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  • von Judith Rook
    18,00 €

    RAVENS ARE THE SENTINELS THAT WATCH OVER THE TOWN OF LOST SOULS...Ravens Hollow is a hauntingly beautiful story of facing confrontations from the past and overcoming the terrifying bleakness of the future.Set in a small, central Victorian town, rooted in the gold rush of 1851, Lee Ping, a Chinese migrant and gold digger, is murdered and his soul left to drift; trapped in the eternal terror of Ravens Hollow.Ravens Hollow follows families haunted by the dead as they become trapped within their final resting place.With the dead watching and the living often providing no comfort; family secrets are forced to be revealed as a dim hope for peace is craved.With secrets finally revealed too late, the implications of Ravens Hollow are profoundly emotional and tragic for all residents."An unnerving, well written tale of terror and a great new work by a new author learning the craft... Enjoyable read..." Tabitha, IndieBook reviewer

  • von Roger Chappell
    19,00 €

    IT'S NOW 2052.The grains of sand still falling from his fingers now cling to each moment; their fall becoming slower with every beat that pounded his chest...Isaac used to be an ordinary guy. But then things started happening, and he found he was part of an elite group of people who have the ability to time travel at will.They call themselves 'Time Slicers'.Isaac is different to the others. His abilities are growing stronger which help him when confronted by the 'Cleaners' and there's one other problem: he's in the wrong timeline. He knows if he doesn't find a way back, he may never be born. The power of a single moment holds the key to time."e;Stylish and absorbing for a Sci-Fi lover to immerse in and for new readers to discover a great story, well-written characters and clever thought-out plot twists...exceptional..."e; Brad, indiebook reviewer

  • von A J Elksnis
    22,00 €

    The leader of the freedom fighters, Luke Palmer, has disappeared after a failed attempt to find his sister, Emma, who has been taken by slavers and sold to the Corporation. He is on a quest to save her and leaves Rachel Navara, a soldier in charge. She and her brother, Rowan, were sent from Earth to Silica to aid Luke and those resisting the corporation known as Sabre Company.Lana is Professor Peter O'Conner's "e;augmented human"e; creation (genetically engineered test tube baby). While she was being grown, Lana learned everything she needed through O'Conner's special neural connection program. Now Professor O'Conner wants Lana to investigate alternate realities.Luke and Rachel learn the truth of Sabre Company's ultimate plan: to destroy all of the new colonies that were established during the time when the people of Earth reduced their planetary population by migrating to other habitable systems.The freedom fighters set out to stop this from happening and to save millions of innocent people before it is too late and the universe is devastated..."e;A great adventure in Sci-Fi for all readers to experience...cleverly written and thought out..."e; Doug, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Craig Ford
    20,00 €

    HAVE YOU EVER DREAMED OF BEING A HACKER?To anyone who meets her, Samantha is just a good-hearted teenager who wants to finish school and go to college. Yet she has a secret life...She has spent years living two lives, one as Sam which the world sees most and one as Foresight, who Sam feels is her true self where she is a passionate and gifted hacker.She has never found a system she could not bend to her will. She is the essence of a true magician within the dark recesses of the web which many dare not enter.Foresight and Sam never mix. This is something that Sam goes to extreme lengths to ensure. These two very different lives however may be veering towards an unstoppable collision course. The weave of tension and intrigue grows beyond her comprehension as she dives beneath the deep dark corners of the hacker world to really discover what she is made of."e;The premise of this technological thriller is the hacker world having such global impact to the unsuspecting world that it makes you very aware the power within the web...what a thoughtful and provocative story by an exciting new author who knows the genre well..."e; Trevor, indiebook reviewer

