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Bücher veröffentlicht von Rwg Publishing

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  • von William Vincent
    24,00 €

    In "Awakening Amidst the Chaos: Unveiling the Economic Deception," readers are taken on a compelling journey through the intricate web of economic and political maneuvers shaping today's global landscape. The book delves deep into the actions and plans of the deep state, corrupt politicians, the private Western central bank, and the World Economic Forum, unraveling their concerted efforts to steer the world into the realms of the Green New Deal and the Great Reset.The narrative vividly describes how these elite groups are manipulating the economy, from instigating the sabotage of pipelines to imposing restrictive green policies, all under the guise of climate change and economic reform. However, as the author points out, their plans are increasingly meeting resistance from an awakening public, who are feeling the pinch of economic hardship and beginning to see through the deception.Central to the book is the contrast between the lies propagated by these powerful entities and the truth, as represented by figures like Donald Trump. It highlights Trump's strategic use of truth as a weapon against economic manipulation, especially his advocacy for energy independence, tariffs, and the creation of Special Economic Zones (SEZs).The book is not just an exposé but also a clarion call for awareness. It stresses the importance of understanding the real impact of inflation, the rising fuel prices, and the actual state of unemployment, starkly contrasting these realities with the misleading narratives often presented."Awakening Amidst the Chaos" is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the complex interplay of economics and politics in our time. It serves as both a warning and a guide, offering insights into the tactics used by the global elite while highlighting the potential for change and empowerment in the face of economic deception.

  • von Bill Vincent
    18,00 €

    Whether everyone admits it or not, we all want to have a Hollywood romance. We want someone to race to the airport to stop us because of love they have for us. We want the one we love to rush in and stop us from marrying someone else. We want that special someone to run toward us and say those three amazing words I LOVE YOU! We are all old time romantics.

  • von Bill Vincent
    18,00 €

    Todos tienen batallas que están luchando, y cada batalla en estos días parece una batalla espiritual. Este libro de Bill Vincent discute cómo puedes prepararte para la guerra espiritual. Vincent nos recuerda que solo la oración no puede ayudar, y explica qué más puedes hacer además de orar. Nos anima a estudiar a Dios y orar para que nuestras batallas espirituales sean más efectivas. Vincent también nos recuerda que hay una diferencia entre conocer acerca de Dios y conocer a Dios, y cómo podemos aprender de Dios.Prepárate para la batalla y aprende cómo superarlas con "Guerra Espiritual Simplificada".

  • von Edward Sandison
    26,00 €

  • von Emmanuel O. Afolabi
    17,00 €

    Peculiar Treasure is all about those who have learned through obedience, they will be given authority, for they can be trusted to carry out the father's wishes. God gives those who hear His voice, and have learned to obey His voice the right to act on His behalf. They are God's ambassadors.The book of proverbs (putting it succinctly) in proverbs 25:12 " As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprove upon an obedient ear".Therefore the unbroken chain of obedience is the secret for receiving the substance of God's promise. God expects trust and total obedience from His people and His children, since we're special possession which is over and above all else.Nevertheless, we must have radical obedient, because it is only through a humbling of ourselves that we will be allowed to walk with God. Thereby become a peculiar treasure unto the Lord.

