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  • von Lenore Manderson
    20,00 €

    IMPERFECT MEMORIES EXPLORES THE RELIEF OF STORYTELLING, DELVING DEEP INTO WORKS BUILT FROM REMINISCENCE AND DISCONNECTION, HUMOUR, STRENGTH AND LOVE...For many, telling stories is a means of survival, of making it through days, weeks, months, years. But capturing the past is tumultuous and flawed at best, influenced always by our capability to grasp the fleeting moments when we can...In this collection, some of Australia's most talented authors weave threads of their lives - in familiar settings in Australia and in unfamiliar settings in India, Italy, England, Turkey, Russia and beyond. These powerfully evocative and poignant reflections help make sense of their personal and collective experiences.Author contributions within are from: DENNIS ALTMANDESMOND MANDERSONJOHN BAILEYLENORE MANDERSONKAVITA BEDFORDLINDA MEADESKERRIE CLARKEJILL MOONIEKATE COLE-ADAMSKALPANA RAMJEANNE DALYK.M. REESROSALIE HAMALFREDA STRESSACCHRISTOPHER HOUSTONBARBARA TONERMARCIA JACOBSSUSAN WALDMICHAEL JACKSONBIFF WARDMEGAN JENNAWAYL.L. WYNNPETER KENNEALLY "A great collection of stories and thoughts by some wonderful writers who capture real life in their words and in our hearts..." Sharon, Readalot Magazine reviewer

  • von Ken Gratton
    21,00 €

    THE WORLD COPES WITH CASCADING ECONOMIC DISASTERS, WAR, GLOBAL PANDEMICS AND CATASTROPHIC CLIMATE CHANGE...Now right-wing populist politicians are throwing further chaos into the mix.The Anarchy Engine breaks down the discrete challenges faced by the Australian voting public over the past fifteen years, focusing particularly on the four years of the Morrison coalition government.How did a Pentecostal worshipper rise to be Prime Minister of a country that numbers atheists among nearly forty per cent of its population?And did his government's adherence to discredited economic theory survive its first test, a lethal virus, without precedent?This is the full story, covering all the scandals, the mistakes and the ultimate cover-ups."Intriguingly hypnotic and engaging! Brilliant and articulate to all details..." Kevin, Readalot Magazine reviewer

  • von S. K. Wilson
    21,00 €

    AFTER YEARS OF PEACE, KING ARTHUR NOW FACES HIS GREATEST CHALLENGE...Five Knights of the Round Table remain, Mordred LeFay and his armies are set to conquer Camelot and soon after, all of Albion. Arthur must unite a new and brave allegiance of companions to stop Mordred and the dark powers of the evil sorceress Morgana.Arthur will meet new allies and reunite with old friends on his new path to peace, however the forces of evil remain at his back as the kingdom fights for freedom.They are stalked by a dangerous and seemingly invincible cursed spirited warrior, along with being beset by strange monsters of dark magic and are haunted by a mysterious knight in red iron.Mystic visions warn of the dark fate to come should Arthur and his new warriors fail to stop Mordred's impending invasion of a long-lost island, thought to be only a legend - the great kingdom of Avalon..."An enjoyable take on the classic tales of knights and magic told in a fresh voice by an author passionate for great characters and plot... A wonderful read and experience..." Ash, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Andrew Tao
    19,00 €

    WHAT WAS THE MOMENT THAT CHANGED THE WAY YOU VIEWED EVERYTHING?The Science of Life will challenge your understanding of the world and your part in it. Facets of your life will be broken down into their core.Within these pages, uncover the secrets behind courage, compassion, curiosity, evil and more.If there is one important lesson this book will teach you, it is that you at times may be your own worst enemy. But you are also the solution. You have the potential to take control.There is more to life than existence and repetition. And there is a lot more to you, than just you.If you seek to unravel the mysteries of this universe, you don't have to look at the stars for answers.It starts with looking within.This book will show you how."A book of wisdom, simply presented and purely logical in its deliberateness, with each page providing a thought to ponder and a choice to discover... Great reading for the spirit of us all..." Belinda, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Andrew Hood
    20,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Mark Kramarzewski
    22,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Charles Anchor
    22,00 €