  • von Julie Jean Evans
    17,00 €

    I HAVE MADE PEACE WITH MY PAST. What I want to yell from the rooftops is "e;everyone matters!"e;We all have hearts of energy. We all have the capacity to build a good life. Today, I can appreciate all the simple pleasures in my day by changing my thinking from past to present. Good people will make a difference in someone's life.Within the pages of SYSTEM EXPOSED - Heartbeat of My Life, Julie shares her horrific childhood story; complete with child abuse, homelessness, juvenile jails, institutional care, lies and cover ups from trusted officials. The government just closed their eyes and allowed everything told within to happen to many children.Yet, as in many stories, there were moments of hope that eventually resulted in strength, courage and survival, healing and forgiveness...Take warning to read this book with a strong heart as you uncover the story of someone raised as a state ward, among many other children - The Forgotten Australians. You will be privy to confidential government files, as evidence of their severe failure to care for these children they swore to protect.You will never forget this story."e;A compelling honest telling of an ordeal most would never believe or consider possible in a modern world...A brave book by an inspiring woman who survived and who shares from a place of love, not spite...wonderful..."e; Alexandra, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Rita H Rowe
    22,00 €

    TWO MEN WHO COULD NOT BE MORE DIFFERENT...ONE WOMAN CAUGHT BETWEEN THEM...When Jennifer loses David, the love of her life, her world falls apart. Fleeing to New York for a fresh start, she meets Jack, rugged and handsome, everything she could hope for. But her world is unexpectedly plunged into chaos and violence. An abusive husband, a loveless marriage - and no way out.When David comes back into her life; Jennifer is torn between the man she has always loved and a life she has now chosen...Never The Moon interweaves the lives of Jennifer, David and Jack, revealing the power of love - and the destruction it can leave in its wake..."e;Inspired and emotive, a great romance and heart-string tugger of a story...well done to a new voice of romance..."e; Debra, Indiebook reviewer

  • von John Camillo
    25,00 €

    KENNY IS A RARE HUMAN BEING, SUPER INTELLIGENT AND PHYSICALLY GIFTED...Where it is earned, his loyalty is total. His journey is bleak and often painful to experience alone. His purpose is unclear and his devotion to others is obvious. Kenny is a man of modest desire and strong convictions and both serve him in greatness and in bleakness...Through a tale of humanness, Kenny finds his story and walks the path he has been given and when confronted with choices, he makes those he feel best and may often find them to be wrong but with good reasons...Kenny loves, fears, desires, aspires and delivers all in the simple process of taking one breath after day after another...He finds comfort in friends and as the fates bring them skimming stones on a clear lake, they toss them to skip across the glass water, skimming till they run out of energy and sink. Each ghost disappears from within when a stone sinks. A metaphor for all effort - wasted in the end..."e;A dark and disturbing tale of life and death in the purest forms; a philosophical journey that one comes out of with greater thought and stronger knowing...a masterful prose..."e; Francis, Indiebook reviewer

  • von David Halpin
    23,00 €

    SET IN A HISTORIC INSTITUTION IN THE OUTSKIRTS OF SYDNEY...A work of fiction, where reality has been severely exaggerated with a mere occasional glimpse of the harsh truth. Donald has been unceremoniously thrust into the psychiatric hospital microcosm and while he is a smart, yet reluctant, anti-hero, trying to come to some sort of understanding of his odd situation; Donald didn't really think his life had been going so badly given this fresh perspective. He had, however, never in his entire life been quite so completely, absolutely and undeniably wrong. Granted this situation would be a very unusual situation for most people, and it is also, probably, a seriously cliched one for a comedic, semi-autobiographical, semi-fantastical, but oh-so-very-close-to-reality semi-whimsical yarn... For this lone man, Donald Halfbrain, it was going to be:Story Defining... Life Changing... Legend Creating..."e;A cracker of humour and dry oddity that makes for an Australian classic from the start...what a mind this author has invited us to share! The Monty Python crew would be so proud of this one!"e; Anthony, Indiebook reviewer

  • von H E Hristov
    22,00 €

    WOULD YOU PASS?When the Superiors of the planet Ganji created a cure for all diseases on Earth, they send a promising recruit named Agent, to assess Himuryn (humans) and to determine whether the Himuryn species add value to the planet or will they lead themselves to ultimate extinction.Ganjians are considered the most intelligent species in the universe and have taken it upon themselves to keep the peace and prosperity of the galaxy. Agent soon discovers that his own mind and body start to change, as he develops Himuryn emotions and real affection for the species. During the time on Earth, Agent becomes envious of the freedoms Himuryn experience and realises the restrictions of living with his own species. On return to his home planet, he must hide his new self and try to live with the decisions he has made to save the existence of Himuryn for the overall value of the planet Earth and the universe survival."e;A dramatic Sci-Fi work with great thought and plot, with perspectives and character's to evolve in the mind long after reading...great work..."e; Zack, Indiebook Reviewer

