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  • von Thalassa Veil
    23,00 €

    Join us on a captivating journey into the rhythmic realm where classical grace meets urban flair; a world where tradition and innovation harmonize to create the groundbreaking dance phenomenon known as Hiplet. "Hiplet: Bridging the Rhythms of Ballet and Hip-Hop" takes you into the rich history, vibrant evolution and cultural significance of this enchanting dance form.Most important features:Origins and Evolution: Discover Hiplet's roots in the busy streets of Chicago and follow the evolution of this dance style as it defies convention and seamlessly combines the elegance of ballet with the energy of hip-hop.Special Movements: Delve into the intricacies of Hiplet's signature movements and choreography. From pirouettes with urban flair to rhythmic isolations, discover the nuanced expressions that define the fusion and speak the language of Hiplet with confidence.Global Impact: Learn about Hiplet's international rise as it transcends geographic boundaries and captures the hearts of audiences around the world. Dive into remarkable performances and collaborations on global stages and explore the cross-cultural exchange that defines this dance revolution.The Creative Intersection: Discover how Hiplet extends beyond the dance studio and mixes with fashion, music and other creative fields. Unravel the collaborations with renowned designers, the symbiotic relationship with various music genres and the dynamic energy that inspires interdisciplinary synergy.Cultural Movement: Dive into the cultural significance of Hiplet as a movement that embodies diversity, inclusion and empowerment. Read the personal stories of people who have embraced Hiplet as an indispensable element in their lives.The future of Hiplet: Imagine with us about the future of Hiplet and its potential impact on the dance world. Discover emerging trends, interdisciplinary collaborations and technological integrations that promise to shape the evolution of this innovative dance form."Hiplet: Bridging the Rhythms of Ballet and Hip-Hop" invites dance enthusiasts, students and curious minds to enter Hiplet's vibrant dance floor. Immerse yourself in this unique dance style that defies expectations, celebrates diversity and ensures the enduring appeal of Hiplet as a bridge between classical and contemporary dance forms.

  • von A. Scholtens
    25,00 €

    Are you one of the many women who have made the conscious choice to live a fulfilling child-free life? If so, "Celebrating Child-Free Living" is the empowering and uplifting guide you've been waiting for. In a world that often emphasizes traditional family structures, this book offers a refreshing perspective, focusing on the diverse range of women who have made the empowering choice to live a life without children. Through powerful personal stories, expert insights, and practical guidance, this book highlights the positivity of embracing a child-free lifestyle. Explore the unique qualities and characteristics that define those who make this decision, and learn how to navigate societal pressures and challenges with grace. From building supportive relationships to finding personal growth and fulfillment beyond motherhood, "Empowered Choices" empowers you to craft your own path and thrive in it. Discover strategies to handle unsolicited advice and judgment, nurture your well-being, and contribute positively to the world through volunteering and mentoring. As we venture into a changing world, this book also provides a glimpse of a future where child-free living is celebrated and respected, and alternative family structures are embraced. "Empowered Choices: Celebrating Child-Free Living" is an inspiring guide for women who have chosen the child-free path and for those seeking to better understand and support them. Celebrate your choices, find your fulfillment, and embrace the strength of living life on your terms.

  • von Thalassa Veil
    24,00 €

    Unearth the captivating world of breakdancing, where the rhythmic pulse of the streets meets the power of movement and the universal language of dance. "Breakin' Grooves" takes you on a journey from the heart of the South Bronx to dance floors around the world, celebrating the enduring spirit of this electrifying art form.In this book, you'll:Explore the roots of breakdancing in African and Latin American dance traditions.Meet the pioneers and legends who shaped breakdancing as we know it.Dive deep into the moves with step-by-step tutorials, and gain insights from seasoned breakdancers.Discover the global impact of breakdancing, from California to South Korea, and its role in diplomacy and cultural exchange."Breakin' Grooves" is more than a book; it's an invitation to join the rhythm of breakdancing, to feel the beat, and to embrace the spirit of hip-hop culture. Whether you're a seasoned B-boy or a curious enthusiast, this book is your passport to a world of creativity, unity, and self-expression through dance.Get ready to hit the dance floor and unlock your dance potential with "Breakin' Grooves." It's time to join the worldwide dance movement.

