As a preacher, Rev Hugh M Cartwright (1943-2011) excelled at opening up Scripture in a way which pointed his hearers to the Saviour. This volume contains a small sample of his sermons, all preached during his pastorate in Edinburgh. Topics include the nature of saving faith, why a sinner's repentance causes joy in heaven, and how we can enjoy fellowship with the God who loves his people with an everlasting love. The reader will find this book's Christ-centred content to be spiritually satisfying and profitable.

  • von John Willison
    15,00 €

    John Willison was an outstanding Scottish Evangelical Minister in the eighteenth century. His preaching in Brechin and Dundee was blessed to many. Willison was also renowned for his written works which were predominantly devotional.This book contains meditations written by this spiritually minded Minister to help communicants before and after the Lord's Supper.

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