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Bücher veröffentlicht von Sibling Rivalry Press, LLC

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  • - An Essay in Poems
    von Nickole Brown
    16,00 €

  • von James Kangas
    15,00 €

    In these lush, finely wrought poems, Jim Kangas reaches back into childhood and forward to death, to show us how desire, unquenched and unquenchable, becomes the axis of our lives. Here, we are exalted and crushed by beauty--what is always lost to us and always "sprout[ing] up... perennial as wild carrot." - Benjamin S. Grossberg

  • von Kma Sullivan
    19,00 €

    Inclined to Riot, KMA Sullivan's second poetry collection, calls out and pushes against historical and interpersonal expectations which seek to contain, silence, erase the substance of a woman as anything other than mother, daughter, compliant lover. "I am cat-licked / wondering when durer's lions will consume me / or perhaps inkless today / you press in / I am embossed / your anonymous mother / your 17th century prostitute." This rejection of imposed identity and circumscribed possibility is offered in lyric, fluid, sensual images as the poet walks through art galleries across the United States and Europe responding to classical and contemporary art which attempt to tell her who she is. She does not relent: "even in fragments / mouth open, nostrils flared / I am nomad, moon goddess, carbon smear / if wings sprouted from my face / I would not fly back." Instead, she emerges inclined to riot.

  • von Baruch Porras-Hernandez
    15,00 €

    "As down to earth as a donut and funnier than should be allowed- Lovers of the Deep-Fried Circle is equal parts chapbook, hug from your most supportive friend, and brunch with your favorite new Latinx poet. Baruch Porras-Hernandez is a shining light in a grim world." - Maggie Tokuda-Hall

  • von Baruch Porras-Hernandez
    15,00 €

    "Baruch Porras-Hernandez, long-time luminary of the Bay Area literary and performance worlds, offers up an urgent and searing inaugural collection. The work in I Miss You, Delicate sizzles and coddles and thots and grieves its way toward Bethlehem. With deft attention to voice and narrative, to the body and its shortcomings, to geography and history, this panoply of voices from past and present is not to be missed." - sam sax

  • - The Castro Poems of Karl Tierney
    von Karl Tierney
    20,00 €

    Karl Tierney was born in Westfield, Massachusetts, in 1956 and grew up in Connecticut and Louisiana. He became an Eagle Scout in 1973. Poetry fascinated him, even as a teenager. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Emory University in 1980 and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Arkansas in 1983. That same year, he moved to San Francisco, where he dedicated himself to poetry. He was twice a finalist for the Walt Whitman Award, a finalist for the National Poetry Series, and a 1992 fellow at Yaddo. Though unpublished in book form during his lifetime, his poems appeared in many of the best literary magazines of the period, including the Berkeley Poetry Review, American Poetry Review, and Exquisite Corpse. He published more than 50 poems in magazines and anthologies before his death. In December of 1994 he became sick with AIDS and took his own life in October of 1995 by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. He was 39 years old.The book that Karl Tierney didn't live to see has now been published nearly a quarter century after his tragic death. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? is a witty, biting, well-crafted time machine to another era and a reminder of the talent and promise of a generation of artists taken from us too soon by HIV/AIDS. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? is the second title in the Arkansas Queer Poet Series as published by Sibling Rivalry Press. ---“I met Karl Tierney in the 80s, when we were both in Bob Gluck’s legendary gay men’s workshop held in the back room of Small Press Traffic, in San Francisco’s Noe Valley. That workshop, like most back rooms, made for instant intimacy. Have You Seen This Man?, skillfully edited and introduced by Jim Cory, shows us the full range of Karl’s talents. Despite its mordant provenance this is a fun book, radiant with emotive power.” -  KEVIN KILLIAN-----"Reading Karl Tierney’s collection is like entering a portal into San Francisco in the 80s and 90s, a time when it was still dirty and sexy and alive, even as men across the city were dying. With sharp intimacy, Tierney’s  poems had me laughing and crying in recognition for all that we lost. And I'm deeply grateful to the editor and publisher for rescuing his work from the dustbins of history. This is vital reading." - ALYSIA ABBOTT 

  • von Martin Jude Farawell
    20,00 €

    In poems at once dazzling and trussed to quietude, Martin Jude Farawell's Odd Boy traverses a fretwork of silence and sonority. From the solemn pews of a Catholic childhood, the improvised dance floor at his wedding, and the mossy underbelly of late and early spring times, Farawell explores what it means to learn and unlearn his constellation of selves: boy, son, brother, husband, human, believer in the beauty of the smallest hour. Whether imagining the creation of the original family through the Biblical canon or recounting the violence of his own, Odd Boy is an atlas for the pursuit of a fierce gentleness. Farawell's poems pursue desire and its specter in landscapes large and small, perennially unafraid of their own song, unafraid to take us to the heart of it: "But now, / it is the very autumn / of autumn. / What was it? / What I wanted?"