  • von Georgia Mabarrack
    20,00 €

    THIS BOOK IS FILLED WITH MY THOUGHTS ON THE CHAOS THAT SURROUNDS US. Its pages are scattered with ramblings about my mother's youth and my desire to give to her all that she has given to me yet realising it would take a billion lifetimes for me to even come close. These poems speak for me. They speak about my sister's cancer and the dark thoughts that sit in the back of my mind, relaxed on their futons, laughing at me. That wrongful desire to be loved, that lives in the deepest part of my chest, crawled its way out and found a home between the covers. My childhood traumas, fears and secrets are sprawled across the pages like a wine-stained dress. I imagine if you cracked open my skull and peered through the mess, this is what you would see. I believe that my chaos may help you walk through your own overgrown garden, to find the mystical wisteria waiting underneath the sun."e;A collection of emotive poems and thoughts and words that speak truth, fear and hope from a young new author who has the beginnings of a great wordsmith..."e; Donna, Indiebooks Reviewer

  • von Steve Hile
    19,00 €

    IN THE LATE 19TH CENTURY, THE DANK STREETS OF SYDNEY WERE CONTROLLED BY PUSH GANGS...AND NO ONE PUSHED BACK...The top of these gangs was the Greens push and they were led by a tough bare-knuckle fighter by the name of Larry Foley.One of their pastimes was running illegal underground prize-fights. Mr Foley became a pioneer for the Marques of Queensbury rules fighting, later known as "e;boxing"e;. Larry trained many of the best boxers in Australia and some of the best in the world. In the 1880s Larry was introduced to a well-known street fighting kid called - Young Griffo. The kid, under Larry's training, became a true boxer and won the Australian boxing title, then one year later became the first Australian to win the World Title. Promoters, crowds and the press were amazed by his speed and skill. Filled with confidence, Young Griffo headed for the states to tackle their best and found he had become extremely popular for his cleverness and entertaining way of boxing and winning.Years past, age progressed, and old boxing fans would often approach him with praises and most sports journalists rated him as one of the cleverest boxers to ever lace on a pair of gloves. Young Griffo was a true legend of the sport, and you hold in your hands the story of how and why this vey legend came about..."e;A stylised account of greatness that makes the world of sport more impressive in times of such challenges and conflicts...well done and great read.."e; Ryan, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Kate Ferris
    22,00 €

    THE FOREST IS DARK; THE ENEMY IS DARKER...Tyne and her team are fighting for their lives after having been sent in to clear the Nevada State Forest from where an alien stronghold has been established since their invasion. When the aliens invaded, we weren't prepared. Watching country after country fall under these invaders; we had no choice but to fight back.The aliens held hostages in the camps at Nevada and Tyne feared none will be alive for long. For their own cause, will they make it back from this confrontation? And what will they actually uncover when in there? No one knows much at all about these merciless destructive aliens. And even if they survive the battle in the forest, what does it mean for the rest of the world?The days of fear will end and Tyne and her team are one of the few chances civilisation may have left..."e;A book of action and drama to fit the genre well with anew exciting voice of fiction...great read..!"e; Erik, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Adrian Weeks
    28,00 €

    WAR RAGES AS IT HAS FOR DECADES... The view of peace is varied; some want nothing more, others hungry for war to continue.In the Shadow of Peace enters the epic world of Roasline as the saga follows an olive farmer trying to suppress his past; a blacksmith's daughter knowing her own mind; a wise and charismatic leader, respected by her people and a drunken old man who turns up in the most unusual places. There is the scarred ocean weary sailor, weathered by the rough seas and who trusts no one; the crippled sorcerer, flailing and desperate to regain his powers; a troubled son on a mysterious journey to find his destiny and a devout monk, who lives a sheltered life of worship outside the world of the raging war.Lives are entwined in a place where ambition is rewarded, and power is the greatest strength. Lives are challenged on every level as they strive to survive turmoil, adventure, villainy, love, and fear. A world of war creates the generation of heroes to come."e;A marvellous debut novel into the new and exciting world of Roasline for those who love this genre...masterful, thoughtful and thoroughly enjoyable..."e; Trevor, Indiebook Reviewer.

