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Bücher veröffentlicht von Rwg Publishing

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  • von Declan Hunter
    19,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Eliza Grey
    19,98 - 28,00 €

  • - Better Recipes for Better Health
    von Rwg Publishing
    16,00 - 19,00 €

  • von Greta Rose
    28,00 €

    "Realizar tu Potencial: Abrazar tu Ser Auténtico" es un poderoso manual para cualquiera que busque descubrir su verdadero potencial y vivir de una manera auténtica y plena. Con un enfoque en el crecimiento personal, la autoconciencia y la resiliencia, este libro ofrece consejos prácticos y perspicacia para abrazar tus dones únicos, liberarte de creencias limitantes y navegar por las numerosas transiciones y desafíos de la vida.A lo largo de las páginas de este libro, los lectores explorarán una variedad de temas, desde cultivar la resiliencia y la inteligencia emocional hasta construir relaciones sólidas y encontrar su propósito. Descubrirán estrategias para superar la autoinseguridad y el miedo, y aprenderán a abrazar el fracaso como una oportunidad para crecer y aprender. También explorarán la importancia del autocuidado, la atención plena y el equilibrio, y aprenderán a celebrar su viaje de autodescubrimiento y crecimiento.Basado en las investigaciones más recientes en psicología y crecimiento personal, y presentando historias inspiradoras y ejemplos del mundo real, "Realizar tu Potencial: Abrazar tu Ser Auténtico" es una lectura imprescindible para cualquier persona que busque vivir una vida más auténtica, plena y con propósito. Ya sea que estés comenzando tu viaje de autodescubrimiento o buscando nuevas estrategias para llevar tu crecimiento personal al siguiente nivel, este libro ofrece conocimientos valiosos y orientación práctica para ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos y desbloquear tu verdadero potencial.

  • von Finnegan Jones
    18,98 - 26,00 €

  • von Dorothy Vincent
    28,00 €

    "Il ritorno del figlio perduto: redenzione, rimpianti e una seconda possibilità di amore" è una storia potente e riscaldante di famiglia, perdono e seconda possibilità.Jonathan, un figlio prodigio, ritorna a casa dopo molti anni di distruzione dalla sua famiglia. Ha lasciato una traccia di rimpianti e errori, ma è determinato a fare delle rettifiche e ricominciare da capo. La sua famiglia è riluttante a fidarsi di lui, ma sono disposti a dargli una seconda possibilità.Mentre Jonathan lavora per ricostruire i suoi rapporti con i suoi cari, affronta il suo passato e impara a perdonarsi. Trova l'amore e si riconnette con la sua famiglia, ma il suo viaggio non è facile. Affronta sfide, fa sacrifici e affronta le conseguenze delle sue azioni passate.Attraverso tutto ciò, Jonathan impara ad accettare la responsabilità per i suoi errori e ad abbracciare il dono della grazia. Scopre l'importanza della famiglia, del perdono e delle seconde opportunità, e trova speranza e trasformazione nel suo viaggio.Questo libro è una storia di speranza e redenzione, di amore e di perdono, e del potere delle seconde possibilità. Risponderà ai lettori che hanno sperimentato il dolore delle relazioni rotte, il peso del rimorso e il desiderio di un nuovo inizio. È una storia di coraggio, resilienza e la bellezza della trasformazione.

  • von Auty R. Howard
    18,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    16,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    16,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    16,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Resources for Small Group Bible Study
    16,00 €

    FOR YOU ARE WITH ME: Eight Blessings Resulting from God's Presence, A Study of Psalm 23 is based on the core passage of Psalm 23 which is "For you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me (4c). Yahweh's presence in our lives (For you are with me) brings eight blessings. Four blessings are mentioned before the core verse (basic physical needs, spiritual needs, guidance and no fear) and another four after (protection, favor, goodness/mercy and eternal life).

  • von Vandana
    16,00 €

  • von Michael P. Wright
    16,00 €

    The world events between the Christians and the Muslims that have been happening since December 1979 until now. One event and one war after another has led to the 10th crusade. Thinking this can't be happening, well it is right in front of our eyes and in our lifetime.