  • von Daniel Nana Kwame Opare
    21,00 €

  • von Moboni Lewis
    21,00 €

  • von Meyer Janse van Rensburg
    26,00 €

    The church is in the desert today!! The arid conditions existing in the church leave the people parched, thirsty and longing for refreshing. Many church leaders do not know how to get the spiritual water for themselves and therefore they cannot lead God's people into the Promised Land of true fellowship and discipleship. This sad state of the church causes many church buildings to stand empty because people are tired of church leaders committing gross indecencies and leading people astray with messages that "tickle their ears" or boring them to tears with sermons that contain no life-changing truths.In The Wellspring of Life: Why the Church is Dying of Thirst, Dr. Meyer van Rensburg addresses the issue by pointing out many of the mistakes that have been made (from spraying people with "Doom" insecticide in Africa to church leaders refusing to be criticised because they see themselves as "little gods", as well as the vacuous Sunday services that leave people in the same state that they came to church, instead of inspiring them and changing their lives). The church is dying of thirst in the desert and the condition can only be treated by discovering the living water to quench that thirst. Too many church leaders do not know how to hear the voice of God and therefore cannot lead people to the living water.By following the listing of the well in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, this book demonstrates that the church needs the living water the Wellspring of Life provides. Each mention of the well is dealt with separately to show the significance of what is revealed there, to prove how these Scriptures were specifically put in this order to provide a systematic study of the importance of the well to the church and to point out the mistakes people in the church make. For instance, with Hagar, the fact that the well existed in the desert is first explored and then the fact that it had to be revealed for her to see it. Many people live next to the Well, but it has never been revealed to them that it can change their lives. Further revelations follow with each mention of the well: from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through to David and the prophets. This continues to the New Testament and the Book of Revelation to show how God will provide for us if we can but follow His instructions regarding the Wellspring of Life. The truths discovered are applied as lessons for the church today.Pastors and ministry professionals will find this book illuminating as it covers new ground, yet it is aimed at the church-going public. It can also serve as a handbook in colleges, as it has many references and quotes, yet it is not written in high academic language.

  • von Ivy Blair
    26,00 €

    In "The Enchanted Garden: A Blossoming Romance," readers are invited to journey through a world where the beauty of nature intertwines with the magic of love. This captivating novel tells the story of Amelia, a passionate botanist, and Julian, a fellow plant enthusiast, whose initial acquaintance in the Enchanted Garden blossoms into a deep and profound romance.Set against the backdrop of a mystical garden, where every leaf whispers secrets and every flower tells a tale, their story unfolds. Each chapter, named after a different plant or flower within the garden, symbolizes the stages of their growing love - from the tentative "Whispering Willows" to the reflective "Bergamot and Broken Bonds," culminating in "The Enchantment's End." The garden's magical aura weaves through their relationship, reflecting the ebbs and flows of love, growth, and self-discovery.As Amelia and Julian explore the verdant paths of the Enchanted Garden, they encounter the silent wisdom of ancient trees, the gentle whispers of petals, and the enduring beauty of enduring florals. These natural wonders mirror their journey, illustrating the depth of their feelings and the maturation of their bond."The Enchanted Garden: A Blossoming Romance" is a tale of love's transformative power, set in a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the natural world is imbued with a sense of wonder. It is a narrative that captures the heart with its poetic prose, rich botanical details, and the timeless theme of love flourishing in the most unexpected places.Perfect for fans of magical realism and contemporary romance, this novel is a testament to the enduring beauty of nature and the magic inherent in human connection. Step into "The Enchanted Garden" and watch as a beautiful romance blooms in the most magical of settings.

  • von Kone Mphela
    18,00 €

    Two woman, married irresponsible man, one walk out of the marriage by getting a divorce and the other walked out of the marriage through death, later when their children have grown the daughters of one who got divorce were rejected and condemned by the community because they were raised from a broken home, no one allowed their son to marry them.Out of despair the divorcee sought Jesus and he took away her shame and condemnation, Jesus brought salvation not only for her daughters and but for the community.The widower out of pride and foolishness led her son to his premature death and brought bad luck to her only daughter.God changed Mary's name from the reproached to redeem. God still hate divorce but he will never allow anyone to give her life to premature death.

  • von Blake Hudson
    21,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Scarlett Nora
    19,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Tarupiwa Muzah
    15,00 - 19,00 €

  • von Dundy Aipoalani
    25,00 €

    In A 21st-Century Version of 1 and 2 Peter, Dundy Aipoalani analyzes these two epistles verse by verse. He compares his version to the World English Bible in an interlinear format and also adds commentary after each section, expounding on the passage in a relatable way. This book will give you new insight into the books of 1 and 2 Peter with a more in-depth and practical understanding of the contents. With relatable language and easy readability, everyone from beginning students of the Word to those with decades of walking with God can benefit from this book. If you are looking for a fresh yet thorough perspective on the books of 1 and 2 Peter, A 21st-Century Version of 1 and 2 Peter will offer new insight that will help you in your walk with God.

