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  • von Jim Stephens
    25,00 €

    Being smart about business means knowing what to expect. That means thinking ahead and preparing for the inevitable changes that will affect the way business is done. This allows businesses to be resilient and thrive in a changing environment. Digital marketing is no different.In fact, author Josh Kaufman discusses the value of comparison in his book The Personal MBA. It means imagining possible futures and then preparing for them.Let's say you have a large company that does well in a certain niche. Maybe you own a business that sells whey protein shakes. The mistake some big companies make is thinking they are too big to fail and sticking with it.But what if another company comes along and makes a better protein shake for less money? What if a new protein source is discovered? What if a study showed whey protein was bad for us? All of these things can happen and can seriously disrupt even the most established business.However, smart companies are already considering and preparing for these possibilities. It's a comparative simulation: you think about what's going to happen and then prepare for that eventuality.As a digital marketer, this means thinking about things that might change the face of marketing. And the one thing that probably had the biggest impact of all? AIAI and machine learning have the potential to completely change the face of internet marketing and even make many old strategies obsolete. Only by preparing for these changes can you ensure that your website can maintain its position in the SERPs, your ad campaigns remain profitable, and your services remain relevant.And a lot of this stuff isn't just speculation: it's happening right now. AI is already making waves, though you may not have noticed it yet.This affects how SEO works, the tools and software we use, and how ads are displayed. AI is capable of thinking faster and smarter than any human, and this is especially true for data-driven internet marketing. AI marketers can earn an unlimited amount Content per second - doing the work of hundreds of people. All of this content is perfectly adapted to the target group. AI will rule Google. This will advance the entire business model. AdWords will start. And it will play new instruments that we never even dreamed of. The uniqueness of digital marketing is just around the corner. This book will help you prepare and explain a number of concepts:¿ AI vs. machine learning¿ How to do SEO now that Google is the first AI company¿ Chatbots¿ Programmatic advertising¿ Great information¿ RankBrain¿ Digital assistant¿ Data Science¿ SQL¿ Hidden semantic indexing¿ The Future of Internet MarketingThis book will give you a crystal ball to look into the future of internet marketing and make sure you are prepared for all of these changes as they come. You end up being more prepared and in a better position than the other 99.9% of traders.

  • - Deepest Truths to Rule the World
    von Apostle Taye Huzzein Alade
    23,00 €

  • - A Guide to Living Your Dream
    von Nikki Patel
    21,00 €

    The Power of Pursuing Your Passion: A Guide to Living Your Dream is a comprehensive and practical guide that provides readers with the tools and strategies needed to live a life filled with meaning and purpose. This book explores the importance of finding your passion, overcoming fear and self-doubt, setting and achieving goals, building a strong support system, and cultivating a growth mindset. Additionally, readers will learn techniques for staying motivated, networking and building relationships, managing their time, embracing change and taking risks, and developing a positive attitude.With a focus on personal and professional growth, this book provides tips for building self-confidence and self-esteem, cultivating mindfulness and resilience, and embracing diversity and inclusion. The power of positive thinking and effective communication are also explored, along with the importance of continuously learning and developing new skills.The book also includes chapters on maintaining a work-life balance, overcoming adversity, creating a fulfilling career, cultivating gratitude, making a difference, and embracing your authenticity. This guide is designed for anyone looking to live their dream, regardless of where they are in life. With actionable tips and practical advice, The Power of Pursuing Your Passion: A Guide to Living Your Dream is an essential guide for anyone looking to unleash their full potential and achieve happiness and fulfillment.

  • - Mastering the Art of Successful Facebook Marketing Strategies
    von Jim Stephens
    26,00 €

    "The Facebook Formula: Mastering the Art of Successful Facebook Marketing Strategies" is the ultimate guide for businesses looking to harness the power of Facebook to reach new customers and drive long-term success.In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn the basics of Facebook marketing, including how to craft a winning strategy, create compelling content, and understand Facebook's algorithm. You'll also discover how to target your ideal audience on Facebook, leverage Facebook ads, and build a community with Facebook groups.But that's just the beginning. This book goes deep into the details of Facebook marketing, exploring advanced strategies such as using Facebook Messenger, building a brand on Facebook, and using Facebook Live to engage with your audience in real-time.You'll also learn how to measure your Facebook marketing success, leveraging key metrics and tools to ensure you're getting the best results. And for e-commerce businesses, this book offers specific strategies and tips for using Facebook marketing to drive sales and reach new customers.But perhaps most importantly, "The Facebook Formula" provides a roadmap for long-term success on Facebook. You'll learn how to build a strong and engaged community, provide value to your audience, and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of Facebook marketing.Whether you're new to Facebook marketing or a seasoned pro, "The Facebook Formula" is a must-read for any business looking to unlock the full potential of this powerful platform. Packed with actionable tips, best practices, and real-world case studies, this book will help you master the art of Facebook marketing and drive long-term success for your business.