  • von Carl Phillips
    16,00 €

    "How does a sentence, // just like that, become prayer?" Part parable, part bestiary, part glossary of possible and impossible loves, Star Map with Action Figures, poem after poem, provides an answer. From the space between punishment and its promise, Phillips quizzes the thousand churlish faces of desire: two boys making love on a riverbank, a horse named Nightmare, the self "a needle pushed through / the stretched canvas of belief." Star Map with Action Figures counters the body's certainty with febrile syntax, challenging the mirror's ability to capture and the lover's willingness to stay. From the "forest that stands at the exact center of sorrow" to the cathedral in the speaker's mind, Star Map with Action Figures charts the severe and glittering histories of intimacy in flux. A king, a willow, a captain, the sea-all themselves, more, less, unsayable and not-become kinds of heroes, shattering the myth of "a limit to what any story could hold onto."

  • von Kai Coggin
    21,00 €

    Fire-its light and passion, is an apt metaphor for these rich, compelling, and deeply felt poems. It takes its form in many ways in these resonant, powerful, and completely riveting calls for justice, kindness, and attention to those parts of ourselves that illumine the dark we live in today. These are poems that activate every page, with guttural imagery and sure craft of the form. Whether limning the course of a deep love, providing a safe space to children learning poetry for the first time, shouting the proud acknowledgment of the body, or examining the ruins of terror's aftermath, Kai Coggin proposes-no, urges-that we use that inherent fire within us, to grow not only our own lives, but to illumine and help the lives of others. These are poems of protest and praise, poems of a unique and adamant voice, who shows us what we can hope for, as well as what we can truly achieve in loving one another." - Philip F. Clark, author of The Carnival of Affection

  • von Zach Ozma
    21,00 €

    Zachary Ozma's Black Dog Drinking from an Outdoor Pool creates its own shifting, slippery, sticky language to grapple with family history, embodiment, and trauma. Black Dog is for everyone who grapples with being thrust into a story not of their own creation and trying to make something transformative from its broken parts. - Lauren Levin

  • von Savannah Sipple
    19,00 €

    "Savannah Sipple's debut is proof of a woman rising-up from the strung-out, Christ-haunted carcinogens and violences of a land stripped of its coal; up fromnine-hours on her feet followed by the extra work back home of picking gravel out of pinto beans; up from a return visit to the honey-suckle sweetness of goodchurch folks who whisper 'backslider' and 'quare.' Purging shame with every line, these poems love the Kentucky from which they rise as much as they reject theself-hatred that place instilled in a girl neither thin nor straight, and ultimately (and yes, even miraculously), emerge blatant about desire and body-proud. 'I want tobe marbled, so that if you were to slice me, you'd know what a good cut I am,' Sipple writes. Open this book to any poem to get a taste of exactly what she means."- Nickole Brown, author of Sister & Fanny Says

  • von Jesse Rice-Evans
    19,00 €

    "In the lush and dream-like world of Jesse Rice-Evan's The Uninhabitable, the conventional narrative of the body gives way to a more porous landscape where pain becomes a stream, fur, fang, mammal, blossom, anemone and sting..." - from Muriel Leung's cover blurb

  • von Wendy Chin-Tanner
    19,00 €

    In her second poetry collection Anyone Will Tell You, Wendy Chin-Tanner explores and subverts form as an expression of the relationships between gender and identity, parent and child, self and other, humanity and the environment, and Earth and the cosmos. Distillation, fluidity, elision, and musicality are all hallmarks of this collection, which relies on the rhythm of the English language to expand the possibilities of meaning from line to line. Investigating the experience of the maternal body and its interaction with technology, Anyone Will Tell You embodies the second wave feminist edict that the personal is political.

  • von Randi M Romo
    21,00 €

  • von Collin Kelley
    19,00 €

    "In Midnight in a Perfect World, Collin Kelley navigates the moody landscapes of desire, travels the dark edge of Eros in the 21st century of love, charting his passage in language sometimes brutal, sometimes lyrical, often both at once. And if that perfect world all lovers seek remains elusive, here we break the boundaries of the familiar and arrive in a place where we can breathe the twilight air and step, almost, into the dream of it, ourselves." - Cecilia Woloch, author of Tsigan"Collin Kelley is a master craftsman, reliable and unrelenting with language of emotional precision. Midnight in a Perfect World versifies life, love, and loss on two continents. This is a collection of deft, intimate stories worthy of being reread and reexamined often." - Steven Reigns, author of Inheritance"Midnight in a Perfect World is an excellently observed and written collection, taking you deeper and deeper into a world which you may never have encountered so closely or so intimately. It is an achingly emotional collection, filled with love, disappointment, betrayal, loss, and lack of and yearning for love. It does more than tear at your heart-strings … it plucks them out altogether." - Agnes Meadows, author of This One Is For You

  • von Stephen S Mills
    21,00 €

  • von Eric Tran
    15,00 €

  • von Allison E Joseph
    16,00 €

    In Corporal Muse, poet Allison E. Joseph pulls back the curtain on her writing process, searching for (and finding) The Muse in unexpected places. These are poems of love and praise. They are time machine and magic spell. Corporal Muse is a cross-section of poetic technique so strong it conjures The Muse to wherever the reader holds this book.