  • von Mark Brine
    13,00 €

    Story 1: "If Ants could Talk!" - Vinny, a folksinging Country boy goes to the big city. There in the huge City Park, he encounters a talking Ant (Ant Ethel). She inspires him to write a song that tells children not to purposely step-on Ants (or hurt any animals).. They become a famous singing team with a big hit record ("If Ants could Talk!") and travel the world promoting their message.Story 2: "There's A Goose in Mrs. Alexander's Kitchen" - Vinny ('n Ant Ethel...being the main characters of all these stories, etc.) tells of his childhood on 'Mrs. Alexander's Farm'. As a boy, he has a terrible habit of leaving the screen door open.. which Mrs. A has often warned him not to do. After a fishing trip, he returns to see exactly why she has told him to keep it closed! The moral?.. Punishment is for a good reason!Story 3: "The Tale of the Troll 'n Me" - Vinny's boyhood account of meeting a Troll; under a bridge, that no one else would ever cross over. Sometimes things are not what they appear to be!.. 'n Not all strangers are sinister.. But, still, we always must be cautious!

  • von Greta Rose
    28,00 €

    "La Ciencia de la Felicidad: Descubriendo los Secretos de la Alegría" es una guía exhaustiva para alcanzar mayores niveles de felicidad y bienestar en la vida. Basándose en las últimas investigaciones en neurociencia, psicología y ciencias sociales, este libro ofrece ideas prácticas y estrategias para cultivar la felicidad en todas las áreas de la vida.Desde la importancia del pensamiento positivo y la gratitud hasta el papel de las relaciones y el servicio comunitario, este libro aborda una amplia variedad de temas relacionados con la felicidad y el bienestar. Los lectores aprenderán cómo crear una existencia más plena y alegre priorizando prácticas y hábitos que promueven la autoconciencia, el autodescubrimiento y la atención plena.Ya sea que busques mejorar tu bienestar mental y emocional, mejorar tus relaciones o encontrar un propósito y significado más grandes en la vida, este libro proporciona las herramientas y la orientación que necesitas para lograr tus objetivos. Con un lenguaje claro y conciso, ejemplos atractivos y consejos prácticos, "La Ciencia de la Felicidad" es un recurso esencial para cualquiera que busque una mayor felicidad y realización en la vida.

  • von Clara Wintershade
    28,00 €

    Embark on an awe-inspiring journey into the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where adventure and discovery converge in a quest for a hidden city lost to time. In "The Amazon Expedition: A Search for a Hidden City," you'll become a part of an extraordinary adventure led by a diverse team of explorers and indigenous tribes.Deep within the world's largest tropical rainforest lies a mystery that has tantalized the imagination for centuries-a fabled city, Yseldora, hidden amidst the lush foliage and ancient trees. This enigmatic place, rumored to hold not only untold riches but also profound wisdom, has remained concealed from the modern world, guarded by the spirits of the jungle.Follow the intrepid expedition team, each member possessing unique skills and knowledge, as they navigate treacherous rivers, untamed wilderness, and face the perils of the rainforest. Alongside them are indigenous guides who bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern exploration, offering insights into the spiritual significance of the jungle and the interconnectedness of all life within it.Through immersive storytelling, you'll experience the breathtaking beauty of the Amazon-the cacophony of wildlife, the vibrant flora, and the lush landscapes that stretch endlessly before you. You'll encounter rare and elusive creatures, witness the resilience of indigenous tribes, and witness the power of unity among people of diverse backgrounds.But this journey is not just an adventure; it's a mission to protect the Amazon and its fragile balance. As the team uncovers the secrets of Yseldora and the wisdom of the lost civilization, they will confront ruthless adversaries who seek to exploit the rainforest's resources. Betrayal, danger, and a relentless battle to protect the Hidden City will test their courage and resolve."The Amazon Expedition" is a compelling narrative that delves into the mysteries of the rainforest, the importance of biodiversity, and the enduring connection between humanity and nature. It showcases the legacy of a team that defied the odds to safeguard the Amazon's future, and it beckons readers to become stewards of this vital ecosystem.Join the expedition, immerse yourself in the heart of the jungle, and discover the profound legacy of those who dared to venture into the unknown. "The Amazon Expedition: A Search for a Hidden City" is a testament to the wonders of the natural world, the resilience of indigenous cultures, and the unyielding determination to protect one of Earth's greatest treasures.