  • von Sas155
    23,00 €

    "Rhythmic Moves: A Journey Through the Art of Dance" invites you to step into a world where the language of the soul is expressed through movement. Dive into the heart of this captivating book, where every turn of the page unveils the enchanting tale of dance - an art form as old as humanity itself, yet forever evolving.This immersive journey takes you on a seamless glide through the rich tapestry of dance history, from the rhythmic footprints of ancient shamans to the electrifying performances of contemporary dancers. Explore the stories of legendary dancers and choreographers, feel the pulse of iconic dance companies, and discover the global rhythms that define our world.Dance is not merely an art form; it's a transformative force. You'll uncover how dance transcends boundaries, connects cultures, and tells stories that words alone cannot convey. With vivid descriptions and evocative narratives, you'll witness the sheer beauty and diversity of dance styles, from the traditional to the avant-garde, the folkloric to the futuristic.But "Rhythmic Moves" doesn't stop at history; it propels you into the future of dance. Explore emerging trends, innovative choreography, and the mesmerizing fusion of styles that redefine what dance means in a rapidly changing world. Feel the pulse of technology's influence, dance's role in sustainability, and its potential as a medium for social change.This book is a treasure trove for dance enthusiasts, artists, and those simply curious about the world of movement. Through the words, images, and stories within, you'll experience the power of dance to inspire, heal, and communicate the deepest facets of the human experience.With "Rhythmic Moves," dance comes alive on the page, inviting you to embrace its enchanting, mysterious, and ever-evolving world. Get ready to be captivated, inspired, and forever moved by the magic of dance.

  • von T. R. Waven
    21,00 €

    Embark on an enchanting journey through the pages of "Stone and Legacy," where the medieval era comes to life in all its grandeur. This captivating chronicle unveils the remarkable saga of Ardencastle's creation-a magnificent stronghold forged from dreams, determination, and the artistry of master builders. Dive into the intricate details of castle construction as you traverse the landscapes of ambition, witness the fortification of walls, and stand in awe of towering turrets that touch the sky. From the strategic placement of towers to the design of lush gardens, every facet of this castle's creation is explored, offering a rare glimpse into the craftsmanship and innovation of medieval architecture. But "Stone and Legacy" is more than just a tale of bricks and mortar. It's a tapestry woven with the perspectives of Lord William, the visionary nobleman; Sir Robert, the steadfast overseer; Master Mason, the guardian of craftsmanship; Lady Eleanor, who lends grace to every corner; and the diligent serf workers, who lend their sweat to every stone. As you turn the pages, you'll witness the castle's evolution, from laying the very first foundation stones to the final flourish of tapestries on its walls. Through meticulous research and vivid storytelling, this book invites you to immerse yourself in an era of knights, kingdoms, and unbridled ambition. "Stone and Legacy" is an homage to the enduring spirit of castle-building-a legacy etched not only in stone but also in the hearts of those who dared to dream, design, and dedicate themselves to a vision that transcends time. Join us on this captivating journey through the ages and experience the marvels of medieval architecture like never before.

  • von A. Scholtens
    36,00 €

    Embark on a transformative journey of intellectual growth and mastery with "Developing Your Analytical Thinking Skills." In a world inundated with information and complex challenges, the ability to think critically, solve problems effectively, and make informed decisions is an invaluable asset. This comprehensive guide takes you by the hand and leads you through the intricate realm of analytical thinking. Step by step, you'll uncover the secrets behind logical reasoning, critical thinking, predictive modeling, and much more. Whether you're a student seeking to excel in academics, a professional striving for excellence, or an individual committed to personal growth, this book provides a treasure trove of insights and practical tools. Each chapter is carefully crafted to build your analytical mindset from the ground up. You'll explore real-world case studies, engage in thought-provoking exercises, and gain hands-on experience in applying analytical techniques to diverse scenarios. The journey is dynamic and engaging, offering a wealth of knowledge that empowers you to navigate complexities with confidence. From unraveling logical fallacies to harnessing the potential of machine learning, "Developing Your Analytical Thinking Skills" equips you with a toolkit that extends beyond theory. With a solid foundation in analytical thinking, you'll unlock your potential to innovate, strategize, and make decisions that have a profound impact. Whether you're venturing into the realms of business, science, technology, or any other field, this book is your trusted companion. As you delve into its pages, you'll discover the power of critical inquiry, the art of sound decision-making, and the strategies to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Join us in this enlightening journey as we nurture your analytical thinking skills and equip you to shape a brighter future. Are you ready to embark on the path of analytical mastery? Dive in and elevate your thinking to new heights.