  • von S A Henderson
    19,00 €

    IF YOU LOVE ITALY OR HAVE PLANS TO TOUR THERE SOMEDAY, EVEN IF YOU KNOW THE COUNTRY LIKE THE BACK OF YOUR HAND - THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU. Welcome to 'Italian Introductions' where Rod and Sheryl Henderson, two Australians from Victoria, share tales of touring the highly acclaimed cities and landmarks of Italy and where they immersed themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the country.Experience Rome; Pisa; Florence; Stresa; Venice; Assisi; Milan; Parma; Genoa and Turin. Sit back and enjoy the natural beauty of the Italian Lakes; the Isle of Capri; the Cinque Terre and the Ligurian Riviera. Take seats at the tables of the ristoranti and bars they pop into to experience renowned Italian regional cuisine and wines. Meet Galileo Galilei; St Francis; Santa Fina; Michelangelo; the Alpini; Ilaria del Carretto and the frog fishermen of Vercelli. Even a young Wolfgang and his father Leopold, make a brief appearance in Venice for Carnevale.Relax back into your favourite armchair with a glass of Lambrusco (or acqua gassata), some lozenges of mature Parmesan cheese sprinkled with an aged balsamic and enjoy - these Italian Introductions."e;The only thing I found missing while reading this book was my location, I was still in Sydney, but my lord, I was transported to the sounds, smells and enjoyment of an exploring romp through one of the most beautiful countries in the world...what a great book for all to fall in love with Italy..."e; Connie, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Naomi Butler
    19,00 €

    YELLOW IS DECEIVING IN ALL ITS BEAUTY.Do not be fooled by its brightness and splendour; there is a whole new level of darkness behind it. Yellow has brought me here...Amelia's problems began the day she chose a yellow piece of paper over a more popular colour. Since that day she has been prepared to accept the consequences that go with making unpopular decisions. Amelia is no stranger to pain, she has a negligent boyfriend, no parents and suffers from Anorexia Nervosa. She is desperately seeking answers to her brokenness.University brings on a whole new set of problems and obstacles for Amelia. She finds a mysterious discussion group that answers the questions she has and opens her up to a new world of possibilities. The question is, will she be prepared for answers once she has them?"e;A moving and thoughtful tale, told with care and consideration from a new and talented for the generations now and in the future to consider...well done..."e; Patrick, Indiebook Reviewer

  • von Brett Vevers
    20,00 €

    CAN TWO KIDS SURVIVE HIGH SCHOOL, GROWING UP, WATCHING WITH THE FIRST FLEET, CALL IN ON ANCIENT EGYPT, ALL THE WHILE TRYING TO SOLVE WHERE THE MYSTICAL CRYSTALS CAME FROM? Jamie and Sharon discover a dying man on the way home from High School. He hands them delicate cut & coloured mysterious crystals and explains they will transport them anywhere they wish in time, but he warns that the cost may be deadly. And what happens when two teenagers struggling through high school come face to face with the reality of actual time travelling through historical events...well, their world of education takes on a new spin and the ride of their lives starts as they try to get home in one piece and at the right time in their own lives! But the worst part is not even the time jumping but the crystals' former owner who the dying man had stolen them from, also desperately wants them back and is hellbent on stopping the kids from using them..."e;An exciting, well-paced adventure story of time travel and thrills for the imagination...great work and worth the read..."e; Colin, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Bernard Marin
    20,00 €

    HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT IT MIGHT BE LIKE TO CHAT WITH SOME OF THE GREATEST PEOPLE EVER?Through the discussion between interviewer and interviewee, Bernard Marin has sought to offer insights into the personalities, passions and foibles of Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Sigmund Freud, Simone de Beauvoir, John Stuart Mill and John Maynard Keynes. Join Bernard as he embarks on a scintillating, amusing and - at times - confronting literary journey through time and place to meet some of the giants of history. The result of a great deal of research into the life stories of the interview subjects and studied through both primary sources - those written by the characters - as well as articles, books and films made about them. During the research, Bernard established a baseline of fact that would lend credence to the fictionalised accounts that appear in People Who Have Changed The World: Imagined Interviews and what will become a legacy of historical fiction and thoughts for the generations to gain new perspectives within. "e;A very entertaining and intellectual work from a man who can write and question in many ways as he brings the persona of his interviewees to life in such clever ways...a triumph!"e; Colin, Indiebook Reviewer.

  • von Paul Rushworth-Brown
    22,00 €

    AN HISTORIC JOURNEY OF TWISTS AND ADVENTURE WITH A DASH OF SPIRITED PASSION.A tale of a peasant family caught in the ravages of the English Civil War in 1642. A young man, Tommy Rushworth, tries to stay alive after being absconded into the Parliamentary Army and taken off to war. Thomas Rushworth Snr is racing against time to save his son from imminent death in a war he wanted no part of.Back in Haworth, Tommy's mother despairs, waiting news of the fate of her son and husband. Through the turmoil and suffering, William and Lucy, develop their own love story and are tested to the limit by the persecution of the steward of the manor who conspires to sabotage their future.The bloody hell of war and the saga of family tribulations drive this period drama with exceptional narrative and factual accuracy of the talented author who penned SKULDUGGERY and is becoming one of Australia's established new authors."e;A dark and dramatic prose of family and war that brings the realism of history to your imagination with little effort...a great read..."e; Barry, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Kevin Wiley
    20,00 €

    DANGER IN HONK KONG IS NO UNDERSTATEMENT FOR ASIO AGENT ELLA PORTMAN...Sent on her first official assignment to Hong Kong, Ella is focused on making a good impression with her boss...Only the underworld of kidnapping and trafficking of young girls was not a planned part of the mission for agent Ella Portman, who finds herself inadvertently thrust into the sleezy operations of the Hong Kong Triads while attempting to save young women from being sold to the rich and corrupt clients, and while also trying to stay alive as the Triads try to stop her crusade from bankrupting their enterprise...The tension is choking as Ella races through the city of Hong Kong on a mission of time and diplomacy, and although sent there to seek out 20 containers of armaments that went missing while being shipped from Afghanistan to Australia, she must survive the city low life and fight off the underworld killer elite to stay alive...Millions of dollars at stake for the Triads; Billions of dollars at stake for the arms dealers; reputations of the rich and infamous at stake if discovered to be involved in the sex trading operation and ASIO Agent Ella Portman diving into the middle of it all with only one instinctive tactic as her guiding force; To stay alive."e;A fast paced, well thought out action romp of old school spies and crims that flips pages like a hurricane and leaves you wanting more...a great novel and new talent..."e; David, Indiebook reviewer."e;This is a brilliantly concocted story and a heck of a read. It begins with an absorbing narrative on the background of the story. As a rookie ASIO agent, Melbourne based Ella Portman is thrown into the deep end when she is assigned to a case in Hong Kong. With her Melbourne boss, Shane Delitani they operate under the supervision of Hong Kong ASIO agent, Dave Hannah. Twenty container-loads of Australian Army vehicles and weapons have been stolen by Hong Kong criminals, who also operate a sex-slave trade. The weapons are for sale to any terrorist group willing to pay enough money. Ella and her colleagues face many life-threatening situations in their attempts to retrieve the weapons and bring the criminals to justice, or death. The author's clinical research and experience is reflected in the detailed descriptions of military armaments, as well as the technicalities of martial arts combat. Ella makes a few mistakes in her learning process as an undercover agent, but she benefits from those experiences and becomes a force to be reckoned with. Although set in Hong Kong, the story makes short excursions to Melbourne, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United States. Readers looking for gripping action will find it in Keven Wiley's book, Danger in Hong Kong."e; - Hugh Allan. (Author)

