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  • von Apostle Taye Huzzein Alade
    26,00 €

    THE HIGHEST REVELATION OF THE TRUE GOD UNVEILED! RETHINK AND REPENT FOR THE TRUE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS COME!! THE CURRENT GLOBAL WARMING IS A GLOBAL WARNING INDEED!!!"21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord (or Jesus, Jesus - that is to judge all men - John 5:22) shall ENTER into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 and then will I profess into them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 and the rain descended, and the FLOODS came, and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock…" (Matt. 7:21-27). Life is a school and the greatest common sense EXAMINATION question that every living soul MUST answer is "Who is Jesus?" in connection with the true God and the true Holy Spirit (Prov. 30:4, John 5:39, Matt. 12:32). The correct answer earns promotion to the promised Everlasting Life (Titus 1:2) while the wrong answer attracts demotion to Everlasting Death. Everlasting Life simply means KNOWING the true Jesus and the true God (John 17:3) before doing His work. If our Lord Jesus should say on that day that He doesn't know Pastor X and Follower F as in Matt. 7:23, it simply means that both Pastor X and Follower F never knew Him too, even though they claimed they knew Him. What a wasted life and a false confidence to be ashamed of on that day! Worse still is the fact that, then, there will be no more opportunity to repent (see Luke 13:24-30). Now is our LAST OPPORTUNITY to repent (see Luke 13:6-9) and to know who the true Jesus really is so as to ESCAPE the Greatest Judgment on earth and ENTER into the Everlasting Life of Everlasting Righteousness, Everlasting Peace with Unspeakable Everlasting Joy (see Matt. 25:23, Rom. 14:17-18).What a man knows is under his control but what he doesn't know is above him and will control him. The same heat that softens and refines the Gold (BELIEVER) is the same heat that hardens and destroys the Clay (UNBELIEVER). Strive to enter into the true kingdom of God because most people are only interested in their own kingdoms (Luke 13:24-30, Phil. 2:20-21). Refuse to be limited by their limitations. Get out of the prophesied Second Babylonian Captivity in (Rev. 18:2)! Get out of mind captivity!! Be unlimited for true freedom!!!By the Grace of God, the whole world is my classroom. I am the Authorized Teacher to TEACH the meek humanity to KNOW the Complete and Perfect KNOWLEDGE (Col. 4:12) of the true Righteousness, true Peace and true Joy of the true Kingdom of God so as to live (John 17:3, Matt. 12:32, Matt. 6:33) and not die (Ps. 118:17-29). Stay alive and well by staying connected to the greatest spiritual NETWORK for the deepest, widest and highest divine information. It is better to be a living lamb or even a wounded dog than to be a dead lion. Complete and Perfect knowledge brings Complete and Perfect SALVATION!God so Loves you and I Love you too!Taye the Peace-Baptiser.

  • von Oluwasegun T. Obadimu
    26,00 €

    When you don't know the way, you become a weight to people in their way. The whole world wants to follow Him that know the way. That is the reason, everyone needs to understand his life from bottom-up, and to understand what God and the world really require of him. In this book we will be discussing issues under a topic such as:-What is a curse?-Gates of a curse-Define your world-Be creatively alive. To mention a few

  • von Asher Storm
    21,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Jim Stephens
    19,00 - 26,00 €

  • von David Stone
    24,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Elias Hartley
    27,00 €