  • von T. R. Waven
    18,00 €

    Step back in time and explore the captivating world of Cahokia, an ancient city that once thrived at the heart of the Mississippian civilization. In this meticulously researched and comprehensive book, we journey through the history, culture, and legacy of this enigmatic pre-Columbian metropolis."Cahokia: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient American City" delves into the remarkable rise and flourishing of Cahokia, situated in the lush landscapes of present-day Illinois. Through the lens of archaeology, history, and interdisciplinary research, readers will gain a profound understanding of this sophisticated urban center.Uncover the mysteries of Cahokia's social organization, where hierarchical structures and political governance shaped the everyday lives of its inhabitants. Discover the significance of trade networks, commerce, and economic activities that contributed to Cahokia's prosperity and regional influence.Immerse yourself in the spiritual beliefs and religious practices of the Cahokian people, as we explore the sacred sites, rituals, and cosmological connections that bound the community together. Learn about the cultural expressions, symbolism, and artistic traditions that reveal the aesthetics and beliefs of this vibrant civilization.Trace the decline of Cahokia and the debates surrounding its enigmatic fall, investigating the potential factors that led to its transformation over time. Follow the enduring legacy of Cahokia on later Native American cultures and modern society, as we contemplate the impact of this ancient metropolis on the broader historical tapestry.This book sheds light on the diverse and vibrant world of Cahokia. Journey through time and explore the complexities, achievements, and resilience of a civilization that remains a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Americas.

  • von T. R. Waven
    15,00 €

    Step back in time and relive the glory days of the 1980s with this fun and nostalgic trivia book. From the rise of pop culture icons to the political and social events that shaped the decade, "Flashback to the 80s" is filled with interesting facts and tidbits that will transport you back in time.Inside this book, you'll find trivia on everything from the music and movies that defined the decade, to the fashion and trends that we still can't forget. Discover the most popular toys and games of the 80s, the famous athletes and sports moments, and the unforgettable commercials and slogans that still echo in our minds.You'll also learn about the major historical events of the decade, including the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Challenger space shuttle disaster. And with sections dedicated to politics, technology, and entertainment, there's something for everyone in this comprehensive guide to the 1980s.Whether you lived through the 80s or you're just curious about this iconic decade, "Flashback to the 80s" is the ultimate trivia guide that will entertain and inform you with all the fascinating facts and figures of the era. Get ready to relive the neon, leg warmers, and big hair with this nostalgic trip down memory lane.

  • von T. R. Waven
    22,00 €

    "I Am Medusa" is a thrilling historical fiction novella that tells the story of the infamous Gorgon, Medusa. Set in ancient Greece, the book follows Medusa's journey from a young girl with a fascination for combat training to a cursed creature with snakes for hair.The novel explores Medusa's life, from her training under the guidance of her mentor, Eurydice, to her encounter with Poseidon that changed her life forever. As Medusa struggles to come to terms with her new identity, she must navigate the dangers of being a monster in a world that fears her kind.As Medusa's reputation as a monster spreads throughout Greece, she meets Perseus, a hero who is tasked with slaying her. But Perseus soon realizes that there is more to Medusa than meets the eye, and together they embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind her curse.With its rich and detailed portrayal of ancient Greece, "I Am Medusa" is a powerful retelling of a classic myth that challenges readers to see Medusa in a new light. The book is full of action, adventure, and romance, making it a must-read for fans of historical fiction and Greek mythology alike.