  • von Cameron Beatty
    18,00 €

    RILEY CAN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME HE HAD A GOOD DAY...BUT HE KNOWS A BAD ONE WHEN IT REARS UP...Riley lives through a series of interactions with people he doesn't like, and which is also peppered with the odd bit of fire fighting for the local Fire Brigade. He battles the challenges of PTSD alone and in the silence of his crowded mind, while the views of his colleagues are in line with opinions that belong in the 1950's. Then there is the constant niggling sensation that things are about to get much worse for Riley, if this were even possible, yet as Riley's fractured mind hurtles towards greater uncertainties, it becomes clear that he's about to face his greatest fear head on; himself."e;A brave and delving look into the psychological function of day-to-day life with PTSD and a relative real and engaging tale of a man unable to process his world beyond his own mind...this book took my scepticism by surprise...amazing and thoroughly enjoyable...five stars!"e; William, Indiebook Reviewer

  • von La Chichita
    22,00 €

    POVERTY AND FORTUNE, CRIME AND REDEMPTION, SICKNESS AND HEALTH, HEAVEN AND HELL, SADNESS, AND FUN... YES...SO MUCH FUN TO LIVE IN A LIFE...Dirty Laundry tells the fascinating detailed story of a family led by La Macaca and opens through the voice of a very smart young child, Emanuel, who wants to collect the stories of the family into a book. As the different characters tell the stories to Emanuel, he discovers that this is a special family with many secrets. Then the questions arise, littered within the various multi-layered points of view that blend through the chronicle of a history in this family.How will Emanuel keep all of these amazing stories in one book? Let alone, discover how his family has survived after so many unbelievable events in all their lives?Poignant and reflective, inspiring, and entertaining, this book will help you question; make you laugh aloud, and in the least, quiz your sanity.Could all this all be true, or just a magical turn in a young boy's story?"e;A great tale of blended characters and imaginings that I had to read it twice to catch the parts I missed first time around due to tears and laughter..! Wonderful! Made me appreciate my family so much more...!"e; Diana, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Michael Pert
    22,00 €

    IN A COLLISION OF SACRIFICE, LOVE AND BETRAYAL, AT A WAR'S END, EVERYTHING WILL BE FOREVER CHANGED...1916. Brutally coerced by his German captors, George Findlay commits an unspeakable betrayal and believes his foul deed remains hidden in the past.1938. War clouds gather, and Findlay is propelled into greater treachery, he becomes the agent known as Sandpiper. The Nazis need him; and he needs Max, a ruthless spymaster, to protect the one thing he holds dearest; the one thing he saved from his horrible past. 1944. The outcome of WW2 hangs in the balance. D-Day is imminent, with the secrets of the Normandy landings at risk, failure for all involved is not an option. Yvette, a formidable and attractive French widow, and Andy, a seasoned commando, are sent to France. Already in the throes of a secret romance, they unwittingly take with them the means of their own betrayal."e;An excellent adventure of history and fiction by a new Australian author and one who must be viewed as the next Matthew Riley..."e; Thomas, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Gillian Wells
    19,00 €

    JULIE IS SO SWEPT AWAY WITH A NEW LOVE, SHE IS NOT GOING TO RETURN HOME ANYTIME SOON...Julie has been widowed for some time and has settled into her simple routines in her English village florist shop. She is content and happy enough as she keeps busy after losing her husband and her twin sons are managing the farm in East Anglia that they once owned together.Then one day, a mysterious, suave man arrives in the village and enchants her with charm and charisma. Unexpectedly, Julie finds herself smitten with Stephen and his advances and enjoys a selfish romance she has not experienced since her husband passed away. Her twin sons do not trust this new man occupying her time and having influence over their mother.Stephen convinces Julie that a break across the globe may serve them best to enjoy their newfound love and so they arrive in Sydney to begin a touring holiday that may become something more but Julie suspects things with Stephen are not all they appear. Julie suddenly finds herself alone and in dire circumstances as Stephen becomes someone that she must fear as his past comes forth to reveal his truth. She escapes his attack to hide away from him in Queensland and in hope of safety.Will Stephen find her and kill her before his past finds him?"e;Gillian Wells has masterfully designed a plot and entrancing characters that once again bring a romance to the edge of thrills and fears....what a wonderful author...Love this book!"e; Evelyn, Indiebook reviewer.

