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Bücher veröffentlicht von Sebastian Dienach

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  • von Mateo Cahel
    16,00 €

    It has been a matter of contention for many because people frequently fail to completely appreciate the benefits of effective communication. In order to create and expand a profitable business, it is imperative to have a solid understanding of effective communication within the appropriate environment.Drag the image to enlarge it.Examine the example.

  • von Carlos Herrera Ramirez
    16,00 €

    Ear candling dates back to biblical times, when hollow reeds from marsh regions were utilised as candles. It has been passed down through generations of North and South American Indians, as well as Egyptian, African, Oriental, and European cultures.The process had been mostly forgotten for many years, but it has recently been revived and is now used by a diverse range of people.

  • von Charlie Dodgson
    17,00 €

    Friends. business partners. Lovers?Laura Willis is busy planning their wedding when Ryan is exposed as a cheater. Again. this time, she was with her close friend. She strikes him with her fist and her wedding band before starting work at Brenda's House of Hair. There is a lot of commotion at the salon as a result of Brenda's shortcuts and rampage, though. One of Laura's coworkers, the hairstylist Matt Stephenson, is looking for a new home and career. Taking a chance, he decides to start his own salon and asks Laura to work alongside him. Will their joint endeavor turn out to be more than either of them expected, or can their friendship endure the strain? Joint Venture, which occurs a few years before Wisdom to Know, tells readers about the relationship between recurring characters Matt and Laura. Get your copy today and experience their romance for yourself.

  • von Michaela S. Barcksley
    16,00 €

    An in-depth look at the many various aspects of alternative medicine and how they might benefit you. Concise, easy to read, and comprehensive. This guide covers many different alternative therapies, such as:- Hypnosis - Color therapy - Yoga - Meditation - Herbal remedies - Vitamin therapy - And many more! Here is just some of what you will learn by reading this amazing book:- The differences between conventional and alternative treatment methods - plus, how to know if an alternative treatment is right for you!- The history of alternative medicine - you may be very surprised by what you read here!- The type of alternative medicine that 25% of the world's population practices - along with its five most popular treatment methods and what each can do for you!- A type of alternative medicine that relies almost solely on herbal remedies - this treatment method has been around for over 2,500 years and could be just what you need to begin feeling better in no time!- The alternative medicine techniques of Native American Indians - these techniques have been used effectively for over 40,000 years, according to many experts ... and they work just as well today as they ever have!- Why practitioners of Ayurvedic Medicine believe the body must be balanced - and how that can be accomplished quickly and easily!- The most popular form of alternative medicine - and five reasons why you should try it to begin feeling better immediately!- Herbal remedies for common ailments - find out how to naturally cure acne, anxiety, burns, warts and much more here!- How to cure numerous ailments including arthritis, constipation, depression and the flu with herbal tea - you'll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!- How five products produced by bees could have you feeling better fast - you'll be simply amazed when you read this!- And much, much more. Get your copy today!

  • von Ferdinando Giusto
    19,00 €

    Semplice, pratico e facile da usare, il diario dei progetti di cucito, con una copertina dal design moderno e di qualità, è stato progettato in modo professionale per aiutarvi a tenere un registro dettagliato dei progetti di cucito:- Nome del progetto- Tipo di progetto (Abbigliamento - Decorazioni per la casa - Altro)- Modello di cucito- Fatto per, Iniziato, Finito- Set-up(Macchina - Impostazioni - Ago usato - Filo usato)- Peso, tecnica, macchina, cottura- Misure, SchizzoMateriali Anteprima dell'interno cliccando sulla funzione Guarda dentro o, se siete su cellulare, potete controllare l'immagine della quarta di copertina. Acquistate la vostra copia oggi stesso!Libro di bordo del progetto di cucito:¿ 120 pagine¿ Copertina lucida con design premium e moderno¿ Interno: Carta bianca di buona qualità¿ Formato 6 x 9 pollici