    IT ISN'T LONG BEFORE THE HUNTED BECOMES THE HUNTER...When a drug smuggling operation goes horribly wrong, Shipley disposes of the millions of dollars of contraband and disappears into seclusion to stay alive.While on the run, Shipley still finds the enjoyment of surfing the world's oceans so teams up with a band of international jewel smugglers to fund his reclusive travels.Gallivanting around the world and surfing when he chooses makes life on the run not so bad... that is, until he is seen in Puerto Rico by a member of the mob he is hiding from, who then alerts Shipley's old circles to his existence.When Shipley's real name is uncovered, the criminal world suddenly tightens around him once again but Shipley is not a man known for backing away from any fight.SHIPLEY, AN ALIAS ONCE FOR PROTECTION, IS NOW A CURSE..."A great continuation to a mesmerising character and skilled author... A delight and well worth the read..." Patrick, Indie Book reviewer

  • von S B Postlewhite
    21,00 €

    THE THRILLING SECOND INSTALMENT TO THE DUMNONIAN COMPASS, WITH OLD FRIENDS, NEW ADVENTURES AND MUCH MORE...With her eighteenth birthday looming, Darcy Bennet is restless. Dumnonia seems no more than a distant memory of a dream, and now, Darcy wonders if any of it was actually real.Darcy is drawn back to places and people that connect her to the events of three summers ago. With barely enough time to breathe, she finds herself thrust back in the thick of another journey into Dumnonia.Darcy returns to the world of myths and magic to seek out her old friends and loves but waiting for her in this world she has come to love, is a new journey she had not expected to take...Adventure is waiting but beware, danger lurks in the shadows..."A wonderful addition to an amazing first tale... Great writing, great plot and enjoyable twists... A story for all to enjoy again and again..." Margret, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Timothy Gerrard
    24,00 €

    DURING THE TWELFTH CENTURY CRUSADES A DEADLY JOURNEY MUST BE MADE FOR SALVATION TO HAPPEN...When the king of Jerusalem is diagnosed with life-threatening leprosy, his physician and two apprentices - Ippolito and Ruth - will travel to India in search of a cure that has only ever been rumoured to exist.They face many trials and tribulations along their journey to India and each will be more traumatic and devastating than the last. Against all odds they must continue as they hold the legacy of humanity in their hands alone.With daring adventures having deadly consequences at each junction of the quest, it is their love and fortitude that drive them forward with nothing but a hope in their hearts of succeeding. To lose would be too devastating to contemplate.The only thing for certain is survival is not guaranteed..."A mystical tale of human courage and conviction to belief and purpose... A really great book for lovers of well thought out plot and riveting characters..." Tom, Indie Book reviewer "...a breathtaking adventure, rivalling the stories of Marco Polo, and considerably more fun." Tom Flood, Author & Miles Franklin Award Winner

  • von A. D. Lyall
    18,00 €

    WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE THE LAST OF HUMANITY IN A DYING WORLD...?Most of the Earth's population is gone. Many of those who survive have been turned into predatorial scarecrows that stand silent in the fields by day, while bringing death in the dark of night.Despite the global devastation, Icarus and Charlton maintain a semblance of normal life on their sugarcane farm, bonding with other survivors in their community.Icarus longs to return to the south and find his sense of belonging, in opposition to Charlton's desire to remain on the farm, creating tension between them.With the unexpected arrival of a charming and manipulative ex-soldier named Adam, conflicts arise while dark secrets brew beneath the surface of false hopes.As the crows encroach upon the farmhouse, Icarus and Charlton navigate their relationship and survival in an unprecedented situation, learning what it means to be human in a dying world..."A thought-provoking book by a new author skilled in engaging narrative and plot... A very cool read..." Travis, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Julie Finn
    23,00 €

    AN ANCIENT ENEMY LONG BELIEVED TO BE A MYTH HAS ARISEN...Forced to flee with his family from the impending fear of the rising, Merek - who was a former warrior assigned the quest to rid the world of the evil Asur - now finds his past catching up with him for the ultimate confrontation.His worst fears are confirmed and Merek must avoid the Asur at all costs as they now seek to be avenged.His hidden past brought back to the forefront, Merek journeys to Dorhall Pass to keep his loved ones alive.An adventure of hidden magic and secrets long hoped buried, Rise of Asur: The Beginning tells the story of a great warrior drenched in all the drama, suspense and romance of great classic fantasies before it."A spellbinding thrill ride of emotive imagery and conflicted characters... all things that make great fantasy reading. Awesome!" Alex, Indie Book reviewer