  • von Emmell Sorensen
    18,00 €

    A JOURNEY UNDERTAKEN BY THE BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT ON A WALKING PILGRIMAGE TO FIND ONESELF...Walking her way backwards illuminates the internal journey seeking what is inside the heart, whilst physically walking forwards to complete the Camino pilgrimage.Emmell travels eight hundred kilometres on this famous, historical pilgrimage with her husband. At the height of great physical pain, mental endurance, emotional fragility, and spiritual questioning is described and shared while walking the Camino trail.The destination is the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela and reward is the everlasting moments of the experience and summation of one woman's life and learning as she explores the greatness of this planet's simple awe inspiring beauty but also discovers the vastness of the human spirts within."e;A glorious tale of human growth and endurance that marks a new voice in Australian writing as Emmell navigates through emotional vulnerabilities and physical demands with professional prose and true passion for her experiences and story to be shared with us...a triumph."e; Natalie, Indiebook reviewer.

  • von Brett McCallum
    19,00 €

    USE FAILURE TO BOUNCE TO SUCCESS!This book debunks the idea that failure is bad and should be avoided at all costs. The simple truth is you should strive to fail in the pursuit of a great life. In this way, all the things you learn become what you appreciate throughout the journey.Drawing on his own failures - beginning at High School and repeating between successful (and not so successful) ventures - Brett McCallum takes you on an optimistic and personal journey that's a must read for all ages.This book chronicles decades of entrepreneurial experience, as well as practical steps to take, so you too can Embrace the Fail to maximise your success. Brett also shares the life lessons of his heroes: nine of the last century's greatest successes in business, music and sport, who all used failure to bounce higher than anyone else.Failing has never looked so good!This book proves that it's the way you bounce back after a failure that will determine your level of success, and help you find your ultimate purpose. Are you ready to Embrace the Fail?"e;The thing I admire about Brett's brilliance, is that he doesn't even know he has it...another great book of insightful and passionate words that help you to know you are on the right track, even when the track seems like a big mess of fallen trees! Wonderful and I highly recommend..."e; Trevor, Indiebook Reviewer"e;You can not find fault in this book, even the worst failing has a systematic understanding of success built into it...great work, and worth reading a hundred times over, if you are serious about failing...well done.."e; Mitchell, Indiebook Reviewer.

  • von Edward Vukovic
    21,00 €

    ZIVA'S LOVE OF COFFEE IS DOUBLE-EDGED. Throughout her life, she gives her talent to those desperate for a glimpse into destiny's promise. Predicting the future with chilling accuracy, she understands the cost and has sworn never to divine her own truth. Having fled the economic aftershocks of the Balkan war, she struggles adjusting to her new life and clings to the remnants of her past, until she meets Isaac. In the midst of a biting Melbourne winter, the paths of Ziva, Simon, Isaac, Michel, and Danielle cross in unexpected places, often over a cup of their favourite coffee. Each of them is looking for meaning, while navigating complex emotions about their past, present and future..."e;A warm and charismatic story of characters joined in destiny that allows the reader to experience the moments with them...well written and thought-out."e; Damien, Indiebook reviewer

  • von Roy Hardman
    16,00 €

    IF WE CANNOT TREAT THE CONDITION OF DEMENTIA, THEN IT IS PARAMOUNT WE STRIVE TO PREVENT IT FROM OCCURRING...If you are interested in understanding how your brain ages, what you can do to sustain cognitive function over the course of your lifetime, then this is the text to read. There is substantial work and documentation stating that we should reduce the risk of Dementia. The objective should be to prevent dementia and focus on what can be done prior to the onset of cognitive decline.This book includes a systematic review of the current literature synthesised into layman terms on how one's brain ages and the impact of cognitive decline. It then discusses the many myths associated with cognitive loss in humans and offers realistic and research outcomes on how to deal with an aging brain and how to possibly avoid dementia.Through the knowledge contained within this book, you may find the secret to growing older with a healthy brain..."e;A peer supported study and outline by two very reputable research medical experts in their fields and a way to clearly see that the solution for long-term life and enjoyment through the aging process is in the hands of the individual...a work of integral importance for all generations..."e; Lyle, indiebook reviewer