    Embark on an extraordinary odyssey of self-discovery in "The Edge of Tomorrow: A Journey of Self-Discovery." Follow the captivating narrative of Alex, a seeker navigating the cosmic realms, guided by an enigmatic cosmic force. Across a series of twelve chapters, each intricately woven with celestial threads, the story unfolds amidst astral symphonies, cosmic pioneers, and transformative thresholds. In "The Nexus of Beginnings," Alex steps into a realm where foundational energies shape new narratives, setting the stage for an exploration into uncharted territories. Journey alongside Alex as they encounter ethereal beings, the Cosmic Pioneers, embodying the spirit of cosmic exploration in a celestial symposium that echoes the courage required to venture into the unknown. The narrative deepens at the "Fountain of Intentions," a celestial wellspring where intentional energies and renewed purposes converge. Immerse yourself in this transformative journey, where the act of dipping hands into the celestial waters becomes a symbolic gesture of infusing the cosmic narrative with new intentions. "The Harmonic Convergence" becomes a celestial gathering, a harmonious union of intentions and cosmic forces, where Alex moves in tandem with the vibrational frequencies of the cosmic dance. Witness the interconnectedness within the cosmic tapestry as Alex aligns personal will with the universal flow in this mesmerizing symphony. Finally, at the "Threshold Beyond," Alex stands at the juncture where destiny's threads extend into the boundless expanse. The guide, a custodian of cosmic horizons, reveals infinite possibilities awaiting beyond this celestial portal, marking a poignant conclusion to a transformative journey. "The Edge of Tomorrow" is more than a tale-it is an exploration of self, a cosmic dance between personal will and the forces that shape destinies. Each chapter unfolds like a celestial tapestry, rich with threads of intention, renewal, and discovery. Join Alex in this captivating odyssey, and experience the magic of self-discovery in the cosmic realms beyond the edge of tomorrow.

  • von Bill Vincent
    22,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Nolan Blackwood
    25,00 €

    In "The Art of Time Management: Mastering Productivity and Efficiency," embark on a transformative journey through the intricacies of effective time management. Spanning twelve comprehensive chapters and a poignant conclusion, this book is a roadmap to elevate productivity, cultivate resilience, and sculpt a purpose-driven life.Beginning with foundational principles like prioritization and goal setting, each chapter unfolds a tapestry of strategies and mindsets essential for mastering the art of managing time effectively. Explore the nuances of resilience, adaptability, and growth-oriented mindsets, understanding their pivotal roles in navigating life's complexities.Delve into the art of delegation, accountability, and the power of implementation-guiding readers not just through theoretical concepts but with actionable steps to initiate sustainable change. Embrace the significance of positivity, balance, and continuous improvement as catalysts for lasting success in time management.From fostering resilient habits to fostering a commitment to ongoing improvement, this book isn't just about managing time-it's about orchestrating a life resonant with purpose, productivity, and fulfillment. Each chapter distills wisdom, empowering readers to implement transformative strategies, encouraging the envisioning of a more productive and purposeful future.Crafted for individuals seeking to transcend the constraints of time, this book isn't just a guide but a companion-an ally empowering individuals to wield time as a canvas, painting a life aligned with aspirations and goals. It's a testament to the transformative potential of intentional time management-a journey toward sculpting a life that resonates with productivity, fulfillment, and purpose."The Art of Time Management: Mastering Productivity and Efficiency" isn't merely a book-it's a transformative expedition toward a more intentional, purposeful existence, where time becomes an instrument in crafting a life of significance and achievement.

  • von Ivy Blair
    24,00 €

    Breathless Desire is a captivating tale of love, passion, and obsession. Emily, the protagonist, is a woman who has always believed in the power of love and healing. She meets a man who challenges everything she knows about herself, a man who is broken and consumed by his desires.As their relationship deepens, Emily finds herself getting swept up in the man's pain and his magnetic nature. She feels like she has finally found someone who understands her, someone who can share her love for passion and romance.But their love story takes a dangerous turn as the man's obsession with Emily intensifies. He is consumed by his desire for her and will stop at nothing to keep her by his side.Emily is torn between her love for the man and her fear for her safety. She is faced with secrets and lies that threaten to destroy their relationship.As their story unfolds, Emily is forced to confront her own vulnerabilities and inner demons, and she discovers the strength and courage she needs to fight for what she truly desires.Breathless Desire is a thrilling and intense story of love and obsession that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

  • von Audu Suyum
    19,00 €

    The common questions among college and university Christian and non Christian students are: what is the secret of academic success? How can I succeed? How can I balance my academics with my spirituality? These and many other relevant questions are intelligently and concisely discussed in this booklet

  • von Jonathan Hollis
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Jeff Beacham
    31,00 €

  • von Kevin L. Cann
    26,00 €

    Kevin Cann's book is about understanding God ideas vs. Good ideas. God gives each person His ideas. The difficult part is determining if the idea is from our Spirit or Soul. I want to help the Body of Christ find their God idea and share it with the world.