  • - Embracing True Discipleship in the Midnight Hour
    von Bill Vincent
    18,00 €

    "Revival's Fire: Embracing True Discipleship in the Midnight Hour" is a stirring call to authentic faith and deep-rooted commitment in a time of spiritual upheaval. Through a series of powerful sermons, this book challenges readers to examine their relationship with God, urging them to move beyond superficial practices into a genuine, life-altering encounter with Jesus Christ.The book opens with "Introduction," setting the stage for a revival deeply anchored in the true gospel. It emphasizes the importance of miracles as God's pathway to salvation and the urgency of the times we live in. "Midnight Hour" further delves into the symbolism of the current times as the last hour before Christ's return, calling for awareness and preparedness."Fanning the Flame" and "Paying the Price" confront the lukewarm attitudes prevalent in many believers. These sections challenge the reader to consider the cost of true discipleship, contrasting it with the ease of passive faith."Becoming a Real Follower" serves as the heart of the book. It focuses on the life of Apostle Peter as a blueprint for transformation from a mere admirer of Christ to a true follower. It juxtaposes Peter's initial denial of Jesus with his ultimate transformation, symbolizing the potential for change in every believer.Throughout, the book interweaves biblical narratives with contemporary applications, making it a compelling read for those yearning for a deeper, more committed spiritual life. It's a wake-up call to the church and individuals alike, pressing the importance of a genuine relationship with Christ in these crucial times."Revival's Fire" is more than a book; it's a journey towards spiritual awakening, calling believers to reignite their passion for God and embrace the fullness of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ in an era that desperately needs authentic witnesses of His power and love.

  • von Bill Vincent
    24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    24,00 €

  • von William Vincent
    20,00 €

  • von Edward D. Sandison
    29,00 €

  • von Jonathan Hollis
    24,00 €

    In his second book in the series Perfecting the Saints, Jonathan Hollis expounds powerful Biblical revelation and commentary from the Book of James, designed to edify and build the believer's faith and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and thereby supplement and strengthen their walk with the Savior.With keen insight and detailed instruction provided to encourage, admonish and exhort believers to seek, and love Jesus Christ with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, this book contains valuable insights gleaned from the Book of James. In this book, the Epistle of James is provided, in order preserve the epistle, and for the convenience of the student's student. Scripture cross references are provided in relation to the Biblical text to enrich the Bible student's study and meditation of God's Word, for the purpose of walking out revelation, and living the truths learned in Christ Jesus.Being a great companion study guide and an inspirational work of biblical revelation, intended to enhance and grow the believer's knowledge in Christ Jesus, this book will make a valuable addition to the Bible believing student's library. With much hope, that the truth contains herein will aid in setting people free in the Lord Jesus Christ, as it is written,"Then said Jesus unto the Jews which believed on him, if you continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed: and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."- John 8:31-32

  • von Michelle D. Cook-Hall
    22,00 €

    There is a real epidemic occurring in our society that is keeping people oppressed within the walls of their own mind. In a simple moment of time, your life can completely change by a recurring negative thought. Words spoken over your life as a child can affect your life now. Breaking Family Ties will explore the power of words over your life, and what you can do to be free. Be free to fulfill your purpose and follow your dreams.You can be free from the bondage of unspoken and spoken curses upon your life. Freedom is a right and is not unattainable. Breaking Family Ties descriptively goes through different stages in life that can trigger negative ties.By the end of this book, you will discover the tools necessary to see the walls come down.

  • von Richard A. Money
    26,00 €

    The Journey of Faith is a tale of his spiritual and physical journey and events that he encountered as a renegade priest with some viewpoints and observations of religion and history. Hopefully, the reader will gain some insight into the world of spirituality for the years to come and will be motivated to have a closer connection to God and not to religion as such. There are many questions asked but the answers are up to the reader. Richard Money doesn't expect Journey of Faith to be a record-breaking novel. In fact, the only reason it is being written is because so many people have told Richard over the years that he has a book in him. When is he going to get it out? Well, here it comes, for better or for worse. Journey of Faith is comprised of many incidents in his life that he believes may show not what he has done, but what he has become with the Grace of God. If you are looking for a religious experience, we don't think you will find it here, although you may. We are not making any promises. Journey of Faith will stimulate the mind to see the real messages of Jesus. What makes this book unique is the ingredients of life, and the events of a married priest after being married, and the training of priests of sixty years ago. If you are seeking the meaning of life and the working of the Holy Spirit this book will truly bring light into your life. All people seeking the Holy Spirit in their lives this is for you. Not only the religious but those on the fence, as it were who may doubt the workings of God in their lives. This book is to be a bridge between God and Man, and to see the manifestations of God in our lives. This is our life in the Journey of Faith.