  • von Priscilla D Rouillon
    21,00 €

    Your life is created by your choices, no matter what your situation, you have the choice. You are the one who controls your thoughts.It's time now to embrace your pain and know it empowers you.It's time to let go, forgive and break free from an egoic mind.It's time to give yourself love, become aware of how you feel in each moment.It's time to discover YOU again.Allow these stories held within this book to help you see the learning beyond pain and embrace these wisdoms every day of your wonderful life a head. I have experienced all these moments and I cherish them all as I pledge to share them with you, to help and guide you to live your life to the utmost potential and know real happiness within your heart and soul. You are everything all at once and you have a knowing within you that is of real worth.You must first embrace it before anyone else can and you must set yourself free because no one ever will but YOU.Become limitless for anything it is you want to do. It's time to express everything with love and create those miracles for yourself."e;A surprising and revealing book of experience and wisdom that many of us do not always consciously acknowledge...brave and honest and well told..."e; Danielle, Indiebook Reviewer

  • von Jennifer Learmont
    19,98 €

    MY COMMITMENT TO EATING HEALTHY WAS ONLY EQUALED BY MY DESIRE FOR COCAINE...Setting out on an adventure to the USA with my best friend, we had no plans, no rules and no limits. It started in the wild 80's in Hollywood, LA and the spread across the '90's, fueled by drugs, sex, rock n roll. We met the people who later became famous actors, musicians, singers. I took some risks, made mistakes and lived through them; I was one of the lucky ones.For 14 years I worked as a Dominatrix in Hollywood. I was a natural and loved the work. My clients included a US General, Top Surgeons, Politicians, High Court Judges and VIPs. There is a grey side to my work, and no one really knows what goes on behind the dungeon doors.I married a charming, captivating Italian/American criminal and lived a dangerous life, involved in crime, drugs and crazy choices where I almost lost my life. My turning point came the day I walked into the Sanctuary of an Interdenominational Church. I loved it so much I joined the gospel choir and took up yoga. Now I was a dominatrix, yoga student singing in a gospel choir. Eventually, and exhausted, I returned to Australia permanently to set up my own yoga studio and started to build a new life away from a blurred past. I was a wild and fearless child with a kind compassionate heart and a determination to live my life to the full, regardless of any cost. "e;A spectacular life journey of a woman filled by verve and passion for life and who found her place far from where she thought it was going to be...sensitively written and thoughtful reflection of an explorative youth...wonderful..."e; Tara, Indiebooks reviewer

  • von Karen Thurecht
    21,00 €

    WHEN ANOTHER SUSPICIOUS MURDER TAKES PLACE, HAMISH IS IN A RACE AGAINST TIME TO IDENTIFY THE KILLER...It's 1885 and a South Sea Island labourer, Kaelo, is the primary suspect in the murder of a Logan sugar plantation manager and the citizens of Brisbane are outraged, and none want to know when Dr Hamish Hart discovers that Kaelo could not have been responsible for the manager's death. Public sentiment is running high against political turmoil and the citizens are looking for a scapegoat. Driven by his commitment to social justice, Hamish is convinced the answer to the mystery lies within the fraught relationships between the members of the Daniels family who own the Cloverton Plantation. It is when another suspicious murder occurs, and a crazed mob attempt to lynch the terrified Kaelo, that Hamish realises he is in a race against time to unravel the family's dark secrets and to identify the killer before anyone else dies at the hand of a murderer..."e;Karen Thurecht has done it again with a captivating and engrossing mystery set in a detailed period of Australian history and culture...her attention to detail and thought-provoking characters blended with her tapestry of plot is exceptional...brilliant..."e; Thomas, Indiebook reviewer

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