  • von Carlos Miguel Ortega Alvarez
    19,00 €

    Libro de registro del proyecto de construcción Ayuda a registrar el nombre del proyecto de construcción, los visitantes, el calendario, los problemas, las cuestiones de seguridad, resumen de trabajo, empleado y muchos muchos más ...Nuestro Libro de Registro, diseñado para capataces, jefes de obra o supervisores, ofrece un formato claro, coherente y completo para facilitar el mantenimiento de registros. Libro de registro del proyecto de construcción:¿ Papel de buena calidad con cubierta moderna mate¿ Páginas a doble cara, para mejorar la finura y el manejo¿ Tamaño 6 x 9 pulgadas¿ Libro con 120 páginas

  • von Pedrinho Salgado
    19,00 €

    Livro de registo de jardinagem é uma forma perfeita de acompanhar os seus objectivos de jardinagem para principiantes e jardineiros experientes.Livro de registo de 120 páginas foi concebido para ser útil na jardinagem de interior e exterior de frutas, flores, legumes e ervas aromáticas. Este livro de registo simples e directo inclui as seguintes secções:· - Informações sobre materiais de jardinagem- Informações sobre fertilizantes- Datas de germinação, plantação e colheita- Instruções de plantação e cuidados- Lista de compras para cada mês- Requisitos de água e muito maisPode organizar e manter um registo de todos os seus projectos de jardim, registar o que funciona e talvez o que não funcionou, para o ajudar também nos seus futuros planos de jardim. Livro de registo de jardinagem:- Tamanho perfeito 6 x 9 polegadas- Livro com 120 páginas- Capa elegante premium mate

  • von Veneranda Basilio
    19,00 €

    Il nostro registro di progetto per la gestione delle costruzioni, progettato per capisquadra, direttori di cantiere o supervisori, fornisce un formato chiaro, coerente e completo per facilitare la tenuta dei registri. Ideale per tenere tutto registrato in un unico posto.¿ Data, giorno¿ Caposquadra¿ N. contratto¿ Ore perse a causa del maltempo¿ Condizioni dell'acqua¿ Visitatori¿ Problemi, ritardi¿ Calendario - data di completamento, giorni di anticipo, giorni di ritardo ¿ Problemi di sicurezza¿ Incidenti¿ Riepilogo del lavoro svolto oggi¿ Attrezzature in cantiere Libro di bordo del progetto di gestione delle costruzioni:¿ Carta di buona qualità con copertina moderna e lucida¿ Pagine fronte-retro, per migliorare la sottigliezza e la maneggevolezza¿ Formato 6 x 9 pollici¿ Libro con 120 pagine

  • von Luigia Pasqualone
    19,00 €

    Questo diario del dolore, semplice, pratico e facile da usare, è stato progettato in modo professionale per aiutarvi a tenere un registro dettagliato di tutti i vostri infortuni:- Data, Energia- Attività, Sonno- Livello/area del dolore- Pasti (colazione, pranzo, cena, spuntini)- Ora, sintomi, fattori scatenanti- Progressione del dolore (livello del dolore - giorno)Libro di bordo del dolore:- Carta bianca senza acidi di qualità superiore- Formato 6'x9', perfetto per adattarsi a una borsa, una tasca o un sacchetto per un facile utilizzo in viaggio- Libro con 120 pagine con molto spazio da riempire- Copertina elegante e lucida

  • von Jordi Montemayor
    19,00 €

    El libro de registro de 120 páginas está diseñado para ser útil tanto para la jardinería de interior como de exterior de Frutas, Flores, Hortalizas y Hierbas. Este libro de registro sencillo y directo incluye las siguientes secciones: - Información sobre suministros de jardinería- Información sobre fertilizantes- Fechas de germinación, plantación y cosecha- Instrucciones de plantación y cuidado- Lista de la compra para cada mes- Necesidades de agua y mucho másPuede organizar y llevar un registro de todos sus proyectos de jardinería, registrar lo que funciona y tal vez lo que no funcionó también para ayudarle con sus futuros planes de jardinería también. Libro de jardinería:- Tamaño perfecto 6 x 9 pulgadas- Libro con 120 páginas- Cubierta elegante y brillante