  • - Trans Poetry & Conversation
    19,00 €

    Subject to Change is an anthology celebrating the work of five poets who are unapologetically trans: Joshua Jennifer Espinoza, Christopher Soto, beyza ozer, Cameron Awkward-Rich, and Kay Ulanday Barrett. Featuring poetry and interviews, this collection is a testament to the power of trans poets speaking to one another—about family, race, class, disability, religion, and the body. This anthology includes a range of trans experiences and poetics, expanding the possibilities of what it means to be both trans and a writer in the twenty-first century.-----Subject to Change is revolutionary, a culture and power border-smasher & a piercing examination of brilliant, painful, and transcendent Trans consciousness and experience. It is personal document, a set of trans community-journey notations and an at-the-edge howl of love for love. Each poet goes beyond poetry, that is, beyond being the gendered & genre-ed. Each writer calls out a manifesto against death, against “being pulled apart,” against frozen progressive social movements and the “homelessness” of being. What does Freedom, Bravery, Self-realization look like? Enter these five poets—their questions, their investigations, their bodies on paper, their humanity. A superb diamond, in motion. I love this book. You will too.— Juan Felipe Herrera, Poet Laureate of the United States, 2016-17  

  • von Franny Choi
    16,00 €

  • von Luther Hughes
    14,00 €

  • von Joseph Ross
    19,00 €

    “Walt Whitman writes: I am he attesting sympathy. Joseph Ross could say the same. The poems in Ache flow from a fountain of compassion for those so often denied these sacred waters: immigrants crossing the border at their peril, people of color murdered by police now and half a century ago, the martyrs whose names we know—from Trayvon Martin to Archbishop Romero—and whose names we do not know. In one breath, the poet speaks in the voice of Nelson Mandela, addressing the mother of lynching victim Emmett Till; in the next breath, he speaks of his own high school student, a young Black man spat upon by an officer of the law. In clear, concise language, Joseph Ross praises and grieves the world around him, the music as well as the murder. He also engages in prophecy: If you leave your country in the wrong hands, / you might return to /see it drowning in blood, / able to spit / but not to speak. Yes, indeed.” - Martín Espada

  • - A Mermaid's Manifesto
    von Theresa Davis
    17,00 €

  • von Amir Rabiyah
    18,00 €

    “Amir Rabiyah is a magician who has tasted salt of the creation story’s sea. The cleaving of human to spirit found in Prayers for My 17th Chromosome is a blood tangle that will kiss your cells till you sweat / constellations. Rabiyah reminds their reader that to exist in between boxes of national belongings, migrations, queer kinships, and disability is not to swallow war. Rather, in these verses, complications find respite in one another, [becoming] the endless, / the source, / the horizon / awakening.” - Rajiv Mohabir, author of The Cowherd’s Son and The Taxidermist’s Cut

  • von Philip F Clark
    17,00 €

  • von Casey Rocheteau
    19,00 €

  • von Sarah Browning
    17,00 €

  • - Poems in Protest of an American Inauguration
    22,00 €

    If You Can Hear This: Poems in Protest of an American Inauguration includes poems from over 70 poets from all over the world writing in response to the 2016 United States presidential election. Poets include Kaveh Akbar, Nickole Brown, Jessica Jacobs, Michael Klein, sam sax, and Eloisa Amezcua, plus many, many more. 

  • von Chelsea Werner-Jatzke
    14,00 €

  • von Julie R Enszer
    17,00 €

    Bold and wise, compassionate and erotic, the poems in Avowed explore aspects of a contemporary lesbian life within a committed relationship and as a citizen in the larger community. The narrator celebrates (“We break a glass. Mazel tov! We cry.”) and mourns her losses (“Sometimes, between three and four a.m./on a break from her game/of bridge, your dead mother visits.”). Riffing on Jewish liturgy, the feminist declares “everyday/I thank God/I was born a woman.” Avowed delivers a complex, sustained vision of intimate partnership while celebrating the political changes that have secured LGBTQ visibility.Robin Becker, author of Tiger HeronAvowed asks the critical question, “Is paper all that makes a marriage?” For the queer bride in a long-term relationship, the answer is as hard-won as the right to marry. Julie R. Enszer explores the bittersweet journey of a lesbian couple’s struggle through the happily ever after with an edgy and humorous perspective that dares to share deep truths about desire, sex, and love.Rigoberto González, author of Unpeopled Eden

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