  • von E M Greville
    21,00 €

    FAMILIES CAN BE TRICKY...Especially when your dad is missing, your mum is hiding a BIG secret and a strangewoman - who looks oddly familiar - is trying to steal your magic from you, which youdon't even know you have because no one EVER tells you ANYTHING...!When Raine spontaneously shoots a blue flame from her finger and breaks a window,even she can't deny the magic running through her. Being banished to the basementand finding a cursed baby dragon means life is about to change.Forever.But Raine's powers serve a prophecy and dark forces are gathering...With her unreliable magical encyclopedia and a group of weird and wonderful allies,can she find out what happened to her father, fulfil her destiny and still save the world?How hard can all that be?"An imaginary delight, filled with friends you wished you had and foes you're glad never to meet, ending in an epic battle kids will love.A story of magic, bravery, and adventure, with lessons of self-belief and love and an epic adventure that ends with a mighty battle reminiscent of Narnia.Raine is thrust into a magical world she knows nothing about only to be led into the battle for her life. Heartwarming friends, magical creatures, and a family secret finally revealed - kids will read this story time and time again." Elena Paige, award-winning author of Evie Everyday Witch and The Splendid Secrets of 66 Lilly Pilly Lane."A colourful and fun filled fantasy of growing and learning what the world about us is for each of us... Thoroughly enjoyed this book..." Trudie, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Dorothy Holmes
    38,00 €

    AN ENRICHING AND DETAILED STORY OF PEOPLE STRIVING TO SURVIVE...Fresh from the Dust transports us into the West Australian outback during the early stages of the Second World War, where Steve Robinson has had a severe blow to his head, causing amnesia and epilepsy. This tragic event spurs painful consequences for himself and his family.Steve's wife, Irene, does her best to carry on, but finds herself caught between her husband who is now a different person since the accident, and the diverse range of people she encounters while she navigates her way through the western side of Australia.Steve's accident sets off a chain of events that makes Fresh from the Dust an enriching and detailed story that runs deep with an array of complex characters."A modern classic of Australian outback life and struggles in a difficult period... Great work..." Donna, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Christine Watts
    19,00 €

    CHRISTINE'S WORDS OFFER A TRUTHFUL COMMENTARY ABOUT THE BEAUTY AND RELATABILITY OF EVERYDAY LIFE FOR EVERY PERSON TO ENJOY...Her family, friends and the everyday events of her life provide the quintessential material for her gloriously warm and fun collection of poems, which balances themes of eccentricity, playfulness, amusement and honesty as perfectly as her own smile.Years prior, when invited to a dinner party, her husband was unable to make it. So, not being one to go alone, she created the perfect dinner partner in the form of a cardboard cut-out image of her husband to take as her date. This new husband became the often requested to attend guest at future parties...Christine's active participation in World Nude Gardening Day each May of the year is often commented on by neighbours and friends who frequent her garden activities with admiration...These are a few samples of Christine's exceptions and happenings that are presented to the world in this excellent collection of works by a passionate and charismatic woman of the community."This is a wonderful book of prose, thoughts and experiences that will make you laugh and think all at once... Brilliant..." Helen, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Matthew J Turner
    23,00 €

    A REIGN OF EMERALD FIRE IS THE DEBUT NOVEL OF A NEW FANTASY SERIES BY AUTHOR MATTHEW J TURNER.Disgraced Commander of the King's 1st, Stánwilte Yoakilor pins his hopes upon a hastily cobbled together band of misfits, gallivanting around the kingdom of Uprynenos on a mishap-strewn path to redemption.Brolo, the half-elf/half-dwarf tags along, deluded by a desire to experience the skull-cracking, knuckle-dusting escapades allegedly undertaken by his absent father, if his drunkenness and sharp tongue doesn't get him killed first.Far away in the desolate Ánad, a desert far beyond the reaches of the King's Law, Yilonia flees the wrath of her father, the Earl of Stunheath, unaware that his fiery temper should be the least of her concerns.Set within a double-edged world where stark and brutal events are cut with a wry-humoured absurdity, this opening tale focuses on the painful fusing together of outcasts into a dysfunctional family, bonded by their shared magnetism for misfortune and grief."A glorious mesh of characters and events that propels the pages forward with endless excitement and humour... Wonderful..." Tyler, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Angus Stevens
    24,00 €

    A MOVIE LOVER'S FEAST THAT SPIRALS IN AND OUT OF CONTROL...Adam Robinson gives his life 2 stars. On paper it should be a box-office hit, but it hasn't lived up to the hype. He wants to recast the whole thing, starting with himself.Heading back to Sydney after an eventful business trip, Adam discovers an app that allows him to enter the world of his favourite films. No longer typecast as 'married man, father of two', he can be whoever he wants.From playing action heroes, to rom-com leading men, it's a dizzying ride and the greatest experience of his life. Until he tries to log out...With fast-talking narration and pop-culture obsession, Viewer Discretion Advised is a genre-hopping adventure rom-com, reminiscent of great modern classics like High Fidelity and Ready Player One.'Wry, disarming, and ruefully told, Viewer Discretion Advised is a novel of considerable charm and warmth. More than a Gen X nostalgia trip, this is a journey into the heart and mind of a middle-aged everyman - a story that moves from wit to hard-won wisdom without missing a beat.' Geordie Williamson, Chief Literary Critic of The Australian.