  • von Carmen Wilde
    21,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Blake Hudson
    22,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Les Rolston
    25,00 €

    A Pea Coat Goes Home is the story of a 70 year- old coat that the author and his father shared throughout their lives. The coat will survive a world war, be worn during a marriage proposal and handed down to the author as he wears it in his own youth. The coat will occupy many closets as lives change until it is ultimately returned to the ship (now a museum) where its original owner served during World War 2.

  • von Tammy Henson
    19,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Tarupiwa Muzah
    27,00 €

  • von Tammy Henson
    20,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Michael P. Wright
    32,00 €

    Let all of us work together to save the Earth. Time is of the essence right now. Everyone needs to be "all in" to repair the damage of climate change and damage to the environment on our Earth. One Earth, Earth was created for all life not just human life. Never underestimate the backlash of nature.

  • von William Vincent
    26,00 €

    "La Mente Cristiana: Entendiendo y Renovando la Forma en Que Pensamos es una guía transformadora para renovar la mente a través de principios y enseñanzas bíblicas. En este libro, los lectores descubrirán cómo sus pensamientos y creencias dan forma a su comprensión de la fe cristiana y el mundo que les rodea, y cómo renovar la mente puede llevar a una vida transformacional.Con capítulos que abarcan una amplia gama de temas como la conexión mente-cuerpo, el pensamiento crítico, la salud emocional, las relaciones, el trabajo, la política, el entretenimiento, la tecnología, la ética, la educación, la ciencia, la historia, la filosofía, la teología, el arte, la creatividad, la imaginación, el futuro, la esperanza, la fe, la oración, la adoración, el evangelismo y la misión, este libro ofrece un enfoque integral para renovar la mente.Los lectores explorarán el poder del Espíritu Santo, la importancia de las Escrituras y el papel de la comunidad en la renovación de la mente. Descubrirán cómo la mente renovada puede llevar a la transformación en todos los aspectos de la vida, desde el crecimiento personal hasta el crecimiento espiritual, y desde las relaciones individuales hasta el mundo más amplio.Basándose en principios bíblicos e investigaciones contemporáneas, La Mente Cristiana ofrece orientación práctica y sabiduría perspicaz para lectores que desean profundizar su relación con Dios y vivir una vida que sea consistente con los principios bíblicos. Con prosa atractiva y ejemplos de la vida real, este libro es accesible para lectores de todos los antecedentes y niveles de experiencia.Ya sea que busques crecer en tu fe, profundizar tu comprensión de los principios cristianos o simplemente buscando consejos prácticos para vivir una vida más plena, La Mente Cristiana es una guía esencial para cualquiera que quiera renovar su mente y transformar su vida."

  • von William Vincent
    16,00 €

    In "Shifting Allegiances: The Struggle for Control and the 2024 Precipice," the undercurrents of political power play out against the backdrop of an imminent election that promises to be as tumultuous as it is transformative. The book delves deep into the strategic maneuvers within America's corridors of power, where the 'Patriots' and the establishment-labeled as the 'Deep State'-vie for the soul of the nation.Through the lens of an insider's perspective, the narrative unfolds, offering insights into the machinations of party politics, the contentious battles over electoral processes, and the personal ambitions that fuel the fiery debates in Congress. The specter of Jim Jordan's quest for the Speaker of the House position and Adam Schiff's pointed critiques underscore a larger narrative of conflict and conspiracy that permeates the highest levels of government.As the story traverses the complex landscape of American politics, it scrutinizes the mechanisms of power-both visible and covert-that influence the republic. From the publicized indictments to the hushed whispers of backroom deals, the book presents a portrait of a nation on the brink of change.At its heart, "Shifting Allegiances" is a testament to the relentless spirit of democracy and the unyielding American conviction that truth and justice can prevail against the odds. The book stands as a chronicle of our times, a reflection on the ever-evolving nature of political identity, and the inextinguishable hope for a brighter future as the country approaches the precipice of 2024. It is a must-read for anyone invested in the ongoing saga of American leadership and the quest to define the nation's direction in a rapidly changing world.