  • von A. Scholtens
    20,00 €

    "Market Research Made Easy with TAM" is an accessible and comprehensive guide to using Total Addressable Market (TAM) analysis for effective market research. In today's business landscape, companies must understand their market and customers to stay ahead of the competition. With the increasing availability of data and analytics tools, TAM analysis has become an essential tool for businesses to identify potential growth opportunities and manage risks associated with investment decisions.This book provides a step-by-step guide to conducting TAM analysis, including how to estimate market size, identify growth opportunities, and manage risks effectively. With real-world examples and practical tips, this book is designed to help businesses of all sizes, from startups to established corporations, understand the market and develop strategies that align with market trends and customer needs.Whether you are a business owner, marketer, or investor, "Market Research Made Easy with TAM" is an essential resource for anyone looking to gain a competitive advantage in today's fast-paced business landscape. With this book, you can learn how to use TAM analysis to make informed decisions, drive innovation, and achieve long-term success.

  • von A. Scholtens
    30,00 €

    "Multivariate Analysis: Beyond the Surface" provides an in-depth exploration of advanced multivariate techniques, as well as a thorough introduction to the fundamental principles and concepts of multivariate analysis.The book present a wide range of multivariate analysis methods, including exploratory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, latent growth curve modeling, and multilevel modeling. It also cover topics such as Bayesian methods, robust methods, and nonlinear multivariate techniques.In addition to discussing the theoretical underpinnings of these methods, the book provides practical guidance on how to implement them in real-world settings. It is richly illustrated with examples and case studies from a variety of fields, including psychology, sociology, education, and business."Multivariate Analysis: Beyond the Surface" is an invaluable resource for researchers and practitioners in any field where multivariate analysis is used, including social and behavioral sciences, medicine, economics, and engineering. Whether you are a novice or an experienced researcher, this book will deepen your understanding of multivariate analysis and provide you with the tools you need to conduct sophisticated analyses of complex data sets.

  • von A. Scholtens
    28,00 €

    "Encryption Demystified The Key to Securing Your Digital Life" is a comprehensive coursebook that discusses the fundamental principles of encryption, its applications in various contexts, and emerging technologies that rely on encryption to maintain security and privacy.The book covers a range of topics, including symmetric and asymmetric encryption, key management, digital signatures, perfect forward secrecy, quantum-resistant encryption, encryption standards, and regulations that ensure the protection of sensitive information.The book also examines emerging technologies such as blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT) and their unique challenges and opportunities in the context of encryption. It provides a detailed examination of the current state of post-quantum cryptography research, including lattice-based cryptography, code-based cryptography, hash-based cryptography, and multivariate isogeny-based cryptography, and the ongoing effort to standardize post-quantum algorithms.The book examines the challenges and limitations of post-quantum cryptography, including the trade-offs between security and efficiency, the need for new hardware, and the potential for side-channel attacks. It provides a comprehensive overview of different types of side channel attacks, including power analysis, electromagnetic analysis, and acoustic cryptanalysis attacks, and how to protect against them.This book is designed for students and professionals interested in cryptography and its applications in various contexts. The book provides a solid foundation in encryption and its applications, preparing readers for the challenges of securing our digital world.

  • von T. R. Waven
    24,00 €

    "The Mediterranean Man A Diet for Health and Vitality After 50" is a comprehensive guide to the Mediterranean lifestyle, specifically designed for men over 50. This book offers practical tips, advice, and recipes for incorporating the Mediterranean diet into daily life, with a focus on the unique health concerns and nutritional needs of men over 50. Readers will learn about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, including reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, while improving cognitive function and overall quality of life. With a wealth of information and resources, "The Mediterranean Man" is an essential tool for men over 50 looking to improve their health and vitality through diet and lifestyle changes.

  • von A. Scholtens
    24,00 €

    Mastering Laravel is a comprehensive guide to learning and mastering the Laravel PHP framework. This book covers everything from the basics of setting up a Laravel development environment, to advanced features like Eloquent ORM, Queues and Jobs, and Docker deployment. Each chapter is written in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for readers to follow along and learn at their own pace. The book begins with an introduction to Laravel and its core concepts, followed by detailed instructions on how to install and configure a development environment. Subsequent chapters cover topics like routing and middleware, authentication and authorization, front-end development with Bootstrap and Blade, deployment and maintenance, testing with PHPUnit, and advanced Eloquent features like relationships and eager loading. The book also includes a chapter on using Docker to deploy Laravel applications, making it a valuable resource for developers interested in containerization and DevOps practices. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Laravel developer, Mastering Laravel is a must-have resource for learning and mastering the Laravel framework. With practical examples and clear guidance, this book will help you become a skilled Laravel developer and build powerful web applications with ease.