  • von Declan Hunter
    28,00 €

    In a world shrouded in perpetual ice and snow, the last remnants of humanity grapple with survival in the harshest of realities. The sun, once a symbol of life and warmth, has become a distant, cold memory, and the world as we know it has been lost to the relentless grip of an unending winter.Cade, a tenacious leader with a burning desire to reclaim the warmth of days gone by, embarks on a perilous journey, uncovering age-old secrets and forging alliances with the most unlikely of allies-from the enigmatic Lyria with her haunting melodies to the wise old sage, Eldran, keeper of forbidden lore.Together, they traverse frozen wastelands, confront betrayals, and battle the chilling forces that threaten to extinguish humanity's last flicker of hope. From the mystique of the ancient Warmth-Keepers to the revolutionary innovations of the Thermal Underground, every chapter is a testament to resilience, innovation, and the indomitable human spirit.Will Cade and his band of survivors kindle the fires of hope and lead their people to a new dawn, or will the icy shadows of the Endless Winter consume all that remains?In "The Endless Winter: A Struggle for Warmth", embark on an epic journey of survival, courage, and rebirth. Dive deep into a chilling, yet captivating tale where the fight for warmth is not just about combating cold, but rekindling the warmth of hope, unity, and purpose in the heart of a frozen world.

  • von Maxwell Stonebridge
    28,00 €

    In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, where stars and galaxies stretch to infinity, an empire stands as a testament to humanity's thirst for exploration and dominion. "The Interstellar Empire: A War for Dominion" invites you on an epic journey through the uncharted realms of space, where science, diplomacy, and the indomitable spirit of humanity collide in a saga of interstellar proportions.As the empire extends its dominion across the stars, it faces challenges that span the breadth of the cosmos. From the rise of an enigmatic and formidable adversary to the mysteries of dark matter, the secrets of quantum physics, and cosmic anomalies beyond comprehension, the empire's explorers, scientists, and leaders must confront the unknown with courage and determination.Meet Captain Elena Rodriguez, a symbol of ethical exploration and diplomacy, who navigates the empire through the turbulent waters of interstellar politics. Dr. Amelia Reyes, a brilliant geneticist, unlocks the secrets of life itself in a Genetic Revolution that raises questions about the very essence of humanity. Dr. Marcus Everett, a daring astrophysicist, embarks on a perilous quest to decipher the enigma of the Singularity, where the laws of physics unravel.Follow the empire's leaders as they grapple with ethical dilemmas, negotiate with rival civilizations, and defend their dominion in a final stand against an ancient adversary. Witness the ascension of the Interstellar Emperor, a unifying figure who guides the empire through times of change and transformation."The Interstellar Empire: A War for Dominion" is a space odyssey that blends the grandeur of space opera with the intricacies of hard science fiction. It explores themes of cooperation, ethics, and the pursuit of knowledge against the backdrop of a universe filled with wonders and mysteries.This book is a tribute to humanity's innate curiosity, our capacity for unity in the face of adversity, and our relentless quest to conquer the uncharted horizons of the cosmos. Join us on this epic voyage among the stars, where the destiny of an empire hangs in the balance, and the enigma of the universe awaits your discovery.

  • von Dorothy Vincent
    26,00 €

    The Prodigal Son's Return: Redemption, Regrets, and a Second Chance at Love es una poderosa y conmovedora historia de familia, perdón y segunda oportunidad.Jonathan, un hijo pródigo, regresa a casa después de muchos años de estar aislado de su familia. Dejó atrás un rastro de remordimientos y errores, pero está decidido a hacer las correcciones y empezar de nuevo. Su familia tiene dudas de confiar en él, pero están dispuestos a darle una segunda oportunidad.Mientras Jonathan trabaja para reconstruir sus relaciones con sus seres queridos, se enfrenta a su pasado y aprende a perdonarse a sí mismo. Encuentra el amor y se reconecta con su familia, pero su viaje no es fácil. Se enfrenta a desafíos, hace sacrificios y enfrenta las consecuencias de sus acciones pasadas.A través de todo esto, Jonathan aprende a aceptar la responsabilidad por sus errores y a abrazar el don de la gracia. Descubre la importancia de la familia, el perdón y la segunda oportunidad, y encuentra esperanza y transformación en su viaje.Este libro es una historia de esperanza y redención, de amor y perdón, y del poder de las segundas oportunidades. Resonará con los lectores que han experimentado el dolor de las relaciones rotas, el peso del arrepentimiento y el deseo de un nuevo comienzo. Es una historia de valentía, resiliencia y la belleza de la transformación.