  • von Dorothy Vincent
    26,00 €

    Breaking the Mold: Shattering Expectations and Chasing Dreams is a powerful and inspiring book that challenges readers to break free from limiting beliefs and societal expectations, and to embrace their individuality in pursuit of their goals and aspirations.Through personal stories, insights, and practical advice, this book guides readers on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, exploring topics such as the power of belief, defining success on your own terms, embracing failure, finding your passion, overcoming limiting beliefs, building a support system, and taking risks.The book also addresses important social issues such as diversity, equity, and women's leadership, offering guidance on how to navigate these challenges and create positive change in the world.Whether you're a student just starting out on your journey, a mid-career professional looking to make a change, or anyone seeking greater fulfillment and meaning in your life, Breaking the Mold offers the inspiration and guidance you need to shatter expectations and chase your dreams.With practical tools and exercises, this book provides readers with a roadmap for success and fulfillment, helping them to develop the mindset, skills, and strategies needed to create a life that truly reflects who they are and what they value.Breaking the Mold is a must-read for anyone who wants to live a life of purpose, meaning, and impact, and to create positive change in the world.

  • von Bill Vincent
    18,00 €

    "Restoration Unleashed: Embracing God's Anointing for Breakthrough and Renewal" is a dynamic and inspiring journey into the heart of spiritual revival and personal restoration. This book delves deep into the transformative power of God's anointing, guiding believers on a path to healing, renewal, and profound spiritual growth.Through a series of powerful testimonies, prophetic insights, and personal reflections, the author illustrates how the act of decreeing restoration can unleash God's blessings in remarkable ways. Each chapter is infused with wisdom on how to tap into the divine source of restoration, encouraging readers to reclaim what the enemy has stolen and to step boldly into their God-given destiny.The book offers practical guidance on harnessing the power of prayer, understanding prophetic ministry, and engaging in spiritual warfare. It emphasizes the importance of faith, hope, and the Holy Spirit in overcoming challenges and transforming personal trials into triumphant victories."Restoration Unleashed" is more than a book; it's a call to action for those seeking breakthroughs in their lives and in their communities. Whether you're battling personal struggles or yearning for a deeper understanding of God's work in your life, this book serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path towards a life filled with God's miraculous power and endless possibilities.Ideal for believers at all stages of their spiritual journey, "Restoration Unleashed" empowers readers to become ministers of restoration in their own right, equipped with the knowledge, faith, and anointing to bring healing and hope to a world in need. Join the journey and witness how embracing God's anointing can transform your life and the lives of those around you.

  • von Greta Rose
    20,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Declan Hunter
    19,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Eliza Grey
    20,00 - 28,00 €

  • - Better Recipes for Better Health
    von Rwg Publishing
    19,00 - 20,00 €

  • von Greta Rose
    28,00 €

    "Realizar tu Potencial: Abrazar tu Ser Auténtico" es un poderoso manual para cualquiera que busque descubrir su verdadero potencial y vivir de una manera auténtica y plena. Con un enfoque en el crecimiento personal, la autoconciencia y la resiliencia, este libro ofrece consejos prácticos y perspicacia para abrazar tus dones únicos, liberarte de creencias limitantes y navegar por las numerosas transiciones y desafíos de la vida.A lo largo de las páginas de este libro, los lectores explorarán una variedad de temas, desde cultivar la resiliencia y la inteligencia emocional hasta construir relaciones sólidas y encontrar su propósito. Descubrirán estrategias para superar la autoinseguridad y el miedo, y aprenderán a abrazar el fracaso como una oportunidad para crecer y aprender. También explorarán la importancia del autocuidado, la atención plena y el equilibrio, y aprenderán a celebrar su viaje de autodescubrimiento y crecimiento.Basado en las investigaciones más recientes en psicología y crecimiento personal, y presentando historias inspiradoras y ejemplos del mundo real, "Realizar tu Potencial: Abrazar tu Ser Auténtico" es una lectura imprescindible para cualquier persona que busque vivir una vida más auténtica, plena y con propósito. Ya sea que estés comenzando tu viaje de autodescubrimiento o buscando nuevas estrategias para llevar tu crecimiento personal al siguiente nivel, este libro ofrece conocimientos valiosos y orientación práctica para ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos y desbloquear tu verdadero potencial.

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