  • von Maria Claudia Alonso Martin
    19,00 €

    Este cuaderno de registro le ayudará a desarrollar hábitos saludables para toda la vida. Este cuaderno le ayudará a llevar un registro de su alimentación diaria, sus emociones, la ingesta de vitaminas y suplementos, las horas de sueño, la ingesta de proteínas, el consumo de agua y mucho más. Este libro de registro le ayudará en su viaje hacia la pérdida de peso y la salud. Lleve un registro de su estado de ánimo, la calidad del sueño, el peso, el agua y la ingesta de alimentos. Le permitirá presentar la información de forma sencilla y revelar patrones que quizá no haya notado antes. Adecuado para personas antes y después de una intervención quirúrgica.Datos personales:- Seguimiento del estado de ánimo- Seguimiento del sueño- Nivel de energía- Nivel de actividad- Medicación- Suplementos- Control de peso- Consumo de agua- Seguimiento de alimentos- Seguimiento de desencadenantes- ¡Y mucho más! Perfecto para uso personal o como regalo para un ser querido que vaya a someterse a una operación de bypass gástrico

  • von Ligia Chiesa
    19,00 €

    Il nostro semplice, pratico e facile da usare libro di bordo per il tiro sportivo, con una copertina dal design moderno e di qualità per tiratori, tiratori scelti e tiratrici, è stato progettato professionalmente per aiutarvi a tenere un registro dettagliato di data, ora, luogo, arma da fuoco, tipo di cannocchiale, munizioni, profondità di posizionamento, distanza, polvere, innesco, ottone, pagine di diagrammi. Richiedete la vostra copia oggi stesso! Il mio libro di bordo per il tiro sportivo:¿ 120 pagine¿ Copertina opaca con design moderno¿ Interno: Carta bianca di buona qualità¿ Formato 6 x 9 pollici

  • von Antonina Lorbiecka
    18,00 €

    Nasz dziennik noworodka pomöe Ci ¿ledzi¿ dzie¿ Twojego dziecka. Zmiany pieluch, harmonogramy spania, karmienie, zaj¿cia, nastrój dziecka, leki i notatki s¿ uwzgl¿dnione. Ten tracker dla dziecka zostä zaprojektowany tak, aby by¿ prosty, pi¿kny i ¿atwy w üyciu.Dziennik pok¿adowy noworodka:¿ Wymiary: 6 "x 9" cali¿ Kädy dziennik zawiera obszary do zapisywania daty, godziny, karmienia oraz informacji o aktywnöci i ¿nie¿ ¿led¿ wizyty u lekarza, szczepienia, karmienia, spanie, zaj¿cia, zmiany pieluch i nie tylko¿ Wn¿trze: biäy papier¿ Ksi¿¿ka ze 120 stronami

  • von Sarah Bristhol
    16,00 €

    A thorough yet simple and easy-to-read guide that discusses the many different components of alternative medicine and how they might help you. This guide covers many different alternative therapies, such as:- Hypnosis - Color therapy - Yoga - Meditation - Herbal remedies - Vitamin therapy - And many more! Here is just some of what you will learn by reading this amazing book:- The differences between conventional and alternative treatment methods - plus, how to know if an alternative treatment is right for you!- The history of alternative medicine - you may be very surprised by what you read here!- The type of alternative medicine that 25% of the world's population practices - along with its five most popular treatment methods and what each can do for you!- A type of alternative medicine that relies almost solely on herbal remedies - this treatment method has been around for over 2,500 years and could be just what you need to begin feeling better in no time!- The alternative medicine techniques of Native American Indians - these techniques have been used effectively for over 40,000 years, according to many experts ... and they work just as well today as they ever have!- Why practitioners of Ayurvedic Medicine believe the body must be balanced - and how that can be accomplished quickly and easily!- The most popular form of alternative medicine - and five reasons why you should try it to begin feeling better immediately!- Herbal remedies for common ailments - find out how to naturally cure acne, anxiety, burns, warts and much more here!- How to cure numerous ailments including arthritis, constipation, depression and the flu with herbal tea - you'll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!- How five products produced by bees could have you feeling better fast - you'll be simply amazed when you read this!- And much, much more.