  • von Carmen Wilde
    28,00 €

    "A Christ-centered Marriage: A Practical Guide to Building a Strong, Faith-based Relationship" is a comprehensive guide for couples who want to deepen their relationship with each other and with God. In this book, you will discover practical strategies and tips for building a strong foundation on Christ, improving communication, offering forgiveness and grace, cultivating a heart of gratitude, and serving together in your faith community.Drawing on biblical wisdom and personal experiences, this book offers practical advice on navigating challenges, handling finances, balancing marriage and career, and staying connected during tough seasons. With insights on understanding your spouse's love language, building a Christ-centered family life, and supporting each other through life transitions, this book is a valuable resource for any couple seeking to build a lasting and fulfilling Christ-centered marriage.Whether you're newlyweds or have been married for many years, "A Christ-centered Marriage" offers practical tools and strategies to help you deepen your connection with your spouse and with God. With its practical tips, engaging stories, and timeless wisdom, this book is the perfect guide for anyone looking to build a strong, faith-based relationship that will stand the test of time.

  • von Declan Hunter
    26,00 €

    In a dying world where hope is scarce, a small group of survivors must fight for their survival against all odds. Fleeing the city and venturing into the wilderness, they face countless challenges as they struggle to build a new home and find the resources they need to survive.As they search for water, food, and shelter, they also face threats from raiders and other dangerous groups. But through it all, they remain determined to find a way to thrive in this new world.As they learn to survive, they also begin to thrive, building a community that is based on principles of justice, equality, and compassion. They work together to create a more sustainable and equitable future, and they inspire others to do the same.But the road ahead is not easy, and the group faces betrayal and new challenges at every turn. They must learn to navigate a world that is still dangerous and unpredictable, and they must be prepared for anything and everything.Through it all, they remain committed to their cause, building a legacy of hope and resilience that will inspire future generations to continue the fight for a better world."The Last Hope" is a gripping and inspiring tale of survival and hope in a world that is on the brink of collapse. It is a story of determination and resilience, of the power of community and mutual support, and of the strength of the human spirit in the face of incredible adversity.

  • von Finnegan Jones
    18,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Declan Hunter
    17,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Dorothy Vincent
    28,00 €

    The Prodigal Son's Return: Redemption, Regrets, and a Second Chance at Love est une histoire puissante et chaleureuse de famille, de pardon et de seconde chance.Jonathan, un fils prodigue, rentre chez lui après de nombreuses années d'aliénation de sa famille. Il a laissé derrière lui une trace de regrets et d'erreurs, mais il est déterminé à faire des corrections et à recommencer. Sa famille a hésité à lui faire confiance, mais ils sont prêts à lui donner une seconde chance.Alors que Jonathan travaille à reconstruire ses relations avec ses proches, il fait face à son passé et apprend à se pardonner. Il trouve l'amour et se reconnecte avec sa famille, mais son voyage n'est pas facile. Il fait face à des défis, fait des sacrifices et fait face aux conséquences de ses actions passées.Grâce à tout cela, Jonathan apprend à accepter la responsabilité de ses erreurs et à embrasser le don de la grâce. Il découvre l'importance de la famille, du pardon et de la seconde chance, et il trouve l'espoir et la transformation dans son voyage.Ce livre est une histoire d'espérance et de rédemption, d'amour et de pardon, et du pouvoir de la seconde chance. Il résonnera avec les lecteurs qui ont vécu la douleur des relations brisées, le poids du regret et le désir d'un nouveau départ. C'est une histoire de courage, de résilience et de la beauté de la transformation.

  • von Bill Vincent
    16,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    18,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    16,00 - 23,00 €

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