  • von Angela Dwyer
    21,00 €

    DO YOU REMEMBER THE FIRST LIE YOU EVER TOLD? OR THE FIRST SECRET YOU EVER KEPT?At just twelve years old, lying became a habit for Lexie Fox... and so did the keeping of secrets.But what could cause such a habit and make Lexie flee from her father and the small town of Berxley Falls?Now, six years later, Lexie has returned to where her lying began. But bearing the weight of her secrets is beginning to take a toll.Lexie's secrets and lies begin to unravel and she finds herself caught between covering everything up or revealing all the shocking truths held within.Secrets and lies can either tear people apart or bring them closer together... but for Lexie, there is no way to know which outcome will be worse."Tantalising and emotive as a young girl comes of age through her own learnings... A great read..." Heather, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Ken Strahan
    20,00 €

    CATASTROPHIC BUSHFIRES RACE UP THE MOUNTAIN INTO A CLOSE-KNIT COMMUNITY FORCED TO FIGHT FOR THEIR LIVES...In this thrilling recounting, neighbours and friends face death and loss amidst fires surging through mountainous bushland. They confront life and death choices and endure the perils of a fire out of control. Together they fight the raging inferno, desperately protecting their lives and the community they cherish.Each character responds to the overwhelming threat differently, remaking themselves through the tragedy and devastation as they realise how precious their lives really are.Despite their fear and loss amongst the flames, love, hope and friendship nurture their survival on the mountain."Decades of fire research underpins Ken Strahan's authentic portrayal of an Australian community in crisis. This is a great read that is informative, thought-provoking and thoroughly relevant to the lived experience of contemporary Australia." Emeritus Professor John Handmer, RMIT University"A realistic portrayal of a fire-stricken community that resonates with recent events that will happen again... An excellent and thoughtful book..." Douglas, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Kim Winter
    25,00 €

    BORN IN THE OUTBACK,SCHOOLED ON THE VERANDAH,INURED BY STATION LIFE...Matty's life has been shaped by various experiences that have influenced his character and outlook.Growing up in the rugged outback, he faced the challenges of droughts, fires and navigating a diverse culture.His cherished bond with his horse, Cedar, epitomizes his existence and brings him true happiness as he rides through the vast bush with his closest friends.However, his tranquil life is abruptly interrupted by the outbreak of World War I, which creates his need for a new maturity amongst the conflict of battle.The scars of these battles result in significant loss and propel him on a journey of self-discovery with a newfound purpose that he had never imagined before.Cedar is a compelling work of fiction that takes readers on an emotional journey through the complexities of human relationships, the power of love and the courage to face adversity."A delicate and moving tale of mateship and hardship in a time of amazing courage and resilience our world had to learn to survive... Excellent." Colin, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Anastasia Tyler
    22,98 €

    ACTING DETECTIVE SERGEANT CLARA MODE LOVES THE SMELL OF RISK, BUT IS EVERY RISK WORTH TAKING?Mode lives in a converted van with her freshly permed hair and a slight persecution complex. She knows it's hard to get respect as a woman in 1982, let alone as the only female detective in the region.When she is sent to another 'soft case' at an archaic boarding school, it becomes clear that there is something more sinister at play. Despite the warnings, she can't resist her chance to shine..."An emotive read, set in familiar times and with confronting issues... A well thought out plot propels the pages. A great read for lovers of crime fiction!" Nathan, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Olivia Opal
    23,00 €

    ROSE IS ONLY ELEVEN, BUT SHE HAS A SPECIAL MAGICAL GIFT...A GIFT SHE KEEPS SECRET.Rose flees from her home when keeping secrets becomes too overwhelming, hoping to find somebody who will help her understand her powers.In Rose's haste, she finds a magical land known as Magicae Terra, a place filled with all sorts of mythical creatures and somewhere Rose instantly feels at home.Upon finding Magicae Terra, Rose learns that a journey still lies ahead of her. It is only through discovering her authentic self that evil may truly be defeated.What will unfold is beyond Rose's wildest imagination... but her resolve cannot be beaten. She will see her journey through to the end in the hopes of finding the truth of her past..."Fantastically written and overflowing with emotion and thoughtfulness towards the characters and events... A wonderful read..." Leanne, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Matthew Cirson
    29,00 €