  • von Amandine Touchard
    19,00 €

    Ce livre de bord vous aidera certainement à développer des habitudes saines tout au long de votre vie.Il vous aidera à suivre votre alimentation quotidienne, vos émotions, votre consommation de vitamines et de suppléments, vos heures de sommeil, votre apport en protéines, votre consommation d'eau et bien d'autres choses encore. Ce livre de bord vous aidera dans votre démarche de perte de poids et de santé. Notez votre humeur, la qualité de votre sommeil, votre poids, votre consommation d'eau et d'aliments. Il vous permettra de présenter les informations de manière simple et de révéler des tendances que vous n'aviez peut-être pas remarquées auparavant ! Convient aux personnes avant et après une intervention chirurgicale.Détails personnels :- Suivi des humeurs- Suivi du sommeil- Niveau d'énergie- Niveau d'activité- Médicaments- Suppléments- Suivi du poids- Consommation d'eau- Suivi des aliments- Suivi des déclencheurs- Et bien d'autres choses encore ! Parfait pour un usage personnel ou comme cadeau à un proche qui doit subir ou a subi un pontage gastrique.

  • von Marlène Duverger
    19,00 €

    Simple, pratique et facile à utiliser Mon carnet de projets de couture, avec une couverture moderne et de qualité supérieure, est conçu de manière professionnelle pour vous aider à conserver des informations détaillées sur vos projets de couture :- Nom du projet- Type de projet (Vêtements - Décoration - Autre)- Modèle de couture- Fait pour, Commencé, Terminé- Installation (Machine - réglages - aiguille utilisée - fil utilisé)- Poids, Technique, Machine, Cuisson- Mesure, CroquisMatériaux Prévisualisez l'intérieur en cliquant sur la fonction "look inside" ou si vous êtes sur mobile, vous pouvez consulter l'image de la quatrième de couverture. Livre de bord de la couture:¿120 pages¿ Couverture brillante avec un design de couverture premium et moderne¿ Intérieur : Papier blanc de bonne qualité¿Taille 6 x 9 pouces

  • von Dustin Barrow
    16,00 €

    Bring on the juice! Juicing can help you get healthier.Juicing is getting more and more common, particularly among those who are health-conscious. Whether this is a short-lived craze or a long-lasting trend is unknown. However, several precautions must be made in order to get the greatest advantages from the practice of juicing. Find all the details you require right here.Get a copy right away!

  • von Olive Willwulf
    17,00 €

    This is the most latest book on health and lifestyle, and it provides a wealth of practical advice on how to improve your physical and mental health through simple lifestyle changes and habits. The book is jam-packed with actionable ideas and easy-to-follow guidance based on years of research and experience by famous professionals in the fields of health and wellness.This book has something for everyone, whether you wish to increase your energy, lose weight, improve your sleep quality, reduce stress, or simply live a healthy life. It covers a wide range of topics, from nutrition and exercise to stress management and mental health, and provides practical advice on how to make long-term lifestyle changes. One of the book's key subjects is the importance of forming excellent habits that stick. The authors highlight the critical stages of habit development and provide practical suggestions for overcoming obstacles and staying motivated.The book also tackles sleep hygiene, stress management, and mental health. The authors use the most recent research in these areas to provide practical advice on how to improve your sleep quality, successfully manage stress, and maintain good mental health. Finally, this book provides a detailed method to improving your health and lifestyle by modest, long-term changes. Whether you're a working professional, a stay-at-home mom, or a student, the information and strategies in this book can help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Get your copy today!

  • von Marie-Paule Bonhomme
    19,00 €

    Ce livre de tir sportif simple, élégant, pratique et facile à utiliser avec une couverture moderne et de qualité supérieure pour les tireurs, les tireurs d'élite et les tireuses d'élite est conçu de manière professionnelle pour vous aider à tenir un registre détaillé de la date, de l'heure, du lieu, de l'arme à feu, du type de lunette, des munitions, de la profondeur d'assise, de la distance, de la poudre, de l'amorce, du laiton, des pages de diagramme.Livre de bord du tir sportif:¿ 120 pages¿ Couverture mate avec un beau design de couverture¿ Intérieur : Papier blanc de bonne qualité¿ Taille 6 x 9 pouces

  • von Marie-Thérèse Blanchard
    18,00 €

    Livre de bord de chantier pour le contremaître Help you To Record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and many many more ...Notre livre de bord conçu pour les contremaîtres de la construction offre un format clair, cohérent et complet pour faciliter la tenue des registres. Livre de bord de chantier pour le contremaître:¿ Papier de bonne qualité avec couverture moderne et brillante¿ Pages recto-verso, pour améliorer la finesse et la maniabilité¿ Format 6 x 9 pouces¿ Livre de 120 pages

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