  • von A. Scholtens
    20,00 €

    "Automata Theory: A Comprehensive Guide" is the perfect book for anyone interested in exploring the fascinating world of computational modeling and automata theory. This comprehensive guide takes a unique approach to providing a thorough understanding of this complex subject.The book begins with an introduction to the basics of automata theory, including finite automata, regular languages, and context-free languages. It then goes into more advanced topics, such as pushdown automata and Turing machines.What sets this book apart is its focus on the practical applications of automaton theory. The book contains numerous examples and exercises, enabling readers to apply the concepts they've learned to real-world problems.Whether you are a computer science student, a software engineer, or just someone with a passion for computer science and mathematics, "Automata Theory: A Comprehensive Guide" is the perfect resource to expand your knowledge and understanding of this exciting field. So if you want an enlightening and engaging journey through the world of automaton theory, this is the book for you!

  • von A. Scholtens
    20,00 €

    Unlock the Power of Multi-Moment Marketing and Win in Today's Digital World. Discover the strategies and tactics you need to succeed with this comprehensive guide. From defining micro-moments to executing a successful multi-moment marketing campaign, this book covers it all with real-world examples and expert insights. Embrace the future of marketing and take your brand to new heights. Get your copy of "Multi-Moment Marketing: A Guide to Winning in Today's Digital World" today!

  • von A. Scholtens
    20,00 €

    Discover the intricacies of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with this comprehensive book. Explore the basics of cryptography and digital signatures, learn about the vital role digital certificates play in establishing trust, and gain a deeper understanding of the security protocols that underpin modern communications and transactions. This book is an indispensable resource for anyone wanting to gain a better understanding of PKI and its impact on secure communications and identity management. Whether you are an IT professional, security professional, or simply interested in learning more about the subject, this book is an essential resource for your library.

  • von A. Scholtens
    15,00 €

    " The Father of Modern Rocketry: The Life and Legacy of Robert Goddard" is an in-depth book that delves into the life and contributions of one of the most important figures in the history of rocket technology and space exploration. The book begins by exploring Goddard's early life and education, detailing his early interest in science and technology and his decision to pursue a career in rocketry and space exploration. It then discusses Goddard's scientific discoveries and inventions and provides a detailed analysis of his pioneering work on liquid fuel rockets and his ideas for using them to reach space.This book also covers Goddard's professional career, including his struggle to secure funding for his research, the controversy surrounding his work, and the impact his ideas had on rocket technology and space exploration. It also addresses the criticism Goddard's work has received, such as the infamous New York Times editorial that dismissed Goddard's work as "purely visionary."In addition, this book will explore Goddard's legacy, detailing how his work continues to inspire scientists and engineers today, and how it has contributed to the development of modern rocket technology and space exploration. The book also covers Goddard's recognition and accolades, such as NASA naming facilities and projects after him, and his contributions to the science curriculum in schools and colleges.This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of rocket technology and space exploration, and for anyone wanting to better understand the life and work of Robert Goddard. It offers an in-depth look at one of the most important figures in the field and is sure to be a valuable resource for students, researchers and space enthusiasts.

  • von A. Scholtens
    32,00 €

    Unlock the secrets of prompt engineering with our special coursebook. Filled with compelling examples and expert insights, this book will increase your understanding and mastery of this essential skill. From the basics to advanced techniques, you'll learn everything you need to know to become a master of prompt engineering.But we don't just provide information, we test your knowledge with multiple choice and essay questions at the end of each chapter to ensure that you truly understand and retain the material. This interactive approach will not only increase your knowledge, but also give you the confidence to apply it in the real world.Don't just take our word for it, see for yourself how this book can elevate your understanding and skills in prompt engineering. Order your copy today and start your journey to becoming a true expert in the field.

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