    1970s AUSTRALIA...When the world is thrown into a downward spiral of chaos, four very different people from the darkness will fight their way across the vastness of the great southern land. Men turn to countrymen, who have now become enemies. Each man must look within in order to overcome their worst nightmares; or worse, to become them...The nightmare is not of the man who stands to face them, but from he who resides deep within...Lives are twisted and men search the depths within for whatever they can find to survive."An Australian instant classic... Visionary and reflective of a time of futuristic darkness the genre deserves... Great first book for this new author." Gavin, Indie Book reviewer50% of authors proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to "Soldier On." To assist with the health and mental wellbeing of current and ex-serving ADF personnel.

  • von Timo Savimaki
    19,00 €

    IN 1960, AT THE TOWN OF JINDABYNE, A MAN IS WRONGFULLY CONVICTED FOR HORSE THEFT, HIS DEATH SHORTLY FOLLOWS...Shortly after his release from jail, he is found deceased from a slow, painful poisoning. The murder is clear in its intent and the man's missing wife is the most obvious suspect for the crime. The search commences to locate her and bring an answer to the glaring question - Why?Sydney detectives quickly realise that they're not dealing with just any ordinary female fugitive.In fact, this lady fugitive and her two female companions are a highly intelligent, witty and intuitive gang of women who keep themselves one step ahead of the law at all times.This story may be set in the 1960s but these three women have twenty-first century liberties and articulate feminine skills which ultimately leaves the men who hunt them hilariously humbled in their wake..."A gem and a laugh at a very clever thriller mystery that engages with relentless narrative and intrigues with great characters... Brilliant..." Tamara, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Gillian Wells
    19,00 €

    WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A WORLD TRIES TO SPLIT TRUE LOVE APART...?Seb has made a successful living through a love of horses, yet it never quite filled his empty heart.Taking time to venture to France, Seb encounters the lost love of his life, Sally, once more.After ten years apart, they quickly realise their love never went away...Challenges rise to meet the two lovers and their chance for happiness is challenged by the distance between them.Seb and Sally vow to endure their burden and find a way to be together again after their brief renewed encounter, but when Sally falls victim to a stalker's interest, Seb becomes desperate to protect her any way he can.Through his passion for horses and his commitment to loving Sally, Seb must find the courage and conviction to save them both during this terrible time..."A great continuation to its predecessor and another great work from the talented Ms Wells to be enjoyed by those who love immersive plots and real characters... Excellent..." Tina, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Ib Svane
    18,00 €

    YACHTING STORIES OFTEN DESCRIBE DIFFICULT OCEAN PASSAGES OR THE BEAUTY OF REMOTE ISLANDS...THIS COLLECTION OF OCEANIC TALES IS VERY DIFFERENT!Short Stories for the Daring Yachtsman is about the lives of actual yachtspeople who sail along the coast of Mexico.You may call them wanderers of the sea, for they are not tied down to a port as many yachtsmen are.They instead meet on the docks, in the cafes and cockpits, telling stories of future sailing plans and adventures on boats and through weather on the ocean.Many even prepare for a cross-pacific voyage.Things never go as planned. There will always be surprising outcomes and tragic endings. But the journeys to becoming sailors and crossing oceans will change their lives forever...You are invited to share in these amazing tales and partake in the greatness of their courage and lives at sea."What an enjoyable and fresh book of well-written tales to be shared and admired... Excellent read..." Toby, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Karen Thurecht
    19,98 €

    IT'S 1887, DR HAMISH HART ALONG WITH HIS FRIEND, DR RITA CARTWRIGHT, ENJOY A WEEKEND STAY AT THE OPULENT NEW HOTEL AT DEEPWATER POINT...There is excitement for the upcoming aeronautical exhibition by French beauty Celestine DuPont which is unexpectantly disrupted by the mysterious murder of a young nurse also staying at the hotel...The talk is filled with conspiracy by the guests and staff at the hotel... Could the murder be linked to Glenda Hembrow who had a child in secret prior to her marriage, or perhaps the Captain Murdo Black, one full of stories worthy of a sea captain? Is it linked to Celestine DuPont whose father had disappeared after a fateful ballooning accident, or even Colonel Otis Winter, recently retired from the German Imperial Army?Hamish believes the answer lies in a deeper understanding of the deceased and who she was before her demise.The revelations become simpler than Hamish first imagined when he ponders not who she was, but rather what she saw before her death..."A fantastic new episode for the brilliant Dr Hamish and written by an amazing author of great mystery and character creation in the entire series... Exceptional..!" Sandra, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Kate Hanssen
    19,00 €