  • von Ivy Blair
    21,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Declan Hunter
    22,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Clara Wintershade
    24,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Maxwell Stonebridge
    24,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    25,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Barbara Smith
    25,00 €

    Whispers in the Wind is a tender love story about second chances and the power of forgiveness. When Sarah and Jack meet by chance, they are both struggling to move on from past heartbreaks. But as they get to know each other, they realize that they may have found the love they've been searching for.As their relationship deepens, Sarah and Jack are forced to confront the ghosts of their past. Sarah is haunted by the memory of a past love, while Jack struggles with guilt over the end of his previous relationship. But as they work through their issues, they find that their love for each other only grows stronger.As Sarah and Jack navigate the ups and downs of their relationship, they also discover the importance of family, community, and forgiveness. They learn that sometimes, the only way to move forward is to confront the past head-on.Whispers in the Wind is a heartwarming and emotionally resonant novel about the power of love and the importance of second chances. With its relatable characters, realistic portrayal of love and heartbreak, and themes of redemption and forgiveness, this book is sure to touch the hearts of readers of all ages.

  • von T. J. Ravenscroft
    21,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Finnegan Jones
    25,00 - 29,00 €

  • von David Stone
    26,00 €

    The Holy Spirit: Understanding and Engaging with the Third Person of the Trinity is a comprehensive guide to the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. This book provides a biblical perspective on the Holy Spirit, exploring His work in creation and redemption, as well as His role in the Old and New Testaments.Through a careful study of scripture, the book also provides insights into the Holy Spirit's work in the Church, including His indwelling and empowering of believers, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the proper use of the gifts and fruit of the Spirit.The book also delves into the Holy Spirit's work in prayer, worship, evangelism, mission, spiritual warfare, holiness, healing, guidance, unity, diversity, and social justice, providing practical guidance on how believers can engage with the Holy Spirit in these areas.In addition, the book explores the Holy Spirit's work in the supernatural realm, including His role in dreams, visions, and supernatural experiences, and His work beyond the natural realm.Finally, the book looks to the future of the Church, anticipating the Holy Spirit's work in renewal and revival, and encouraging believers to be open to His leading and guidance.The Holy Spirit: Understanding and Engaging with the Third Person of the Trinity is an essential guide for believers seeking to deepen their understanding of the Holy Spirit and engage with Him more fully in their lives and in the life of the Church.

  • von Dorothy Vincent
    28,00 €

    "The Art of Being Yourself: Uncovering the Power of Authenticity" is a transformative guide to living a fulfilling and meaningful life. In this book, you will learn how to embrace your authentic self and overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of living your best life.Through a series of practical exercises and real-life examples, you will discover the power of self-awareness, values, vulnerability, resilience, and letting go of perfection. You will learn how to navigate social pressure and build authentic relationships that support and inspire you. You will explore the intersection of authenticity and spirituality, creativity, and personal growth.The book also delves into the importance of mindfulness, gratitude, communication, and conflict resolution. You will learn how to cultivate a positive and empowering belief system that aligns with your true self, and how to build a personal brand that reflects your authenticity and attracts opportunities that align with your purpose.Whether you are seeking to build your self-esteem, overcome self-doubt, find your passion, or transform your leadership style, this book provides practical guidance and inspiration. You will be encouraged to embrace your authentic self, overcome obstacles with grace, and inspire others to do the same."The Art of Being Yourself" is an essential guide for anyone seeking to live a life that is authentic, fulfilling, and meaningful. It offers a roadmap to personal growth, transformation, and success in all areas of life. Whether you are a student, professional, entrepreneur, or anyone seeking to live a more authentic life, this book will empower you to unlock your full potential and live your best life.