  • von Robert Erickson
    29,00 €

  • - The Presence of God Changes Everything
    von Bill Vincent
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Christopher Coutant
    29,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Michael P Wright
    31,00 €

    Let all of us work together to save the Earth. Time is of the essence right now. Everyone needs to be "all in" to repair the damage of climate change and damage to the environment on our Earth. One Earth, Earth was created for all life not just human life. Never underestimate the backlash of nature.

  • von Bill Vincent
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    25,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    20,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Aria Sterling
    26,00 €

    In "The Lost Legacy: Uncovering the Hidden Truths of a Family's Past," Sophie sets out on a journey to uncover the secrets of her family's history. As she delves deeper, she discovers a lost legacy of stories and experiences that have been passed down from generation to generation. She uncovers clues, documents, and tangible reminders of the past, piecing together a history that has been hidden for too long.Through her research, Sophie uncovers the experiences and perspectives of her ancestors, gaining insight into their struggles and triumphs. As she continues her journey, she realizes that their legacy is not just a thing of the past, but something that continues to shape and inspire the lives of future generations.But as Sophie uncovers more about her family's past, she also learns about the present and the future. She sees the ways in which her ancestors have influenced and inspired the lives of their descendants, and she realizes that their legacy is not just a historical curiosity, but a source of motivation and inspiration for her own life."The Lost Legacy" is a story of discovery, exploration, and connection. It is a reminder that the past is not just a thing of the past, but something that continues to shape and inspire our lives today. It is a call to document and preserve our own legacies, so that future generations can learn from our experiences and perspectives.

  • von Bill Vincent
    20,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Fiona Sterling
    32,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Luna Ember
    21,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    20,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Elias Hartley
    25,00 €

    "Authenticity Unlocked: The Key to Living a Meaningful Life" is a transformative journey through the tapestry of self-discovery and genuine expression. This illuminating exploration is divided into five compelling parts, each unlocking a different facet of the authentic living experience. Part I: "Discovering the Essence of Authentic Living" sets the stage, guiding readers through an introspective journey. This section acts as a gateway, introducing the fundamental concepts of authenticity and the transformative potential it holds for personal growth and fulfillment. Part II: "Navigating Challenges on the Authenticity Journey" delves into the inevitability of challenges on the path to living authentically. Readers are guided through the intricate terrain of setbacks, cultivating resilience, and finding strength through authentic choices. Part III: "Cultivating Authentic Relationships" unfolds as a celebration of the profound role that authenticity plays in fostering meaningful connections. Real-life stories and insights guide readers in nurturing relationships woven with threads of openness, vulnerability, and true understanding. Part IV: "Embracing the Continuum of Authenticity" invites readers to recognize authenticity as a dynamic and evolving journey. This chapter serves as a compass, encouraging individuals to embrace the ever-changing nature of authenticity across different life stages and experiences. Part V: "Inspiring Others and Contributing to the Authenticity Movement" concludes the journey, extending an invitation to readers to not only reflect on their personal authenticity but to become torchbearers. This section explores the ripple effect of authenticity, inspiring individuals to contribute to a broader movement that has the power to catalyze cultural and societal transformation. Throughout the book, readers are immersed in a narrative that goes beyond mere self-help; it becomes a guide to living a meaningful life authentically. Real-life examples, practical insights, and thought-provoking reflections make this book a beacon for those seeking to unlock the transformative power of authenticity in their own lives and contribute to a world where genuine expression and connection thrive. "Authenticity Unlocked" is more than a book; it is an inspiring companion on the journey to living a truly meaningful and authentic life.

  • von Tina Jensen
    22,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Harper Knight
    19,00 - 26,00 €

  • von B. Vincent
    28,00 €

    "Digital Dynamo: Mastering Online Marketing for Ultimate Success" is a comprehensive guide delving into the intricate world of digital marketing strategies. Through a series of meticulously crafted chapters, this book navigates the landscape of online marketing, equipping readers with the tools, insights, and strategies necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving digital sphere. From unraveling the nuances of audience insights and leveraging social media analytics to crafting engaging content and embracing cutting-edge tools, each chapter unfolds a new facet of digital marketing mastery. Readers embark on a transformative journey, learning to create a personalized roadmap tailored to their brand's goals, all while integrating multichannel approaches for maximum impact. This book goes beyond theoretical frameworks, emphasizing actionable steps grounded in real-world applications. It empowers marketers to measure progress, iterate strategies, and celebrate successes while embracing failures as stepping stones towards growth. With a focus on continuous evaluation and a data-driven mindset, "Digital Dynamo" serves as a beacon for those seeking to optimize campaigns, amplify brand engagement, and stay ahead in a competitive digital landscape. "Digital Dynamo" is more than a guide; it's a companion for marketers, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to navigate the intricate maze of online marketing successfully. Whether aiming to refine existing strategies or embark on a transformative marketing journey, this book offers a comprehensive blueprint for mastering online marketing and achieving unparalleled success in the digital realm.

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