    AN INSPIRING TALE CENTRED AROUND ONE WOMAN'S JOURNEY IN NEPAL AND HER SURVIVAL OF A DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKE...For all those who didn't give up the good fight... Kate sees you.In 2013, Kate visited Nepal for the first time with no knowledge of the rich culture and depth of the place despite her years of interest in spiritual growth and learning. On this occasion, Nepal truly spoke to her heart, and she grieved this magical place upon leaving it, vowing to return. Two years later, in 2015, once again Kate found herself back in Nepal. Drawing her back like a calling of the soul, this time, nothing could have prepared Kate for what was to happen...The earthquake happened while she was in Kathmandu.The journey of spirit and wisdom is found in an aspiring story of a woman who created a life from her own belief and strength. Her fate and passion for a country that became more than a home to her as she was crafted around a community. Share Kate's new world of Nepal as drawn out in glorious detail through Kate's delicate eye... and perhaps you will find your own inner purpose along the way."An honest book about rediscovery that explores love, loss, sacrifice and courage. Kate's story is full of many moving challenges and lessons learned. A must read!" Sue, Indie Books reviewer

  • von Robert Nicholls
    32,00 €

    THE MOST CHALLENGING VALUE PEOPLE CAN COMMIT TO IS THE TRUTH...On the tropical coast of Queensland, Sugar Town's annual harvest festival is a time for restraint to be set aside; for the fanciful and the mischievous to be indulged. But when innocent questions elicit shocking and unexpected answers, the mischief turns, once again, to malevolence which will hold a reckoning to be delivered...The denial of Sugar Town's painful past has created a common recourse. Yet when an ambiguous stranger visits Sugar Town, questions are raised and the community is faced with its greatest challenge yet... uncovering the truth of the past.When a thirteen-year-old girl stumbles upon Sugar Town's secret conspiracies, new crimes are committed to cover the old and ageing indifferences are provoked. The most dangerous aspect of Sugar Town's community is its silence..."Wonderfully engaging and menacing with absorbing characters and plot that keeps the pages flicking past and my breath captured until the end..." Patrick, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Grant Parkin
    18,00 €

    PART MEMOIR, PART SELF-HELP BOOK, YOURSELF OR SOMEONE LIKE YOU IS HERE TO SHOW YOU HOW TO EXERCISE THE CONCEPT OF CHOICE AND RESPONSIBILITY WHEN FACED WITH CHALLENGES...From surviving an horrific dog attack as a toddler, to the tragic death of his father in a car accident, to the challenges of leaving the country of his birth and then finally to the very emotional divorce from his wife... this story has truth at its heart and purpose at its soul.Funny, tragic, and at times unbelievable, the story weaves its way from various towns in the regional Eastern Cape Province of South Africa to the cities of the Gold Coast, Sydney and Brisbane.Yourself or Someone Like You details the traumatic yet very real life experience of author, Grant Parkin, and his amazing outcomes that will inspire your life also..."This book had me both laughing and crying nearly all the way through. A true alternative perspective to help look at life through a new lens... A masterpiece!" Aaron, Indie Book reviewer

  • von Geoff McArthur
    19,00 €

    OF THE THOUSANDS WHO HEADED TO THE AUSTRALIAN GOLDFIELDS IN THE 1850S TO FIND RICHES, NOT ALL WOULD SEARCH FOR GOLD...With fortunes to be made in trade and business in these booming populations, only those with the courage and fortitude to survive in a ruthless commercial environment would eventually succeed.Look for the Red Umbrella tells the true story of a woman who achieved this and much more, overcoming personal tragedies, family scandals and fierce opposition to make her mark as a business and community leader in a new city dominated by men.With a husband whose hubris brought the family to its knees, this very real tale of deceit, tragedy and courage plays out in the shops and streets of Victorian-era Ballarat.A story you'll barely believe happened!"What an absolutely compelling read... An amazing dive behind the peaceful umbrella shop front to reveal the truth of deceit and crime beneath." Carly, Indie Book reviewer

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