  • von Bill Vincent
    18,00 €

    Discover the profound journey of healing and freedom in "." This inspiring book takes you on a transformative exploration of the body, mind, and spirit, guiding you toward a life of vitality and well-being.Uncover the secrets to unlocking your body's natural healing potential and learn how to overcome pain, discomfort, and the limitations of age. Dive into the world of miracles and discover how the power of faith and spirituality can bring about remarkable physical and emotional transformation.With insights into rejuvenation, recovery, and empowerment, this book offers a roadmap to renewing your youth and restoring your health. Say goodbye to bad habits that have held you back and embrace the freedom of a life filled with joy and change."Unlocking Healing and Freedom" is your key to a revitalized life, where healing, renewal, and transformation are within reach. Start your journey to a healthier, happier you today.

  • von B. Vincent
    29,00 €

    Dive into the dynamic world of YouTube with "From Zero to Hero: A YouTube Success Story", your comprehensive guide to becoming a successful content creator on one of the world's most influential digital platforms. This book is a treasure trove of insights, strategies, and practical advice, tailored for both aspiring YouTubers and seasoned creators looking to elevate their channels.Spanning twelve detailed chapters, the book covers every facet of YouTube content creation. It begins by laying the foundation with initial steps and essential tools, then delves into the nuances of channel growth, audience engagement, and video production. As you progress, discover advanced strategies for monetization, learn the art of brand building, and understand the importance of SEO optimization and social media integration.The journey continues with in-depth discussions on fostering creativity, tackling technical challenges, and producing evergreen content that withstands the test of time. Learn how to analyze viewer analytics to refine your content, ensure financial stability, and effectively market and promote your channel."From Zero to Hero" also addresses the crucial aspects of community building, adaptability in the face of change, and the continuous innovation required in content creation. It guides you through building a sustainable YouTube career, maintaining mental health and well-being, and, importantly, creating a legacy with a lasting impact.The book's appendices are a goldmine of resources - from a YouTube Creator's Toolkit and content planning templates to guides on monetization, legal guidelines, and well-being resources. These additional materials are designed to provide practical, actionable support, enhancing the information presented in the chapters.Whether you are starting your YouTube journey or seeking to scale new heights, "From Zero to Hero: A YouTube Success Story" offers the wisdom, tools, and inspiration you need to succeed. Embark on this journey to transform your passion into a thriving YouTube channel and write your own success story.

  • von Jaxon Reed
    29,00 €

    Step into the gripping world of "The Poisoned Chalice," a captivating murder mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last. Set against a backdrop of deceit, secrets, and treacherous alliances, this thrilling tale follows Detective Rebecca Adams and Sebastian Blackwood as they unravel a web of intrigue surrounding a cursed chalice and a string of mysterious deaths.When a renowned collector falls victim to a series of inexplicable calamities after acquiring the cursed chalice, Detective Rebecca Adams and her brilliant partner, Sebastian Blackwood, are called in to investigate. As they delve deeper into the case, they encounter a clandestine society, a network of poisoners, and a twisted family tree filled with hidden secrets.Each chapter leads our intrepid detectives closer to the truth, as they untangle cryptic clues, uncover long-buried grudges, and confront their own doubts and fears. From the enigmatic invitation that sets the stage for the investigation to the final revelation that sends shockwaves through the community, the suspense builds relentlessly, keeping readers guessing until the last possible moment."The Poisoned Chalice" takes readers on a journey through the darkest corners of human nature. With vivid descriptions, intricate plot twists, and well-developed characters, this enthralling tale immerses readers in a world of suspense, where danger lurks at every turn and the line between friend and foe blurs.As Detective Adams and Blackwood race against time to unmask the culprit, they must navigate a treacherous path filled with hidden motives, secret societies, and the chilling whispers of a cursed artifact. Can they unravel the truth before more lives are claimed by the poisoner's hand? Will justice be served, or will the enigmatic secrets surrounding the chalice remain forever hidden?"The Poisoned Chalice" is a masterfully crafted mystery that will captivate fans of suspense, detective novels, and thrillers. Prepare to be immersed in a world of twists and turns, where nothing is as it seems, and the truth waits to be uncovered. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of suspense, deception, and the relentless pursuit of justice in this mesmerizing murder mystery.

  • von Daniel Nana Kwame Opare
    21,00 €

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